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The Departure
The Departure
The Departure
Ebook65 pages52 minutes

The Departure

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About this ebook

Every hero needs an origin story.

This short story takes place before The Leslie Kim Serials. It explores the hellscape that Earth has become after genetically modified humans go wrong. They are faster, smarter, and they thirst for blood.

Long before Leslie Kim was working as a bounty hunter, his father was seeking vengeance for the love of his life. Chul Kim's determination to avenge his wife and leave Earth forever will not be thwarted by anyone. Not even his own son.

PublisherEliza Stopps
Release dateFeb 15, 2021
The Departure

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    Book preview

    The Departure - Eliza Stopps


    A Child is Born

    THE ROOM WAS COVERED in blood. The nurses had tried to wipe it up where they could, but there was no time. A large clot still sat on the scale in the corner of the room. Chul's hands shook as he held his tiny son in his arms. The boy was six weeks early, yet he had not needed assistance breathing on his own. His wife's blood still smeared across the boy's forehead.

    Chul did not force himself to look at him. He closed his eyes and soaked in the silence. There was a cold burst of air from the vent on the ceiling. It cooled his skin and took the burn from his eyes. The anger in his chest seemed to be crawling out of every pore.

    Time passed at a crawl. It was disrupted by a loud, high-pitched cry from his son. His needs were demanding, and they were urgent. Chul rocked the baby gently and slowly, but his efforts seem to frustrate the child more.

    He pressed the button on the wall that called for the nurse.

    The baby seemed to calm a little when he stood, but he had to be careful not to slip on the blood that pooled in spots on the floor.

    Mr. Kim, you called?

    The nurse had large brown eyes that welled with compassion.

    My son is hungry. I cannot feed him, and he is crying, Chul said.

    The nurse approached him slowly and gently scooped the baby from his arms.

    He's a little cold. I don't think he liked the air blowing on him. I'll take him to the nursery, she said at a whisper.

    Wait – have you heard any more about my wife?

    The nurse paused in the doorway and glanced around the room at the carnage.

    I'll have the doctor come in to speak with you, she assured him. Does the baby have a name?

    No, I'm not sure. My wife was going to choose.

    The nurse offered a faint smile. I’ll have the doctor come in as soon as I can.

    Time ceased to exist while Chul waited. The heavy feeling in his chest didn't move. It was like a bowling ball was sat in the center of it.

    A young doctor knocked on the already open door. He was standing halfway in the hallway, and he leaned in to speak to him. Mr. Kim? I'm Dr. Leoman, who worked on your wife. Why don't you come with me?

    Chul followed the doctor through the hospital until they reached The Morgue.

    No, it isn't possible. Chul said.

    Dr. Leoman rested a hand on his shoulder. I know this is difficult. But we did all that we could. Your wife was very brave-

    I want to see her.

    Dr. Leoman dropped his hand and opened the door with his hospital pass. Inside was a wall of gray, locked boxes, and a metal table in the center of it. A large circular light cast a harsh glare on the white sheet that clearly covered a body. Dr. Leoman held the door for Chul to enter the room and then followed him to the table. The doctor pulled the sheet back and revealed Sarah's face. It looked more like a wax statue of her than the real thing. Sarah had been full of life and the body in front of him almost looked fake.

    How did this happen? Chul asked. He rested his hand on his wife's soft, blonde hair. He brushed a piece of it away from her face and tucked it behind her ear, the way she always did.

    Your wife had already lost a significant amount of blood before she made it to us, Dr. Leoman explained.

    Chul shook his head as the tears dripped from his cheeks onto the cold, metal table.

    Once she was in our care, she had lost about 1000 milliliters of blood. This would have been survivable under normal circumstances. But we did not know how much she had already lost from the attack.

    Dr. Leoman lifted the thin sheet and pulled it back. He brushed her hair away from her neck and revealed a gruesome bite on her neck. The skin around the wound was dark blue and grey.

    Chul covered his mouth with the back of his hand. He felt the burn of

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