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I'll Show You Mine
I'll Show You Mine
I'll Show You Mine
Ebook222 pages2 hours

I'll Show You Mine

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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2016 EPIC Award Winner – Erotica

When Alyssa Warren meets Shane McNeill at a wedding, sparks fly. He’s hot, he’s looking her way, and he knows nothing of the years-old mistake no one else will let her forget. She can’t resist indulging in one amazing night…one that leaves her hungry for more.

She’s not ready to let her past scare him off, though, so she proposes a casual arrangement. Shane’s on board with that. No-strings, kinky sex with a beautiful woman who has no interest in his regrettable history—and with a libido that matches his own? Hell yeah.

But as they delve deeper into each other’s kinks, trust and intimacy are unavoidable. Before they can see what the future holds, they’re both going to have to come clean about their pasts… and hope their confessions don’t drive them apart.

Editor's Note

Satisfies on all levels…

This EPIC award-winning book (Best Erotica) satisfies on several levels. A wedding hook-up leads to a no strings attached relationship between two people who are into kink and their own pleasures. Nothing more than that, they promise each other. But Lauren Gallagher’s books, while hot and steamy, also dive deep into emotions, so of course it isn’t as simple as the two characters say it will be. Emotions run as hot as the sex, and it’s impossible for them not to get involved.

Release dateJun 29, 2021

Lauren Gallagher

Lauren Gallagher is an abnormal romance writer currently living in the wilds of Omaha, Nebraska. She and her husband, along with a coyote-iguana hybrid and two and a half cats, are thought to be in hiding from the Polynesian Mafia and a debt collector in search of a fine for an overdue book from the Library of Alexandria. Lauren continues to skillfully, if somewhat clumsily, elude them, but continues to have run-ins with her arch nemesis, M/M erotic romance author L. A. Witt. The implementation of Operation: I Don't Think So is expected to resolve that problem soon enough.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.75 StarsA contemporary erotic romance, with some light BDSM. The characters are realistic and flawed, but manage to act like intelligent adults throughout, which I think really enhances the storyline. If you're curious about this type of lovemaking, then take a chance with the novel. If not, it may not be the romance book for you. For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey.Net Galley Feedback

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely loved this story. We all make mistakes n it takes a special person to see past them

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

I'll Show You Mine - Lauren Gallagher

Chapter 1

Never in her life did Alyssa Warren feel more naked than the moment she walked down the aisle with Shane McNeill.

In fact, the instant he stepped into the room before the processional began, she thought her dress might melt right off her body. When their eyes met, she wished it would. Holy shit.

Most guys looked suave and sexy in a tux, but there was something else about Shane. Oh yes, he was suave and sexy. Clean-cut, perfectly groomed, every dark hair in place and not a speck on his black jacket or glossy shoes. But…different.

He leaned casually against the doorway, barely wavering when the boat rocked beneath everyone’s feet, and he met her eyes without a hint of shyness. He didn’t approach; there would be time for introductions after the ceremony, and that was minutes away from starting. The only reason she knew who he was at all was because the red boutonniere set him apart from the other groomsman and designated him the best man.

Which meant they’d be walking together.

Oh God.

His presence made her hands shake so badly she almost dropped her sister’s bouquet, and she silently cursed Hannah for skipping a rehearsal. Everyone in the wedding party had done this before, so it wasn’t like they needed to rehearse the walk-up-stand-walk-back crap, but Alyssa could have used a practice run keeping her feet under her with her hand on that man’s arm.

Okay, let’s do this. Hannah adjusted her veil. Everyone ready?

Thankful for the distraction, Alyssa turned away from Shane and focused on helping her get the veil in place. "Question is, are you ready?"

Hannah took and released a deep breath. I think so.

You’ll be fine, Alyssa said.

And if you’re not ready now, Tina, one of the other bridesmaids, said, you’re never going to be.

That’s true. Hannah laughed. Another deep breath, and then, Okay, I think I’m ready. She wobbled a little, catching herself on Alyssa’s arm and the wall. Assuming I don’t pass out.

You’re not going to pass out. Alyssa braced herself against the wall and helped Hannah regain her balance. This is just what you get for wearing high heels and getting married on a boat.

Damn it, why didn’t anyone warn me? Hannah said, but laughed anyway. Then she adjusted the top of her dress and held out her hand for her bouquet. As Alyssa gave it to her, Hannah dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, Sorry you’re stuck walking with him.

Alyssa glanced over her shoulder at Shane, who was shooting the breeze with two of the other groomsmen. Oh, I think I’ll manage.

Hannah wrinkled her nose but didn’t say anything. The fact that she was unimpressed with him only solidified Alyssa’s suspicion that this appearance was a façade. Hannah liked her pretty little rich boys—her fiancé had come from serious money—and Shane gave off a vibe that was anything but Cadillacs and country clubs. Even a tuxedo couldn’t hide that look, that aura, like he was a button and a shrug away from revealing something much less refined. Something almost dangerous. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Alyssa shrugged to mask a shiver, though every one of the goose bumps on her skin must have been visible to anyone within a five-foot radius. The ghastly sea-foam green dresses Hannah had picked out went all the way to the floor with a few inches to spare, but up on top? Her wedding band was probably thicker than the straps that stretched over Alyssa’s shoulders to hold up the insanely low front. The back wasn’t all that high either, and with her hair swept up like all the other bridesmaids, there was nothing to cover her neck and most of her back. All Shane had to do was look, and he’d see the effect he had on her.

