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Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance
Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance
Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance
Ebook404 pages5 hours

Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance

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Like a candle emits light, a human emits prosperity. With more than 40 kriyas and meditations, Success and the Spirit gives you the practical techniques you need to become more peaceful, more bountiful, more joyous, and more giving. The book focuses on how to understand prosperity in relationship to your own spirit.

Success and

Release dateAug 1, 2014
Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance

PhD Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan was declared a Master of Kundalini Yoga at the age of 16. He came to the United States in 1969 and openly taught this transformative technology for the next 35 years, until his last breath in Aug 2004. In the turbulent drug culture of the 70s, Yogi Bhajan first reached out to the youth. He recognized that their experimentation with drugs and "altered states of consciousness" expressed a desire to experience themselves and a longing for family, for connection to their soul and their community. In response to this innate longing, he created a family known as 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization). Soon, 3HO ashrams began springing up across the United States and throughout the world.He sparked a movement whose tendrils have woven their way into numerous aspects of our culture. Yoga and meditation have gained widespread acceptance in the West and the holistic health movement he introduced through diet, herbs, and lifestyle technologies. Born Harbhajan Singh in what is now Pakistan to a family of healers and community leaders, Yogi Bhajan studied comparative religion and Vedic philosophy in his undergraduate years and received his Masters in Economics with honors from Punjab University. Years later, he earned his Ph.D. in communications psychology from the University of Humanistic Studies in San Francisco. Yogi Bhajan emerged as a religious, community, and business leader with a distinguished reputation as a man of peace, world vision, wisdom, and compassion. He founded several food companies that manufacture and distribute natural products based on these teachings. He fostered economic development in communities around the world. He is also the author of several books on yoga philosophy, business, and communication during his lifetime.The Kundalini Research Institute continues his legacy through The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings, the International Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®, and the publications of lectures and kriyas to serve the community of teachers, students, and practitioners around the world. See to learn how you can help keep the legacy alive!

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    Success and the Spirit - PhD Yogi Bhajan



    Astudent asked Yogi Bhajan the following question:

     Is giving an act of God?

    Yogi Bhajan replied, No, no, no, no. Not at all. It is a perfectly selfish act. Have you heard about when I became rich? Listen to this. It is true. Verbatim, this is exactly true.

    I taught a class at the East-West Cultural Center. And I did a wonderful job. There were three hundred and some dollars collected at class. I do not know exactly how much. But I definitely know one hundred fifty and some cents were given to me in an envelope as my fifty percent of that lecture. This is what they do. You go. They advertise you. You teach in that center. And whatever money comes in on that day, fifty percent is given to the lecturer and fifty percent goes to the center.

    I did that. Then the director of the center takes the speaker out to dinner.

    Now this lady, the director, was more spiritual, well-read with the scripture and much wiser than I was. I was very happy with her and she was extremely happy with me, because when she would talk scriptures, somewhere along the line, I'd give her the understanding of the scripture. I'm not very good with all this bookish knowledge but certain things I just know.

    She said, Today your lecture was so pleasing. I just want to take you to eat. Please come with me. She was just overwhelmingly joyful.

    I said to her, Well, there seems to be a storm behind the sunshine.

    What can it be?

    We'll see.

    When we came to the restaurant, on the side there was a pole. Standing beside the pole was a very beautiful, well-dressed black man. And he was saying, I do not want to beg, and I don't want you to help me, but I have children. I have a life, and I have a family. I am selling these pencils. You can buy these pencils for any amount, because I am blind and can't see it. But I hope by the end of the day there will be a profit and I can take care of my family.

    When I heard that I handed over my envelope to him and I took one pencil out. She saw me doing that and God, that divine woman became a living fire. She said, What have you done? You know, that's what Indians do. You have encouraged beggary. She was so rude.

    I said, Ohhhhh! That was my first experience, awakening the mind to encounter the bitchiness of an American woman. Up until then I was fine. I said, What have I done?

    You took one pencil for one hundred and fifty dollars. Do you know that you can get a truckload of them?

    I don't need a truckload of pencils.

    Why did you take one pencil?

    I want this one pencil to write my own fortune.

    And you paid one hundred and fifty dollars for it?

    No. I paid much less. I paid nothing.

    I don't understand you. You don't like money. You don't love money.

    I said, I love money more than you like it. I love money. Don't worry about that. I just wanted this pencil to write my fortune. I paid the money you gave to me.

    She said, I can't believe it.

    Meanwhile, we entered the restaurant. Then you know what she said? She said, All right. I'll teach you something practical.


    I'm not going to pay for your dinner.


    That will show you what happens when you don't have money.

