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The Kyoto Bell
The Kyoto Bell
The Kyoto Bell
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The Kyoto Bell

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It’s 2141, the weather is savage, energy politics is brutal, and millions of climate refugees from Asia eke out an existence in a greening Australian desert.

Todd, the teenage son of powerful Indigenous energy mogul, Dr Madrigal Phipps, is kidnapped. A furious Dr Phipps gathers her old team from AuZgov Security Services and a renegade hacker, Andaman Marko, to hunt for Todd and his missing neo-Blues band, but both the climate chaos and her shadowy foes are treacherous.

The young people are held captive in a reclusive community in a central Australian gorge, run by a cult of privacy and silence, called the Qwietude. As adolescent tensions of sex and affection escalate, Todd and his friends plan their own escape. They scramble across the ravaged central desert to beat the arrival of the supercharged monsoon, and Todd calls up skills taught by his Indigenous Elders to survive.

Then, out of the blue, Madrigal’s 120-year-old father-in-exile calls with an extraordinary request from Kyoto, the only place on the planet where cherry trees still blossom.

Could Todd’s disappearance and the Old Man’s request be linked? And will the extreme weather prevent Madrigal from rescuing her son?

Release dateJul 12, 2021
The Kyoto Bell

Colly Campbell

Once in Australia's deep tropical North, Colly Campbell was a both a journalist and sometime playwright, actor and musician. In 1996 he moved to Canberra with his family and worked as a media and policy adviser in the Senate for the Australian Labor Party including Opposition Leaders and latterly for the Minister for Defence. Colly was closely involved in many Senate committee inquiries, governance reforms and multiple Federal election campaigns. He was also, for a time, Communications Director at the Australian Institute of Criminology. Pacey crime and speculative fiction intersect in Colly's Venn diagram of imagineering, and having worked around Government and traveled all over Australia, the future holds an endless fascination and concern. Over the years he has published short stories, written and produced theatre and used the knife block of poetry to sharpen his language. He is now a full time writer. He has published The Capricorn Sky and the sequel, The Kyoto Bell.

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    The Kyoto Bell - Colly Campbell

    To Alice, Esther and Alex for reading and believing.



    March 2142

    The seas were dirty, full of big chop. Spray, mingled with particles of kelp and old plastic, smacked the windscreen, smearing the plexiglass. In tight troughs and peaks, the 12 meter waves were greyGreen and relentless – like mad, shifting corrugated iron.

    Andaman Marko, strapped to a seat in the sealed cockpit of his heeling boat, watched the various blinx on the weather radar with one eye, while he briefed the boat’s skipper, Flick.

    Lumps. Still lotsa lumps coming in, he said to her. The bridge (if you could call it that) was sealed and all but soundproofed from the pounding ocean so they spoke without shouting.

    Yup, was all Flick said.

    Wet and deadly, outside. Least they’d escaped a solid 5 hours of slashing rain, as the boat edged towards the better weather, south of the Cloud. Andaman sometimes wondered about their mad duel with the elements. They’d be drowned 10 times over if it wasn’t for Flick, braced on the helm. Her place. One slim muscular arm clamped to the wheel rim, the other holding a grapple on the cabin roof. She was in an orange weatherproof skinsuit, just in case someone had to go out onto the lethal deck of the boat and do something. Gloves dangled from her belt, a looped tether, and a knife. Andaman’s safety jacket was slung on the back of his seat, but his seaboots were on, ready for action.

    They’d been 36 hours thru this watery turmoil, and could now see the end, delivered from under the Cloud. There was a strip of daylight ahead, while behind was neverending darkness and storm.

    I see 5 thermocells to starboard but they’z all behind us now, Andaman said.

    Yup, she said again.

    Normally Flick was the talkative one, but piloting took all her concentration, staring thru the spray, fixing the boat’s course. The stern was bashed by an erratic swell, swerving port, then starboard, then port again. The action pushed the bow in the wrong direction, repetitively. Flick was getting sick of the effort and deciding whether a course change would help.

    She carefully turned the wheel, and the boat immediately pitched into the wave behind and surfed down its 10 meter face. Then, too quickly, a side wave burst against the bow splattering more ocean across the windscreen.

    This sucks, she said.

    Almost outa the Cloud – it’ll calm soon, said Andaman but he knew the northeast swell was relentless and it would still be a tussle, even when the wind died.

