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Can You Catch the Kraken?: An Interactive Monster Hunt
Can You Catch the Kraken?: An Interactive Monster Hunt
Can You Catch the Kraken?: An Interactive Monster Hunt
Ebook111 pages47 minutes

Can You Catch the Kraken?: An Interactive Monster Hunt

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About this ebook

Reports are pouring in from around the world. A fishing crew claims a giant squid is lurking off the coast of Norway. A huge, snakelike sea serpent was spotted in the Mediterranean Sea. Far out in the Pacific Ocean there are reports of the biggest shark ever seen. Are these reports evidence of the legendary Kraken and other sea monsters of old? It’s up to YOU to find out! With dozens of choices, you can follow the clues to the end. Which path will YOU CHOOSE to discover the truth?
Release dateJul 15, 2021
Can You Catch the Kraken?: An Interactive Monster Hunt

Brandon Terrell

Brandon Terrel (B. 1978–D. 2021) was a passionate reader, Star Wars enthusiast, amazing father, son, uncle, friend and devoted husband. He worked as an assistant director and producer on numerous independent films and commercial productions, as well as writing for the “Choo Choo Bob Show.” Brandon received his undergraduate degree from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and his Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University. Brandon was a talented storyteller, authoring more than 100 books for children in his career. In Brandon’s memory, consider picking up a Stephen King novel or a comic book, re-watching The Mandalorian, reading an old Hardy Boys adventure, and saving an open seat for the next Star Wars movie.

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    Book preview

    Can You Catch the Kraken? - Brandon Terrell

    About Your Adventure

    YOU are an oceanographer who studies and photographs marine life. You also have a strong interest in old tales about the kraken and other sea monsters. When you hear about sightings of these creatures, you’re excited at the idea of finding them and getting proof of their existence. Will you be able to track down the legendary creatures?

    Chapter One sets the scene. Then you choose which path to read. Follow the links at the bottom of each page as you read the stories. The decisions you make will change your outcome. After you finish one path, go back and read the others for new perspectives and more adventures. Use your device’s back buttons or page navigation to jump back to your last choice.




    You dive into the crisp, crystal-blue water of the Caribbean Sea. All around you the sea teems with life, and you capture it all with your underwater camera. A stingray slides along the ocean floor. A group of jellyfish and a spiky puffer fish float nearby.

    You can’t believe you get to take photos of such amazing sea creatures for your job. Today your work has brought you to a reef system in the Caribbean Sea near the coast of Jamaica. You’re searching for a group, or shiver, of hammerhead sharks, and find them circling the coral reef.


    Puffer fish often make their homes in coral reefs.

    The sharks are a smaller variety and aren’t aggressive toward humans. Still, you keep your distance as you snap a series of photos.

    After a time, you swim toward the surface. Your scuba tank is nearly out of oxygen, and you have what you need for the day.

    You break the surface, peel out your mouthpiece, and take a deep breath of fresh air. A large boat is anchored nearby. As you swim toward it, a man emerges from the boat’s helm. His shaggy brown hair is pinned atop his head.

    Welcome back, he says with a wide smile as you climb aboard.

    The man is your assistant, Mattius. He helps you shrug the scuba tank from your back.

    Did you find the sharks? Mattius asks.

    You nod.

    See any scary monsters? he laughs. Mattius is aware of your other passion, cryptozoology. It is the study of creatures whose existence hasn’t been proven, such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.

    Not today, you reply. Why do you ask?

    While you were down there, I saw an article online from Norway. Mattius replies. "A fishing boat captain claims to have seen gigantic tentacles reaching up out of the ocean."

    Mattius’s words grab your attention. Suddenly, the beauty of the Caribbean is lost on you. You wish to know more about the sighting.

    That evening in your hotel room, you decide to look up the article Mattius mentioned on your computer.

    It was like nothing I’d ever seen before, the ship’s captain says in the story. It looked like the arms of a kraken!


    Tales of the kraken describe the legendary beast as a gigantic squid or octopus-like creature.

    Kraken… you whisper quietly.

    The kraken is a legendary cephalopod once thought to terrorize ships in ancient times. But the giant creature’s existence has never been proven.

    But the event in Norway isn’t the only report of a mysterious sighting. You find another article about fishermen who may have spied a mythical sea serpent in the Mediterranean Sea.

    Another story covers a team of great white shark trackers. They claim to have evidence near China of the largest shark ever spotted in the world. Could it be the extinct megalodon?

    All of these reports sound appealing. Which creature do you want to track down?

    To search for the kraken, press here.

    To look for the sea serpent, press here.

    To hunt down the megalodon, press here.



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