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Charita's Blessing Gifts from God: I Thank You Jesus
Charita's Blessing Gifts from God: I Thank You Jesus
Charita's Blessing Gifts from God: I Thank You Jesus
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Charita's Blessing Gifts from God: I Thank You Jesus

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The Gifts from God who was basically given to me for reason and to understand how to used it of my own. God wanted me to do the book and helped others that can related to me and my gifts. I think it may helped you to feel more comfortable, inspired of my book, to relaxing and to being blessing for what you or I gotten gifts from God.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 9, 2009
Charita's Blessing Gifts from God: I Thank You Jesus

Charita Padilla

My name is Charita Padilla, I am born with Mild Cerebral Palsy. I am born and raised in the small town in Ansonia, Connecticut. I was moved into the another state which it would be in New Haven, Connecticut afterward, I was graduated in Ansonia High School. I am only child by each of my parents. I did graduate for Early Childhood Education and Data Entry. Now, I am married with my wonderful hubby Samuel and my two precious children. We had been married for four years. We are still living in New Haven, CT to nearby my family. I am now unemployment and stay home mom with our kids. You all might wonder what is my interesting to do for hobbies or for fun. I would like to do drawing since I was fifteen years old that I had been drawing ever since, I also like to do poetry which I do have several outstanding certificate awards and one merit award and I like writing too. Because, I do have some creative thought in my mind like see anything from any films by films. But, this is my first time to experience with my own truth stories about what I had been seen, feeling, any kind of sensations around me since in 1994 until still some out there around me. Those reason why that I was decided to go ahead to do this because, I would to share other people who had been experiences like I do having and others doesnt but, would like to learn from my own experience. That way they dont have to worrying about oh, that is silly or am I crazy from what I do see and anything like that That it why I want to do that to help and share with others. Even though that some of the people had been told that you do have a truly gifts from God. And others told me You are a very special person Maybe that it why my gifts were brought it up to opening up from my body, heart and soul. Some of the people can see through me as gifts from inside of me that really showing up to them like Among like A An Angel to them. That could be connection to them from me.

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    Book preview

    Charita's Blessing Gifts from God - Charita Padilla

     My Nearer Death Experience

    In February of 1985, I found myself being miserable and very depressed. I didn’t love myself the way I look. I was only sixteen. I was unhappy with my life and experiences. Locking myself in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and thought how ugly and disabled. I was. I turned on the tap to disguise my crying. Looking inside the medicine cabinet I saw a brown plastic pill bottle. I determined to take all the pills with no thought to the consequences. I somehow put them all down in my throat, swallowing with a lot of water. Wiping the tears from my cheek, I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen where my mother was cooking she asked, Are you Alright? and I was answer Why, I just fine. I felt no effect from the pills and told her I would be in my room. She announced that dinner would be in a few minutes as I walked back down the hall to my room. I sat down in my small brown chair and watched soap opera on television for a while. My best friend Gina was called me and we began in our converstations about school and what we would do over the weekend Gina realized my voice was strange and asked Charita, Are you alright? I told her I was just tired and ended the conservation quickly. I collapsed on the bed. The colors bedspread was a red and white thought of Valentine’s Day? I slept for twenty minutes or so until my mother came in my room where she stood by the door and watching Another Worlds on my TV set. She said that dinner was ready. I remember moaning, trying to wake up. My father came up and kissed my mother and called out Charita I couldn’t respond.

    After that, I remember being outside and my father was racing to open the car’s passenger door for my mother. I blanked out again. And work up to being held on my mother’s lap the car. From the window I could see a clear blue and sunny skies and a young girl was sat on the porch as we drove down the street. Then, I was unconscious. The next time I was opened my eyes it was to the noise and harsh ceiling lights of the hospital emergency room. I heard a voice urging Move it!. Doctors and nurses in panic, try to restore my heart beat. I was conscious of a lot of noise around me. Next I saw a man with a white glowing robe standing in the tunnel front of me. His face obscured by luminous light and he was beckoned me to following him. He had salt and pepper hair tied in a ponytail and a cape with a hood. The walls around us were orange, purple and red; there were faces and arms reaching out to me. The figures in the wall seemed angry as if they would hurt me. They seem to be forces from the darker side. I was followed the man and one of the sets of arm reached out to grab me as I was in hurried by then, somehow disappeared. I felt as though the man in the robe was protecting me beyond the walls was kind of circle of many faces inside were young and old, of all races. I stood at the end of the tunnel, in a dense fog from the inside the gloom a glowing star was being appeared, in the shades of blue and white. There were also gray shadows and rumbling noise took to be the spirit was in the heaven.