    The waves always were high, green and beating up the boat. A current was swiping back from the coast and causing the usual problems of deep troughs and ratty courses. Andaman had turned up the boson enhancer on Flick’s instruction, which charged certain particles in the hull to give it more mass and pushed the keel deeper in the water. This helped steady the boat. Andaman and Flick were exhausted by the effort, running on the dregs of their energy located somewhere at the bottom of an empty personal tank. They were emerging from a monthlong battle with the Cloud, from Aceh in Indonesia to the coast of West AuZ. They’d holed up for a couple of days up a river along the Kimberley coast to recover from the last leg and were now hellbent on getting to Hedland. Soon they’d have light, could hoist the solarSail and start banging some volts back in the depleted motor batteries.

    The swell and wind were being coGenerated far away in the eqwatorial confluence under the Cloud – the permanent band of storms that ran around the Earth’s eqwatorial regions caused by the heated oceans – but as the boat emerged from under the Cloud the wind eased and the frothy wave caps blowing about in mists became noticeably smaller. The sky ahead, above the crests, was blueYellow, like a cloudless sky always was.

    What the hell’s that? Flick asked. Andaman noticed her look of consternation under the mop of blonde dreadlocks and followed her pointing finger.

    A small reddish speck floated in the bluish sky, like an orange bird of prey, just outside the ominous cloud band. The orange speck reminded him of the brahminy kite that haunted the cliffs of the Ville way back when in the time Flick and Andaman first got together. Andaman had owned a house on those cliffs at the time. Before they became personae non gratae and deliberately disappeared from both the actual and the virtual.

    Shit, it’s a hopper, Andaman said.

    The aircraft moved slowly on rotors, rather than its jets, about 600 meters above and seaward. OrangeRed like Flick’s weatherproofs, it was clearly an AuZgov milisi Search and Rescue aircraft.

    Ah, shit.

    They may not have seen us. We’re pretty blended. Grey on grey, Flick said.

    They’ll have the infrared and eWash gear which will pick up our heat and electrics. Must be a rescue happening. He checked the radar but saw no blinx of any other vessels about.

    Ahhhhhh, shit, Andaman said again with feeling.

    Flick had no time for Andaman’s mood.

    We can’t go back under the Cloud, Andy. Just got to press south.

    I know, he said, miserably.

    He hated The Man. The Man that owned the hoppers. Who’d stymied his career. Who’d humiliated and jailed him. The entity known as AuZgov.

    They’ve f’ckn clokked us, that’s for sure, he said.

    Flick was too busy concentrating on finding a course into the waves to commiserate with her hub. She tried to cut a finer line thru the crests but the boat just lifted high above them and splashed like a breaching whale in a curtain of water.

    Ahhh, she said exasperated. There still wasn’t enough room between crests to pick thru the troughs. F’kn current’s running against us.

    She glanced at Andaman’s weatherbeaten face. Ten years on their boat, The Kingdom, sailing the high seas, free as fish. He didn’t look free. Had tired eyes and leathery skin. They’d been thru a fair bit, side by side, always watching out for one another. She was dogTired too, but the sight of the blueYellow sky to the south made her feel happy. Happy she and Andy had survived another rough patch of water. Hopeful of a portStay and some different vittles to the frozen leftovers in their galley icebox.

    Flick cared less about the hopper, determining that its search and rescue crew was looking for some other boat in trouble. She certainly hadn’t sent out a mayday.

    Things were looking up. Ever since Andy had emerged from detention in the Ville after his 11 month sentence, they’d proceeded with their grand plan to fall off the edge of the Earth, and they’d been of one mind. They still were. They were content with their strange life.

    Just a few more hours of arm wrestle with the wheel, and mebbe autoSteer, and she and Andy would be on calmer seas.

    Wow, shit, exclaimed Andy his eyes bunched with horror. She glanced up and was hit by a surge of vicarious adrenaline. The AuZgov hopper had clearly been caught in one huge gust, generated by the adjacent weather, and tipped almost sidewayz, sliding back and down into a half stall.

    No! she cried.

    Suddenly the rear jets came on for a sec, then 2 secs, to rebalance the aircraft, and ease it horizontal again. They could almost feel the pilot grappling with the controls until they’d achieved some stability.

    Woah – hopper’s nearly done a backwardz deathSlide, said Andy. Just as bad up there as it is down here.

    I don’t know how those pilots do it! Flick said.

    Andy laughed: The same way you do it, luv. Reflex, control and experience. The same way.

    Flick calmed herself with a half smile, and reflexively tipped the wheel a couple of degrees port.


    Not long after, their own warners in the panel started to blare, lights flashing. Andaman’s eyes swung back to the radars.

    Hey, Flick, swing further west, we’re closing on the ruins of the old Dirk Hartog Windfarm. Navigatrix says on this swell, we could hit the platforms over there. He looked down on the navmap. Platform 22, I believe.

