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To Help Lost Souls Find Home
To Help Lost Souls Find Home
To Help Lost Souls Find Home
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To Help Lost Souls Find Home

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About this ebook

The book To Help Lost Souls Find Home begins by relating
the authors journey to awakening, and personal experiences
along her path. It is packed with information regarding our energy
system, Spirit Guides, Guardians, Angels and Angeldom and helps
us to understand the difference between! Most of the content of this
book is derived from the channeling of Rev. Marshalls Master Spirit
Guide, Sananda, and their conversations over a 13 year period. The
book is a must read for those who are seekers, as they find their
paths to awakening. It also carries with it a serious message, a call
to awaken, which concerns what lies ahead for our planet and the
realization that our end of days has indeed begun.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 18, 2011
To Help Lost Souls Find Home

Rev. Debra Marshall

The author, Debra Marshall, is a church ordained Interfaith Minister and a retired Nurse of 30 years. She holds a degree, a BFA in Communication Art and Design (Illustration) from Virginia Commonwealth University graduating in 1993. She has been able to see and to hear the souls around her since birth, but it was not until a frightening encounter with evil sent her in search of help and answers 13 years ago, that she realized her own soul ‘s worth and a sacred contract that she must fulfill. Since that time, Rev. Marshall has opened a chat room called “Helps with Hauntings” , under the name of “Reiki1Rev” at AOL, and currently has an Internet Radio show “Spirit Quest Helps- Serious Talk, Intuitive Answers” on Blog Talk Radio. The book “To Help Lost Souls Find Home” represents at least in part, the fulfillment of her sacred contract. “The ministry has changed over the past decade” she relates, “It began as a ministry based on love, one that would help unite and reconcile people of all faiths, bringing us all closer to our Father. However, it has now become my task to deliver a message that Our Father wishes to be heard by all of us worldwide. I also am still involved in helping the souls of our ancestors to return home, and I greatly enjoy teaching this to others.”

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    To Help Lost Souls Find Home - Rev. Debra Marshall

    To Help Lost Souls

    Find Home

    Rev. Debra Marshall

    Copyright © 2011 by Rev. Debra Marshall.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011907231

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4628-6888-9

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4628-6887-2

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4628-6889-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    CHAPTER ONE How My Work Began

    CHAPTER TWO Spirit Releasement: A Search And Rescue Mission

    CHAPTER THREE Energy System Basics

    CHAPTER FOUR The Ancient Mystical White Brotherhood and the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek, Our Spirit Guides, Guardians and the Angeldom, and a channeled message from my Spirit Guides

    CHAPTER FIVE Who we are, Where we come from- Facts regarding our troubled Universe and the biodiversity of our planet

    CHAPTER SIX The Fabric of our Existence— A Channeled message from Jepoc Neokah

    CHAPTER SEVEN The Benediction- The Fifth Planetary Emergency Revealed









    From an early age, I knew of the existence of ghosts. I would see people and animals walking down my street that would disappear as I approached them. On a trip to Colonial Williamsburg as a child, I watched doors open by themselves in the historic homes that we toured, and felt the breeze rush past. I did not see this as a gift at that time, because I was afraid. After an illness put me in closer touch with my Spirit Guides and Father, The fear that had been a part of my life for so long, vanished. I was then able to hear them and to sometimes see them, and I was taught to help them to go home. I have had friends who liken my ability to the child in the movie The Sixth Sense. I cannot deny that there are similarities. The souls do look as they did at their time of death. They do indeed come to people that they think might be able to help them to return home. However, at the age of that small boy in the movie, I was far too frightened to help them! Others might call me a Ghost Whisperer. There are some similarities that I share with the young woman in that television series, but there are ways in which we differ. The Souls around us are seldom left behind to finish old business or to work through problems before moving on. Since being able to converse with them, I have found that this is not the case. They do look like they did at their time of death, and contrary to the television show, this does not change as they are ready to leave and to go into the light. The greatest way in which their reality differs from the show is this—these Souls are loved by Father and wanted home again and always have been! It is also true that those of us who choose to help Father and our fellowman in this way will receive greater help to keep us safe. The television show often implies that evil forces are stronger and better organized than the forces of good, and this is not the case, either. Another way in which reality differs from the show is this—Souls are very much aware that they are no longer alive and they do not need to be convinced of this. Souls are not always angry and vengeful. I have met a few that were angry but the majority are actually very pleasant and very thankful to be returning to Heaven. Spirit Releasement, the act of helping the Souls who are still earthbound to return home, is a type of selfless service to Father and to mankind. Thought, meditation and prayer should go into your decision, before doing this work.

