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The Bones of Ruin
The Bones of Ruin
The Bones of Ruin
Ebook620 pages10 hours

The Bones of Ruin

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An African tightrope walker who can’t die gets embroiled in a secret society’s deadly gladiatorial tournament in this “bloodily spectacular” (Chloe Gong, New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights) historical fantasy set in an alternate 1880s London, perfect for fans of The Last Magician and The Gilded Wolves.

As an African tightrope dancer in Victorian London, Iris is used to being strange. She is certainly an unusual sight for leering British audiences always eager for the spectacle of colonial curiosity. But Iris also has a secret that even “strange” doesn’t capture…​

She cannot die.

Haunted by her unnatural power and with no memories of her past, Iris is obsessed with discovering who she is. But that mission gets more complicated when she meets the dark and alluring Adam Temple, a member of a mysterious order called the Enlightenment Committee. Adam seems to know much more about her than he lets on, and he shares with her a terrifying revelation: the world is ending, and the Committee will decide who lives…and who doesn’t.

To help them choose a leader for the upcoming apocalypse, the Committee is holding the Tournament of Freaks, a macabre competition made up of vicious fighters with fantastical abilities. Adam wants Iris to be his champion, and in return he promises her the one thing she wants most: the truth about who she really is.

If Iris wants to learn about her shadowy past, she has no choice but to fight. But the further she gets in the grisly tournament, the more she begins to remember—and the more she wonders if the truth is something best left forgotten.
Release dateSep 7, 2021

Sarah Raughley

Sarah Raughley grew up in Southern Ontario writing stories about freakish little girls with powers because she secretly wanted to be one. She is a huge fangirl of anything from manga to sci-fi fantasy TV to Japanese role-playing games and other geeky things, all of which have largely inspired her writing. Sarah has been nominated for the Aurora Award for Best YA Novel and works in the community doing writing workshops for youths and adults. On top of being a YA writer, Sarah has a PhD in English, which makes her a doctor, so it turns out she didn’t have to go to medical school after all. As an academic, Sarah has taught undergraduate courses and acted as a postdoctoral fellow. Her research concerns representations of race and gender in popular media culture, youth culture, and postcolonialism. She has written and edited articles in political, cultural, and academic publications. She continues to use her voice for good. You can find her online at

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Writing is stilted, character dialogue is not well differentiated, characters who are purportedly intelligent...aren't. The plot is interesting and unique. Also I don't feel like Max's superpower makes sense as explained.

    I just wish the book were well written because everything else is good.

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The Bones of Ruin - Sarah Raughley

Cover: The Bones of Ruin, by Sarah Raughley

The Bones of Run

Sarah Raughley


The Bones of Ruin, by Sarah Raughley, Margaret K. McElderry Books



October 1, 1884

925 days since the Spring Day Massacre

A SECOND SET OF KNOCKS on the front door once again interrupted Adam Temple’s very important business.

All right, all right, Adam muttered, closing his hooded eyes as he stayed his hand. Ever the persistent one, that woman.

But it was no more than a minor annoyance. With the rain beating the arched windows and the wind howling in the darkness outside, providing shelter to his esteemed visitor came first. It’s what a gentleman would do, even in this situation. Indeed, he’d given his servants the night off, so the door was his to get.

Straightening up, he casually tossed his bloody knife onto the mantel of the roaring cast-iron fireplace. He looked fondly up at the golden-framed portrait of his mother, the baroness, hanging above it. She’d been a puritanical woman, lovely and stoic, her braided brown hair muted by canvas oils. Her authoritarian gaze aimed daggers at him.

Now, don’t look at me like that, Mother, he thought with a little grin before heading out into the foyer.

The rapping on the door made the crystals of the chandelier above him jingle brightly like bells, their light dancing along the dark carmine walls. To his left, a clay bust of his father, John Temple, cowered in the corner behind the twisting wooden staircase, but Adam spared no time for it. He would return to him later. The rapping had evolved into a frenzied pounding.

How typical of Madame. Don’t be so impatient, Violet, he whispered as his hand reached for the knob. The opened door revealed a beautiful woman standing in the granite threshold of his family manor, a woman who tried very hard the moment she caught sight of his blue eyes to transform her frustrated scowl into a pleasant, welcoming smile.

Madame Violet Bellerose was the very vision of a lady: Not a splash of rain had touched her long black gloves, nor her burgundy overdress, the same color as her gathered-up hair, because her servant—a dreadful-looking man, soaked from head to toe, with the expression and pallor of a corpse—held up a black umbrella to keep her dry. Her skirt fell straight at the front but draped elaborately at the back, billowing majestically below the waist as she crossed the doorway.

Well, she said, her own pearl-colored parasol an unopened decoration in her hands, isn’t it always lovely to visit Yorkshire at night? Her French accent was as solid as the pearls draped around her neck. She turned to her servant. Pierre, you’ll wait outside, won’t you?