    Got it, said Flick moving the helm infinitesimally to the west. A coupla degrees, then a couple more, just like the hopper pilot. Then a couple more, testing the boat against the beating.

    The swell was indeed pressing The Kingdom inshore where lay great huge concrete stumps of former oceanik power station windmills, smashed to pieces by a Category 7 ’phoon during the climate stepChange in 2072. Just ahead of them to port, Andaman had a visual on the huge waves, 2 kliks east, smacking into the nearest of the wrecked windmill platforms, built to preCloud enjjineering spex. The enjjineers failed then to imagine how bad it was going to get. Flumes were flying high into the air, and as the light hit the spray, rainbows glowed momentarily then evaporated.

    WestAuZ had lost 2000mW of energy and 1180 lives in the space of a day when Tropical ’Phoon Gina crashed the coast, destroying the Dirk Hartog Array, and drowning towns and mine sites.

    I’ll head out to sea for a bit, Flick said, moving the helm another couple of degrees starboard. Over the top of the wave crests, they watched the now jetPropelled hopper loop over them a coupla times, then head southeast and disappear in the yellow haze.




    Solitude requires the dark embroidery of silence.

    Invocations to the Private Self (2029) by Ulli Kalk


    March 2141

    The persistent chirruping came from the rear of the cave. At first he thought it was an insect, then realized the noise emanated from his old safe. The safe wasn’t locked, was slightly ajar. No one locked anything at the Hermitory.

    The chirruping echoed with an annoying tinny tone.

    Only thing in the safe was the ancient scope.

    For a few moments he felt uncertain, fearful, tugged his beard. He gazed around slowly in case someone was behind the great shelves, or reaching for somethink up on the high ladders, or lurking in any of the back sheds, but there was no one.

    He, and all Qwartermasters who had come before, used the strange scope device for ordering annual supplies. Never had he received a call. The chirruping continued, irritating and summonsing.

    He walked to the rear of the vast shed, built into the cave, reached into the iron cavity and pulled out the komms device he touched mebbe once or twice a year. He touched the green dot and pressed the instrument gingerly to his ear.

    Yes? he said, tone uncertain.

    Can I speak to someone about money, said a qwiet, friendly voice on the end of the line.

    Who’s this, he asked, stomach lurching at the sound of human language. Actual sound, wordz made vocal. Trying to remember how to talk. He’d once learnt to sound wordz out with mouth and throat. But, woah ... that was a long time ago when he was at school. When there were noises other than groans or laughter.

    Holding the scope to his ear, he walked over to the nearby jars and drawers where dried herbs and spices were stored so he could breathe in the reassuring scents. To calm.

    I want to make a deal, said the voice on the end. I have spoken with other Qwietudes and determined that your community could sustain a visit from a young man, a young friend of mine, and I am willing to pay handsomely for your time – looking after him.

    Young man ...? he was perplexed now.

    There was somethink compelling about the voice in the scope. The very making of this stranger’s wordz was compelling.

    He breathed deep, smelling the cinnamon and the peppers, remembering how those pleasant scents had helped after the death of his wife.

    Yes, he is 16 or 17 and needs sanctuary.

    Well, this may possibly be ... we must encourage new followers, or the Hermitory will wither. Those wordz were written in the Tracts of the Qwietude.

    Will it? said the man. The voice sounded compassionate. This young man I can deliver in a few months.

    Deliver? How? We are very far ... very secluded. Discreet from people. His own wordz were halting.

    He would be delivered by hopper. By aircraft. By some chance I know your location. But if you agree to this task, I ask you to give due care and attention to this young man’s wellbeing. Then we may come fetch him some months after that.

    So he won’t stay? We need new people to become of the Qwietude - make our families. A wheedling tone now to his own voice which he didn’t like.

    There was a qwiet moment on the scope. Like a void. Like there was much distance between him and the voice.

    "I can bring you more young people. If you agree to look after the boy. And I am willing to provide for your community $New10,000. Over 10 months."

    He knew that was a great amount of money as he authorized the supplies once a year. $New10,000 would go a long way. As Qwartermaster he knew the value of money, unlike all the others. Other Leaders, also. Outside knowledge was poisonous to their minds, they thought, was corrupting, and they were pleased to leave such dirty work as talking money to the outside world to him, the Qwartermaster.

    The money could pay for seeds and rootstock, chemicals; importantly, a new welding plant and parts for the broken imajjing skanner.

    Who are you? he again asked.

    A friend of the Qwietude, said the man. A good friend of the Qwietude. So reassuring. He clearly knew the ways of the Qwietude.

    Well, I could supply you the money and mebbe 4 more boyz and a girl to keep this young man company. Just for safekeeping. For care. Could you do this for me?

