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The Dragel's Song: Episode 10: Neilson Hewitt, #10
The Dragel's Song: Episode 10: Neilson Hewitt, #10
The Dragel's Song: Episode 10: Neilson Hewitt, #10
Ebook63 pages53 minutes

The Dragel's Song: Episode 10: Neilson Hewitt, #10

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Neil's got too much on his mind from the series of revelations dropped on his young shoulders. From trying to keep his Dragel Inheritance hidden, to helping Elyenka with her weird Silvertongue gift and figuring out how the Baronsworths' are going to fit into his new life—his claws are full!


It's too much to balance and something's going to give—soon.

Release dateAug 16, 2021
The Dragel's Song: Episode 10: Neilson Hewitt, #10

Chera Carmichael

Chera Carmichael (aka Scioneeris) to her TBDH fans is a Writer by night and a 9-to-5 worker by day. Her dragel stories feature slow-burn Poly romances featuring dragons, soulmates, elemental powers and otherwordly adventures.

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    Book preview

    The Dragel's Song - Chera Carmichael

    The Dragel’s Song : Episode 10

    The Dragel’s Song : Episode 10

    The Neilson Hewitt Adventures

    Chera Carmichael

    Chera Carmichael

    Copyright © 2021 by Chera Carmichael

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Cover Design by Starlight Book Cover Design.

    Editing by Excel Designs


    The Tags

    1. Another Day, Another Dose - Neil

    2. Concern Among Friends — Neil

    3. Free Food And Advice - Spencer

    4. An Unexpected Revelation — Neil, Spencer & Elyenka

    5. A Secret, Uncovered — Neil

    6. Three Makes Everyone — Neil

    7. Taking Precautions — Neil

    8. The Situation With The Cunninghams

    Author’s Note


    Character List

    Ghost-Hunting off-Realm?

    Have You Read The Prequel?

    About the Author

    The Tags

    To my faithful readers who requested my ‘rambling fic tags’. This is for you. I now tag Episode 10 as:

    Soft Space Academy AU. Found family. Slow-burn. Friendship is magic. Neil is a good friend. Neil has some wing trouble. Spencer is getting a crash-course on Neil’s crazy, chaotic life. Kendall is a good guy.

    1 Another Day, Another Dose - Neil

    Elyenka waited for him out in the hallway, a familiar package in her hand as she sat on the floor, knees drawn up to her chest. Her eyes flicked up to his face and then to the empty bowl in his hands. Everything alright?

    Neil shrugged, reaching down to help her up and holding his hand out for the package. He didn't want to talk about a terrible day with an equally terrible work shift. Even if Greyson hadn't been as in-his-face as Halgore, it was still a pain to work with someone who obviously knew nothing about what they did or how it was done.

    He'd nearly lost a decade off of his life from the three separate times he'd yanked the unsuspecting auditor further back into the safety zone. It wasn't worth explaining that the safety zones did not mean 'injure-free' areas. He deserved a raise of some sort for all of the helpful wrangling—hazard pay, really—he’d done to keep the auditor alive and well.

    At least, Greyson had left in one person-shaped piece and that was really all that he could have hoped for.

    Mine? he asked, wiggling his fingers. The exhaustion residing inside of him had settled somewhere in his bones, promising a good, dreamless sleep if he could stay coherent enough to find his bed and face-plant into it.

    Yet another headache that accompanied his glorious dragel inheritance.

    A sigh caught in his throat and Neil pushed the thought away. He couldn't focus on that. There were too many other details to deal with and Elyenka was a familiar, comforting face and presence.

    Rude, she murmured, handing it over. Her sharp-eyed gaze roved over him with a hint of parental disapproval that only Elyenka could wield in that oddly specific way of hers. You look like death warmed over, but I suppose there could be a dozen reasons for that. Yes, I'd say it's yours. Some courier brought it. He wasn't going to leave it, but I told him I was waiting for you and that I'd make sure it got to the right person.

    He actually gave it to you? Neil shook his head in disbelief. He tucked the package under his arm and scanned his ID to enter the room. Weird day at work. That's all. I'm still standing and I don't have any life-threatening injuries to show off, so it's really not that bad. Come in? He held the door open long enough for her to follow him through.

    He fussed, but I fussed back. Elyenka offered a thin smile. "He wasn't

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