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Contracted to Mr. Collins: The Unusual Proposal
Contracted to Mr. Collins: The Unusual Proposal
Contracted to Mr. Collins: The Unusual Proposal
Ebook261 pages4 hours

Contracted to Mr. Collins: The Unusual Proposal

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Hearing about an account executive position at Collins Enterprises with a $75,000 base salary, Rebecca D’Angelo is eager to apply. Putting together a stunning portfolio and an impressive résumé, she marches herself directly down to the office. When she reaches the building, a notice on the front door catches her eye.

DEADLINE - Résumés for the Account Executive position must be received no later than 10 am this morning.

She checks her phone – 9:51 am.

Panicking, she darts toward the information desk. At first, Rebecca has no idea what she’s run into – a moving brick wall?

Crashing to the floor, her latte and portfolio launch into the air. Her first thought – thankfully, my documents are in a protective cover. Then a set of large hands wrap around her arms and a deep rumbling voice echoes above. “Jesus Christ! This is not a schoolyard, young lady!”

Rebecca slowly peers up, her eyes anchoring on the most gorgeous creature she has ever seen. His beautiful cobalt blue eyes shine like stars against a perfect bronze tan, emphasized by neatly combed black hair that flawlessly tapers to meet a designer beard. She can feel the power radiating off his 6’4” GQ cover body as he wipes her latte from his crisp white shirt and expensive Armani suit. There’s no mistaking who this man is — Aiden Collins, CEO of Collins Enterprises.


Surprisingly, she’s made it to the final round of interviews. Though, today’s interview will be conducted by the one and only — Aiden Collins himself. Yep. That’s right. That means her fate at Collins Enterprises now lies solely in his hands.

On the bright side, it’s been three weeks since the latte incident, and after all, she has made it this far. That must mean he’s forgotten. Right?

— I absolutely love this book!!! I’m not much of a reader, but this book caught my attention, and I was hooked
Sherree —

PublisherSJ. Turner
Release dateJun 15, 2021
Contracted to Mr. Collins: The Unusual Proposal

SJ. Turner

Author of the steamy erotic romance series Contracted to Mr. Collins, SJ Turner took a big step out of her comfort zone with the paranormal fantasy Immortal Treasures. Primarily written in fragments, many original pieces never made it into the final storyline. And those that did required artful blending to create the ultimate tale that hopefully finds its way into many hearts and homes.SJ’s love for books began the moment she learned to read. By her early teens, she was sneaking her mother’s romance novels into her room and tucking them under her pillow for late-night reading.While a steamy romance is still her personal favourite, SJ can’t deny a fondness for the many other genres she often enjoys. After all, how could she not indulge in magical fantasies, exhilarating adventures, heart-stopping horrors and relentless drama?Among her favourite authors are Deborah Harkness and Sylvia Day.

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    Contracted to Mr. Collins - SJ. Turner

    Readers Raves

    I’m absolutely in love with this story! SJ. Turner should be named Page Turner. I couldn’t put it down. If you loved Fifty Shades, you’ll love this book.

    Ella M

    Loved it! This story is comical, sexual, and captivating! I'm hooked! Great writing style, and the plot is killer.

    Olivia S

    "This author has opened a whole new level of adventure to me. She really had me glued to this book—what an exceptional writer.

    Susan E

    A page turner. A sensuous, very 50 shades, must read!

    Julie D

    This is one hot book. Rebecca, Aiden, and Max make a hot threesome. But don't get so involved you miss the other action. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. If you like erotica this is definitely for you.

    Judy F

    I loved reading this book. The characters hook you, the plot pulls you in, the erotic scenes are hot, and the humour makes it fun.

    Sara P

    Being an avid reader, I am always looking for topics outside my comfort zone. Romance is generally not my first choice, but after reading the synopsis, I was willing to give it a try. This book delivered to keep me entertained!




    The Unusual Proposal


    SJ. Turner

    A Cozy Reads Publication, PO Box 58031 Rosslynn RPO, Oshawa, ON L1J 8L6

    Release date – July 02, 2021

    Copyright © 2021 by SJ. Turner

    All rights reserved

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business or establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and specific other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the publisher by e-mail, [email protected] Attention: Permission Request as the subject line.