    One time ... one ... said the Qwartermaster, struggling for the correct word. One moment. Let me think.

    He inhaled again, and cautiously looked around to make sure no assistant could see him talking on the scope. Verbalizing was frowned upon, but his assistants should all be in the gardens, down in the gorge, bent over, planting crops. Was early and the heat of the day had not yet made outdoor work too uncomfortable. Even tho he was in shade, the sweat dripped from his face, as always.

    He thought: should I tell the Leaders? Consult?

    But then, he was a Leader ... one of the most important too, and was authorized to speak to outsiders, decide on supplies. Any children brought to the gorge, in a way, were supplies. And the thought of a young woman being put into his care had galvanized somethink else in him.

    How old are these other children? he finally asked.

    All the young people are 16 or 17.

    Old enough, he thought. Old enough.

    When exactly?

    July, probably, for delivery. I will give you warning. It is very important that you look after them, especially the boy named Todd.

    Todd? Funny name, he thought. You make first payment soon! I must understand ... ensure this is no trick, he said, suddenly in the moment, wheeling and dealing.

    Oh, it’s no trick, said the man. The care of this boy is most important. You make sure he stays in the boundaries of the Qwietude for a few months, and you will be richly rewarded. The voice dripped with honey and promise.

    And the other young people?

    I will see what I can arrange. I will let you know. I have your account codes and I will send a prepayment in good faith next week.

    The Qwartermaster nodded, hard scope against his ear, It is done then. It is agreed.


    The line went dead. He wondered that the man had their secret account details too? How could this be? They were a closeheld secret among the communities of the Qwietude. Private. The man must be a former member.

    He walked past the high shelves and the crisscross of ladders and cabinets, past the spare parts area with its stored machinery, until the cement floor of his stores gave way to granite pathways. On the lip of his realm, he looked down to the sun-drenched gorge at the rice fields and gardens. He watched the young women in planting mode, hats and sarongs and xShirts, bending and setting rice seedlings, wet shapely arms, lovely hips. The women laughed with each other and the young men beside them.

    The air was hotMoist, the wet season not long past with its battering storms and rains. Now, the creeks and ponds of the gorge were full of water, along with their tank system further up the creek.

    The community at work preparing for another growing season. Making sure of a constant supply of food for the year. They were like tiny mice, and he was a kite, high above. The thought pleased him. But the red of the rock and the sunglare were painful to the eye of a man who always worked in the shadows of the cave, and he retreated to the shade.

    Yes, he could look after the boy named Todd. And his friends. A strange reqwest, but they would be welcome.

    Very welcome indeed.



    Tranquility. Does it even exist anymore? In the dark vacuum of space perhaps?

    Invocations to the Private Self (2029) by Ulli Kalk


    The Philosophikal were braiding a new song together when Dr Madrigal Phipps arrived home that nite.

    Madrigal’s cruiseV Swift had swept thru the evening traffic on the Swan freeway along the Perth foreshore.

    Zoning home from Phipps Industries HQ and tedious Board meet, Madrigal was deep in conversation, debriefing with her 2 aides.

    The sun, lateOrange, was setting over the estuary waters, the deepening shadows and the dark mustard clouds signaling sqwalls out to sea. The cruiseV hooked left and silently ascended the hill toward Kings Park’s urban conglomeration.

    Up Fraser Avenue, thru the Sainted Gates, past high condominium towers til the 100 year old, 4-storey sandstone building, home of the Phipps family for now 3 generations, loomed in the now blackly mustard light. In contrast, thru the street level windows the lights were ivory white while upper storeys were dark. As the driver jumped out and opened the rear Vdoor to release the 3 women execs, Madrigal Phipps finally noticed the gloomy sky and heard a melody seep thru the stone and glass frontage of her house. Was like a faint, tuneful wind gust.

    Watch out, Madrigal warned her aides, it’s downtime for the kidz. Their precious guitar was just audible from the footpath. They’ll have to go home soon for the June exams revisor pods.

    When the front door slid open she was confronted with the whole musical fugue. Sounded a mess – but at least the kidz were having fun. And sometimes, she thought, their elaborate songs zigged.

    Madrigal, in a rustColoured liteSuit with chic black cuffs, entered the vestibule. She was hotly followed by Phipps Industries Chief Courier, Rox Brewer, and Suze Shelbo, Madrigal’s long suffering Secretary Prime. The 3 women all carried small clamB cases. Suze carried Madrigal’s personal bag too.

    Madrigal moved with brisk authority, as tho’ the world was dragged in her wake. As she passed the arched opening to the Big Room on the right, she lifted an elegant hand and said a qwick and smiley hello. Her son, Todd, and his friends looked up and replied with alacrity. Madrigal’s party moved on to the lift to elevate to floor 3.