She didn’t wait for an answer before she slammed the door in the wet man’s face. The wind and rain raged on behind it.

And now they were alone.

"My, the weather is just terrible. She inched closer to him, her boots crisp against the marble. Feels like the end of days, doesn’t it?"

Adam wasn’t surprised when her slender fingers found his cheek sooner than he could blink, caressing his jawline up to his admittedly very unkempt black hair. The first time he’d met her, seven years ago, his father had entertained her in this manor. Adam was fourteen at that time, home from Eton, and she more than a decade older, but he could feel the illicit hunger in her eyes for him even then, as sure as he could now.

It wasn’t a particularly pleasant experience or an unpleasant one. Her touch never shook his heart one way or another. Dealing with Madame Bellerose in any capacity required care and the utmost precaution. She was one of the more intelligent members of the Committee, after all. And while all of the members could brag of wealth, power, and an impressive body count, not all could boast of superior intellect. When in the presence of Madame Bellerose, it was imperative that he be in complete control of himself.

He was balancing on the edge of a knife.

My, Adam, you only grow more handsome every time I see you. She rested her finger underneath her red lips as if it were the Sword of Damocles dangling above his head, her thumb caressing her pointed chin in amusement. Beautiful balanced features, delicate and fairy-like. Soft like a woman’s and yet somehow so masculine in its shape.

She admired him like a painting that she could never have no matter how many times she asked—and she had asked many times.

Though your hair could use a bit of a comb, young man, she added in a scolding tone unsuited to her. He could feel her fingers grazing his scalp as she ran them through his hair. "Despite that little oversight, I’m sure any young British lady would just die to be your wife. If we hadn’t killed your father, I’m sure he would have set up an arrangement immediately."

Scoffing, Adam stepped away from her, widening the distance between them to a more comfortable degree. In life, my father was never interested in such things. He could barely stand me. He certainly didn’t trust me.

I suppose he was right in both regards.

As if she’d suddenly grown bored of his beauty, she peeked into the living room. Her blue eyes glinted dangerously, and certainly not because of the new neoclassical furniture he’d brought into the estate. She was used to expensive things; she’d inherited many from her family’s part in the slave trade, the abolition of which, she always maintained, was one of France’s biggest mistakes.

"Why, that monsieur! Might he be…?"

With a gentlemanly sweep of his arm, Adam gestured for the madame to enter first.

You are a loyal boy, aren’t you?

As loyal as the Committee needs me to be.

A smart boy too.

Madame Bellerose scurried into the living room. It was a spacious room, where his family used to spend much of their time together when all were alive, though the parlor in the east wing was another close favorite, a particular joy for his uncle Byron, now sadly committed. But by the sudden drop of her long face, Adam knew the carnage was clearly too contained for her taste. Golden-framed portraits of the Temple family lined the floral walls and mocked her with their spotlessness: Along with his mother sandwiched between two golden light fixtures above the fireplace, there was his cherubic little brother and beloved older sister. His grandfather. Oh, and a space where his father’s portrait used to be, a painting that now lay discarded in a closet somewhere. Gathering dust.

On one side of the fireplace, a bust of Michelangelo’s David, bloodless, with not even a scratch upon it. And on the other, a low mahogany rocking chair next to a handcrafted, gold-trimmed monopodial table, carvings telling ghoulish stories along its single leg. Clean.

No broken mirror. No intestines draped across the piano. Adam had kept the carnage to a minimum. The only blood in sight dripped from the chest, arms, and lips of the graying, middle-aged man tied to a chair in the center of the living room and collected in a respectable crimson pool on the earth-toned Persian rug. Adam was never one for a mess, but Madame Bellerose had a taste for the macabre, so he did what he could for her within reason. He picked the bloody knife back up off the mantel.

Rain continued to batter the windows from behind the dark velvet curtains. Though Bellerose was not quite satisfied with the level of bloodshed, she was just fine, as he’d correctly predicted, with the man’s lifeless body. Neville Bradford—an old bosom friend of his father’s.

Madame Bellerose scuttled over to his body, her heels muffled against the carpet. There, she bent down low to listen to his breathing.

Dead. She took a step back from him, clapping her hands. The poor man’s heart must have given out after whatever you did to him. Her eyes greedily drank in the sight of his blood-soaked cotton shirt, unbuttoned at the top, revealing some of his stained chest hairs. You’ve done a fine job.

Adam approached her, his hands behind his back. I just hope it’s to the Committee’s liking.

"Of course. We can’t afford any loose ends or open lips—not when the tournoi has yet to begin. She let out a whimsical sigh. You’re aware that it was your father who was supposed to be in your place. Now that both he and this man are gone, his responsibility falls on you."

And I take on the responsibility with great honor and humility. He bowed his head ever so slightly.

Madame Bellerose’s laughter was like the shriek of a crow in the night. He suppressed a wince, rather proud of his uncanny ability to keep his expression so cordial.