He’d probably assume it was because of the cool breeze blowing in off the water through the open door. Alyssa doubted he’d guess every single hair standing on end had his name all over it.

She glanced at him again, and this time he looked too.

And grinned.

No, no, he wasn’t blaming any goose bumps on any wind.

Cocky son of a bitch.

She shivered again and looked away.

And of course, caught his reflection in a window. Damn it. She busied herself making sure all the bouquets were perfectly arranged and ready for the processional. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about his face reflecting in a bunch of roses. Though a man like him could probably manifest himself anywhere if he wanted to. Like the devil himself.

While she and Tina finished adjusting Hannah’s veil, Alyssa couldn’t resist, and she stole another glance. He was standing in the doorway now, hands in the pockets of his tailored trousers and gaze fixed on something out of Alyssa’s sight.

For the second time, goose bumps prickled along every exposed inch of her bare arms and back. She was fully dressed, but in this thin material with only the skinniest straps to keep it from falling down, she felt exposed and naked and, damn it, what she wouldn’t have given for him to turn his head just then.

There was just something about him. When he raised his hand to his face, she was genuinely surprised he wasn’t bringing a cigarette to his lips, and was instead scratching his jaw. He seemed like the type who’d be a smoker. The bad boy leaning against a motorcycle with a wrinkled pack sitting on the seat, a half-smoked cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth and a Zippo lighter turning over and over between those long fingers.

She shook her head and turned her back to him again. What the hell? She didn’t think smoking was sexy at all—in fact it had become a deal breaker for her in recent years—but damn if that guy didn’t look like the type who could make it sexy.

One of the crew members directed everyone to the double doors that would lead them out onto the deck where the ceremony was to be held. At some weddings, the best man would already be out there with the groom, but, damn the luck, that wasn’t the case this time. As they were all paired off, Alyssa found herself standing far too close to Shane. She would’ve bet good money her heart was beating faster than the nervous blushing bride’s was right then.

All right. Hannah closed her eyes, set her shoulders back, and then smiled at her bridesmaids. Here we go.

Music started playing out on the deck, and the first bridesmaid-groomsman pair started down the aisle. Then the second. When the third disappeared through the door, Shane offered his elbow. Alyssa looked up at him. Between the glance down the low front of her dress followed by the devilish I know you saw that and I don’t give a damn eye contact, she was certain he saw right through her. She may as well have had I don’t know the hell who you are, but meet me someplace private written across her forehead, especially with the almost imperceptible lift of the corner of his mouth before he shifted his focus to the aisle.

She slid her hand over his arm and gulped, acutely aware of every place her bare skin made contact with the warm fabric of his tuxedo. They started up the aisle, and the brush of his jacket while they walked was almost unbearably arousing. Like bedsheets against naked flesh, and that thought didn’t help matters at all.

Halfway down the aisle, she stumbled, but Shane tucked his arm against his side, letting her use him to catch herself before she fell on her ass. To anyone else, it probably looked like little more than a hitch in her step. Probably a result of her too-long skirt or way-too-high heels. Or the rough seas. Anything but the best man.

You all right? he murmured under his breath.

Yeah. Thanks.

Don’t mention it.

They glanced at each other, and somehow, she didn’t trip again.

At the end of the aisle, he released her elbow, and they took their places in front of the rest of the wedding party.

The music changed, and everyone turned to watch Hannah and their father make their big entrance. Alyssa smiled—Hannah had been waiting for this day for a long, long time, and after a string of utter douche bags, she’d lucked into Jake. If there was a fairy tale in need of a happy ending, it was this one, and Alyssa had never been more honored to stand at someone’s wedding.

She glanced to her left. Jake was already struggling to keep it together, his lips tight and his eyes wet as he watched his bride come up the aisle. She’d always imagined she’d be mentally threatening any man who married Hannah—break her heart and I’ll break your legs—but with Jake? She was just happy. Completely and totally thrilled for both of them.

As Hannah arrived at the altar, and she and Jake exchanged tearful grins as their dad gave her away, Alyssa glanced past Jake.

And her heart stopped.

Shane was looking right at her. He’d been smiling just like everyone else, but the second their eyes met, his expression faltered as if he’d been as startled by the eye contact as she was. He’d been so together, so unflappable, and yet for that split second, he wasn’t.

Alyssa swallowed. So did he.

They quickly broke eye contact and dutifully focused on the ceremony going on between them. She stole glances at him, though, and wondered if he did the same whenever she wasn’t looking.