    On the women’s heels was Szygy, Todd’s kelpieDog, who asked repetitively: Where’s my dinner, Maddy? He’d been asking Todd, Where’s my dinner Toddy? for half an hour, to no avail. Todd was too focused on songs.

    The silent elevator delivered the trio upward. After a hectic day, Rox Brewer and Suze Shelbo felt numb and said nothink, saving energy for the debrief. Madrigal hummed the melody that her ear had plucked from the guitar.

    Kidz should be packing up soon, she thought.

    The trio brisk whisked down the passage, lights flicking on in anticipation, flicking off once they’d passed. Once in her office, Madrigal swung in behind her glass topped desk, sat with a sigh, and waved at chairs for her aides to sit.


    Hi, Madrigal, the young muzos say, in almost unison, but she’s already disappeared from view to clinch the bizz for the nite with her aides.

    Todd and Narmon shrug. Lissa smiles because she thinks Madrigal is fantastic and she knows her personally. But there’s no time to lose between school’s end at 5 and dinner at 7. And 7 loomed. The Philosophikal return to resetting their musical loops. Their focus on Peet’s song, presented new that afternoon, is intense, and no one wants to lose those fresh muscle memories in their fingers.

    Peet hopes Madrigal will get busy’n forget about them, cos he’s much enthralled by this partikular session, while they should really be packing up soon according to the written contract set down by Dr Phipps and the kidz. Peet wants The Philosophikal to push the clok but it’s final year, after all, for Todd, Lissa and Narmon. Peet and Jaim’z are a year behind.

    In a tight circle, Todd Phipps and his mates Narmon, Lissa and Peet, and Todd’s 15 yr old cuzz, Jaim’z, play simalcrums – also known as galaxy synthesizers – a sax, a drumKit and, of course, their prize 20th century electric Gibson guitar. They relish their hard negotiated after school relax, released from the strikt regimentation of the day with its disciplines and observant learnings. After all, they are famous now. Famous on the virtual!

    Narmon, gripped and obsessed by Peet’s song, asks the author: What’s that line of lyric again?

    Jaim’z starts banging his kettleNest impatiently, finding the rhythm for the group.

    Peet looks at his clamB and repeats the wordz: "Don’t know what y’r in for/but wade you anyway/hip high, hip high/ into a swamp of misery ..."

    Scrummo! says Narmon, their bandmaster’s reserved judgement.

    From the top, says Todd, itching for a better compliment.


    Todd Phipps is just turned 17. A handsome boy, energetik but no way the obsessoid muzo like Narmon and Peet. He has responsibilities after all. He’s heir to Phipps Industries, the biggest energy Heg in AuZ, and is also obliged to take part in as many family Indijj cultural reqwirements as poss with his mother’s people. He’s tried, most times, to travel north to West Capricornia (or West Cap) near the Kimberley, when the weather hasn’t been so bad. He’s attended ceremony and initiations with his other young cuzzes, including Jaim’z, and learned the ceremony songs from the Elders. He’s got the initiation tatts for various ceremonies, and can speak his Indijj language. In Perth, he plays at half forward in the school footy team. And he also loves his friends. Especially the ones in the room, braiding their new song together.

    Todd concentrates on both Peet’s reedy voice and Narmon’s fingers roaming on the guitar frets. He manipulates the keyboard and the joystick of the simalcrum, looking for those harmonies. A spot beam from the ceiling illuminates Narmon’s big face. Narmon’s eyes are half closed. He nods to himself as his fingers spider across the frets. Todd loves Narmon’s focus on the music. He’s large, bigger’n Todd who is slim and wiry, tho Narmon is 17 too.

    If AuZGov’s DyNAst repository, its genetic dataBank, was interrogated, the results’d show Narmon’s line, generations back, are Burmese people, Scottish people, and way back there’s an Ethiopian refugee as well. His bigness, and lighter skin comes from the Scots, but DyNAst would credit the African genes for the musical proclivity. Narmon’s mother, Noni, is a friend of Madrigal’s but rather stuffy, and his dad Jasp, is a wealthy Perthside builder.

    Todd knows Madrigal thinks Narmon’s a sweet boy, their chief music obsessoid, who refurbished the precious Gibson guitar by hand. The old vidz glowed on the wallscreen, pictures from waybackdown thru the ages: 180 year old images of long dead guitar players like Keith Richards, Taj Mahal, and Boss Springsteen, which give Narmon and Todd the fingerMoves, the vibe and the kit.

    "Oooh, the very osmosis of the blues," Peet once declared.

