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Between Two Seas: A Collection of Short Stories
Between Two Seas: A Collection of Short Stories
Between Two Seas: A Collection of Short Stories
Ebook99 pages1 hour

Between Two Seas: A Collection of Short Stories

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About this ebook

The best-selling author of the Order of the Seers trilogy, To Find You, and The Wolf Queen series brings you four new stories that delve deeply into the beautiful and terrifying contradictions that dwell within all of us.


This genre-bending collection explores the catalysts and consequences of transformation through the tales of a murderous fairy, a wayward explorer, a young girl carving a new fate from the ugliness of her world, and a father and son who hold the power of life and death in their hands.


The truth is often terrible, but within it is the power to grow - the power to change - if we are willing to swim the distance 


between who we are 


who we can become.

Release dateAug 17, 2021
Between Two Seas: A Collection of Short Stories

Cerece Rennie Murphy

Cerece Rennie Murphy fell in love with writing and science fiction at an early age.  It’s a love affair that has grown ever since.  In 2012, Mrs. Murphy published the first book in what would become the best-selling Order of the Seers sci-fi trilogy. In addition to publishing her first time-bending romance titled, To Find You, Mrs. Murphy is working on the release of the 2nd book in the Ellis and The Magic Mirror children’s book series with her son and developing a 2-part science fiction thriller set in outer space.  Mrs. Murphy lives and writes in her hometown of Washington, DC with her husband, two children and the family dog, Yoda.  To learn more about the author and her upcoming projects, please visit her website at

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    Between Two Seas - Cerece Rennie Murphy

    Between Two Seas

    Between Two Seas

    A Short Story Collection

    Cerece Rennie Murphy

    LionSky Publishing

    Copyright © 2021 by Cerece Rennie Murphy

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Cover Illustration: Hilary Wilson

    Cover Design: Anansi & Hayes

    Print Design & Typesetting: Anansi & Hayes

    Author Photo: Kea Taylor, Imagine Photography




    Feast of the Fifolet

    First Blood

    Blue Honey


    About the Author


    To my family and friends, who show me the meaning of love and perseverance every day.

    To my ancestors, for making a way out of no way. Because of your example, I know what to do.

    To my editors, Megan Joseph, Jessica Wick, and Clarence Young. Thanks for asking the hard questions.

    To Jesse Hayes, for making ALL my stuff look good and believing.

    To Karama, Shakima, and Dominique, thank you for taking my dream and making it bigger than I ever could have imagined. What can’t we do?

    And to Kisha, Nakeesha, Leslye, Lynn, Anika, Laurie, Sarah, Toya, Kenya, Noudjal, and Katia, for the constant encouragement and friendship.


    Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Sandra Bland, Duante Wright, Rayshard Brooks, Daniel Prude, Atatiana Jefferson, Aura Rosser, Stephon Clark, Botham Jean, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Freddie Gray, Janisha Fonville, Eric Garner, Michelle Cusseaux, Akai Gurley, Gabrielle Nevarez, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Tanisha Anderson, Trevon Martin, and so many more…..

    My heart is broken, but my will is strong.

    I carry your heart, your potential,

    every good thing you might have done – in me.

    I will make something beautiful from it,

    because you can no longer.

    Watch over us as we carry on.


    Several of the stories in this collection came to me two years ago or more (I first dreamt the story for First Blood ten years ago!), but they all came to fruition between the latter part of 2019 and 2020 and that is significant.

    2020 was a horrible year in many ways and there is no doubt that it ripened my pen for the stories in this collection. Almost all of them explore the violence of race in America in some way, shape, or form. It’s not a subject I deal with usually in my fiction because, contrary to popular belief, I don’t see tragedy and strife as the defining theme of African American people. I see us, our defining story, as one of spectacular triumph. I am the descendent of people who made the impossible happen. Not just once, but every day for about 500 years.

    Black people in America have defied every obstacle put before them to have an influence that is palpable all around the world. The legacy of African American innovation in science, business, literature, visual arts, music, and culture is undeniable and there are only 42 million of us on the planet!

    I am inspired by that legacy. I am honored to be counted among them – to add my small stone to the legacy of our collective excellence. To lift the next generation of Black creators higher, make it a little easier, as so many have done for me. I like to keep my art vibrating at that frequency because ours is not only a sad, mad, bad story. It’s not even mostly a sad, mad, bad story. It’s a story of possibilities and magic, hard work and fantastic vision. It’s what I like to write about.

    But in between my novels, my brain often turns to short stories as a way to reset my cognitive pallet while focusing on questions and thoughts that don’t always make it into my books. Usually, I only write one short story, but one was apparently not enough for these times and so you have this collection.

    I hope you enjoy reading it. But more than that, I hope you enjoy wrestling with the questions in these stories the way I did.

    Happy Reading,


    Feast of the Fifolet

    Mallette rushed forward with the promise of blood so near she could taste it. The damp swell of night stretched across the shallow pools and marshlands of her home like a thick cloak, muting her sense of things near and far, yet Mallette had no trouble finding her way. Her slender wings slid through vines that tickled and scraped. Frightful creatures lurked by the riverbank, their eyes sliding back and forth with the surface of the water, but there was nothing more terrible than her tonight; no one else who dared hasten towards the echoes of agony that shook the forest.

    The cries brought her to where the twisted limbs of the Mother Tree curled along the forest floor stretching nearly a hundred feet. Her bark was as velvety as the philodendron that peeks out from beneath the bush to catch the sun, with a canopy so wide it might one day shelter all the earth, given the chance. If Mallette had her way, the Mother Tree would live to see the next millennia and the one after that.

    She slowed her pace and approached with reverence.

    The hunter who was now her prey waited at the base of the tree, cursing and wailing in pain. Fear cut through his cries like a blunt ax as she drew near. His eyes squinted and bulged, desperate to make sense of the approaching bluish orb against the dark of the forest. Because he could not stand, Mallette kept herself low to the ground as she flitted about –- searching his face. His smell was familiar. She thought she knew him, yet with his features so contorted Mallette could not be sure.

    His eyes crossed themselves as he struggled to track her movements. Beyond the terror and pain, she saw wonder. He had no idea who or what she was, and Mallette felt no compulsion to soothe his curiosity.

    Instead, she darted away, past the open lacings of his trousers and the fresh smell of urine, to inspect the swollen flesh that bulged between the roots of the tree, where his foot lay twisted and crushed.

    Thank you, Mother! she whispered. Thank you for delivering our enemy to me.

    The permission to do this, to reveal herself fully and set this plan in motion, had taken years to bring to fruition. In that time, many of her kindred had died eating the sorrow this hunter and those like him had wrought. After tonight, Mallette promised herself that—at least in her forest—there would be no more.

    With shaking hands, he reached out to her. Help me, please!

    The hard lines of his face flattened, and, for an instant, she could see him clearly. A familiar burning rose in her stomach. Mallette did know this man.

    The tremor in his voice surprised her. An hour ago, the mob to which he belonged had been so boisterous they’d woken every sleeping animal in the forest and driven away those

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