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My Rock Forever
My Rock Forever
My Rock Forever
Ebook164 pages2 hours

My Rock Forever

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17-year-old Compton-raised Shana Jensen Pureblood Vampire and only daughter to the Dracula line spent her entire life believing she was human. But secrets always find a way into the light. Battling through lies, and feelings of neglect from a power-hungry mother, to unearth a shocking discovery. And dove headfirst into a dark world of supernatural beings. She may have entered the new world out of pain and lies, but one man will keep Shana from losing control and sending everyone to the depths of hell. One alpha will fight to change it all... But will she risk lowering her guard to trust again? What is the light at the end of her journey into the unknown world of dark shadows and secrets? Old and new friends are aplenty in the epic tale of a mythic shadowy underworld

Release dateJul 24, 2021
My Rock Forever

Carmalisa Ford

Like many people out here, Carmalisa was (considered) unknown, but no longer. Born in 1983 in Canton, Ohio, and raised in West Virginia, she is part of both worlds. Besides being a mother of 4 children, she is also a graduate of Moorefield High School and Intercontinental University. Where she received an Associate degree in Business Administration. As a child, she read a lot of historical romance novels set in Ireland and Scotland. Beatrice Small and Pearl S. Buck were two of her favorite authors. You would think she would have gone down the same path in her own writing journey, but no, Carmalisa enjoys writing Mafia dramas and stories with supernatural themes. Who knows what stories lie buried deep in her mind, waiting to be told? If you are looking for something to relieve the undue stress in your life, then look no further. Her books will take you to a world deep inside your imagination. She is striving to give back to the community, one book at a time. She was first inspired to write in high school, where she had a poem titled Loves Sweet Embrace published in the town newspaper. Another one of her poems, titled Full of Hope, was published in the fall 2001 poetry anthology. Now she writes to escape to a new world of her own creation. Come join her on that ride.

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    Book preview

    My Rock Forever - Carmalisa Ford

    Chapter 1- Jolly Giant Neon Skittles

    For once, the night was calm. The moon shined down on us from above, and the sound of children’s laughter filled the vast darkness of the backyard. Normally the kids would have been in bed, but everyone was enjoying the start of summer. As Lilly and I sat around the bonfire with our friends from school, reminiscing about our junior year and the fun we had. 

    Shana, do you want to tell us exactly why you decided to prank the entire football team right before their big game against East Compton High School?

    Hmm, well, what had happened was payback. Because a certain individual who shall remain nameless drew first blood. Girl, seeing them run out of the locker room resembling giant, neon pink and rainbow-colored skittles; was damn funny if you ask me.

    Lilly, do you honestly think they will remember? I mean, they get their heads knocked around a multitude of times.

    Well, we are about to find out right now, Shana. Girl, if I were you, I would get up quickly and run. 

    I turned around and looked over my shoulder while we were talking. And who do you think I saw? My best friend’s brother and his friends strolling over to us with ever-growing smirks on their stupid faces. That grin has got to be his signature look; you never see him show any other feature on his face. Guess you could say, Sir. Smirk-a-lot thought he was god’s gift to women, even though nobody wants him.

    Before I could run, I heard his deep southern voice. Shana, just where do you think you’re going?

    Um, do you want me to lie to you or tell the truth? Anywhere you’re not, so peace out.

    When I tried darting away from him, the idiot quickly grabbed the back of my jacket. Was he trying to make me fall or something? I guess he figured if he grabbed it, he could stop me from leaving. Yeah, that didn’t stop me at all. Unzipping my jacket, it fell to the ground. And I made a beeline for the side of the front door.

    As I rounded the corner of the house with Freddie hot on my heels, I didn’t notice the strange group of men standing in the front yard. I came to a sudden halt, nearly running into the tallest, sexiest, godlike individual I had ever met. Thanks to the big Buffoon that rammed into me from behind, I almost became a permanent fixture in the courtyard.

    If it had not been for this stranger standing in front of me, I would have planted myself in the dirt. Young lady, are you okay?

    Before I could respond to the man standing in front of me, Freddie pulled me behind him. What are you doing here?

    My employers sent me here to look for the parents or guardians of a girl that lives around here. Her name is Shana Jenson, the stranger explained.

    Well, the girl you’re looking for is right here. What do you want with me? I asked, deeply confused.

    My name is Luther Abernathy, the reason I’m looking for you. Is because you are the long-lost granddaughter of Charlotte and Dean Emerson out of Kingston Falls.

    Mr. Abernathy, can we continue this conversation in private, where prying ears can’t hear us?

    Sure, whatever you want to do is fine by me.

    Upon entering the house, we went to the living room, where we could talk in comfort. The site that met me was one I had hoped to never see. Oh my god, you two for real now I’m going to need bleach to clean my eyes out!

    I did not need to walk in and catch my brother in the middle of a romantic embrace with his girlfriend on my new couch. Damn it, Nick, what the hell? Use your bedroom, you dumb-ass! The idiot and his girlfriend jumped at the sound of my voice, causing them to break apart like kids caught doing something wrong.

    Nick noticed the strange man standing behind me as he tries to rearrange himself. Shana, why is there a strange man standing behind you?

    He states there’s some information for me. Since our parents aren’t here, I figured he should discuss it with me while you are present. If you can pull yourself from Callie and her tongue long enough.