    They were oblivious to the fact that during the Age of Purity and Virtue (which was most of the last century) so many of their musical heroes were reviled as drug addled fools, and then forgotten.


    When Narmon and Peet discovered Hendrix, Morrison and the others – as young boyz mazing thru the Virtual – they fell in love.

    The Philosophikal’s music was strange to their audiences. ’Ndeed, they’d been posting tunes on the Virtual since their first song, Cold Cold JJamming, also written by Peet, was pronounced ‘spectacular’ by Narmon and Lissa.

    To many ears on the Virtual, jaded by classicism, The Philosophikal’s was an enticing sound. Since the Age of Purity most music was composed and read from dots, in several chamber music styles. Nuevo Leider had been the backbone of the 21st Century music. The Philosophikal had all learnt classical plays, but were now pushing those edges out and incorporating improv and much older sounds, and to their credit, new braids too. People were listening.

    More people than they imagined.

    Todd Phipps was in awe of Narmon’s musical talents, but wasn’t so bad himself. They could tune the guitar to the simalcrum’s joystick and really get zigged, strapping the notes on a big screen with an orchestral sheet, which they could all follow and amend.


    The final few braids are most melodic.

    Scrummo! says Narmon again as the song fades in their ears.

    Hey, Liss, says Narmon, the conductor, try doodling somethink over the lyric passage, hey? The swampy bit. Needs some lifting but mebbe in minor notes. Don’t drown the Peet tho.

    Yeah, don’t drown me, says Peet, crouched over his rig. I’m too young to die.

    His face is smooth, eyes bright with the act of creation. His mop of hair is also rather unkempt – both he and Narmon copying the look of some of the old vid muzos.

    We need Peet alive, says Todd laughing.

    Lissa smiles and pulls the sax mouthpiece to her lips. She’s a self-taught talented player and Narmon’s her steadyBoy to whom she’s pledjd in a simple publik ceremony. Lissa has a good ear and eye for the chill compositions and can put melodious licks across their short 10 minute songs.

    Her mother, Minnie-Tuton, wants Lissa to study law and become a counsellor and advocate, but she has blasting red hair, and a strong viewpoint, and her mother’s demands take eqwal place with Narmon and The Philosophikal. While Narmon is a big burly boy, Lissa is small and neat. As a couple they look lopsided, but it works.


    The Philosophikal? Why such a funny name? Madrigal Phipps had asked, after Todd announced the band’s publik persona.

    Mum, ’slike in the 20th century when bands were named after things, not the players, he’d said, but we’re not replicating the 20th century ... this is not a nostaljjik thing. He was very intense about this. We want to be original. You know ... music groups are called after the players like Rikson Dyke, or Overelle, or mebbe whatever their main song is, or they say they are the bla bla ensemble or bla bla symphonia", but Narmon and I, well, we love the way later 20th and 21st century bands had their own noun names! You know. You’ve heard of The Beatles at least, Mum? They had an identity other than the players."

    And again he breathlessly explained to Madrigal, in case she didn’t understand, that they weren’t copying the Golden Age so much as repurposing the bluesy stuff – philisophikally.

    Our songs are about now! We’re making music about now! Narmon’d say and Todd would agree with a grim, knowing smile and repeat the phrase. They wouldn’t admit that divining the nostaljjik had indeed brought them all those nostaljjik followers of the blues, plus all the newbs who loved the freshness of their music.


    In the low-cast light of that evening, the 5 young people play their complicated ziggy tune with a mutual concentration that joins them together in a way that can never be lost, even in a lifetime of memories.



    The Man is all biz. He’ll confiscate your eyes and ears and you’ll never, ever know.

    Invocations to the Private Self (2029) by Ulli Kalk


    As the jjam continues unheard, downstairs, Courier Rox Brewer smiles serenely and waits for her boss’s nod to start the debrief. Couriers were the human keys to corporate lockBoxes.

    Ok, Rox. What did Premier Jembrana say? Madrigal demanded.

    Because the Virtual was so spongey – almost open blather – the Courier role was vital. Industrial Hegs and Governments snooped all the time, and no one could design programs to convey secret, personal communications. Madrigal well knew how riddled with wormholes private komms were. That’s why Rox was Madrigal’s ears and mouthpiece. Rox would roam far and wide on Madrigal’s behalf, transporting Phipps Industries messages, talking faceOnface to business and other associates, politicians, and returning with information and intel likewise. Those discreet conversations helped shield trade knowledge from spies and industrial agents who sought their own insider intel on Phipps Industries.

    Was a delicate and diplomatik profession, the Courier.

