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The Geneticist
The Geneticist
The Geneticist
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The Geneticist

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Another book in the series of life unimaginable. Nothing is ever what it seems in life. Our paradigms and suppositions are created by us to be able to cope with the fear of the unknown. Many decide to hide their heads in the metaphorical sand, but some, who dare to know the truth, will investigate and face the horror of reality that awaits. I have always chosen to allow myself to be enlightened, regardless of the challenges that test my ability to believe and comprehend. I hope you choose the same.

Release dateJul 13, 2021
The Geneticist

Adriel Chevalier

Adriel Jacques Chevalier descended from a French family that migrated to the Netherlands before immigrating to the United States. His family's vocation centered around the jewelry and watchmaking business for generations. However, Adriel was never adept with handling the delicate parts of tiny machinery. Instead, he turned his interests to the software industry that was just becoming popular in his young, adult life. He found that logic and problem solving better suited his skills, and he excelled in his field.Adriel's elder sister had taught him to read and write at the age of three. Due to boredom suffered from structured learning, he sought to educate himself from his youth. In his adult life he spent decades studying ancient history and various writings, mostly centering around Christian and Judaic literature. Some of his studies he opted to conduct in the pre-translated, original language to gain a clearer understanding.Always frustrated with the structure and politics of organized religion, he sought relationships according to the instruction of the Messiah, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst." Adriel recognized that the Messiah's name was synonymous with his authority, which is Truth, and that any group larger than three brought annoying problems.Adriel and his fellows departed from the mainstream teaching of the established religions and embarked on a journey that led them on a quest for intrinsic Truth. Through many enlightening revelations and miraculous experiences, Adriel came to recognize that much of what is taught today concerning the Creator and his anointed one is rubbish. He forsook the erroneous cliches, rhetoric and discrepancies of the religious culture and embraced Truth, which is available to any man anywhere at any time.Although it was contrary to Adriel's belief system to share his findings in a rhetorical document, in his latter years he decided to envelop them into works of fiction to be enjoyed by others. He has developed several stories with elements of actual experiences and enlightenment for others to enjoy and ponder.

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    The Geneticist - Adriel Chevalier

    Adriel Chevalier Books

    False Antichrist - 2016

    The Gold of Ophir - 2018

    Noah’s Portal - 2019

    Zanzibar - 2020

    The Precinct Murders - 2020

    Where the Chips Fell - 2020

    COVID-21 - 2020

    The Templar Secret - 2020

    The Geneticist - 2021

    Midnight Marauder - 2021

    The Ribbon Maker - 2022

    The Seven Peals of Thunder - 2022


    Adriel Jacques Chevalier

    Copyright © 2021 Adriel Jacques Chevalier

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9781005010935

    To the Reader

    My thanks to Claude Pepin, whom I met on one of my journeys to Switzerland. He was willing to share his most incredible experiences, and I have decided to share them with you. This is written as a fictional story, and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    UFO, or Unidentified Flying Object, has given way to a new term. UAP, Unidentified Arial Phenomenon, is a contemporary rebranding of the same experience that so many of us have had. I have definitely seen one as I was out running in the countryside one summer morning around 4:00 AM. It was high in the eastern sky and blinking alternately red and blue. At first, I thought it was an airplane, but I was intrigued by the alternate colors. As I watched, I saw it flash a brilliant white and zip to the South at an incredible speed in a perfectly straight line. No aircraft known can operate in that manner. Thanks to the narrator of this story, I now know what it was.


    Monster, Madman, or Savior

    I PRESENTED MY invitation to the clerk at the desk in the line that corresponded to the initial of my last name. I relinquished my passport and cell phone and clipped the digital badge to my lapel that he had handed me. I then funneled my way into the auditorium among a throng of others who were attending tonight’s presentation. We were packed in like sardines, and I estimated about three thousand stationary chairs were being filled as the audience quickly took their assigned seats. It was uncharacteristically quiet. I observed the No Talking sign that was flashing on the stage. I recognized no one among the crowd, and I imagined that others as well did not. My assumption was that most of them were scientists. I also expected politicians, lawyers, and journalists.