Such a sweet tongue. Grabbing his chin, she drew her face to his. "Though I always imagined silver would taste a little bitterer."

She gave the chair a hard shove so quickly Adam’s breath hitched, but it wasn’t anything he hadn’t anticipated. As it toppled over to the floor, taking Neville with it, Adam closed the gap between himself and Madame Bellerose, catching her lips with his. She was momentarily taken aback, but then answered hungrily, just as Adam knew she would. It was a necessary distraction. Had she not been preoccupied with his kiss, she would have been watching carefully for a yell, a gasp, any sign of life that would signal Adam’s betrayal.

Adam’s mouth was still wet and painted a messy red from Madame’s lipstick when he grabbed her shoulders and gently pushed her away from him. Both eyes slid to Neville, lying on the floor. Madame Bellerose leaned over and waited. Nothing. He was a sack of flesh.

You’re certainly thorough, he said, maintaining his amiable expression.

And he’s certainly dead. Madame Bellerose pulled up her left glove, in danger of slipping down her elbow because of the suddenness of their exchange. And you, full of surprises. She rubbed her bottom lip with a finger, biting down as she stared at his.

That hunger of yours was always your weak point, madame. Adam lowered his head with a little smile.

Well, there’s nothing wrong with a little surprise carnality, she said. But if you were trying to curry favor with me just now, you needn’t have. You’ve already earned your seat, boy. The rest of the Committee will be pleased when I relay the message at our next meeting.

"You will relay the message, won’t you?"

Dear Adam, I would never betray you, she said. Not at all convincing. But then, as if to remind him, she suddenly took off her right glove and flashed her palm. It was only in the moonlight that the symbol there hummed dully in her flesh—a pink scar patterned in the shape of a sword through a skull. The Oath Maker. It was meant to be proof of her word, but such a thing didn’t exist as far as Adam was concerned. Still, he knew he’d have to accept it for now.

We shall have to make sure our tracks are covered. As a political figure, Mr. Bradford’s kidnapping and murder will not go unnoticed. Benini is an expert in such things. He’s already agreed to take care of it. I certainly enjoy corpses, but the cleanup involved… She shuddered. Now that this particular business is over, she said, moving closer, what shall we do for the rest of the night?

I must ask you to kindly take your leave, Adam said just as her hand reached up to him once more. It stopped in midair. It’s late, madame. Close to midnight. You should be getting back to the hotel. There are arrangements I’ve still to complete.

Madame Bellerose let her quiet fury simmer into a strained smirk. Ever so accommodating.

She slapped him. It rather hurt.


After her expression softened, she tapped him on the nose. Oh, I understand, you delightful little boy.

Adam winced from pain as she suddenly grabbed his cheeks once more with the red nails of her ungloved hand and squeezed harder than she need have. He was growing tired of this.

We shall have to have dinner soon. She brought her lips close to his. I’m still making my own arrangements for the grand event, but while I’m in England, there’s no need for us to be estranged, is there? I needn’t remind you that there isn’t much time left for us to enjoy the little luxuries of this world. She paused just before reaching his warm, open mouth. You’ll visit me in London, won’t you?

As surely as the sun will rise, he lied. Wasting not another moment, he hastily showed her to the door and walked back into the living room alone, opening one side of the velvet curtain so he could watch her leave. Only when her carriage was completely out of his sight did he pick the fallen chair back up from the floor. As the legs hit the rug, Neville Bradford let out the breath he’d been holding, desperately gulping in the air as his whole body shook in pain.

That took dedication. Adam laughed a little because he hadn’t expected Mr. Bradford to take his words so dearly to heart. Do you hear that? That is a member of the Committee, come to make sure I’ve killed you, he’d told him after the first set of knocks. But if you only pretend to be dead, I’ll spare your life. The kiss with Madame Bellerose would have given Mr. Bradford time to suck in another breath. A necessary evil.

So. Mr. Bradford coughed out the words once he’d caught his breath. You’ll let me go, won’t you?

Well, there’s still the matter of the question you haven’t answered. Adam pointed the tip of his bloody knife against a finger. I wouldn’t have been torturing you otherwise, he added with a shrug and leaned in so that they were at eye level, the closeness drawing a shudder from the older man. The whereabouts of my father. We both know he isn’t in the grave.

Mr. Bradford pressed his pallid lips together.

Where has he gone to, Mr. Bradford? I need something from him.

Stubborn. Annoyingly stubborn. But since he was yet another victim of his father’s carelessness, he had Adam’s sympathy. He certainly wouldn’t be in this position if John Temple had known to keep his mouth shut too.

Come now, Mr. Bradford! Adam skipped around him and gripped his shoulders as if to ease him with a massage. Bradford let out a gasp of pain. You betrayed my father to me once. He leaned in. Surely it shouldn’t be so difficult to do it again.

I shouldn’t have done so in the first place.