    Content Notice: Due to explicit adult situations and use of mature language, this book is intended for persons age 18+

    Contracted To Mr. Collins

    The Unusual Proposal

    By SJ. Turner

    ISBN 978-1-7777646-2-3 (E-book)

    ISBN 978-1-7777646-1-6 (Pbk)

    Fiction — Romance — Contemporary Romance

    Fiction — Romance — Erotic Romance

    Fiction — ChickLit

    Cover Designed by Freelance Arts

    Table of Contents

    Readers Raves

    Title Page



    Chapter 1 – The Interview

    Chapter 2 – Lunch

    Chapter 3 – Skinny Dippin’

    Chapter 4 – Max

    Chapter 5 – The Car

    Chapter 6 – The Messy Maiden

    Chapter 7 – Surprise!

    Chapter 8 – Jamaica

    Chapter 9 – Quality Time

    Chapter 10 – A Quick Turn of Events

    Chapter 11 – Oh, Hell No!

    Where to find SJ. Turner

    About the Author


    Aiden isn’t at all surprised when he pulls into his driveway and finds Max’s hummer parked by the garage. Even though they’re almost thirty years old, as identical twins, they still spend most of their spare time together.

    He grabs his suit jacket that still bears the latte from this morning’s encounter with the young lady he can’t seem to get out of his mind and heads inside. The smell of mesquite wafts through the air as he makes his way out to the patio. That’s where he finds Max. He’s dancing next to the barbeque in a pair of lycra swim shorts with a beer.

    Throwing his arm out, Aiden shouts over the music. Hey! Why’s the music so damn loud, and what have I told you about wearing those damn shorts here?

    Max chucks his chin, smiling as he turns around. He places his hand on his rump, rubbing his butt cheek. Seriously? Do you see the way these make my ass look? Spinning back, he grabs his noticeable bulge in the front and gives it a shake. And this —he winks, his smile broadening— women love this shit, bro. 

    Shaking his head, Aiden chuckles. Right, well, this isn’t a strip club, Max. He fans his arm out around the deck. I don’t see any women here at the moment to appreciate it. It’s just you and me. So, in the future, wear real shorts.

    With a curt nod, Max winks. Noted. He gulps back his beer, pointing his empty bottle at his brother. Speaking of which. When are we going to do something about that? I thought you were going to start looking for Mrs. Right.

    Tossing his ruined jacket over the back of one of the chairs, Aiden walks behind the bar to retrieve a beer. He twists off the cap and flicks it at Max. "Me? Why haven’t you found her yet? In case you’ve missed it, I’m running a corporation. What is it you’re doing again? He holds his hand in the air and shakes his head at Max. Oh, right. You’re too busy playing the playboy while using my name and house to do it. So let me ask again. Why haven’t YOU found us a Mrs. Right yet?"

    Max squints across the table, eyeing Aiden as he takes his seat. Wait a minute now. I’ve given you an amazing catalogue of beautiful women to choose from. Not to mention, had you named as the most eligible bachelor in Victoria. He tips his head with a smirk as he gets up to slather more sauce on the ribs. Besides, I share the fine prospects that I bring back here with you, don’t I?

    The corner of Aiden’s mouth lifts as he holds his bottle out toward Max with a nod. That you do. Drawing his brows together, he tilts his head in question. Although you seem to forget one thing. I actually want a wife. Not a toy we can share. This hair-brain idea that we should share one – that’s all you. I mean, we’re not kids anymore, Max, and that’s not how marriage works.

    Oh, come on, Aiden. We’ve been over this a thousand times. You’re too busy to keep a wife on your own. She’ll get lonely and end up cheating on you. If she’s smart enough to have a kid or two, she can take everything you own with her, including half the corporation. The only way to avoid that is to keep her happy while you’re busy. That’s where I come in. You just get her to sign a contract. You’re good with those. Offer her a generous compensation package in exchange for a trial period, let’s say six months. We can slowly reveal our plan as she settles into the relationship. It’s really that simple. He chucks his chin and points to the stain on Aiden’s shirt. What the hell is that on your shirt anyway?

    Brushing his hand over the stain, the image of the flustered young lady from this morning floods Aiden’s mind. She looked so innocent, practically running with her portfolio tucked in her arms while holding that damn latte he wore in her hand. Well, I guess you could say I had a run-in with a latte this morning.

    You drink lattes now?

    Recalling the look on her face as she watched him wipe off his shirt, he shakes off the image with a smile. No, but a stunning young lady that was applying for the account executive position seems to like them. She ran into me in the lobby, literally, he says, swiping his hand over the stain. Hence my run-in with a latte.

