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English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps
English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps
English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps
Ebook138 pages54 minutes

English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps

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About this ebook

“Fill in the gaps” worksheets for use in school or at home. Enter the correct word or phrase in a sentence. Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with an appropriate word or phrase. English grammar exercises with answers on filling the gaps with suitable words or phrases.

Sample This:

Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with the most appropriate word or phrase:

01. Doctors took .................his vital parameters which came out to be normal.
(a). down
(b). along
(c). after
(d). upon
(e). into

02. Access ................. the internet is essential for contacting friends and family.
(a). with
(b). for
(c). to
(d). in
(e). at

03. Whatever you start ................. ensure its completion.
(a). at
(b). on
(c). for
(d). to
(e). with

04. He has been missing ...................., four days now.
(a). since
(b). from
(c). at
(d). for
(e). upon

05. She is eager to gather information .................various subjects.
(a). on
(b). into
(c). in
(d). upon
(e). toward

06. I had a great time working .................him.
(a). onto
(b). into
(c). with
(d). upon
(e). over

07. We change and evolve as we go life.
(a). beneath
(b). along
(c). underneath
(d). towards
(e). below

08. I found myself being dragged ................. controversy.
(a). throughout
(b). through
(c). within
(d). into
(e). inside

09. He came home to be with his family ................. the occasion of New Year.
(a). for
(b). in
(c). to
(d). off
(e). on

10. Nature brings ................. positive behavioral change in human beings.
(a). upon
(b). about
(c). down
(d). over
(e). upon

01. (a). down | 02. (c). to | 03. (e). with | 04. (d). for | 05. (a). on | 06. (c). with | 07. (b). along | 08. (d). into | 09. (e). on | 10. (b). about

PublisherManik Joshi
Release dateJul 31, 2021
English Sentence Exercises (Part 3): Fill In the Gaps

Manik Joshi

Manik Joshi was born on January 26, 1979, at Ranikhet, a picturesque town in the Kumaon region of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. He is a permanent resident of the Sheeshmahal area of Kathgodam located in the city of Haldwani in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand in India. He completed his schooling in four different schools. He is a science graduate in the ZBC – zoology, botany, and chemistry – subjects. He is also an MBA with a specialization in marketing. Additionally, he holds diplomas in "computer applications", "multimedia and web-designing", and "computer hardware and networking". During his schooldays, he wanted to enter the field of medical science; however, after graduation he shifted his focus to the field of management. After obtaining his MBA, he enrolled in a computer education center; he became so fascinated with working on the computer that he decided to develop his career in this field. Over the following years, he worked at some computer-related full-time jobs. Following that, he became interested in Internet Marketing, particularly in domaining (business of buying and selling domain names), web design (creating websites), and various other online jobs. However, later he shifted his focus solely to self-publishing. Manik is a nature-lover. He has always been fascinated by overcast skies. He is passionate about traveling and enjoys solo-travel most of the time rather than traveling in groups. He is actually quite a loner who prefers to do his own thing. He likes to listen to music, particularly when he is working on the computer. Reading and writing are definitely his favorite pastimes, but he has no interest in sports. Manik has always dreamed of a prosperous life and prefers to live a life of luxury. He has a keen interest in politics because he believes it is politics that decides everything else. He feels a sense of gratification sharing his experiences and knowledge with the outside world. However, he is an introvert by nature and thus gives prominence to only a few people in his personal life. He is not a spiritual man, yet he actively seeks knowledge about the metaphysical world; he is particularly interested in learning about life beyond death. In addition to writing academic/informational text and fictional content, he also maintains a personal diary. He has always had a desire to stand out from the crowd. He does not believe in treading the beaten path and avoids copying someone else's path to success. Two things he alwa...