Adam’s jaw clenched at the regret in the man’s voice. You’re in this situation now because of what my father told you and Mr. Anderson in confidence—information you thought could help procure your seat on the Committee. That knowledge now has you marked for death. If you want to avoid Mr. Anderson’s fate, all you have to do is let me know where my father is. You’re a political beast, aren’t you? You should be able to sniff out a good deal when it comes your way.

What happened to you, Adam? Mr. Bradford let out a series of bloody coughs before he looked back at him, this time with an air of pity that irked the younger man. Is it because of the Committee? You’re not like them. I wanted to be so badly, but I…

Yes, the two of them were once under consideration for his father’s vacant seat. Now the older man’s forehead wrinkled as he furrowed his brow, regret engrained deep in his pained expression. Adam sighed impatiently and walked over to the window.

You’re still young, Mr. Bradford continued as Adam leaned against the curtain. "You can still turn back. You’re better than them."

Adam softened his gaze, considering his words, and yet still stared at the quivering man so intensely he could almost feel an electrical charge between them. The spark that separates life and death. I’ll ask one more time. Where is my father?

Mr. Bradford’s steadfast resolution was admirable, Adam had to admit. If only it was for someone more deserving. I betrayed him once, the man said. I will not do it again.

Neville Bradford was a man Adam had known all his life. He would come over to the Temple Estate with his bowler hat and his pipe and read the newspaper to him in brighter times. Neville Bradford and Carl Anderson had been his father’s bosom friends since their school days. And so Adam’s heart sank at his answer. But Adam wasn’t a child anymore. He’d already murdered Mr. Anderson, and he could and would kill again.

There was something that mattered to him now more than anything ever had before.

The grandfather clock on the opposite end of the room struck midnight with echoing fervor. Adam drew the left curtain wide and opened the window, not at all bothered by the rain wetting his hair and clothes. Turning back, he leaned against the window ledge once more just as a pair of leather shoes landed lightly upon it.

The stranger’s appearance drew a weak cry for help from Mr. Bradford’s lips, but the man draped in a black cape did not respond. He only tipped his top hat and bowed.

Adam smirked. His servant was nothing if not punctual.

Fool, Adam greeted the strange man without looking at him, though he could see his harlequin mask in the mirror on the other side of the room, split black and white down the middle with black oval eyes and a pair of golden lips pressed together in neither a frown nor a smile. What have you seen?

Luck is finally on your side, my lord. Fool spoke in a voice that seemed always on the verge of laughter, pointed as the plucked string of a cello. We’ve found her.

Adam’s heart skipped a beat as he pushed off the window ledge. Are you certain?

We spotted the girl and her circus caravan in Paris.

Caravan? A boyish laugh escaped from Adam’s lips. Just what has she been up to? Good. Don’t lose track of her.

Strange. The circus? A majestic being like her—what need did she have to make money, especially in such a garish way? It wasn’t what he was expecting. Then again, the assumption that he could ever ascertain her thoughts was a sin in and of itself. As the glower of his mother’s portrait bore down on him, he felt the sudden need to repent.

Still. He would have Fool look into it.

For now, he was excited. More excited than he had been in a long time. His heart was beating, his face flushing, his fingers clenching as the thrill surged through him. Only for his ecstasy to be ruined by Mr. Bradford’s disapproving grunt.

Bradford, who knew what he shouldn’t know, and what Adam desperately needed to know.

Bradford, who could destroy everything that mattered to him with just a word.

All thanks to his father.

Stupid boy, Mr. Bradford said, swearing through gritted teeth. "If what John told me is true, then you have no idea the kind of chaos you’re about to find yourself in the middle of. Just forget all this, Adam. Forget all of it. I will. You have nothing to worry about from me. I swear!"

Adam shut his eyes, not wanting to see a man he once respected for his political vigor and ferocity suddenly so willing to grovel under the guise of fatherly advice.

Just return to your studies and forget it all, my boy. Bradford’s breathing was labored. "Go back to the way you were. Or, if you wish, we can think of another way to deal with… with what’s to come. The… th-the cataclysm. The Hiva—"

Adam’s hand twitched. Wordlessly, he placed the knife carefully on the window ledge next to Fool’s black leather shoes.

Please! Let me go, dear boy! I will go to my contacts in Parliament and—

Adam’s eyes snapped open, and without skipping a beat, he grabbed the revolver hidden in the back of his trousers and shot Bradford through the head. The man slumped over dead as the gun’s smoke cast shadows across Adam’s face.

Rain dripped down the back of his hair as the wind roared on.

Was that really necessary? Fool cocked his head to the side. "The window is open."

"I don’t want the Crown or the Committee to know more than they already do. Besides, there’s nobody around for miles. After tossing the gun to the floor, Adam lowered his head. That’ll be all. Leave."

Fool never needed telling twice. Dipping his top hat, he bid adieu and disappeared into the cloudy, chaotic night, his black cape fluttering with the wind.

His blood is on your hands, Father, Adam thought bitterly, taking in the sight of Bradford’s lifeless body with a heavy heart. "And there is no going back," he whispered.

