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Turned Tales
Turned Tales
Turned Tales
Ebook52 pages39 minutes

Turned Tales

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Six Short Stories

A montage of Monsters !


They were people before they were turned. Witness how they were made.


Learn of their backstories. Their origins. Who they loved before they were Turned and what motivated them.


I - Remmans


In a village besieged by the Turned making Golem, one woman is about to be introduced into his diabolical army. Can you guess who she may become?


II - Randu


Randu likes apples. A lot.


III - The Green Man


He would've died for his love but was never given the opportunity. See how a man is converted into a tree.


IV - The Bark and the Widow Street


It is mentioned in Since Never, now see how the disastrous yet violent ploy to get revenge on the city watch explodes, literally.


V - MarTaiburn


She ate Captain Tankready in Since Never. Witness for the first time how he didn't go down quietly.


VI - Agentha


She was a soldier once but she was destined to become one of the biggest Turned in the Golem's arsenal, but how did she become so big?

Release dateMay 19, 2020
Turned Tales

Christopher Percy

Christopher Percy is an English author of the published dark fantasy novels Dark of Winter, All Roads Lead to Ammin and Since Never, Book One of the Turned Trilogy. He is currently working on the follow up to Since Never; Time Tells, Book Two of the Turned Trilogy and a new standalone book, Wolf in the Womb. True to Percy form both will be extremely dark and violent and may even feature some naked boobies. Something for the dads eh :-0 Christopher writes books that are simple to follow, imaginative, entertaining and as bloat free as possible. Personally he hasn't got time to invest in doorstop sized tomes to read and to write and thinks a lot of people share his sensibilities. Dark fantasy is serious but you're a tourist when you read it: you don't really live there and don't need pages and pages of superfluous information. Christopher writes books he wants to read and hopes there are like-minded people who crave fantasy in generous 'normal' sized books. A size comfy to read in bed and a story that you don't have to invest months to appreciate the depths. In short Christopher cuts to the quick but there will always be layers for the most stubborn of tourists to appreciate. :-) Christopher lives on the South Coast of England. He has a full time job and writes in his spare time. He can be found on Twitter @DarkofWinterbk, or loitering on Facebook and Instagram @ChristopherPercyAuthor.

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    Book preview

    Turned Tales - Christopher Percy

    Also by Christopher Percy

    Dark of Winter


    Since Never

    All Roads Lead to Ammin (Dark of Winter Origins Short Stories)


    Gory battles, a tense plot with a thrilling conclusion, and a ribbon of weirdness running throughout make Dark of Winter a highly satisfying read.

    This was absolutely fantastic...this book has one of the most emotional deaths I’ve read in ages, and I was literally sitting there whispering ‘no no no!’

    I loved the originality of beautifully written...absolutely delivers.

    If the intent is to grab a reader and hold on with a forceful, supernatural grip...mission accomplished.

    Instantly engrossing...layered storytelling...left me wanting more.

    [Readers] who savor their meat while it is still twitching and writhing – will appreciate this lethal and gory bloodbath.

    ... set in an amazing fantastical world...Percy’s style of writing is very immersive

    The story immerses you into the world immediately, and is difficult to put down.

    The book absolutely rocks and is one of the better books I have read in a long, long time.



    Fatch was woken from a deep sleep.  At first she thought the noise was part of her dream.  In her dream she’d been naked, chained to an iron post.  She didn’t know why she was where she was, both predicament and location, only that she’d been placed there to die.  Red fire was everywhere. The sky was bulging with iron coloured clouds.  The fields of wheat circling her burnt with a ferocity that would soon reach and consume her.  She felt hot, reckoned her hair would evaporate soon.  Just sizzle away amidst that sweet sickly smell burning hair always produces.

    Then it swooped, a giant of the skies.  Its indeterminable shape fanned the flames, wafted them like red ocean waves ever closer to her anchored body.  She‘d burn or the flying thing would land to feast upon her.  Then it whirled, came about and, screeching an unholy scream, came about her to gorge.

    Her eyes opened.  The room was dark.  Her husband, Tol, snored gently and regularly, whimpering like a dreaming dog when her foot accidently brushed against his.  At least he enjoyed a trouble free sleep, she supposed.  Small comfort to her as the realism of her nightmare remained with her.  Her skin still felt hot.  The shutter was open and there was a draft but Fatch’s skin was slick with sweat.  Dissatisfied and disturbed she rolled away from her husband and left the cot.  Sleep was unattainable now.  Its cursed absence would contribute to a long and uncomfortable day in the fields.  She tutted quietly and shuffled through the rushes, crinkly and dry now, that carpeted the earthen floor.

    The orange glow from the fire bequeathed just enough light to navigate cautiously by.  Their one room hut was sparsely furnished but it would be just her luck to find the pre-cut logs for the fire.

    And then she did.  Fatch stubbed her toes on the wood pile and cursed loudly.  Her husband stirred but didn’t wake.

    Then that scream from her dream rent the post-midnight air and she screamed back.  Tol instantly sat upright and he screamed too.

    What the!? he blustered.

    It can’t be possible, Fatch was crouched down, hands covering her

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