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Yolk's on Me
Yolk's on Me
Yolk's on Me
Ebook35 pages34 minutes

Yolk's on Me

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About this ebook

Perfect for fans of The Field Guide to the North American Teenager and Dork Diaries.


Mauve, the daughter of an actress and a circus-clown, is eager to impress the popular kids at her high school. Her futile attempt to dazzle them with juggling eggs ends with actual yolk on her face. But when she gets invited to an influencer-star studded event, Mauve believes it will be an opportunity to redeem herself. Unfortunately, the party doesn't go as she had hoped. Mauve learns that while the spotlight is fun, everything doesn't have to be a performance.


Release dateMar 12, 2021
Yolk's on Me

D. T. Henderson

Destiny Henderson is a young writer and artist. She enjoys drawing in her sketchbook, writing diverse fiction, language-learning, sweet tea, shoujo, and cheesy telenovelas. She is currently in college and lives in Florida.

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    Book preview

    Yolk's on Me - D. T. Henderson

    Other Books by Author:

    Year 4

    Moody: A Collection of Short Stories

    Dreaded Dinner Party

    Even with literal egg on my face, yolk dribbling down my chin, the most shameful thing is she was right.

    As usual, I’m optimistic, foolish, and oh so stupid. Maybe the yellow yolk can fertilize my skin, grow me into something less desperate to please. I doubt it.

    Brenda, the nicest one in the group, flashes me a quick half-smile. It’s pained and fleeting, but it’s an act of comfort to wipe away a bit of the embarrassment. She’s student body president, so it makes sense she has to be nice to everyone. Brenda uncrosses her legs and reaches inside her purse presumably for a napkin.

    There is still heavy chattering around the rest of the lunch tables. People are rushing into the cafeteria, trying to find their friends, fondling bags of chips notoriously full-of-air with salty fingers, and smacking, lots of mouths smacking.

    Even with all the noise, I can only hear my heartbeat. I kick at one of the cracked eggshells near my foot absentmindedly. I was all set for today, color-coordinated from head to toe in purple like my namesake. Thankfully, the gooey yellow running down my head compliments my purple dress and sneakers.

    Well, ta-dah. I jump up and fling my arms out. That’s my trick. You all get the point. I was supposed to catch them, but yolk’s on me, I speak first, smiling big. Who knew three eggs could cause this much damage? I guess those chickies got their revenge after all.

    My daddy is an expert juggler, and he has been teaching me how to juggle three items at once. My sweaty hands fumbled the eggs today, so, despite all my lessons, I still looked like an amateur. When the first egg cracked atop my forehead, some yolk slid into my eye and momentarily blinded me. After that, the other two eggs hit my cheek and hair.

    Brenda’s friends don’t mask their indifference—not even Dawn who God knows would be entertained by paint drying. In less than a minute flat, they are already talking about some party. A girl from English class is having her birthday party at a movie theater. Her mom’s a big-deal influencer, so she pulled some strings and got an advanced copy of the new Zombie Bats movie. It’s the twenty-fourth

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