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Through Withered Weeds Flowers Bloom
Through Withered Weeds Flowers Bloom
Through Withered Weeds Flowers Bloom
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Through Withered Weeds Flowers Bloom

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There is a lot I still don’t know about life or about what the future might bring but I do know who I am and how to incorporate life being more about where we choose to go and not just about where we come from. I believe you can throw out the script we get handed during childhood and make different choices whilst implementing determination and positive affirmation. I have used my faith to demonstrate where I found my strength, this can be applied to any type of belief system someone may have. I hope this book can be an inspiration regardless of who you are or where you are in your own life journey and to encourage that it is not where you start but where you finish that really counts. As a result, I accept the idea that through withered weeds it is truly possible for flowers to bloom.
Release dateJul 30, 2021

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    Through Withered Weeds Flowers Bloom - B. E. Thompson

    About the Author

    B.E. Thompson is a Masters graduate in Coaching Psychology with background experience within the Community Justice Field. Following her journey to achieve her first BA Degree in Criminal Justice to be a Probation Officer, she managed the high risk Intensive programme in the Youth Offending Team then went onto senior management within the housing sector. This role came to an end following her additional role as a carer. B.E Thompson is also a member of her local church where she has spent some time developing and co-ordinating the Prayer Ministry Team, she is also a Tutor and a Work Style Coach and has recently become a CEO and founder of her recruitment service set up to coach, advise and provide support on image and style with the aim to empower individuals and groups seeking employment.


    I would like to dedicate this book to my 2 children who are now amazing strong adults and my grandchild, to encourage them to maintain their strength by making positive choices, never give up on their dreams and aspirations and learn from mistakes. Lastly always seek to adopt healthy behaviours and habits to be the best version of themselves they can be.

    Copyright Information ©

    B.E. Thompson (2021)

    The right of B.E. Thompson to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    All of the events in this memoir are true to the best of the author’s memory. The views expressed in this memoir are solely those of the author

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781398408876 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781398408883 (Hardback)

    ISBN 9781398404267 (ePub e-book)

    ISBN 9781398408890 (Audiobook)

    First Published (2021)

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd

    25 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5LQ


    I first would like to thank God for his grace, guidance, and his continued patience with me along my life journey.

    I would like to thank Bishop TD Jakes and his Ministry for their constructive teaching and mentoring during my journey writing this book.

    I would also like to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries who through her story helped me eliminate shame from my life, build resilience, and transform my pain into a place of power.


    Karen was fifteen when she was placed on Probation. In those days Probation dealt with under 18s. The court placed her on a Supervision Order. To be honest, I don’t know what they wanted supervised but they probably didn’t know what else to do.

    When the order finished I didn’t see Karen for thirty five years, except once after perhaps ten years when she came to my office to ask how to become a probation officer. I told her how it generally happened and she went away. Then, twenty five years later, she made contact again and asked me to write this foreword.

    I had heard nothing of her meanwhile and have no way of substantiating what she has written. But nor would I want to. I don’t think anyone who reads this book would question the authenticity of its horror, brutality and later redemption.

    Thirty five years so, Karen was a lost child. She was also a lost young woman. I never knew about all the terrible things that had happened or would happen to her but I knew enough to realise that she had not been treated right.

    If you want them to act with respect, including to themselves, people must be treated with respect. Karen did not even have her own bed. She was not fed regularly. Her family did not supervise her homework, her clothes or her friends. Having no affection at all at home, she sought it elsewhere. It was most easily available in the wrong places.

    But there is something which Karen herself puts her finger on. She had not been listened to. Being listened to suggests that you are worth listening to. It brings self-respect and self-confidence. When a child says, I want to be an artist you don’t say you can’t draw a straight line; you say, where’s the art college? The child who is believed In will come to believe in herself.

    Then there is nurture. You can’t always be verbally nurturing; it would put people right off. Sharing a bag of nuts and raisins is just as good (she was lucky it wasn’t sunflower seeds incidentally). I was vaguely aware she was hungry. So was she. We ate them together.

    Writing this memoir has enabled Karen to examine her past and see things as they really were. Then she could understand them and finally put them behind her. She says it has been healing. The book may also help others in the same situation. She has achieved a great deal despite horrifying treatment at home

    and elsewhere. You can do it too.

    Jeremy Cameron

    April 2020

    (Jeremy is now a well-known author)


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    Murphy, no, stop. Ooh stop Murphy. Lion ford Murphy was beating my mother yet again. She always screamed at him to stop and I could hear the thuds and furniture trembling from the power of his blows to her body. There was shouting and screaming that was muffled as I moved further and further away from what I was scared to see. I once saw Lion beat her and lent on her leg as if trying to break it. One Sunday when we were getting ready for church my mother was doing her hair in the mirror and he smashed her face into it, there was blood. This was a regular thing in my household growing up as a child, my parents always argued and never seemed to like each other much. I never saw them hug or kiss or show any affection towards each other.

    One late evening my mother and I walked out of the house because she did not want to sleep in the same bed as Lion, this was also a regular pattern for my mother, and she often would leave sometimes in the dead of the night with my two older sister’s, brother and I. We would stay at friends’ homes or even sometimes we would stay with kind strangers that took pity when hearing my mother’s plight. On this particular night I remember my mother left very late in the evening but she only took me with her on this occasion, probably because my sisters shared a room and my brother had his own room so she had no choice to bring me because I slept in my parents room. On other occasions I would be sent to sleep with my sisters but would assume this would happen when they were probably getting on. I remember us walking down the street on this particular night, it was very cold, and I had to run in order to keep up with my mother as she always walked at a very fast pace.

    We arrived at a building, I remember men in black uniforms. They showed us to a room and gave us some blankets, I remember it being very cold. I now know this to be the local Police Station, they allowed us to sleep in one of their police cells. My mother decided to leave after a short while and thanked them as she walked out. We walked back to our house, I remember feeling really cold, my feet and hands were numb, not to mention how tired I was. My mother stood at the bottom of the stairs, she seemed scared, Murphy, (she called Lion-ford Murphy) it’s not fair for Karen to be out at this late time, she is cold and tired can she come up and get some sleep Come up Kaz Lion replied, calling me to come up to bed. I did not really want to leave my mother, where would she go? However, I was also so happy to be able to be in a warm bed. I remember climbing the stairs, they seemed really big as I took the strides with my small legs, and it felt like I was climbing a mountain. I re-call getting into the bed and it being really warm, I was looking forward to finally being comfortable.

    However, that was not to be the case. Lion climbed on top of me and molested me, I re-call it hurting me but not as much as it should have. Could this have happened before? He ejaculated and complained about the mess whilst giving me a cloth to wipe myself. I don’t remember sleeping that night. My childhood was never to be the same again. I did not tell anyone what happened for many years, I kept the secret. Although, I knew it was wrong I did not mind it happening again, you see, it was the only time I ever remember having any physical contact with Lion or anyone else in my family. I did not understand that it was sexual, I did not know what all that meant.

    But somehow I knew it was wrong and that people should not know. How did I know at such a young age? I do believe now that at the time God used one of his angels to plant that ‘wrong’ feeling inside of me because it made all the difference to the rest of

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