    Nick, this is Luther Abernathy; he is from Kingston Falls, his employer sent him here to look for me. According to him, I am the missing granddaughter of this couple from over there.

    Mr. Abernathy, who exactly are they, and what do they want with me? Can you blame me for asking? I was curious to know who would try to look for me. As we all sat around the table, he filled us in on his mission. 

    Shana, as I mentioned before, they sent me to find a young woman. We believe she is the lost granddaughter of Charlotte and Dean Emerson from Kingston Falls. Word came to them that their daughter had come to America and left behind a daughter.

    I’m glad I do not have to travel all over the country to find her. The sooner I wrapped this up, the quicker I can get back to my family and my job. I have been away long enough.

    Shana had asked me who my employer was. I can understand where she was coming from this is a whole new area for her; I would have done the same thing. So, I described what I could without revealing certain things; I did not have the power to tell her.

    In my hometown, they are the rulers of our country, and they feel it is time for you to come home and claim your birthright. They are not getting any younger and would love to see her.

    Both Nick and I just stared at him. You’re telling us Shana comes from royalty? Nick asked. With a strange look on his face while we sat there digesting all the recent information dropped on us. I wonder what the reason is behind my adoption, but I will never find out here. Nick’s parents will not tell me, just like they hid the fact that I was not their daughter from me.

    I wonder where I go from here. Do I go alone, take Nick with me, or maybe take a few of the girls with me? Yes, I know the people who raised me were not always there. But Nick and the girls have always had my back. It would be difficult to leave and walk away from all of them. And everything that they have ever meant to me, everything that we went through growing up. My life is here, and I could not move regardless of what the cause is.

    Nick, did you know our parents are not my parents? He scratches the back of his neck, swearing under his breath as he looks at me, nodding his head.

    Yea, Shana, I knew. I came across some papers one night when mom and dad took off on their extended vacation. These documents dealt with your adoption. They brought you home straight from the hospital when you were only a few hours old.

    Nick, why didn’t you or anyone tell me about this as I got older. My shoulders shook as my eyes misted over. We knew our parents treated me as nonexistent, but I never thought it was because of my adoption. I just assumed they hated kids’ period.

    Nick glanced down at his hands, clearing his throat as he nervously explained, Shana, I didn’t tell you because mom and dad should have been the ones to tell you. Yes, you’re my sister no matter what, but something that big should have come from them. I didn’t want to be the one to up and break your heart and bring tears to your face. To end up being the reason you’re in tears and hurting all the time. Yeah, I’m good on that, not for me, Hun.

    Needing some time alone so I could come to terms with the fact Nick was my adopted brother and not biological. It tore me apart. He was the only one in this family to show me any ounce of affection. I stood up to leave and heard Luther’s phone ring; he answered, talking in a quiet voice. I could not make out what they discussed. But judging by the nervous look, it was not an easy call. He looks at me while speaking on the phone.

    Hello, Mrs. Emerson: Yes, she’s sitting here beside me. We went over why you had sent me here looking for her. Are you sure that’s what you want to do? What are you going to say if she tells you there’s no way in hell? Yes, I will hand her the phone so you can talk to her.

    I look at him like he has lost his ever-loving mind. Luther turned his body my way and handed me the phone; I looked at him like he had grown two heads as I reached for the phone. 

    All I did was shake my head at him. Come on, I don’t even know these people. Why are you putting me on the phone with them? He looked at me as if to tell me to humor them. I took the phone, and hello.

    A low quivering voice responded, Is this Shana?

    Yes, it is, I whispered. This whole turn of events had me stunned now that I heard the voice, I knew Luther wasn’t lying.

    I heard the harsh cracking voice of the woman as she cried silently, I realize this may appear a little strange for you, hearing from somebody you have never met before. But we’re wondering if you would like to come for a visit. That way, we can address everything in person. Rather than going through the middleman, you can direct questions you have about everything that’s happened and get the answers you seek.

    While on the phone with her, an idea crossed my mind. I said, yes, as long as Nick and some of my friends can come with me. The woman on the other side said it was okay, which kind of surprised me. She told me to hand the phone back to Luther. So they could make plans for the upcoming trip. I told Nick that I wanted him to come with me. But he declined instead, saying he had to stay here to take care of his dad’s business while he is away. Well, it looks like I am the only one going to this strange place alone. I cannot wait to see what adventures await me in this unknown land and the people surrounding it.

    Okay, all you little kids, it is time to call it a night and get some sleep as we have to be up early to get ready to leave.

    Everyone followed me up to the third floor, where I showed Luther and his friends to the guest rooms where they could sleep for the night. And myself, I will sink into a large tub filled with bubbles. I bet you this girl here will raid dear daddy’s liquor cabinet.

    Chapter 2 – The Journey Begins

    Ilaid curled up in bed, snuggled deep in my blankets. The early morning quietness beckoned me to tell it, my inner deepest thoughts roaming in my head. My thoughts ran rampant in my little world. It’s not a good place to be. Sometimes these images can be rather disturbing. Even though it seems scary to leave for an unknown place, at least I can finally get answers to the questions that continue to haunt my mind lately. I can smell the delicious, smoky fragrance of apple smoke bacon cooking. Time to get up and get this day started with many things to do

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