    Stunning, huh? Max flips the ribs he’s been slow roasting on the barbeque. Would you say she’s the Mrs. Right type of stunning?

    Aiden slugs back his beer, shrugging with a smirk. Not likely. She seems like she might be a little sexually naive. Nothing like what you’d be looking for.

    Grabbing another beer, Max sits down, resting his forearms on the table. I’m okay with sexually naive. I love a good challenge. Besides, we can slowly introduce the idea. So why don’t you let me sit in on the interview with you?

    I haven’t even said she would get an interview yet, and letting our twin status out of the bag upfront is not a smart idea.

    Max nods. Yeah, you may be right about that, he says, his lips pulling into a sly smile. But you know damn well she’s getting an interview. Shit, I can tell you right now that girl will make it back in just from the look on your face. You’ll make sure of it.

    Either way, she’s not the one. Not for what you’re proposing. If we’re even considering sharing a wife, we want someone that’s open to trying new things. Someone with a high sex drive and doesn’t mind having us both in bed with her on occasion. She has to keep our twin secret and be my wife first and not only for social purposes. It’s going to be difficult to find someone who can be a wife and lover, as you’re suggesting. Besides, this young lady is merely looking to acquire a job. Seriously, forget I even mentioned this young lady. Aiden waves his hand toward the barbeque. How long before those ribs are ready? I’m starved.

    Pursing his lips, Max nods. Fine. I won’t say another word about her, but if you do call her in for an interview, I’d like to sit in. He lifts the lid on the barbeque and runs his finger over one of the racks of ribs. Stuffing his finger into his mouth, he raises his brows as he licks the sauce off with a smile. Mmmm, oh, they’re done. He shakes his finger at Aiden. I made this Tennesee Whiskey sauce from scratch. Just for you, little brother.

    Wiping his hand over his face, Aiden shakes his head. I’m sure you did, and quit calling me little brother. We’re twins.

    He glances back at Aiden and waves his hand toward the house. Yeah yeah, I’m still older. Now, why don’t you grab the potato salad that I picked up on my way over? It’s in the fridge. Oh, and grab us some plates.

    Oh sure, I just worked all day, but let me get them. Grabbing his suit jacket from the back of the chair beside him, he walks into the house, still cursing under his breath. Aiden hangs his coat on the hook by the front door making a mental note to call the cleaners, and heads for the fridge. As he leans in to grab the potato salad, his phone hits the floor, and his personal assistant’s name, Natasha, appears on the screen. Hmm, maybe that’s a sign. I guess it couldn’t hurt to look over her résumé.

    Setting the salad on the counter, he picks up his phone and initiates the call.

    ‘Natasha speaking.’

    Natasha, I brought in a résumé this morning from one of the candidates and left it on your desk. Did you get it?

    ‘Yes, Sir, I did. A Miss Rebecca D’Angelo. I just added it to the received pile a few minutes ago.’

    Aiden runs his hand through his hair smiling at the sound of her name. Rebecca. Wonderful. Could you send me a copy? I’d like to look it over.

    ‘Sure. I’ll send it over after I’m done eating.’

    Thanks, Natasha. Sorry to bother you during dinner.

    ‘Never a bother, Sir.’

    Sliding his phone into the front pocket of his pants, he leans against the counter, running his thumb across his bottom lip. He needs to think of a way to keep Max busy while he checks this girl out. One thing is for certain, he wants to know more about Rebecca D’Angelo. If he can get Max out of town for a few weeks, he can follow her around himself, see what her typical lifestyle is like.

    Max leans in the backdoor, his big booming voice interrupting Aiden’s thoughts. Hey! You getting the plates or what?

    He bounces off the counter and spins to grab the plates from the cupboard. Yes, I’m coming! I was speaking with Natasha.

    Setting the plates down on the table by the barbeque, he pats Max on the shoulder. I’m going to need you to go check out the place in Seattle we talked about last week.

    What? I thought you said you had decided that doing business across the border was too much hassle, Max says, eyeing him suspiciously.

    Spooning some potato salad onto his plate, Aiden nods. Yes, it’s a bit of extra paperwork, but Natasha says we’re getting a lot of requests from that area. That tells me it could be a worthwhile venture, but we’ll need to open a new office out there, and I can’t be in two places at once. So, I’m going to need you to go find us a suitable office space and possibly hire a few people to get it up and running.