A promise made between a young man and a corpse in the middle of the night.



The existence of monsters calls into question the capacity of life to teach us order…

The monster is not only a living being of reduced value, it is a living being whose value is to be a counterpoint…

The vital counter-value is thus not death but monstrosity. Death is the permanent and unconditional threat of the organism’s decomposition, the limitation from without, the negation of the living by the nonliving. Monstrosity is the accidental and conditional threat of incompleteness or distortion in the formation of the form; it is the limitation from within, the negation of the living by the nonviable…





London Evening Standard

12 October 1884

The thirtieth birthday of Mrs. Catherine Wells, wife of the President of the Brighthand Literary Association, abruptly ended in chaos. Held on the evening of the eleventh of October in Agricultural Hall, the forty ladies and gentlemen present at the occasion were rushed out of the venue just before dinner was served. According to eyewitnesses, a young man dressed in very meager clothing entered the hall uninvited and, with no apparent cause, promptly exploded in a burst of electricity. Somehow, the man kept his head. While the hall was in disarray, many bystanders reportedly caught sight of the strange man stealing chatelaine bags and metal coin purses from the waists and necks of several ladies as they ran. He then escaped in the pandemonium with these items in hand.

A rational man would dismiss these witness statements as the ramblings of drunkards; but while Mrs. Wells’s soiree indeed provided respectable amounts of alcohol along with tea, these stories hover too familiarly close to the unexplainable events occurring throughout the city and beyond. Despite this, the government remains rather quiet on such matters, particularly these days. Much more parliamentary attention is, as of late, being lavished upon Britain’s recent guests, the special envoys from Africa whose steamer docked at Plymouth two evenings ago. The delegates, said to be of royal blood, have come from the Oil Rivers region of the west coast to persuade the government to intervene in the National African Company’s mining projects in the lower Niger region. Though the government certainly has a duty to manage its colonial affairs overseas, there are growing concerns that the strange happenings at home have become entirely too frequent over the past decade to ignore for much longer…

October 23, 1884

She’s going to fall! a girl cried. My God, she’s going to die! I can’t look!

Iris picked the voice out from among the chaotic shouts in the alley twenty feet below her, though admittedly only because of its tone, a shriek so nasal that Iris thought she would slip off the tightrope from cringing. The rope itself was fixed from the third stories of two buildings—an old mill and a bakery. It took all her discipline not to drift along with the devilishly seductive, sweet scent of bread rising from the red-bricked chimney. The fresh aroma signaled that there were still bakers who hadn’t yet rushed out of the building to witness George Coolie’s carefully planned morning spectacle.

Carefully planned, yes. Meticulously planned. One wouldn’t typically find a gorgeous, dignified lady like herself balancing on a string between two very tall buildings without a satisfactory reason, at least not so early in the morning. The Coolie Company needed promotion for their first show since returning to England, and London in particular had no shortage of entertainment. From Piccadilly to Westminster, it was a strange town with an insatiable appetite for freakery—and Coolie, ever the businessman, did his utmost to use this fact to his monetary advantage.

Coolie… As if her mind was punishing her, that money-grubbing man had snuck back into her thoughts, particularly his red face shouting at her at daybreak in front of all the other performers at camp.

"You know very damn well how important this is, so I don’t want any mistakes. Not one. We need to get those bloody butts in the seats, you hear?"

He’d seemed more agitated than usual, his square balding head dripping sweat, his gut jiggling with each swear. Coolie kept his appearance as tidy as he kept his manners.

She shivered as a chilly breeze brushed past her bare shoulders and arms. Coolie had her in one of her performance costumes: a bright peppermint-green dress that hugged her chest and fanned out in layers of tulle, leaving everything past her knees bare. Skillfully sewn, courtesy of Granny Marlow, but not her attire of choice for such a cold morning, to be sure. Not in the least a proper dress for a lady either, but the circus tended to have looser rules of attire than regular civil society.

Besides, Iris was sure there was not a single soul in the gawking crowd below her that truly thought of her as a lady according to their traditional standards.

That colored circus girl is going to die for sure! she heard a young man yell. I’ll bet you money, she’s going to fall and crack her head open right here on the road.

Just the usual.

Iris sighed. The wind fluttered the boa feathers weaved into her black hair, which, despite its length and coarse texture, had somehow been pressed down and rolled up into an ordered bun at the base of her neck—once again courtesy of the hours Granny Marlow spent lovingly doting on her.

Iris was a spectacle, to be sure: George Coolie’s own professed African rope-dancer, a girl who, according to him, he’d plucked straight out of the Congo jungles, where she’d grown up among the lions and jackals—and after rescuing her single-handedly from the heart of darkness, he’d trained her to become the greatest stunts woman England had ever seen.

A lie. And of course people believed it. Well, according to Coolie, Stupid people believe anything, my dear. Cruel, but accurate.

