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Growing Pains 2: Unleashed Secrets: Growing Pains
Growing Pains 2: Unleashed Secrets: Growing Pains
Growing Pains 2: Unleashed Secrets: Growing Pains
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Growing Pains 2: Unleashed Secrets: Growing Pains

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Coco, Asha, Gia, and Imani are back!!


Coco Is still battling her own secrets, along with fighting feelings she's starting to develop for Damien. On top of that, she's struggling with the fact that Isis has left her to be with their neglectful mama. Will she hold on to her sanity or are the nightmares too much.


Meet Isis, she's a little firecracker. She's been under her big sister's wings way too long and she's finally ready to spread her own. Her sister hates the fact that their mama leaves her alone most of the time, but she loves the freedom, and when you're young and naïve your eyes aren't open to the danger lurking.


Asha has worked so hard to get where she is today. To the outside looking in, she has it all. Beauty, brains, talent, and health. Little do they know, she's missing the one thing she always wanted but letting her pride be the reason she doesn't have it.


Imani is still the same promiscuous woman that has no boundaries. She's in for a rude awakening when she doesn't get what she wants. Control is something she feeds off of, but when you lose it, what do you have.


Gia, the woman we all fell in love with has secrets of her own. Just when things are going great for her they get worse. Will she triumph or will her secrets be too much to handle.


These four friends aren't going to know what hit them when secrets are unleashed.

Release dateAug 3, 2016
Growing Pains 2: Unleashed Secrets: Growing Pains

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    Book preview

    Growing Pains 2 - Shakema S. Haygood

    A Novel By

    Shakema S. Haygood

    Copyright © 2016 Shakema S. Haygood

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novella a sense of reality. Any similarity to other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.


    This book is for aunty Shalema and Grandpa Richard, may you sleep in peace. I miss you guys every day and I know you’re smiling down on me guiding me through.

    To all of the men that lost their life’s to police brutality this book is dedicated to you. To the families that lost loved ones due to police brutality this is for you.

    Last but not least to my sister. Princess-Natayia. This book is dedicated to you. No one really knows your struggles and they’ll probably never know and that’s fine. I’m so very proud of you, we’ve come a long way and I couldn’t be prouder to call you my sister. You got three sets of eyes on you, watching and listening to your every word. You are their mother; it starts with you so continue to be great!!


    Thanks, and Praises to the man up above. You have guided me through some of my toughest times and without you none of this would be possible.

    My readers. It is because of you why I continue to write so thank you for taking a chance on little ole me.

    Through the process of writing this book I came to the realization that not everyone is for you, not everyone is for your growth and success. I am a person that holds family and friends at a high standard, mainly friends because we choose them. However, we cannot choose our family. People that were screaming they were with me before I started this journey I noticed was just talking because it sounded nice. The main person next to my man that has been my biggest supporter is my sister.

    This book almost did not see the light of day. I was right there next to giving up. I learned I am not the only one that has had let downs. My supporters have shown me there is more to be done.

    I say to the aspiring author, and readers, never give up on your dreams. Fight to the finish. Even when everyone has counted you out. Show them you are here, and I am definitely here to stay!!

    Note to reader

    Unleashed Secrets is going to touch up on topics such as, rape, cheating, lying, and abuse. The scenes are graphic, so it is my job again to warn you before you continue. I love you all and I hope you enjoy it.

    Unleashed Secrets




    It was a Friday night and Billy’s was more crowded than usual. I was with my man’s Kane; we just needed a couple of stiff drinks. The week I had at work was enough to drive an old man insane. I started this new project for one of my college buddies; he wants me to build this sports bar for him, and who better to do the job then me and my boy Damien. With Damien’s architecture background this sports bar will be the hottest thing NJ has seen in a while. With new subcontracts and schedules, it’s been a headache for me this week, but we’ll get it done.

    As I was checking out the atmosphere in Billy’s I saw her, she wasn’t hard to miss. Her whole aura spoke volumes in a room full of people. I noticed she was going natural, no weave. Her luscious curls were framed around her face as they fell from her ponytail, brown skin glowing in the light, I had it bad...really bad.