    This was a strange setting indeed, as I studied the bars that separated the stage from the audience. Security officers lined the front in the area of the orchestra pit. A clear cage was centered on stage with a podium and microphone. Promptly at seven thirty, a man was elevated from below to stand behind the podium. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for attending. It is imperative that you refrain from talking. Hopefully, you have all deposited your cell phones with our agents upon arriving. Any devices discovered among you will be confiscated without return. Several anonymous security personnel are salt and peppered among you. Please remain calm and orderly. Any signs of aggression will be met with deadly force. No one is allowed to leave before this presentation is complete. I am standing in a bullet proof, sound proof, climate controlled cage that is impenetrable. This is for the safety and protection of Dr. Harold Jenkins. What you are about to learn tonight has been kept in strictest confidence for many years until Dr. Jenkins was confident that he had perfected the science that he will explain shortly. I introduce to you Dr. Harold Jenkins.

    The man descended the elevator platform, and Dr. Jenkins arose in his place. He was an incredibly handsome man who appeared to be in his early thirties. His physique was phenomenal. I estimated his height to be around six feet four inches. He began, Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My goal is to help you shed the shackles of doubt and cynicism. I want you to imagine a community where no one needs to worry about mass shootings, a community where schools and public places are safe. I want you to imagine a time when security systems and surveillance are no longer needed, a place where women can safely walk in the dark without fear of rape or mugging. Locked doors are no longer a necessity. There is no more racism, bigotry, or malfeasance of any kind. Personality disorders will be a thing of the past. All addictions, including alcoholism and drug abuse will be nonexistent.

    The house lights were up, and Dr. Jenkins was scanning the crowd. In addition, disease will be eradicated. No more cancer, heart disease, genetic maladies, viral or bacterial infection will oppress mankind any longer. We can cure any known ailment of the human race regardless of severity if the cause is genetic. Obesity, obsessions, lifestyle, cravings, diet choices, and any behavior imaginable can be altered. We now have the ability to take the homeliest individual and transform him or her into a supermodel. We can make your brown eyes blue or your blue eyes brown. We can alter your skin color as well as your texture and color of hair. We can reverse baldness. You can even choose your stature. I assure you that this is not a pipe dream. We have the proven technology to do all of these things. At this moment, there are one hundred twenty-six clinical trials being conducted all over the world that are proving every one of these concepts and goals to be true. We began the first of these trials fifteen years ago.

    Dr. Jenkins paused as he took a sip from his water bottle. Every one of us in this room shares 99.9 percent of common DNA. It is the tenth of one percent that makes us all unique. Many limited attempts have been made by scientists to alter the gene sequence with varying degrees of success. However, I have discovered a way to biochemically program a molecular agent that will react with human RNA. This process is tailored for each individual, and the reprogrammed RNA works on the subject’s DNA to produce the genetic code to achieve the desired results. Some results can be produced as soon as thirty days. However, more drastic changes can require a year or more to completely take effect. We are now in the final days of proving gender swapping. Men can be changed to women and vice versa. Transgender individuals can now choose their gender for a complete transformation. No additional therapy is required after the genetic programming is final.

    Dr. Jenkins activated an elevated screen behind him for visual reference to his explanation of the mechanics behind the process that alters a subject’s genetic code. He also iterated the experience of the subject during the transformation. In some cases, it was necessary to supply some hormonal and drug therapy during the procedure to help the subject to adapt more easily, but once the chemical reaction was complete, the subject was weaned from the transitional therapy. It was often necessary to require psychological adjustment for some of the changes. His example included women who were genetically modified to change from a plain appearance to a striking beauty that could be difficult to navigate without the appropriate instruction to adapt. Although he admitted many failures along the way, he concentrated on the increased successes and the benefits for all.

    His next topic was the economic evolution that would be necessary to make the eventual shift from a toxic society to a more benign and constructive population. As law enforcement and security necessities diminished, a transition toward other vocations that supported the genetic alteration would be needed. Psychologists, clinicians, geneticists, medical personnel, and manufacturing to support the chemical needs of the RNA reactions would increase. Just as typewriters gave way to computers, and antiquated storage mediums, like VHS and other tape cartridges and compact disks were replaced, so would the defunct processes and therapies be replaced with better remedies. Cancer research would give way to genetic research. Medicines would be replaced with genetic altering components.