The ceremony ended, and everyone in the room applauded as Hannah and Jake made their way back down the aisle and into the cabin where the reception would be held. No one paid much attention to the rest of the recessional—it was all about the bride and groom, as well it should have been. But people would’ve noticed if it wasn’t done properly, which meant there was no escape from stepping up next to Shane and sliding her hand over his elbow again.

Before they took the first step, she glanced up at him right as he glanced down at her. What that grin meant, she couldn’t begin to guess, and she didn’t have time before the ushers gestured for them to start their walk down the long, narrow aisle.

The ship rocked a little, but Alyssa kept her balance this time…which didn’t stop Shane from subtly squeezing her wrist between his elbow and his side. When the deck leveled out between them, he didn’t let up, and she didn’t try to get away. Her skirt grazed his leg. Their hips brushed. They were walking way too close, and every little touch sent a thrill through her, as if everything they shared—a fingertip tracing a seam on a sleeve, his arm keeping her close—was a subtle secret between them and no one else. A few steps away from the end of the aisle, when she was almost certain no one was looking at them, she twisted just a little and let her breast press against his arm. He didn’t look at her, didn’t say a word, but that little catch of his breath said it all.

Please let this be mutual and not my imagination. Because, my God…

In the next room, they didn’t exchange so much as a glance before they separated to congratulate their friends.

Let me go get rid of this veil. Hannah scowled as she tugged at it. Then we’ll meet you inside?

Perfect. Jake beamed and kissed his bride gently. They grinned at each other, and then Hannah gestured for Alyssa to follow her. Alyssa did, of course, but she let herself glance back at Shane, and…

Yeah. He was looking.

Chapter 2

As soon as he was sure Alyssa couldn’t see or hear him, Shane stopped and leaned against the wall. Exhaling hard, he let his head fall back. That ceremony had been torture. Or an exercise in some serious self-control. Maybe both—they were hardly mutually exclusive.

When he’d arrived this afternoon, he’d expected some dirty looks from people who knew him. He’d expected these damned dress shoes to be uncomfortable as fuck before too long.

He hadn’t expected the maid of honor.

Hannah was pretty, but when it came to sexy genes in that family, Alyssa had the lion’s share. Shane had always thought Hannah was a little too thin, bordering on unhealthy. Alyssa was… God, she was just perfect. The bridesmaids’ dresses were hideous, and she still managed to look good, curving in all the right places even when that skintight green material tried its damnedest to be as unflattering as possible.

All the women had their hair up, and Shane had almost lost his mind staring at the stray dark strands falling down beside Alyssa’s neck and onto her bare shoulders, playing in the gentle wind coming in off the water. Then he’d almost dropped the ring when he went to hand it to Jake. The rocking of the boat had been a convenient excuse. No one needed to know he was lightheaded and distracted. He must have spent the better part of the ceremony trying to think of the most unpleasant things he possibly could, just to keep the guests from catching on to his reaction to the maid of honor.

He was lucky he’d made it down the aisle in one piece with her on his arm. The only reason she’d stumbled and he hadn’t was those high heels of hers—his flat-soled dress shoes may have been pinching the life out of his feet, but at least they didn’t throw him off balance. Another five minutes of the ceremony or another five feet of the recessional, especially with the way she kept responding to—and returning—his subtle little touches, and even flat shoes wouldn’t have kept him upright.

Come on, Shane. Get it together. Maybe it had just been too long since he’d gotten laid. It had been, of course, but that didn’t usually hinder his ability to function in the same room as a beautiful woman. Truth be told, he couldn’t remember any woman ever having this effect on him.

It didn’t help that, of all the women on this boat right now, Alyssa was the last one he had any business even thinking of touching. If he went anywhere near her, Hannah would kill him. Or at the very least, run up and warn Alyssa off him. The woman tolerated him, but if he looked at one of her friends or her sister—her incredibly hot sister—she’d flip the fuck out.

His good mood faded in favor of that all too familiar sinking feeling. The reminder that he’d be defined by his history for the rest of his goddamned life, including tonight. After all this time, Hannah was still absolutely certain the business he and Jake ran was successful in spite of Shane’s involvement, not because of it. True, he’d never have gotten far without Jake regardless of his record, but they’d both worked their asses off to get the shop to where it was now. Jake was the first to tell people it would have failed without Shane.

Surprise, surprise, Hannah wasn’t convinced. She had a hard enough time ignoring Shane’s past. She’d never forgive it in a million years, but she could at least ignore it. Most of the time.

He was pretty damn sure she’d shit kittens if he touched her sister.

The wedding party was summoned to the aft deck of the boat. The two photographers were efficient as hell—one handled group photos while the other took candids and smaller group shots. The way they worked together, communicating with what must have been telepathy, Shane suspected they’d been doing this for a long time. In fact, given the glances they exchanged now and then and the way the black-haired one did a double take when one of the groomsmen wasn’t looking, he had a feeling they were more than business partners.

And watching them gave Shane something to do besides stare at the maid of honor. She was just outside his peripheral vision, her presence unavoidable even when he didn’t let himself look.

Of course, that was easier said than done. When the wedding party assembled for photos, there was no escaping her. Standing beside her sister, taking her place as

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