    Madrigal appreciated Rox’s skills, cos she’d also once worked as a Courier. In the glorious past, she’d been a Senior Courier for AuZgov, ’til her dad forced her out of the job she loved to take charge of Phipps Industries. She’d been estranged from her dad ever since. He’d meddled in a mission of AuZgov diplomacy to the Chinese Hegs and his interference had made her beloved job with the Government untenable.

    If she thought about the day of his corporate ambush, that terrible meeting, Madrigal Phipps still boiled with anger.


    But that late afternoon, her dad wasn’t foremost on her mind. After a day of senior project managers making complex presentations to the Board, Madrigal had spent the last few minutes admiring Roxy’s clothes.

    While stating: ’K, Rox, what did he say, to start the briefing, Madrigal was actually thinking: What a beautiful dress Roxy’s wearing. Very orange and tasteful. Burmese orange. Nice collar too. I’d wear that.

    I spoke with Premier Jembrana in his office, said Rox, long blonde hair lapping her small, seemingly guileless face. Her busy green eyes darted around the room, from clamB, to Madrigal, to Suze Shelbo and back.

    "He had one aide present. He said:

    Thank Maddy for her gracious, gracious congratulations on my appointment as Premier, and I return my fond greetings. Make sure she receives them please."

    Rox glanced at her boss to make sure she wasn’t sounding too familiar. He’d ’ndeed said Maddy and fond and her account was accurate rote. Madrigal only smiled gently and nodded for more, hands clasped on the desk.

    Tell her directly that the position of Premier of Capricorn is not much different from my previous incarnation. As you know, my predecessor, Premier Paul Luff, was inactive toward the end. He became more religious and less engaged, which is the danger of illogical and intraActive belief systems that don’t add to the common good. As Luff went into a publik decline, my approach was to help him see decisions thru, rather than hinder or undermine. My approach was supported by the meejja, both mainStream and offStream. I’ve been rewarded by the people of the Territory of Cap for carrying the burden of 2 jobs all those years previous.

    Madrigal smiled. She knew all this. Jembrana’s wordz were to impress Rox rather than her. Madrigal also knew that votes from an abundance of climate refugees – millions of Indon, Filipino and Timorese and even the Papuans – now living in Capricornia, the huge Territory north of the AuZtralian tropic, would have swung heavily behind a man who was descended from the princes of the abandoned island of Bali. But Jembrana was also admired in the south, by the leaders of AuZgov. An operator who communicated openly, didn’t waffle his wordz, who made things happen.

    Tell Maddy, said Jembrana thru Rox, that we can talk about the Phipps Industries solFarms on the southern borders. These are a priority as the northern ones are less viable thru encroaching cloudcover and almost permaset monsoon. Whether we transfer existing, or build new, is a factor to be considered, and Cap’s funds are in parlous state. I attach a chip with those details for your Courier’s belt.

    Rox unclipped the chip from her belt and placed it with Madrigal who skanned the info in her secure clamB which was never hooked into the Virtual. She then placed the chip in front of her. Rox continued in her melodious contralto voice – using the most attractive of the Courier tones – to please her boss:

    Tell her also we are planning to move staging ports further south to Port Hedland. Phipps Industries will have to use those ports for their rigOuts. This is unavoidable due to weather pressure. Wyndham is uninhabitable now. Also the proofing of hardiWheat and hardiRice, for planting in the Arables and south Tanami is making steps, and I thank Madrigal for her keen interest in moving that project along with the WestAuZgov. Thanx. There is a chip on the cropping results and estimates with the Courier.

    Rox unclipped again, Madrigal skanned.

    Rox went thru another 8 items of Phipps Industries, East Cap, West Cap bizz before the faceOnface session between the Courier and the Premier came to an almost close. There were only a couple of more delicate statements to run past her boss.


    It’s getting late and still busy in the Phipps’ sandstone home on Monday June 5, in Perth, in the year 2141.

    The kidz miss the homewardz deadline, so engrossed are they in Peet’s new song.

    Well, Lissa doesn’t miss it. As she plays a sweet, pure sax tone over the braids the boyz are driving, she feels a bit guilty because she knows she should be revising those law cases. Six months only ’til exams. Her mother is desperate for Lissa to achieve greatness. The pang of guilt is brushed aside as Lissa concentrates on the dots running across the screen on the wall, and listening for Todd’s key change.

    Like Narmon, she is a mishmash of heritage, but the flame-red hair flags Irish or a Skandi. She and Narmon have sexed, and everyone in her world knows, except her mother, Minnie-Tuton. Once formally pledjd for future marriage, there is an option for sexing, and Lissa and Narmon pledjd early to savour the physical pleasures. Otherwise, in the Age of Purity, one remained perfektly chaste, or at least that’s what society (and parents) expected.