    Dr. Jenkins held both sides of the podium. Before I continue into the next segment of our program, I would like to address the likely question that looms in the minds of some who sit here tonight. Are we playing God with people’s lives by altering the genetic code that was given to them at conception? That question can be applied to any therapy or vaccine that has ever been employed. Is it right to tear down a patient’s immune system to eradicate cancer in his body? What is the justification for altering a person’s health for the better? Can that same justification not be made to heal mankind of a myriad of genetic illnesses? Later in this presentation, I will let you hear testimonies of individuals and parents of children who have benefited from our research. Their undying gratitude for what we have provided them touches the heart and gives hope to all. I would also like to add that our trials have impacted no one in a negative way. In the early stages, we encountered challenges where alterations were incomplete. However, it did improve the subjects, although it fell short of the original goal. We later learned that more analysis of the subject’s DNA was necessary to produce the adequate programming to achieve the desired result. Those failures eventually turned into complete successes. No one has been harmed by these trials, and all have benefited greatly.

    Every clinical trial subject agreed to have the base therapy administered. This was a nonnegotiable aspect to the procedure. All recipients received the programmed biochemical reaction compound to remove all addictions, emotional and mental disorders, violent tendencies, bigotry, diseases, unwanted behavior patterns, with dozens of additional benefits that would allow them to successfully meld with a new, improved population. Dr. Jenkins had increased the percentage of common DNA among his subjects from 99.9 to 99.989. It was only eleven-thousandths of a percent of a subject’s genetic code that made him unique among others. Over three hundred forty-six thousand subjects had been altered so far in the clinical trials.

    Human behavior patterns and tendencies had proven to be genetic. Early research had established that certain behaviors could be traced within the DNA sequence. It became increasingly clear why some would rob a bank, while others would never consider such a thing. Everyone had his own free will, but the genetic influence on some behaviors stacked the deck against some subjects. They weren’t forced into the behavior, but they were certainly compelled. Recognizing these genetic conditions was the first step toward developing a solution. The intention of Dr. Jenkins was to improve society, which is why every subject had to have the base therapy applied. Available subjects were plentiful as many hoped to improve their physical appearance. This was the carrot that Dr. Jenkins held to improve mankind by capitalizing on their vanity.

    Patents were pending on the biochemical compounds that interact with RNA to alter the genetic code of a subject. Due to the nature of categories of behavioral patterns, several different patents were necessary to isolate the benefits for each genetic alteration. As lucrative as this endeavor appeared, Dr. Jenkins was funneling the financial proceeds to fund further research and development. Several avenues of revenue provided ample funding. He had received many government grants from various countries. Major corporations had pledged billions of dollars. In addition, the clinical trial subjects had paid thousands of dollars to benefit from the results of the procedures. The clinical trials were sources of income, not the normal expenses incurred by other trials for drugs that merely treated a symptom. Dr. Jenkins held all the cards, but he wasn’t willing to play his hand to benefit financially. He appeared to truly have a burning desire to improve mankind.

    This endeavor had cost Dr. Jenkins his freedom. He could no longer travel or live freely due to his extreme unpopularity with certain groups who believed that his program was diabolical. He had an extensive staff of security personnel and several bodyguards for his protection at all times. This evening’s presentation was the first of its kind. Dr. Jenkins was announcing his discoveries to the world, and he hoped to bolster support for a program that would revolutionize the earth’s population like never before.

    Before we break for intermission this evening, I want to ensure you that we have the compliance of most major countries in the world. Without naming specifics, there are those who are holding out due to the reluctance of relinquishing power over their citizens. The second half of our program tonight will show examples of genetic transformation and answer questions that you may have concerning our procedures. I will save the best for last to overwhelm you with the purpose for our presentation tonight. Momentarily, doors will open to the left and the right. You will be ushered into the ballrooms that offer drinks and food. Please feel free to discuss with one another what you have learned so far tonight. Also note that there are smart pads beneath your seats that are securely tethered to your chair. Each pad corresponds to your assigned seat, and you are free to offer any questions that you have via the smart pad. All questions will be analyzed by our computer programs to address the most prevalent first and then others, as time permits. You are allowed to submit up to three questions. Please, go enjoy yourselves and discuss what we have presented. The intermission will last for one hour, after which you will be instructed to return to your seat. Please be advised that your digital badge corresponds to your assigned seat. Dr. Jenkins broke into a wide grin. Oh, and also please be advised that your badge has already been matched to your DNA. There will be no switching that does not come with severe consequences. Please, take a break, and enjoy yourselves.

