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Chasing Freedom: The Colors of Freedom
Chasing Freedom: The Colors of Freedom
Chasing Freedom: The Colors of Freedom
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Chasing Freedom: The Colors of Freedom

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About this ebook

This adventure story is about an African-American pioneer who experienced hardships in a strange, new Promised Land while searching for Americas soul. It is a love story about a man and his race who gave up American only to rediscover it and eventually reclaim it. It is an epic of human strength and colorless passion, capturing the Black Fever that gripped our nation in the early 1800s and is still echoed in the debate over immigration today.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 13, 2006
Chasing Freedom: The Colors of Freedom

Stephen Leon Mathis

STEVE MATHIS is a resident of Los Angeles and Laguna Beach, California. He is a former teacher, and earned a Master Degree of Education in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Steve was inspired to publish this book when he reached the age of 65, which usually implies or in fact means that a person has joined the ranks of ‘Senior Citizens’ or has reached the age of retirement, which varies according to country.

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    Chasing Freedom - Stephen Leon Mathis

    Copyright © 2006 by Stephen Leon Mathis.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Historical Introduction


    Chapter One

    The Hanging: The Color of God

    Chapter Two

    Daisy Land Plantation, South Carolina:

    The Color of Dixie

    Chapter Three

    The Color of Religion

    Chapter Four

    Alexander Dance: My Color

    Chapter Five

    The President’s House: The Color of Politics

    Chapter Six

    The Voyage: The Color of the Sea

    Chapter Seven

    The Settlement: The Color Of Africa

    Chapter Eight

    America: The Color of Freedom

    Chapter Nine

    Gettysburg : The Color of War

    Chapter Ten

    The Return to Daisy Land:

    The Color of the Past


    The Color of the Future

    End Notes


    WORK ON THIS original story

    began over 20 years ago. Originally

    entitled The Grains of Paradise, this story has had several reincarnations. Written as a treatment for a feature film, it was then developed as a screenplay co-authored by Scott J. Thompson, before being published as a book. The author envisioned this property being developed as a feature film, a TV mini-series in the tradition of Roots, or a Broadway musical. The author has also written a musical score and verses for this project. The author acknowledges family and friends who have given their support and encouragement. They include: James Hancock, his life partner; Regina Leeds, friend and author; Donna White; Dr. William James, professor; Clarice Mathis, his mother; Warren F. Mathis, his favorite uncle, a minister and scholar; Steven Rose, agent and his life partner Rob Johnson; Christina Hernandez, the artist who designed the cover art and illustrations for this book; and Silvia Elena Boozell, photographer. This book is dedicated to his fathers, Ken Mathis and Edward Hancock, who taught him to cherish travel and adventure.




    America’s solution to an unstoppable

    racial tension. It promised something for everyone. This story takes place during a period of social upheaval. African-Americans longed for a "Promised Land’ of their own; merchants were greedy for new markets and trade; the religiously pious saw an opportunity to evangelize Christianity; abolitionists found a new cause around which they could rally; slave owners had found a way to deport their more troublesome slaves; and, politicians welcomed the chance to please everyone.



    Cemetery, New Haven Connecticut.

    Alexander Dance wanted to pay his final respects to a man whom he had much admired. He was a man who had made such a difference in the lives of so many of his race who were hopeless but hopeful. Today he visits the gravesite of Jehudi Ashmun. Now an elderly man, forty-seven years have passed since this man’s death, and Alexander looks upon the tombstone engraved, Jehudi Ashmun, April 21, 1794-August 25,1828. Social Reformer and United States Representative to Liberia in 1822. Alexander has just completed writing about his memoirs and the man with whom he shared a lifetime adventure.

    He begins, I am telling my story for the ages. Life is short. Life is who you live with. My own experience is limited to my moment in time. My vision, my hopes and dreams are timeless. I tell my story to document these events for human history, and the history of all colored people of my race. Perhaps others can learn from my experiences and be emboldened in their beliefs about our condition and the opportunity for all peoples to chase freedom. I began this story at the moment of my youth and my earliest recollections of the events and people which have shaped my world. If you read this account you will have the knowledge of your life experience to judge the importance of these tales. If you don’t read about my journey, then perhaps you will repeat the sins of our past. The chase never ends.

    By Alexander Dance 1875

    missing image file


    The Hanging: The Color of God


    Carolina. Denmark Vesey, is a freed slave

    from Charleston. He has recently been caught organizing the biggest revolt known to slavery in the United States. A skilled carpenter, Denmark Vesey, age sixty, had heard of a successful slave revolt that had occurred in Haiti in the 1790s. In similar fashion, he had planned a slave rebellion to attack Charleston from five sides, but his rebellion never materialized. He had reportedly succeeded in collecting two hundred and fifty bayonets and pike heads, and at least three hundred daggers and swords made by Negro plantation blacksmiths. He and his followers had spied out every store or house with arms and ammunition, and he had assigned members of his band to commandeer all the horses from Charleston stables. He reportedly had organized nine thousand slaves and former slaves to revolt! A slave turned informer reported the plan and Vesey and thirty-seven of his top co-conspirators were caught and condemned to be hanged.

    A large crowd of people have collected in the town square for the spectacle. People have brought their children and their infants. It is midday, and the clear blue sky and noonday sun promises everyone a commanding view of the spectacle below. Joining this crowd is a number of the soldiery quartered in the town. Restless crowds of people, black, white, young, old, are funneling in toward the town on horseback, carriages, flatbeds and by foot. There are numerous hawkers, vendors and peddlers who, with their trays of fish, fruit, meat, vegetables and bread precariously balanced on their heads,

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