    She looked just as good as the last time I saw her, even in jeans, heels and a t-shirt, she was stunning. The last time I saw Asha was four months ago, when she pulled a gun on me. I’ve tried everything, I even stopped by the club a couple of nights after the incident, and one of the dancers told me she no longer works there.

    I didn’t know what else to do, but I did know I wanted my woman back, and nothing was going to stop me. I started sending her flowers and teddy bears, since I knew she liked stuff like that, and still nothing worked.

    Asha’s ass had me doing backflips and shit, stuff I never did for no woman. Like contemplating settling down. The only thing is, I don’t know if Asha wants that with me. I messed up so bad, I didn’t know if she would ever forgive me.

    I watched her the whole night. For the most part she sat in the same spot, babysitting her drinks.

    Damn she’s fine. Said Kane, referring to some chick on the dance floor.

    I turned to where Kane was looking and realized he was talking about Imani.

    She iight. I said, chuckling to myself.

    Man, you blind or something. Said Kane.

    I just shook my head and turned my focus back on the beautiful woman across the room.

    I noticed that Asha was zoned out, she wasn’t paying attention to anything, just staring straight ahead, dancing in her seat.

    Asha got out her seat and my eyes followed her from the bar and back to her seat. She started looking around like she was looking for someone or sensed something. I then noticed Imani’s demeanor change, and then she locked eyes on me, smiling.

    Yo, you know shorty? Asked Kane, surprised.

    Come on man, I’ll introduce you. I said.

    As we walked over, I was nervous as hell, sweating and shit like a little bitch. I haven’t seen this woman in months. Haven’t touched, smelled, licked, or kissed her. My dick was getting hard just thinking about it. Asha was definitely in a league all on her own. I had to have her.

    Hello Asha.

    Imani, realizing how awkward it was getting, spoke up.

    Hey Sammy, how you doing?

    Taking my eyes off Asha for a second, I noticed how rude I was being.

    Imani...I’m so sorry, what’s up baby girl, how have you been?

    I been good, you know me. Said Imani.

    While Imani was talking to me, her focus was on the brown skin buff brother standing next to me.

    My bad...this my man’s Kane...Kane this is Imani and Asha. I said, putting my attention back on Asha as Kane and Imani got acquainted.

    How have you been? I asked.

    I was trying to break through to Asha, but for some reason she was just stuck.

    We’re gonna go grab a drink, you guys have fun. Said Imani, walking away with Kane, with an extra pep in her step.

    I sat down in Imani’s seat and just stared at Asha. I watched as she started laughing and Shaking her head.

    That girl is something else man. Said Asha, referring to Imani.

    She is, but I don’t think she can handle him.

    For the first time that night since I walked over to her, Asha looked over and smiled at me.

    You mean like I can’t handle you. She said, coyly.

    Nah you know how to handle me very well.

    I looked at her smiling, and she busted out laughing.

    So how have you been? I asked, for the second time.

    I’m good can’t complain, yourself?

    I’m living.

    So...what brings you out tonight?

    I could tell she was nervous, because she started playing with her loose curls and picking at the napkin. I must have been tripping because for the life of me I couldn’t understand why she was nervous. Now me, I have every reason to be nervous, but She definitely wasn’t the nervous type.

    I had a rough week, and right now only my friend Henny can fix that. I said, laughing to myself.

    Dang it was that bad huh? Said Asha, laughing.

    Damn I missed her smile.

    What about you and Imani out here acting up?

    Actually no, we’re celebrating. She said, excitedly.

    I was just about to ask her what we were celebrating and then here comes Imani and Kane cock blocking. I couldn’t even be mad, as long as Asha was talking to me, I was good...shiiiit I was more than good. I was a very happy man right about now.

    The rest of the night went well, we all laughed and drank. Asha and I reminisced about the good times, while Imani cracked jokes all night. Kane was busy flirting with her, probably trying to get in her pants. It even ended on a better note when I convinced Asha to get in a taxi with me.

    At first, she was worried about her car and taking Imani home, until I warned her that it wasn’t safe for any of us to

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