    Further to my right, I saw a golden light shining down. By its illumination I saw I had no feet and there wasn’t invisible floor. Two girls and one boy stood in the shaft of gold. The girl spoke Mom, you can’t leave yet. It’s not your time. I looked to see whom she was talking to and realized I was only one there. The girl continued, We need you, and We love you, Mom. I couldn’t speak. The second smaller girl spoke She’s right, we need you. An Angel appeared on my right holding a white blanket in her arms. Swaddled inside was a baby with dark black hair and light skin. A second angel figure was holding a baby as well. I saw next a man with brown hair, beard and wearing a long white robe belted with a brown sash. Although, I couldn’t see his face clearly, I knew it was Jesus. He had people with him. He told me Charita, it isn’t your time. You will go back home again and until the right time. I wanted to talk with him. But, I couldn’t move my mouth. I saw three children in front of me. Before, they faded away, the older girl said, Remember, Mom, We love you and will help you. Then something was pulling me backwards down the tunnel, like a fast traffic lane.

    I heard a voice was repeating, It wasn’t your time. I was back in the hospital room and saw the red, orange, and yellow tunnel light behind me. I seemed to being to hovering at the ceiling I wore the long-sleeved and the white cotton robe on me. There was a light wind blowing. Below some dark shadows dissolved into doctors, patients and nurses in the emergency room. I flew down and saw myself unconscious on the bed. It appeared I was dead. On my right side was the people were along with the man with salt and pepper hair. Without the ball of light illuminating him, I could see his face; He had Santa Claus beard and dark eyes with beige skin. He looked to be about fifty-six. I looked at my unmoving body. Somehow, I was managed to crawl onto the bed and came back to my body.

    Finally, a doctor called me Charita, Can you hear me? If you do just squeeze my finger." I heard a female voice and squeezed her finger. I came back from my near death experience… When I looking back just had been a most memorable time in my life. It was a life changing to me. I had been learned that Near Death Experience from Hell to Heaven is really do exist. Look how far that I had becomes. From the Heaven did it save my life?

    I went to finish my high school and graduated. After that I went into few colleges and I did graduated one of the college. I had been worked in Yale of New Haven, Connecticut. Now I had been laid off from December of 1991. Now I am married and have two precious children.

     "My late Cousin got my

    Messages From God"

    Before, He had passed on. I knew it. I had to praying to God. Before his time would come sooner. I saying in my prayer God, I knew it he won’t be living much longer and not much time to left. When his time was right for him to going home with you and the angels. Please take him home the way he won’t be stuffer pain into his body also, telling him that I had been praying for him and We all sorely be missed him. Of course, We loved him dearly. Thank you for listening to me. Amen! That was in April of 1994 during my praying. The last time I saw him being alive that he was in bedridden. I felt that he knew it and his time was coming short. We did glad to seen him alive. I just gotten emotional the way I looked at his face. He was cried a little bit down on his cheeks. He knew it.

    August 31, 1994. He died that late afternoon. When I seen him front of my first vision which I never knew of it. He had been rose up from his own death. Then, The angels came down to him each sided of him. He couldn’t be imagined that what would be like that with the angels. White flight stairs was glowing. The purple and blue skies were appearing to be a awesome in the heaven. The Angels were floated down and waited for him to move step forwards. Once he is ready to do that then, they were going to be faded slowly motions. I will never forget it for rest of my life that time I didn’t know what it is called or didn’t expecting to came to me. I heard from the people on television that they were mentioned to say Psychic. Which I realized that I could have that. Which I wasn’t unsure about it. Then, my mother was there with him and his family at the time of his death. She went into New York to being there. When my mother arrived at home from New York. I got up from my bed and grabbed a yellow cup with a smiley face

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