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Embodied Confidence: 30 Days of Radical Mindset Shifts for Gymnasts
Embodied Confidence: 30 Days of Radical Mindset Shifts for Gymnasts
Embodied Confidence: 30 Days of Radical Mindset Shifts for Gymnasts
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Embodied Confidence: 30 Days of Radical Mindset Shifts for Gymnasts

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A book to help you unlock the power of the mind-body connection that's essential for achieving your peak gymnastics performance.

Release dateAug 8, 2021
Embodied Confidence: 30 Days of Radical Mindset Shifts for Gymnasts

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    Book preview

    Embodied Confidence - Sara Vatore

    Embodied Confidence

    Embodied Confidence

    30 Days of Radical Mindset Shifts for Gymnasts

    Sara Vatore

    Somasynthesis Press

    Copyright © 2021 by Sara Vatore

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    The information in this book is not a substitute for professional medical advice; always consult a physician for physical, emotional, or medical problems. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held liable for any loss, claim, or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book. In the event you use the information in this book for yourself, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-955789-00-4 (paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-955789-01-1 (ebook)

    Somasynthesis Press

    For all the inspiring, passionate gymnasts I have worked with and learned from over the years.

    Thank you!



    Setting the Foundation

    Understanding Affirmations and How to Use Them

    How to work with this book

    1. This is a judgement free zone

    2. My awareness gives me choice

    3. I listen to my body, I honor my body’s needs

    4. I believe in myself

    5. I am excited and motivated by my dreams

    6. I focus on the FEEL of my body DOING my skills (I focus on FEEL)

    7. I sense my feet on the ground and my body in the space. This is my NOW MOMENT

    8. I am centered and focused

    9. My thoughts are not facts

    10. My choice point brings me back into my NOW MOMENT

    11. I create space for REST and RECHARGE

    12. I am calm and relaxed

    13. Curiosity is my default mode

    14. Overthinking is information

    15. My fear is normal

    16. I easily let go of mistakes

    17. I focus on me

    18. I trust myself and I trust my training

    19. I shake it out and reset

    20. I see opportunity in the challenges

    21. My inspiration comes from within myself

    22. My passion for gymnastics fuels my motivation

    23. When I go slower, I arrive sooner

    24. My failures and mistakes are feedback. They lead the way to my success!

    25. My mind and body are in perfect alignment

    26. I am confident!

    27. I let go of my expectations!

    28. Getting out of my comfort zone is my ticket to peak performance

    29. If it is to be, it’s up to me!

    30. I am grateful



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    About the Author


    Did you know that feeling CONFIDENT as a gymnast is possible?

    Hi there! I’m Sara and I’m a Peak Performance Coach.

    I come across too many gymnasts who worry that their fears and self doubts are unusual, believing they’re the only one experiencing these thoughts and feelings!

    I’m here to set the record straight and give you a roadmap to consistently experience more confidence in your training and performance.

    You see, it’s NORMAL for ALL gymnasts to feel scared, frightened, and nervous to do particular skills at some point or another.

    It’s also NORMAL for ALL gymnasts to compare themselves to others, worry about sticking their routines at a meet, or wonder if they’ll ever get to move up to the next level.

    I get it. You want to do a good job. You won’t stop at anything short of perfect to meet your goals.

    And yet, do you find yourself frustrated when you make mistakes or have a bad day at practice? You try so hard, but still don’t feel consistently confident and secure in yourself or your training?

    As someone who has spent over 1000 hours in the gym observing and working with gymnasts and coaches, I’ve heard hundreds of the same kinds of stories:

    Gymnasts who:

    wish they felt more confident

    deal with persistent negative thinking and self doubts.

    wish they knew what to do about feeling scared to go for a new skill.

    get so frustrated at themselves for making mistakes.

    would love to get consistent with their routines.

    have lost skills or feel blocked on skills they’ve been able to do for years.

    constantly compare themselves to their teammates or opponents.

    want to easily calm themselves down before a meet.

    After working with hundreds of gymnasts in and out of the gym it’s clear there’s BASIC information missing from foundational gymnastics education about how our brain and body work, and how this influences athletic performance.

    Fortunately, you can learn how to help your body feel confident! This is a skill, just like learning a back handspring or a handstand.

    You can train your brain to think differently! How would it feel to reduce those negative thoughts and doubts?

    There are simple concepts, practices, and tools you can learn and practice to make you feel more confident, consistent and an overall better gymnast TODAY!

    I wrote this book because every gymnast should have these foundational pieces of mind-body-performance information to make their gymnastics training and competition execution easier, more focused, and more consistent.

    Being a gymnast is hard work. You have to put in the time and effort

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