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Daily Happiness: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Contentment and the Art of Joyful Living: The Daily Learner, #6
Daily Happiness: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Contentment and the Art of Joyful Living: The Daily Learner, #6
Daily Happiness: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Contentment and the Art of Joyful Living: The Daily Learner, #6
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Daily Happiness: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Contentment and the Art of Joyful Living: The Daily Learner, #6

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About this ebook

Happiness is a state of mind and it is always within us.


Most of us think of happiness as a scarce commodity, something that we only experience when we participate in certain major milestones or life events such as birthdays, weddings, vacations, and family gatherings. But if we choose, we can make happiness an integral part of our everyday life.


Daily Happiness is an attempt to distill the life-changing ideas from the best resources on happiness, fulfillment and contentment in daily easy-to-read meditations. In this book, the knowledge and wisdom of renowned authors and thought leaders such as the 14th Dalai Lama, Martin E.P. Seligman, Dan Harris, Gretchen Rubin, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Daniel Gilbert, Shawn Achor and Matthieu Ricard have been distilled in a form that is easy to digest and consume (even if you're not a reader!). Every meditation has been crafted to give you either the essence and the formula, if you will, of the subject at hand or a groundbreaking idea introduced by the respective author through his work.


The fundamentals to experiencing profound joy and mastering the art of perennial happiness will never change and that's why it's crucial that we learn and practice them in our day-to-day life to advance forward both personally and professionally. The condensed timeless knowledge in these meditations will not only assist you in navigating through the complexities that come with living and working in the modern world, but also help you in your quest to live a happier life enriched with memorable and joyful experiences.

PublisherParth Sawhney
Release dateJul 24, 2021
Daily Happiness: 21 Life-Changing Meditations on Contentment and the Art of Joyful Living: The Daily Learner, #6

Parth Sawhney

Parth Sawhney is an author and success mentor to high-achievers all around the world. Through his writing and other meaningful creations, Parth shares life-changing ideas, insights, and resources related to personal development, philosophy, success mindset, and the human condition. His recent books include The Daily Apple, Thriving in the New Normal, The Way of the Karma Yogi, and The Detachment Manifesto. When he is not working, Parth enjoys spending time in coffee shops and taking long walks.

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    Daily Happiness - Parth Sawhney

    No medicine cures what happiness cannot.

    ― Gabriel García Márquez

    The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters

    ― Audrey Hepburn

    Happiness is a journey, not a destination; happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it’s too late. The time for happiness is today not tomorrow.

    ― Paul H. Dunn


    I’m immensely grateful to you for choosing this book. This particular volume of The Daily Learner series is an attempt to distill the life-changing ideas from the best resources on happiness, fulfillment and contentment in daily easy-to-read meditations.

    Most of us think of happiness as a scarce commodity, something that we only experience when we participate in certain major milestones or life events such as birthdays, weddings, vacations, and family gatherings. But if we choose, we can make happiness an integral part of our everyday life.

    I remember a few years back, I was blessed to have a Buddhist Meditation Center in the neighborhood that I used to live in. I had a great friendship with one of the Buddhist monks and enjoyed talking to her whenever I found myself in the midst of despair and suffering. She was very kind and compassionate. The words that she once spoke to me in our conversations still echo in my mind to this day: Happiness is a state of mind and it is always within us. It took me a while to understand the depth of those words but once I did, it changed my perception of life.

    There is no point in pursuing happiness because it’s an abstract notion. It’s a false premise if we think we will attain happiness by finishing tasks or scratching things off of our to-do list. Happiness is all about awareness.

    Our happiness does not lie caged in a beautifully wrapped box that someone can steal away from us. It’s an illusion that others have control over our happiness. Happiness itself is an illusion in many respects. It’s a heightened, ephemeral sense of feeling good. Happiness never depends on external objects, validation, and circumstances, or our interactions with others. Happiness is always within us. It’s our access to happiness that changes as time passes. If we pursue happiness, it will elude us. Instead, we have to focus on doing things that make us feel good.

    We need to realize that happiness is not bound by conditions. If we make happiness our priority, there will be times when we will be disappointed. We are conditioned by society, media, news, magazines, tabloids and social media that happy people are the ones who are visiting all the amazing vacation spots, getting a diploma from a prestigious university, earning millions of dollars through their job or business, having an extraordinary social circle and an amazing love life. These things are great but they are incorrect metrics for happiness.

    Happiness is a subtle feeling and in order to attain a happy state, a change in perception is needed. It is more about enjoying the present moment and having a sense of belonging to the truth within us. It is in alignment with the beauty within us and the beauty of the world as it is.

    Happiness is not outcome-based but is more about having a life that we enjoy. When we live a life that is in alignment with our intentions and our personality, we get in touch with happiness and are able to experience more of it on a day-to-day basis. When we utilize our talents and do something meaningful in our lives we get more in tune with the happiness within us.

    If we choose happiness as our destination, we will be tied to it. The prison of the destination will cage the freedom of our journey. Happiness is in the journey, in the present moment. Instead of constantly pursuing it, we need to detach from it and instead commit to a life of meaning, excellence and contribution.

    Happiness is analogous to the blue sky. No matter how many clouds, storms and bolts of lightning come up, the blue sky is always present. We think that we are burdened by distractions, obligations and everyday stresses that we just cannot avoid but we fail to understand that the inner state of serenity, tranquility and happiness is always within us. We just need to acknowledge and accept it, especially when we feel distressed and overwhelmed. I suggest watching the Blue sky animation from the Headspace app as it’s a perfect representation of this metaphor.

    If happiness is always within us and if no one can take it away from us, then what’s the reason

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