    I said, Sure. It's okay.

    So I took my plate to the place where you pick up your salad, and you pick up this and that and I picked up everything I wanted to eat. I walked to the tables and the lady at the check-out counter said, Thank you, sir. She never says that. I just went up there, took the things off the tray, and put them on the table. We were about three or four people and when the director came, the counter clerk told her, Thank you, ma'am. You can pass.

    She said, Who paid for it?

    The clerk said, It is all paid for.

    So, she felt a little small and she came and sat down next to me me. Meanwhile, the counter girl came and brought sixty-some dollars and gave it to me. Imagine. I didn't have a pocket. I didn't have a dollar. I didn't have a penny. She told me that she isn't going to pay and I said to the counter clerk, Give it to her.

    The clerk said, No, no. It is for you, sir. It is for you.

    Why for me?

    There was a student of yours sitting here. He left me with a hundred dollars and he said, 'My teacher is coming. All the people with him should be paid for, and the balance given to him.' So I am just doing what he said.

    I looked at the director. I said, You didn't pay for it?


    You got paid for, too?


    I said, See how God works? And I pulled out ten dollars and I gave it to the waitress.

    She said, O my God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    And I gave the director the fifty-some remaining dollars.

    She asked me, What for? I don't understand. You seem so happy.

    I said, Today, my Guru and my God have made me a giver. Before this, I was a taker. I was at your mercy. And when you tested it, Guru came through. He saved me at the last minute. I am very mad at Him for that. But because he always does it, I am very grateful. I have seen my Guru. I have seen Him in action. I am grateful.



    The subject we are discussing is very serious and extremely simple. What should you do to bring prosperity to your life?

    Prosperity doesn't mean that you will have wealth, health and happiness. The best way to explain prosperity is to say it is like a rosebud when it flowers and opens up, and shares its fragrance. That's the moment, which lasts a few days, when a rose flower is prosperous. When a man or woman is prosperous, it is the fragrance of security, grace, depth, character and truthfulness that a person can share. Like a candle emits light, a human emits prosperity.

    We misunderstand prosperity. If somebody is rich, has a big house, has money, has a business, is successful and all that, we say he is prosperous.

    Once, there was a very prosperous man. I met him in California. He told me he has forty thousand acres of orchards—almonds, walnuts, this and that. He even took me in a jeep to tour his territory. When we came back home, we sat down. We were sweating and I said, You have forty thousand acres of land, right? By deed.

    He said, Yes, that's true.

    But how many acres belong to you?

    All of them.

    What is under the bank loan?

    All of it.

    So you work hard, you grow these things and you work it out. Then you pay the installment to the bank, you pay the labor, you pay the insurance, you pay the workmen compensation, and all that. Then what exactly do you save?

    He said, Nothing.

    So why you do this?

    One day I hope it will cover me and I will cover it.

    This is how your life is. You come here, you educate yourself, you graduate. Then you work hard in life. You work during the day and sometimes you work two jobs, sometimes one job. Sometimes you think you are very wonderful, very powerful. You want your freedom. You want your thoughts. You want your expression. You want your sex. You want your partner. You want your home. You make a lot of decisions. But in reality, after a while, when all that glitter goes away, you start realizing you were on the wrong track. As long as you work hard, you plan and you push, there is no fun. But there is a state of mind that we are going to talk about today. It's called the way to prosperity where things come to you.

    Things come to you. You can understand when you were born, your security was taken care of by your parents. You were brought up by your parents and every relative would kiss you, hug you and take care of you. The moment you lost your innocence, you had to hustle for yourself. When you grew up, then your mother expected something but you couldn't do it so there was a fight. Your father expected something but you couldn't do it so there was a fight. Your brothers started going after each other's jugular. Your sisters wanted their own thing. And that bouquet of flowers you had when you were born became scattered straw.

    Then you fell in love with somebody. Oh! She loves me. Oh! I love her. And it is funny, after a couple of years, that wears out. Oh, I didn't marry you for that. I didn't like you like that. And you are on each other's backs.

    What is it that makes us do this? There must be some reason that everybody does it—the question is why. It is because nobody is mature enough to take responsibility for their life. Nobody has a meditative mind to be intuitive to find out that they are on the wrong track.

    When two trains are on the wrong track, they can collide head on. That's why people have their flow totally blocked up and dammed up. Once in a while they let loose and then there is no joy left in life. It is a misunderstanding on the part of a human. They act like animals. They think they can fight and get what they want. That's why you feel that the majority of people are rude. They do not know how to compromise. They do not know how to be nice.