    Six doors opened along the walls of the auditorium, three on each side. We were all dismissed by rows to exit an assigned door, which led into a large ballroom. Dozens of food and drink tables were dispersed throughout to facilitate serving the large crowd. Long dining tables with linen tablecloths and napkins awaited with full service. I chose one of the chicken appetizers and a glass of white wine. I carefully made my way through the crowd to find a table not far from one of the entry doors. I settled into my seat and shook my napkin before placing it into my lap.

    The gentleman to my right introduced himself as Dr. Samuel Jung. He was a young pediatrician, and he was intrigued how this therapy could help some of his patients. I was thinking a little more globally and wondered what he and others in the medical profession would do if the panacea that had been presented did, in fact, cure all illnesses. If Dr. Jenkins’ operation were ever in full swing, I was curious how many people could be treated within a year. That was going to be my first question. Dr. Jung was dubious that many people would seek the therapy. I, on the other hand, expected that due to the outrageous claims of Dr. Jenkins that there would be few who wouldn’t want the therapy. It would basically come down to affordability, which was my second question.

    The lady to my left, Dr. Rachel Andrews, was a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Oncology. She viewed Dr. Jenkins as deluded and outrageous. She would need a lot more proof to believe that he was telling the truth. She had never heard of such a clinical trial and doubted its existence. I now had my third question about where the trials were conducted and what evidence existed that Dr. Jenkins was telling the truth. Dr. Andrews reasoned with me. He claims that these clinical trials have been going on for fifteen years. That in itself is absurd. From his appearance, he would have been a teenager when they started. Not only that, but years of research and development would be required before a trial ever began. Also, I have never heard of subjects paying to be part of a clinical trial. They all come with inherent risks, and subjects are compensated for their willingness to contribute. I’m curious about his intent for this presentation. I guarantee that neither I, nor my organization, will be contributing to his program.

    I decided to snag another glass of wine and took the opportunity to mingle with others and listen to conversations. It appeared that the major consensus was that Dr. Jenkins was a charlatan. His presentation sounded feasible to me, but I did not have a medical background. Therefore, I was not in denial because his therapy did not threaten my vocation. On the contrary, I was intrigued because I was a fiction novelist. I had to admit, his claims did appear to be outrageous, and I couldn’t imagine a society like the one he described. It would certainly clear the prisons and hospitals. That alone excited me. Then again, he wouldn’t be the first to make gargantuan claims to raise funds.

    Soon, the hour was spent, and we were all ushered to return to our seats. I reached under my chair and found the smart pad that was tethered to the stationary chair leg. I opened the pad, and the program was active for me to key in my questions. Once everyone was seated, and the auditorium doors were closed, Dr. Jenkins arose behind the podium once again. I hope that you all had a refreshing break. As I continue, I will give everyone time to post up to three questions that you may have concerning our program. We will deal with the most popular questions first, and if time permits we will answer all of them if there aren’t too many. However, let me assure you that I am not seeking to raise additional funds tonight, so you can skip that question. What I am about to show you will raise serious doubts in your mind due to the extraordinary nature of the transformations that you are about to witness on video. Your inclination will be to suspect computer graphic imaging, but I assure you that these videos are genuine.

    Dr. Jenkins drew our attention to the screen above and behind him. Ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to begin tonight’s demonstration with one of the most astounding results that we have achieved. This is over and above what we offer to most of our subjects, but we are particularly pleased with the results. Please watch the video as you witness the transformation of a ten-year-old male with Down’s Syndrome. The process was completed in one hundred eighty-two days, and the time lapsed video shows the daily progress during the transformation process. Granted, this procedure is unique to all others and not only requires the biochemical reaction, but also genetic transplantation and additional catalysts and inhibitors that promote the genetic biochemical reaction and prevent the relapse of the DNA to its original state. The clinical trial subject will be undergoing additional transformation therapy to alter certain desired aspects of his condition, which cannot be disclosed at this time.

    As we watched the video, I could detect varied reactions throughout the audience. Some gasped, others shook their heads in disgust. Three spectators tried to leave the

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