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Just Everyday Stuff: A Journal
Just Everyday Stuff: A Journal
Just Everyday Stuff: A Journal
Ebook70 pages54 minutes

Just Everyday Stuff: A Journal

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About this ebook

Just Everyday Stuff is a collection of things that happened to me when I was younger. I decided to pick some of the funnier and more memorable times and jot them down so that others could also enjoy. I thought about the different jobs I've had or about the different handsome young men that I've had crushes on and then tried to make this journal come alive as much as possible.


I tried to keep the exciting stuff in and weed out the events that weren't as peppery. In other words, hopefully the journal that I decided to stick with is full of spunk and spice. 


I thought that it would be comical to just add in stuff that I committed during my childhood- such as the boys I fell in love with or when I kept landing in the wrong kinds of jobs. I also pitched in some family struggles. But the whole point of this book is to make you laugh and come to the realization that even Zaney Jane had had some naughty moments herself. 


To sum it up, this story tries to look on the bright side of what actually happened or what I had wanted to happen and it also happily mocks those naughtier moments as well.




PublisherZaney Jane
Release dateJul 3, 2021
Just Everyday Stuff: A Journal

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    Book preview

    Just Everyday Stuff - Zaney Jane

    An Introduction

    I decided to write a journal about some of the things that happened when I was younger. The timelines often intersect as some of the problems I had when younger – never got fully resolved.

    Overall, I had a good childhood – but along the way, I have had to climb some steep hills and have had to wade through some nasty streams......but even after I’ve written about these experiences, I can laugh and remember not only what happened during those particular times but also understand that life has still been good.

    Please relax and enjoy this journal filled with random, well, everyday stuff.


    Zaney Jane

    Legal Disclaimer:

    Although many years have passed since most of the events in this journal happened – this book is based on true events and although I have tried to recount what happened as accurately as possible, some discrepancies may have occurred as I am unable to remember everything with 100% accuracy.

    Furthermore, I deliberately left out the real names of characters and for the sake of privacy, I added fictitious names—of not only places where I went or worked but also added fictitious names to many of the characters in the story.

    The names and identifying details of some characters in this book have been changed.

    Finally, I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. To protect privacy, in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places. I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

    And although the author has made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.

    Journal Entry 1:  The Only Time that Coffee Isn’t So Good

    {F rom about 15 years of age to my late twenties}

    It happened to me. I was in my early teen years and was not only having major health issues but I

    was also struggling more particularly with a massive overdosage of sugar. But I didn’t care for

    the white sugar in the sack, what I cared for and loved was when sugar sweetly collided with

    coffee—and then, I was hooked. What made matters worse was the fact that a new coffee

    establishment had opened its doors in town, of which I will fictitiously name Juan’s.

    The details are slightly hazy because of the time that past since this took place but I went

    overboard. I had coffee after coffee and hit them with a passion, which also unhappily showed up

    in my bank account as well. What also happened was that my account began going nuts, but in

    the wrong direction and I wasn’t paying attention to it. I was working as a teacher’s aide and was

    on call during this time, so I didn’t have a whole lot of money to horse around with and so every

    time I bought a drink, Overdraft Protection mode kicked in and I would be spending nine dollars

    a coffee instead of the regular $3 dollars and this kept going on and on. I think it happened for

    several months and I had no idea because, well, I never checked.

    But one evening Mom happened to glance at my bank account and she literally flipped. I

    was in about $1200 worth of debt and that was just for coffee. It was horrible and she was

    downright worried. And at this time, I was only about seventeen years old and didn’t have a

    stable job, so $1200 dollars was a lot.

    It also happened shortly after the problem had been discovered that my school needed an

    aide for a severely autistic kid that had been placed in a class where the teacher didn’t care to

    deal with him, and after I had worked in the classroom several times, they finally gave me the

    job. It only lasted several months, but gave me enough money to get my horrible debt paid

    off, finally.

    Now the origin of my coffee habit will be discussed. Grandma is the one who started it

    when she would take us out in the mornings to a local food stand where we would take turns

    dipping cookies into her coffee. Yes, that’s the origin of when and where our coffee drinking


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