The truth was, she’d found him in his office ten years ago after he’d put on a rather disappointing show in Blackburn. He was very drunk, and to get to his desk, she’d had to quite carefully maneuver around half-broken bottles of bourbon and strewn-about paperwork, some of which documented his never-ending gambling debts.

Despite the mess, she’d asked for a job.

Coolie had quickly realized the gift he’d been given after witnessing proof of her abilities—her uncanny senses, her hunter-like nimbleness. And though this particular audience of gawking Londoners hardly deserved it, what with the unflattering names they shouted up at her, Iris completed her task as the job commanded and gave them the same wondrous sight she gave every crowd, every performance. To the gasps and screams of many, she tumbled upon the tightrope, her small bare feet gripping the rope with ease, staying in perfect balance.

Coolie had once remarked that her instincts were otherworldly. Well, of course; rope-dancing was a dangerous art that required the utmost precision and, paradoxically, a certain sense of reckless abandon, a devil-may-care attitude that allowed the dancer to at least pretend that she didn’t care one way or the other whether she lived or died.

Most dancers did care, even if they feigned otherwise. Iris did not. And she didn’t have to pretend either.

Since she couldn’t die.

Oh my, there goes the other one!

The sound of an excited woman down below signaled the arrival of Iris’s partner. Her foot had touched down at the end of the rope. She turned just in time to see the young man leap into the air from the ledge of the bakery rooftop, so high children were screaming. Surely he’d miss his mark, they must have thought frightfully. Surely the sheer force of the wind would blow him off course as he twisted his body like a gymnast in the air. Just a fraction to the right or to the left and he’d be reduced to a fleshy smear upon the pavement.

But this was a trick the young man dubbed Jinn had performed many times before. Over his white body-length tights was a pair of beige billowing pants that cinched in at his knees; an orange vest hugged tight against his slender chest. His white tights made it more difficult to grasp the rope, but his toes gripped it nonetheless, his feet steady.

Iris’s eyes rolled quickly with just a flicker of annoyance as she heard swooning down below, likely due to her partner’s striking physical features. Very few of them could resist the sight of his sandy skin glowing under the sun or his chestnut-brown hair fluttering with the breeze. It happened after every show, like clockwork. The moment the curtains closed, a good handful of audience members, women and men alike, would discreetly find their way backstage to catch a glimpse of the bedazzling young man, a boy of nineteen, to gaze upon his sharp jawline up close, his long fluttering lashes, his slender build and angular nose. And each time they saw him, his dark, catlike eyes would stare back at them with a chilling, almost hateful expression that either chased them away or enticed them further.

Iris gazed into them now, but only—as she inwardly insisted—to watch for her cue. Their routine was a complicated one.

Simultaneously, the dancers lifted their arms and waved to the crowd neither of them particularly liked. The Nubian Princess and the Turkish Prince, Coolie dubbed the pair, because it was easy for Londoners to remember and exciting enough to bring in those with an appetite for the so-called exotic. Coolie had given Jinn his stage name for that exact reason as well.

You have a wild look in your eyes, boy, Coolie had once said in his growling tone while balancing a cigar on thin lips. "Like a tiger in a cage. The jinn are like devils to you people, aren’t they? The name will be a perfect fit. It’ll make you look even more dangerous. The audience will love it! I’ll bet they don’t see too many Ottomans in the circus."

Coolie didn’t much care for sensitivity or accuracy. Jinn had silently accepted the name anyway, never protesting, never sharing his real name no matter how many times Iris pestered him for it, and never speaking of the parents who’d given it to him. It wasn’t as if anyone would care, Coolie had told them. Least of all the audience.

For Iris, it wasn’t so fun to be inspected and dissected by the gaze of people who saw her as nothing more than a curious oddity. But she’d been given a task today, and the work she completed for the Coolie Company had so far rewarded her with food, funds, and a temporary home. That was enough for now.

She nodded to Jinn, who nodded back. Together, to gasps and applause, they wheeled their bodies sideways, their hands touching down first, their feet catching the rope at the same time. The distance and timing had to be calculated to the letter: Jinn’s strong, slender legs were quite longer than hers as a man that stood above five foot ten. The top of her head brushed the bottom of his neck, and so they carefully measured out the length of their strides.

A squeeze of her hand, a strong upward toss, and Iris was in the air, flipping. She had to admit, there was something a little thrilling about the sheer terror her feats inspired in spectators who mistakenly believed she followed the same rules of life and death as they did. There was a collective sigh of relief as her toes expertly touched down upon the rope behind her partner. Their aerial routines were her favorite. Kissing the air, touching the face of the heavens even just for one moment gave her the feeling of freedom she longed for. Freedom was hard to come by for someone in hiding.

Where better to hide a freak than in a circus?

Oi. Behind her, Iris could hear Jinn hissing amid the chatter below. "You’re doing too many rotations in the air. I’ve told you before: if you overdo it, you won’t be able to spot your landing. Or maybe you really do want to fall and crack that thick skull of yours?"