    These days, when you talk to people, they say, Well, my mother did this to me…My father did this to me…My neighbor did it to me…My uncle did it to me, as if they only have other people to blame and that's it. But whatever your father, mother, uncle or neighbor did, now you are you. You have to be you. And the greatest tragedy of this time is that we all are trying to find God outside of us. So there are hundreds and thousands of organizations where people pray and pray. They say, Pray. Pray for everybody and pray to God. Nobody knows what kind of prayer they are doing. Whether they are doing prayer or they are preying on people—nobody knows. They think God Almighty is somewhere in the seventh heaven and we are here and we have to try to find Him.

    The reality is that God is inside. Nobody is even responsible enough to acknowledge it. God is within me. Therefore, I have to act like God's existence. Nobody wants to act like God's creature.

    Somebody is proud of his richness. Somebody is proud of his beauty. Somebody is proud of his environments. Some people are very proud of their political power. They want to convince others that they are the best on the earth. That's a human weakness. One of the most sociological and psychological weaknesses of humans is that they want to impress others. Yet, once they start impressing themselves, it's Nirvana. They are redeemed. They are free. They get whatever they want.

    Because once the candle is lit, there is no dearth of moths. They will come. Once a man is illumined, there is no dearth of maya ². It will come.

    Life is not set up for us to suffer. Happiness is the birthright of the person, provided you feel—at least a little honestly—that God is within you. God is prana³, life. If God is not life, then what is God? Dead? There is no dead God. God is alive. His existence is alive. As long as you live, there is a God for you. The moment you don't live, forget it.

    We have theories. We have ideas and we have philosophies. We want to deal with life as we want it. But actually, what is life? We are on sale. We don't go to an interview naturally. We want to change. We want to look good. We want to feel good. We want to make another person feel we are good. All right, you feel very good and attractive and you go about and things happen. But what about your faculty? Your faculty has an identity. Who is going to work? You can fix up a beautiful zebra to look like an Arabian horse, but who is going to walk it? Can a giraffe become an elephant? How much makeup can you use? How much can you cover yourself? How many methods do you use to look pretty and beautiful and loving and all that, when there is no juice in you? When your mind—your own mind—cannot stand you? People say, I don't know. You know, these are the craziest people. I have seen people who are very educated who come to me and say, I can't. I can't do it. I can't.

    Why not? Have you tried?

    No, I can't do it.

    They are scared like a crow. What have we become? Born in the image of God as human, we have become toys to be sold to a Christmas shopping list. Everybody is crazy. Shop, shop, shop. Gift, gift, gift. Gift what? Gift yourself peace and tranquility. Gift yourself grace and honor. Gift yourself a few moments of prayer to purify yourself. But that's not what happens.

    Before Christ, there used to be something called the White Holidays. For ten days, the Romans would never fight, never conquer anybody, and never attack. Those people were not Christians, they were Heathens. But for those ten days they would sit and meditate. They would not move. And Jesus Christ's birthday—Jesus was born on the twenty-fifth of August—was shifted to the twenty-fifth of December to suit the Roman White Holidays. That's how honest we are to him. First we put him on a cross, then we shift his birthday because it suits us. It is amazing how men, people, countries and nations have shifted things to their convenience.

    It is a funny thing how countries change—how people change. The Czar of Russia was very mad one day. He said, I want to adopt a religion that will work for me.

    So he sent five people all over the world. They went to India. They went everywhere and when they came back, they said, Well, the Indians are very funny.

    The Czar said, Why?

    They accept everything but they accept nothing.

    He said, No. That's not for us. What else?

    There are Jews."

    What is the problem with them?

    They are great, wise, and perfect. But, they don’t eat pork."

    The Czar said/That's not for us. We hunt boars."

    Well, there is another thing. Christianity.

    What about that?

    They are all right. They eat everything. They accept everything and they love God.

    He said, What about Islam?

    It’s the same problem. They don’t eat pork.

    He said, Let us all be Christian.

    That's how it was decided.

    Man wants concessions. Man wants concessions with his body, with his health, with his environments and with his friends. Something easy—something that just comes to him out of nothing. Because man has never recognized that man has never come out of nothing. Man is born out of the will of God, but has not recognized the basic value of being a human. They are still little kids getting their diapers changed. When they grow up as elders, it is the same continuous thing. Somebody has to do something for somebody. And there is this constant devaluation of life, We come from nothing, we are nothing. How can we know we can be something? As the very evaluation of man, this thought, process makes people non-prosperous.

    If it is considered possible that man is born out of the will of God and in the image of God; that man is divine and that he has no duality; and that a divine person has no needs, then all of what there is will come to that person. At the right time, the right things will appear. There is no reason for suffering and for being nasty.

