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Rizzio: A Novella
Rizzio: A Novella
Rizzio: A Novella
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Rizzio: A Novella

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From the multi-award-winning master of crime, Denise Mina delivers a radical new take on one of the darkest episodes in Scottish history—the bloody assassination of David Rizzo  private secretary to Mary, Queen of Scots, in the queen’s chambers in Holyrood Palace.

On the evening of March 9th, 1566, David Rizzio, the private secretary of Mary, Queen of Scots, was brutally murdered. Dragged from the chamber of the heavily pregnant Mary, Rizzio was stabbed fifty six times by a party of assassins. This breathtakingly tense novella dramatises the events that led up to that night, telling the infamous story as it has never been told before.

A dark tale of sex, secrets and lies, Rizzio looks at a shocking historical murder through a modern lens—and explores the lengths that men and women will go to in their search for love and power. 

Rizzio is nothing less than a provocative and thrilling new literary masterpiece.
PublisherPegasus Crime
Release dateSep 7, 2021
Rizzio: A Novella

Denise Mina

Denise Mina is the author of the novels The Red Road, Gods and Beasts, The End of the Wasp Season, Still Midnight, Slip of the Knife, The Dead Hour, The Field of Blood, Deception and the Garnethill Trilogy, the first installment of which won her the John Creasey Memorial Award for best first crime novel. Mina has twice received the Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award. She lives in Glasglow.

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    Rizzio - Denise Mina

    David Rizzio Plays Tennis with His Assassins

    Late Saturday afternoon · 9th March, 1566 Indoor tennis court · Palace of Holyrood · Edinburgh

    Lord Ruthven wanted him killed during this tennis match but Darnley said no. Lord Darnley wants it done tonight. He wants his wife to witness the murder because David Rizzio is her closest friend, her personal secretary, and she’s very pregnant and Darnley hopes that if she sees him being horribly brutalised she might miscarry and die in the process. She’s the Queen; they’ve been battling over Darnley’s demand for equal status since their wedding night and if she dies and the baby dies then Darnley’s own claim to the throne would be undeniable. They’re rivals for the crown. She knew that from the off. He wants it done in front of her.

    Darnley serves to Rizzio, and Rizzio returns it with an elegant stroke. The cork ball soars across the court, reaches the far quarter and bounces high enough to land on the sloped wooden awning over the watchers’ benches. There’s a loud smack as it lands, rolls to the edge and falls onto the court – plop-plop-plop.

    Point to Rizzio.

    Underneath that sloping roof is a man called Henry Yair. He’s watching the game, sitting on a bench built into the wall of the indoor court. He’s Lord Ruthven’s retainer, here to keep an eye on Darnley for the boss.

    Yair hates everyone here and he especially hates tennis. Tennis is what is wrong with people. Yair is very pale, his eyes rimmed red because he hasn’t been sleeping. He’s watchful, sees plots everywhere. He thinks in binaries: good/bad, man/woman, Calvinist/Catholic, for God/against God. Once fervently Catholic, he is now ferociously Calvinist. When he saw the Truth, he embraced it, and he hates those who don’t, those Catholic hold-outs: how can they hold on to these broken old ideas? How can they defend a church so corrupt, so murderous, such a betrayal of the one true faith? They disgust him. He doesn’t know how they can live with themselves.

    Other Calvinists congratulate him on his passion, overlook the implied violence of his fanaticism, because he’s on their side. The Reformation is recent, the issue undecided. It’s not yet safe. Everyone is afraid of a revival of the Roman religion, of being killed for their beliefs, of spies and foreign interventions. Men as hot and spirited as Yair are useful to the Protestant movement.

    Tomorrow morning, when fellow Calvinists hear that Yair was creeping around Edinburgh, when they learn what he did, who he killed, they’ll all feign surprise, but in the darkness of their hearts they’ll each remember his sallow face and wide watery eyes, his explosive reaction to any hint of dissent, and they’ll admit to themselves that this was inevitable, that they rewarded his disquieting fervour and they’ve long known this could happen. Could have been any one of them stabbed in their beds. Yair was always a killing spree looking for an excuse.

    From the shadows under the timber roof Yair can see the players on the bright court very crisply, the flitting nuances in their gestures and glances.

    Lord Darnley and David Rizzio don’t like each other but only one of them can afford to show it. Darnley sneers and looks Rizzio up and down. Rizzio keeps his expression neutral and ignores the slights. Darnley is married to the Queen and Rizzio is her servant. It’s not an equal match.

    Rizzio dominates as the game goes on and Darnley has to mute his intense dislike of the man or risk looking as if he’s in a huff about losing. Yair watches and knows that these are courtly men. They dissemble and lie and flatter one another and, when they can’t convincingly mislead, they bow or turn away to hide their faces. They’re also both Catholic. They love power more than salvation. They dream of power and having power and martyring Calvinists. They serve the Pope and other foreign powers. Their loyalty is bought.

    It’s perishing in the indoor court. Yair’s breath sparkles at his lips. He sits, arms crossed and hands tucked tight into his armpits, keeping the fingers from going numb. But thinking of Lord Ruthven’s plan to murder Rizzio warms him. It warms him as if he were washed in the blood of the Lamb.

    Yair eyes David Rizzio at the far end of the court. He’s small and ugly and foreign. His skin looks dirty. He’s crafty and sly. He’s only a singer so what’s he doing giving the Queen advice? The rumour is that he’s a Papal spy. Yair maps every room with his sectarian dividers. He knows who is with us, who aga’n’. To justify the intensity of his disgust he suspects every Catholic of every crime he can think of. Yair was a priest, a confessor, and he, of all people, should know how obdurate Catholics think: sodomy, theft, lust, pederasty, child murder, treason both high and petty. High treason is an attack on the State; petty treason is an attack by a subordinate on a superior, usually a husband murdered by a wife. It’s worse than simple murder because of the element of betrayal. It upsets the natural order of things, how God wants the world to be ordered. And in denying her husband what he wants, the Queen has become a petty treasonist.

    Darnley serves to Rizzio at the hazard end. Rizzio returns the ball to Darnley and back it goes to Rizzio who knocks it out. Rizzio wins the set and smirks, trying to press the delight from his lips. Darnley scowls, turns away to the wall and lifts a sweat rag to wipe his face and Yair sees him up close. Darnley’s twenty-one and handsome and arrogant. His lips are a furious tight little ‘o’. He holds the cloth over his face for a long time.

    Yair loves the severity of Calvinism, the purity of it. He uses it as a hook for his prickly disapproval of everything: dancing, laughing, foolishness, blasphemy, singing, food, lechery, wine, jokes, even colours – and especially fucking tennis.

    Rizzio doesn’t know they’re planning to kill him tonight. He hears rumours and sees the whispering, he knows something is going on, but something is always going on: that’s the essence of court life. The whispering has been intensifying for months, building up to the current session of Parliament, which will finally, irrevocably, divest the Queen’s rivals of their land and power and titles. This Parliament’s proclamations will take Scotland by the shoulders, turn her away from England to face Europe and concentrate power in the Queen’s hands.

    They’re almost there.

    Edinburgh is full to overflowing because Parliament is sitting. Anyone with a seat has been summoned to the capital and they’ve brought their households with them: families and

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