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Stories from Beyond the Veil: Volume 1, #1
Stories from Beyond the Veil: Volume 1, #1
Stories from Beyond the Veil: Volume 1, #1
Ebook25 pages14 minutes

Stories from Beyond the Veil: Volume 1, #1

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About this ebook

These stories just happened to me out of nowhere. I have been penning them down since past few years and making a collection, to be published together. For now, this book contains 4 mysteries. I have more stories to tell in future volumes. Hope you love reading them as much as I loved writing them.

PublisherShweta Iyer
Release dateAug 7, 2021
Stories from Beyond the Veil: Volume 1, #1

Shweta Iyer

Shweta has been an avid horror, mystery, thriller, and ghost stories reader. She has a handful of favourites in both English and Marathi literature. The stories in this book are being written and compiled since over a decade now. Only 4 are chosen here and there will be future volumes coming soon. Happy reading ❣️💌

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    Book preview

    Stories from Beyond the Veil - Shweta Iyer

    The Trainee

    "Y ou look so harried ...frustrated! She looked a little concerned. Then she smiled her disarming smile. Go to the roof and scream your lungs out. Don't let it pile on inside your head. We don't want mad trainers making our employees insane."

    And then she laughed. Both of them laughed. It was silly, but he could never help it once she started laughing. He had to join in. The trainer - former trainer and his former trainee.

    Her laughter kept ringing in his ears as he looked at that sky-scraper. The tallest in this neighbourhood. No one would know. No one will see him. Nobody would hear him.

    Why are you always so unapproachable?

    Her voice in his head.

    The sky was overcast. It was only 2 in the afternoon, but it looked like twilight. Even the Sun didn't want to look at him.

    Just spread your hands out to the sky and fall back on the grass. Embrace life. It's so beautiful!

    He could still see the green meadow. Her laughter. Her twinkling eyes. Her flowing, sky blue dupatta.

    'Why didn't I ever realise? Or did I? Why was I always such a fool?'


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