    Looking at Aiden from under his brows, Max leans back in his chair and reaches for his beer. You want me to not only find an office but hire staff? Are you fucking serious?

    Yes, I am. You know the type of structure we require, and Natasha will prescreen the candidates for you to hire. I’ll have her line up some properties for you to look at, and she can arrange your flight and accommodations tomorrow. Aiden holds his beer up toward Max with a smile. It’s time you did something to earn that handsome paycheck you see each month.

    Max shakes his head, his cheeks nearly hitting his eyes as he grins. Wow! You’re really going to trust me with this.

    Nodding, Aiden takes a drink of his beer. Just don’t jump on the first place that you see. Be sure to take your time and check out all the places Natasha lines up for you. It shouldn’t take you any longer than a month, maybe two at the most.

    You got it, bro. He reaches across the table, knocking his fist with Aiden’s. When do I leave?

    I can have Natasha set everything up for you to leave by tomorrow evening. She’ll call you with the details as soon as she has it set up. He stuffs a piece of rib in his mouth, closing his eyes with a moan. Mmm, you’re right. These are damn good ribs.

    When they finish dinner, Max heads home to prepare for his trip, and Aiden calls Natasha to have her set up his accommodations. He places an ad in the Seattle Times and sets up the company information with a Seattle employment agency. Whether Aiden planned on opening an office across the border or not, it’s a venture that’s about to take place. This will give him the time he needs to see what Rebecca D’Angelo is all about. Something that can’t be done with Max around. Not when he has no intention of sharing her.

    Chapter 1 – The Interview

    The alarm blasts the new Dua Lipa song levitating, starting the countdown to Rebecca D’Angelo’s third and final interview at Collins Enterprises. After accidentally dumping her latte on the CEO, she has no idea how she was even considered for the first interview. There’s no doubt in her mind that she ruined his crisp white shirt and Armani suit that day.

    Unfortunately, she recalls that morning all too clearly. Rebecca had heard about the account executive position at Collins Enterprises from a friend only a few days prior. With a whopping $75,000 annual base salary up for grabs, she couldn’t wait to apply. She put together a stunning portfolio and an impressive résumé, then marched herself directly downtown to the enormous office building.

    When she arrived, there was a notice posted on the front door:

    DEADLINE - Résumés for the Account Executive position must be received no later than 10 am this morning.

    Pulling out her phone, she checked the time— 9:51 am.

    Unsure of where she needed to go, she began to panic. She flung open the heavy glass door and darted directly toward the information desk.

    At first, she had no idea what she had run into, but it had knocked her clear off her feet. As her portfolio and latte launched into the air, her only thought was, thank god my documents are in a protective cover. At least, that was until a set of large hands wrapped around her arms, helping her to her feet. Then, before she could see who it was, his deep voice rumbled next to her ear. Jesus Christ! This is not a schoolyard, young lady!

    She peered up, her eyes anchoring onto the most gorgeous creature she had ever seen. His beautiful cobalt blue eyes shone like sapphires against a perfect bronze tan, emphasized by neatly combed black hair that flawlessly tapered to meet a designer beard. She could feel the power radiating from his 6’ 4" GQ cover body as he wiped her latte from his crisp white dress shirt and expensive Armani suit. There was no mistaking who this man was – Aiden Collins, CEO of Collins Enterprises. Instantly she understood how he earned his status as one of the hottest bachelors in the business sector. Unfortunately, she also understood that she may have just made the biggest mistake of her life.


    Her hand trembling, she reached out to pick up her portfolio. I’m so sorry – the deadline, is all she managed to spit out as she stood holding the cheap plastic case in front of her.

    He pursed his lips, his eyes narrowing as he extracted the portfolio from her hand. Yes, well, I’ll see that it gets in. Then, turning his back, he walked away without another word.

    That’s why she’s so nervous today – Aiden Collins will be the one conducting her final interview. Yep. That means her fate at Collins Enterprises now lies solely in his hands. On the bright side, she’s made it to the third interview regardless of the latte incident. That must say something. Right?

    Nervously, she stares at her closet. Okay, the big question – what to wear? If it were up to her, she’d be pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank. After all, what are the odds of her impressing Aiden Collins now? But, on the other hand, she can hear her mother’s voice echoing through her mind, ‘Honey, no matter what, you must always put your best foot forward.’

    Drawing her shoulders back, she

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