Iris narrowed her eyes, but it was a stretched-out, forced grin he saw when she swiveled around to face him. It never ceased to amaze her how someone who seemed so quietly feral could in reality have such a nagging disposition. A cantankerous old geezer trapped in a handsome, youthful body. And he’d been as much ever since they began working together.

My rotations were fine. I found the rope, didn’t I? Iris insisted through a gritted smile.

Jinn smirked. Luckily for you.

Luck has nothing to do with it. Not when you’re as good as I am. Lifting her arms above her head she twirled on one foot, adjusting for the sudden force of the wind. Beautiful and elegant like a ballerina on a stage not nearly so high. "You should be aware by now, Jinn, but I’m in perfect control of my body."

But her breath hitched in her throat and her heart gave a flutter as Jinn’s hands suddenly clasped her waist, catching her off guard. The little smirk on his face told her he’d noticed her tremble. Drat.

"Perfect control." He stifled a laugh before lifting her high in the air, much to the audience’s delight.

"Ladies and gentlemen—doesn’t this sight thrill you? Doesn’t it make you just quiver in the utmost ecstasy of excitement?"

Coolie was always a bit of a ham when advertising. Iris couldn’t see him among the crowd below as her gaze was focused on Jinn’s for the sake of her concentration, but she recognized the circus proprietor’s voice well enough after hearing it for the past ten years.

If you want to see more, you’re in luck. George Coolie’s company is putting on a show beginning tonight at Astley’s Amphitheatre. Jugglers and clowns, acrobats and animals—there’ll be no shortage of the wonders you’ll witness!

On cue, Jinn tossed her up as they’d practiced.

Ah, she sighed. She could feel him. Jinn. There, in the sky, she could feel his warmth, his kindness, his presence. His essence. More strongly than a regular human should. This wasn’t about some crush. This was that otherworldliness Coolie often spoke of when referring to her abilities. Her instincts. Her uncanny senses. Though she couldn’t see him, she could feel Coolie too if she concentrated hard enough. How and why was the endless mystery that defined her life.

Jinn caught her again, keeping his hands strong and steady around her waist. She trusted him. Trusted him with her life. And though she wasn’t particularly concerned about preserving it, she relished it nonetheless. Theirs was a bond not so easily broken, an assurance borne from two years of camaraderie.

No matter how far she flew, his hands would find her every time.

And so she closed her eyes, letting him throw her up into the air again.

Iris breathed in the air. Spotting of a pair of butterflies, she watched them happily, their large wings, bright orange and pink, glinting in the light of the sun. A peace always washed over her when she was high in the sky. Up there with the birds, she could feel her blood pumping through her veins, sense the gentleness of the nature around her. She could hear her own heart beating and wondered to herself, in that silent moment, how long it had actually been beating for.

The day she arrived at Coolie’s doorstep was the first day of her life that she remembered. Everything that may have happened in the weeks and months and years before was under lock and key somewhere deep in her mind. An unsettling condition, one temporarily eased only when she was flying free in the sky.

When she first began working for Coolie’s company, most of the other workers at the circus had believed her to be around seventeen or eighteen years old. And slowly as the decade passed, many of them began to wonder why her youthful face had not aged a day. She’d wondered the same thing. She still wondered, though she tried not to.

It hurt to ask questions with not even a hint as to the answer. Sometimes, during those lonely nights, it hurt more than death. And she knew death.

It’s the way a lot of them are, those Africans, she’d heard a juggler say one day as they were cleaning out the buckets for the caged tigers. They don’t age quickly, I swear it. I’ve heard Granny Marlow’s hair didn’t start to gray until she crossed sixty.

It was a good enough explanation for now, though another decade or so and it’d be rather difficult to hide her un-aging body, even in a place known to revel in oddities. Iris knew her time was running out. The anxiety of when it would end often prickled her skin.

Hmm… you’ve gotten rather heavy, Jinn casually noted as he held his position underneath her.

Iris pried her eyes open for the glare she aimed at him. How dare you, she snipped.

Really, though. This is harder than it should be.

Quiet, you crank. Though the corner of her lips turned upward.

With a push, he bent back and let her drop to the rope behind her. The crowd erupted. An expert routine from only the best.

"Hmph. Still speaking as arrogantly as a real royal," Jinn said as they both waved to their adoring spectators.

And who says I’m not one? she returned with a little smile.

A short-lived smile, for her eyes had just caught a curious sight down below. A young man stood apart from the rest of the crowd, watching. His black tweed sack coat was open just enough for her to see his vest and gray shirt. Well-cut trousers and pristine shoes. Outwardly, he looked like any other wide-eyed, handsome young English gentleman, worthy of the attention he drew from the women walking past him. Clean and proper—except for his hair, a black, bloody war zone upon his head. Perhaps that was what those ladies had been staring at.