    Somebody once saw a bunch of money. His first thought was, I will pick it up. His second thought was, It doesn't belong to me. Third, he picked it up and took it to a place to return it and said, Well, this money doesn't belong to me. I found it on the road. Maybe somebody will claim it.

    The guy looked at him and said, Hey, why you are returning it? It is 50-50.

    The first man said, What is 50-50?

    It is a lot of money. You can keep half and I can keep half and we end the matter.

    No. You can keep the half or have the whole, I am not concerned. I have to answer to my consciousness. You have to answer yours.

    While going home, he stopped at a shop and got a ticket, one lotto ticket. He went home and there were thirty-two million dollars announced for that lottery ticket. He went back to see the second guy and he said, Did you return it?


    Has somebody claimed it?


    The first man said. Good.

    The second guy said, But there is a $2,000 reward for you. Sign for it and take it.

    That's how God works—through miracles. Your life is not yours. It depends upon your purity of consciousness, how compassionate, kind and caring you are.

    If you concern yourself with how much muscle you have got and how many people you can punch; how many people you can cheat and how sharp you are; how you cut corners with everybody, and how stupid you are to use other people for your purposes—fine. Enjoy yourself. You are stupid. That's not the bright side of the human. That's the dark side of the devil. Life is not given to you for those kinds of dirty games.

    And then you wear very good clothes, makeup and hairdo, and this and that. Polish and cream. A 60-year-old man lying down like an idiot, trying to remove his wrinkles and get his skin burnt. Who can tell you what to do? Nobody. The church lives off your money. The synagogue lives off your money. All these swamis and yogis live off your money. You are the Gods, totally blind and stupid Gods.

    Only Santa Claus knows you. He promises his sack of gifts and you go berserk spending billions of dollars. You see what a commercial way of life it is? Before it was Santa Claus, it was Saint Nicholas in northern Germany. Somebody in New York made too many long socks and they didn't sell. So the next year he made up a story of Santa Claus. You know people who did not even have chimneys in their house still bought gifts?

    And look what happened to the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is the evergreen tree that never dies in winter. Once I sent a card to everyone I knew. It said, The Christmas tree asked God, ‘Why did you name me so? Every year they cut me down. They don't let me grow.' What do you do to this pure sign of life and livelihood when there is snow? You cut it down, bring it home and then throw it away. You have satisfied your ego.

    The Christmas tree tradition, as I knew it, used to be that in front of the house, there would be a big tree. At night they would put all the presents under it and in the morning the children would go and play, run, sing and then go under the tree. It used to be a big tree and not a little teeny, tiny nonsense that you buy for $150. Now they have a cup for it to stand in. This is how things go from normal to abnormal and from abnormal to nothing. What we don't have is character. We do not have commitment. We walk empty in this life.

    We are looking for something. Life has a very serious problem. I want to tell you what life is all about. Life has a constant action and reaction that you cannot stop. Your inner anger and your outer fear cannot let you be anything but a reactionary, everlasting nuisance. You do not develop maturity and common ground with everybody in the world.

    If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all. Everything is God—everything from a stone to a mountain.

    So this is the life we have come to deal with. There is a way to prosperity. If the mind is clear, if the subconscious is not blocked, if you unconsciously live a conscious life, you can never be poor. Where there is a magnet, things will fly to it. The mastermind, the Great Mind, knows your needs. You don't have to yell and scream, Help, God! God is inside. He manufactured you. He sent you here. He gave you features and facets. He gave you all the environments you need. You simply do not accept it. I am just explaining it to you.

    The fact is, someday, somewhere, just be yourself Let everything go. That day you will find you are you. Oh God! The very joy of you being you is the most precious joy. It will take away all your suffering. It will take away your pain. You will find you within you—there is nothing more than that.

    Look, I found myself within myself, and I found you as a plus. You all came. I came. We have met. We are acting to reach a faculty of life that is consolidated, that is ours. We are reaching for a life that does not give any false hope because it has no lies in it. It does not create a picture or a fantasy that is untrue. It is a life of reality that tells you that you are you. Yet, you don't want to listen to it.

    You have never tried to listen to the fact from your own self that you are you. And you do not understand the fact that you have a very precious, fair life. It has come to you as a gift. Life is demanding. Don't drift. Be something.

    You think that money does everything—that if we have money, we are free? A lot of people meet me. They say, We have money, we can take care of everything. What everything? If you have a cold, with $2,000 on your face you can't get rid of it. Who do you think you are kidding? All the money in the world cannot get rid of heart disease. Tons of money cannot take care of your liver. But daikon radish can.

    Money is a medium.

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