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Jacqueline Howard offers an insightful and detailed look into the existence
of these celestial beings, and bolsters her conclusions with sound biblical
information. The book, Angels, begins by defining angels and contrasting the biblical description of these beings to the commercial images that are prevalent in the 21st Century. Howard cites many scriptural references that support their existence. To know an angel may require one to suspend ones judgment and reason, open up ones heart, and mind to the wondrous possibilities that many only dream about. A person may be comfortable with his or her own private thoughts about angels but may be reluctant to discuss these supernatural spirits with a friend. After all, what physical proof is there? Is it illogical to fathom the idea of angels? Who believes that heavenly beings are helping us? Scripture leads us to have faith and believe, read John 20:29b (KJV) which states, blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 10, 2010

Jacqueline Howard

Jacqueline Howard is a motivational speaker, educator and coauthor of Erase Negativity. She has been deemed a Master Teacher by spiritual leaders throughout the United States and the British Isles for her intuitive skills. Howard developed a strong reputation for taking esoteric inspirational and spiritual messages from Native American culture, Taoist philosophy and quantum physics and turning them into simple, life lessons that she has presented to hundreds of men and women across the nation.

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    Book preview

    Angels - Jacqueline Howard

    Copyright © 2010 by Jacqueline Howard.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2010915114

    ISBN: Hardcover    978-1-4535-9347-9

    ISBN: Softcover      978-1-4535-9346-2

    ISBN: Ebook           978-1-4535-9348-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Chapter 1:   Angels

    Chapter 2:   Extraordinary Powers

    Chapter 3:   Classification and Function of Angels

    Chapter 4:   Faith in Unseen Forces

    Chapter 5:   Steps to Salvation

    Chapter 6:   Unseen Protectors

    Chapter 7:   Angel Sermon

    Chapter 8:   Angels Warring for Us

    Chapter 9:   Discussion Questions


    In Loving Memory of

    Eddie James and Dorothy Lee Pridgen,

    my guardian angels.

    The purpose of this book is to provide readers with sound biblical knowledge regarding angels and their place in Christian theology. It is imperative for readers to have access to biblically and theologically accurate information on the subject of angels to counteract erroneous views popularized by the secular world. By making sound information available to readers, it will reassure them that through angels, God is present and is concerned about his people. Angelology makes us aware of spiritual realities beyond our own experiences and broadens our scope of heavenly possibilities. One desired outcome of this publication is that readers will be strengthen in their prayer life which will in turn increase their ability to activate angels on their behalf through a closer relationship with God. Another desired outcome is to touch the heart of unsaved persons who may not know Jesus Christ as their redeemer. It is my hope that they may read this work and make a conscious decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This newfound salvation will allow them to benefit from God’s special agents.


    My heartfelt appreciation and gratitude are extended to my husband, Roscoe Howard. His patience, prayers, and support were invaluable and sorely needed throughout this process. He is my rock and the wind beneath my wings. His tolerance of the long, late-night hours did not go unnoticed, and for that, I am eternally grateful. And to my children, Derek and Monica, they are more precious to me than they will ever know. Their honest critique, suggestions and help was greatly needed. The sunshine and laughter they bring to my life is priceless. I pray that God’s angels will continue to watch over, guide, and protect them as they move toward their destiny in Christ.

    Special thanks to my pastor, Bishop V. N. Fullwood, for leading by example and sharing his belief in angelic forces. Over the years, his inspiring words of encouragement and his constant push for the spirit of excellence has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. He has provoked me to seek my destiny in Christ Jesus by demonstrating the importance of being a lifelong learner, inspirational leader and a motivator. Special thanks are also in order for my friends Dr. Janice Brown, Mrs. Cora Jones, Mrs. Alison Ray and Rev. Joyce Boykin (the encourager) who took the time to read my unfinished manuscript and to offer valuable suggestions. I will forever be grateful for their support.

    Most of all, I am grateful to God for his favor and the opportunity to share the good news about angels. May the truth of His Word be seen in the scriptures referenced on these pages.


    Chapter 1 provides several accepted definitions for angels and begins a systematic study of them.

    Chapter 2 highlights various books on angels and describes the extraordinary power of angels in detail. The reader will learn more about the appearance of angels and will be challenged to be open-minded as they consider the possibility of angels having spiritual wings instead of physical wings, or perhaps, no wings at all.

    Chapter 3 notes that stars have been used symbolically to denote angelic spirits in their heavenly nature. Readers are asked to consider how might the use of astrology affect Christians. The chapter goes on to list the classification and function of angels.

    Chapter 4 explains that faith in unseen forces is essential if we are to believe in angels. It is by faith that we acknowledge Jesus Christ as a Spirit, and it is by faith that we accept that angels who were created by God are also spirits.

    Chapter 5 explains the steps to salvation and connects the Bible with other literature. Many of the books cited were written by well-known authors including the famous international evangelist Dr. Billy Graham. The data collected from the online survey represents a small sample from a rural agricultural community. The participants were diverse by age, gender, and race. Information gathered from a larger survey done by Baylor University supports the general belief in angels. This survey was more diverse as it crossed denominations, geographical location, and many other variables.

    Chapter 6 challenges the reader to seriously consider the documentation provided in support of angelic beings and allows an opportunity for the reader to make an informed decision regarding their existence. Are God’s invisible hosts looking over you? Have you ever felt as if someone was watching you? How did you explain it? Each individual must ponder these questions and draw their own conclusion.

    Chapter 7 Angel Sermon

    Chapter 8 offers a compilation of prayers containing references to angelic beings to bring comfort and reassurance to the people of God.

    Chapter 9 Questions for discussion and review.



    But if these beings guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers.

    —Saint Ambrose

    What are Angels?

    Listed below are a few widely accepted definitions for angels.

    Webster’s Dictionary defines angel as a typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth. Online dictionaries also agree with Webster’s definition, noting that this is true especially in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. This representation of such a being, especially in Christianity, is conventionally shown in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings. This type of angel is commonly found on the Christmas cards that inundate post offices nationwide during the holiday season.

    There are many other similar definitions, many of which do not limit their definition of angels to celestial beings. These definitions can easily be used to reference human beings. For example, although some define an angel as a guardian spirit or a guiding influence, the term angel can also be used to describe the human characteristics of a kind and lovable person. If using angel in this manner, we can all think of at least one person who has been an angel. Can you think of someone who has been exceptionally kind and loving? If so, take time to let them know how important they are to you. It only takes a moment. On the other hand, I will be using Webster’s definition which describes an angel as a celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.

    According to the Bible, God created both angels and man. Colossians 1:16 (King James Version) says, For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. This biblical statement verifies the existence of angelic beings and that they were created by God as holy spirits. At their creation, these angels possessed free will; therefore; they have always had the choice of remaining loyal to God or to reject Him. Those who rejected Him became evil by choosing to no longer worship Him.

    Theological Definitions for Angels

    John Calvin defines angels as the dispensers and administrators of divine beneficence toward humankind. According to him, angels regard our safety, undertake our defense, direct our ways, and exercise a constant

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