But something within Iris stirred as it always did when things did not feel quite right. A kind of buzzing underneath her skin, like her nerves were on fire, like they’d been plucked and cut too many times. The hazy image of a face shrouded in darkness arose in her mind’s eye.

A memory?

Before the day she met Coolie, Iris didn’t have any. None. Even now, she didn’t know why. But what she did have was a sense. A sense that she needed hide herself from something—from the world, perhaps. And also a sense that there was a task she needed to complete. A task so important, it was burned into the marrow of her bones.

There was a reason she existed. She just couldn’t remember what it was.

Those two opposing instincts were each as strong as the other. They’d get tangled up and muddled when she tried to examine them too closely. She may have settled on hiding for now, but that didn’t quiet the powerful pull nagging at her from deep within. That task she had to achieve no matter what, lost along with her memories.

An acute pang suddenly swelled up inside her. Panicking a little, she tried to calm herself, but her gaze turned back again to the young man, who wouldn’t take his eyes off of her.

His eyes. A pair of powerful, shocking, glinting sapphires. On her. Only on her.

And his knowing grin.

A flash of pain rocketed through her skull. She winced, and when she opened her eyes again, she looked upon a room filled with Egyptian artifacts.

The exhibit…, a voice deep within her whispered. South Kensington…

Muscle latching onto bone. Flesh layering over muscle. Nerves humming. A memory of agony powerful enough for her to feel the pain, just for a moment, physically in her own body.

A memory.

Madame, tell me… are you… a goddess? The words of a quizzical child filled with awe.

Iris’s entire body chilled. A new memory?

It rushed through her so quickly, so suddenly that when she spun around at Jinn’s prodding to wave to the other side of the crowd, her feet slipped…

And she fell.

Iris’s heart stopped, her breath snuffed out as the crowd began shouting. Jinn leaped off the tightrope in a panic, yelling her name, catching the rope with one hand and extending his other in an effort to save her. Their fingers touched, but hers slipped quickly past. It was too late.

Iris hoped the gawking men and women below would have had enough sense to catch her, but that was, apparently, the problem. As her body hit a wave of arms, her head turned too quickly. The last sensation she felt before everything turned dark was her own neck snapping from the sheer force of the fall.

Alas, she had died.

And when she came to again and snapped her neck back into place, she found herself crumpled in a large, hairy, rather shocked gentleman’s arms. Raising a hand, she wiped the drool dribbling down the left side of her lips.

That shocking hallucination she’d seen before falling… It couldn’t have been… But was it really a memory? She looked around, unable to find the man who’d caused this mess, but by now he was the least of her problems. Not too much time had passed, which made sense, since the injury itself wasn’t too… involved. It wasn’t as if she had to regrow a limb or two. However, she was still in the middle of a confused and terrified crowd. Children were crying. Well, Iris felt like crying too.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see Coolie gaping at her. The few times she had died in the past due to an accident or some other unfortunate circumstance, she’d always had the good fortune to do so out of his sight.

This was very bad.

She had to come up with a plan and fast. She was supposed to be a circus performer. She was supposed to be a freak only within the boundaries of human imagination.

Imagination. Yes. Like Coolie had once said, people were willing to believe anything…

Gathering up renewed strength, she leaped out of the gentleman’s arms, landed perfectly upon the ground, lifted her arms above her head, and took a very gracious bow.

Did I surprise you? she asked, using her light, melodic voice to address them for the very first time, though according to Coolie’s rules, she was never supposed to. Acting is another skill of a clown, or did you forget? And she winked. The drama and danger you’ve witnessed today is just one of the many treats awaiting you at George Coolie’s circus. Come one, come all!

She waved her hands at them in triumph.


A pregnant pause.

Then, scattered clapping.

Soon, Iris found herself once more surrounded by hoots and hollers, though she caught a nervous laugh and a twitchy hand here and there.

At first Coolie could only stare. But the man was a professional, and business was business. He puffed out his chest once more and, trying very obviously hard not to expose the aftereffects of his shock, let his booming voice reign over the din.

Th-there you have it! The Nubian Princess and the Turkish Prince, ladies and gentlemen!

For now at least, the crowd continued to cheer.


MAKE NO MISTAKE; DYING WAS painful. The first of her deaths that Iris remembered couldn’t leave her even if she tried. March 17, 1876, two years after she’d joined the Coolie Company. A winning St. Patrick’s Day show in Ireland filled with boisterous applause had led her to a crowded celebration at a tavern that resulted in tragedy when a runaway carriage careened into her as she staggered drunk and alone along the bank of the River Suir. The cabbie ended up cowardly running off to avoid facing his crime while she ended up facedown in the icy waters.

Worse than the feeling of her heart quivering to a stop was the sharp jolt of it starting up again as she lifted her head out of the river and expelled all the water from her lungs in the dead of night. Before then, she’d known there was something wrong with her. Her lack of memories. Her uncanny senses, her ability to feel the life, the essence within others.

But this… Coming back to life felt unnatural and

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