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    Book preview

    English Sentence Exercises (Part 3) - Manik Joshi

    (Exercise 01)

    Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with the most appropriate word or phrase:

    01. Doctors took ……………..……………..……………..… his vital parameters which came out to be normal.

    (a). down

    (b). along

    (c). after

    (d). upon

    (e). into

    02. Access ……………..……………..……………..… the internet is essential for contacting friends and family.

    (a). with

    (b). for

    (c). to

    (d). in

    (e). at

    03. Whatever you start ……………..……………..……………..…, ensure its completion.

    (a). at

    (b). on

    (c). for

    (d). to

    (e). with

    04. He has been missing ……………..……………..……………..…, four days now.

    (a). since

    (b). from

    (c). at

    (d). for

    (e). upon

    05. She is eager to gather information ……………..……………..……………..… various subjects.

    (a). on

    (b). into

    (c). in

    (d). upon

    (e). toward

    06. I had a great time working ……………..……………..……………..… him.

    (a). onto

    (b). into

    (c). with

    (d). upon

    (e). over

    07. We change and evolve as we go ……………..……………..……………..… in life.

    (a). beneath

    (b). along

    (c). underneath

    (d). towards

    (e). below

    08. I found myself being dragged ……………..……………..……………..… controversy.

    (a). throughout

    (b). through

    (c). within

    (d). into

    (e). inside

    09. He came home to be with his family ……………..……………..……………..… the occasion of New Year.

    (a). for

    (b). in

    (c). to

    (d). off

    (e). on

    10. Nature brings ……………..……………..……………..… positive behavioral change in human beings.

    (a). upon

    (b). about

    (c). down

    (d). over

    (e). upon


    01. (a). down | 02. (c). to | 03. (e). with | 04. (d). for | 05. (a). on | 06. (c). with | 07. (b). along | 08. (d). into | 09. (e). on | 10. (b). about

    Fill In the Gaps -- 02

    (Exercise 02)

    Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with the most appropriate word or phrase:

    01. Should jail terms ……………..……………..……………..… replaced with stiff monetary penalties?

    (a). to have

    (b). have to

    (c). be

    (d). been

    (e). being

    02. He ……………..……………..……………..… spending time visiting beaches and parks around their home.

    (a). has to

    (b). has been

    (c). had to

    (d). had to be

    (e). has had

    03. Reading aloud ……………..……………..……………..… several benefits.

    (a). is said to have

    (b). is have

    (c). have has

    (d). has have

    (e). is having been

    04. I ……………..……………..……………..… compassion for nature and wildlife.

    (a). have always having

    (b). have always being

    (c). had always being

    (d). have always had

    (e). had always been

    05. His house ……………..……………..……………..… by the police on all sides.

    (a). had been surrounded

    (b). had to been surrounded

    (c). has being surrounded

    (d). has being surrounding

    (e). had to been surrounding

    06. He is not the first member of his family ……………..……………..……………..… with a court notice.

    (a). to have been served

    (b). having been serving

    (c). to have being served

    (d). to has been serving

    (e). to has been served

    07. She ……………..……………..……………..… she was admitted to the hospital.

    (a). had to been critical since

    (b). had being critical from

    (c). has to had critical from

    (d). had hainvg critical since

    (e). had been critical since

    08. He ……………..……………..……………..… on a hunger strike demanding financial assistance from the government.

    (a). had to been sit

    (b). had having been sitting

    (c). has being sit

    (d). has to be sitting

    (e). had been sitting

    09. I ……………..……………..……………..… about my birthday.

    (a). am always been excited

    (b). have always been excited

    (c). am having always been excited

    (d). am being always been excited

    (e). have always being excited

    10. He had worked as a teacher for 25 years before ……………..……………..……………..… to the post of the principal.

    (a). having elevated

    (b). have had elevated

    (c). having being elevated

    (d). being elevated

    (e). having elevating


    01. (c). be | 02. (b). has been | 03. (a). is said to have | 04. (d). have always had | 05. (a). had been surrounded | 06. (a). to have been served | 07. (e). had been critical since | 08. (e). had been sitting | 09. (b). have always been excited | 10. (d). being elevated

    Fill In the Gaps -- 03

    (Exercise 03)

    Make meaningful sentences by filling in the gaps with the most appropriate word or

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