    Madrigal, being worldWise, unlike the straightlaced Minnie-Tuton, had guessed that they were sexing, and qwietly asked Lissa not so long ago, woman2woman, if the girl was on antiFecundities. Lissa hadn’t even blushed. She told Madrigal they’d tossed an old coin and it’s Narmon who’s taking the pills. At least one of them’s doing so, thought Madrigal, satisfied.

    And while Lissa’s dad would have been up for a dad2kid chat, he was killed 8 years before. A Major in the search&rescue milisi, he’d drowned on the end of a line drop when a storm rescue went wrong and the tip of a massive Southern Ocean wave slapped him from a stretcher pod, caught him and dragged him under a cold green maelstrom. They never found his body, nor the woman who’d been strapped into the pod, but AuZgov inscribed his name with all the others at the War Memorial in Canberra on the Wall of the War Against the Singular Enemy.

    Lissa was 9 at the time.

    Out of all Todd’s schoolmates, Lissa knows she’s a Madrigal favorite. She and Dr Phipps can have a relaxed laugh and talk fashion, cos Dr Phipps is really into clothes and what’s happening at school. Or mebbe since all Todd’s other mates are boyz, Dr Phipps just likes a girl around the place.

    Lissa also knows that while she’s dedicated to meeting her mother’s wishes, Madrigal (who interferes a great deal) knows The Philosophikal is Lissa’s escape from Minnie-Tuton’s anxieties, and Minnie-Tuton knows Lissa is in good and influential company at the home of the famous Phipps. It sorta works.


    The concentration between the musicians rises. Peet’s reedy voice rings out. The loops braid around the harmonies. They end.

    Yeah, says Jaim’z admiringly. He blows on his hands which have been pounding the kettleNest – a set of tunable percussives. Jaim’z is from up BroomeWay and is lodging at the Phipps household while he goes to another school. He’s a big Indijj kid with a Phipps Industries Scholarship and is a very enthusiastic member of the ensemble. He loves music and is teaching himself to play 3 instruments including the sacred Gibson guitar.

    How was that, Narmonicks? Jaim’z asks.

    They all turn to Narmon for the verdict.

    Scrummo. Still scrummo, says Narmon with a qwiet, satisfied nod.


    What else did the Premier say?

    Rox had asked a qwestion without knowing the backStory. Her qwestion about a couple on the yacht and whether Jembrana knew where they were elicited the reply:

    We have no visibility on our old friend Andaman Marko and his wife. We assume, after leaving Hedland on their refurbished boat in 2132, they headed north during an eqwinox never to return. Mebbe dead.

    Madrigal nodded at the news. Nine years was a long time to hear nothink about Andaman Marko and Felicity Allenby. But she didn’t explain to her aides about what Jembrana meant with the ominous mebbe dead. She didn’t care for Rox knowing her earlier history and her then dealings with Jembrana – which included their becoming lovers for that short hot flash.

    Lastly, Rox declared, a state visit would be preordained if you, the Mantle of Phipps Industries visited the Ville, Hedland, Alice Springs or any other major city in Cap. I would ensure plenty of time to escort you around.

    (Preordained? thought Madrigal. What a laff. He’s just after more sex. And while this private thought was not shared for obvious reasons, her amusement did sneak out via the crack of a smile.)

    Thanx, Rox, said Madrigal when a silence opened. That was a surefooted recount of the meeting. How did you find the Premier?

    Affable, expansive.

    Did he ask about me? My situation here?

    Where Phipps Industries was situated, under your Mantle, yes. He seemed pleased things were going well. He obviously likes you.

    Madrigal sighed and decided to give Rox and Suze Shelbo a snippet.

    We worked together on one tough case 11 years ago when I was a Senior AuZgov Courier and he was security chief in Cap. Andaman Marko was a person of interest in a bomb attack in the Ville, so we hunted him down and found him. Now Jembrana’s the Premier, we’ll probs see a lot more of him.

    That’s good. He’s a dream to negotiate with.

    Madrigal was struck by a pang of jealousy, wondering if Jembrana had negotiated himself into Rox’s affections.

    Don’t mistake his charm. He can be a total hardAss. He was the Capricornia security chief, she warned.

    Big J saved more human lives than were spent, tho’, after The Grief, is what the folks in the clubs and bars say, up in the Ville, replied Rox. "His human accounting is on the righteous side of the ledger."

    The Big J! Madrigal swallowed a smile and said: True that, in an earnest tone, but officials like us are sworn to protect life, as private company administrators, and him too, especially people like him. All officeholders, civil servants, chief execs. There’s been too much loss.

    "Too much loss," her 2 aides echoed, somewhat half heartedly, it being late. The

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