    There are other considerations as well. I have been asked to reveal to all of you a number of facts that are both upsetting and very true. This book is the beginning of the awakening of our people upon this planet. An awakening that has been made necessary by those facts.

    Are you interested in hearing more? Come with me then, down the path that I have traveled, the path to greater understanding and enlightenment, the path that leads to the way in which we help lost Souls find home.



    In a circle of free thinkers, there is much talk of awakening. What is it? How does one achieve awakening? There is a lot of confusion in such groups of people, to be sure. Awakening is a learning process. A process where by we suddenly or gradually decide that we want more from life than work and family. We begin to ask the big questions—Why are we here? Does God exist and if he does, does he love us? Do other worlds exist? Do they know we are here? As we begin to walk our spiritual path to awakening, we read. We ask questions, we seek to grow. What does this have to do with the beginning of my work? Everything! In order to make my message clear, telling you how all of this happened in my life is essential. Hopefully some of you will see yourselves on your own path as I tell you about mine.

    When I began my path to awakening, I resided in Richmond, Virginia, and had been out of work for three long, miserable years. I became an L.P.N. in 1975 with the hope of becoming a Nun and a Missionary. Due to the objections of my family, this did not happen. However, I did continue my Nursing career until 2006. I worked in Neurology, Psychiatry, Chemical Dependency, Geriatrics, and Medical/Surgical Nursing over the years, but most of my career was spent in Orthopedics and Rehabilitation. Twenty-one years of heavy lifting on such a physically demanding job took their toll and by 1983 I developed a very bad back problem. By the late ’80s, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome. At the time, it was called Chronic Epstein-Barr Syndrome, and very little was understood about the illness. I desperately looked for work that could be done from home and the Va. Department of Rehabilitation helped me to return to college. I graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1993 with a B.F.A. degree in Communication Arts and Design, Illustration. It was my dream to write and to illustrate Children’s books and to do Editorial Illustrations for magazines and newspapers. It was simply not meant to be. A few months after graduation, I had a disc herniate and that, coupled with the fatigue, forced me to stop nursing. I found myself out of work from 1993 to 1996, having to accept help from my family to survive. I kept trying to set up and begin my Illustration career, sending out business letters and samples of my work, to no avail. I tried to stay as mentally if not as physically active as I could, writing poetry and trying to expand my portfolio. Why had my dream eluded me? I began to turn to prayer, seeking answers to explain my misery. It was in 1993 that my awakening truly began. It happened early one Sunday morning. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, not realizing that anything was wrong. My lower back had given me trouble for years and I had come to terms with the pain and just lived with it, not realizing that it could get worse. When I tried to stand, I sunk nearly to the floor, in horrible pain and hung on to a closet door frame for support. My legs were so weak, they were like rubber. The pain and pressure were enormous and I knew that I was in serious trouble. I managed to hold on to furniture and walls in order to get to the bathroom at a snails pace. This is when I did something that surprised even me. I looked upward at the ceiling and called out loudly Hey, you guys! I need help down here! Who was I calling to? At the time, I wasn’t familiar with the concept of Spirit Guides. I felt a sort of stirring, and I felt their astonishment. I knew that I had been heard by someone! I felt as if I was being supported and I made it to and from the bathroom and then to a bedroom phone to call my Mother who had an 11/2 hour drive to get to me. The intelligent thing to do would have been to call for an ambulance but I was, at that time, working only part time as a nurse and trying to get my Illustration business off of the ground. I had no health insurance and I also had a dog that had to be cared for. I felt that this back attack would most likely result in surgery. I got back into bed, wondering how my Mother would get into my apartment. She had a key but I had put the dead bolt on the night before as well as a chain lock. I knew that I could not risk getting up again, for fear of falling. I was totally spent. Despite all of my worries and concerns, I felt warm and loved and despite the amount of pain that I was in, I managed to fall back to sleep. When I awakened, my Mother was coming into the apartment, admonishing me for leaving the door completely unlocked! Years later, I was told by my Spirit Guides that my Guardians opened that door and that they had practically carried me to and from that bathroom and to the telephone to make that call.

    I have already stated that I began writing poetry and this was true. One of the interesting things about my poetry is that most of it seemed to center around my childhood and the small town of Orange, Virginia where my sister and I grew up. It flowed almost as if it were already written, just waiting to come out. One poem called To Ruth was about a mentally challenged neighbor woman who was very kind to everyone. She walked a long distance in spite of poor health to attend my Grandmother’s funeral, which touched me deeply. Another was a magical tale about a carousel in which one of the horses comes alive—the beautiful old carousel that I remembered from my childhood. I began to realize that I was being called back home to Orange. The question was why? There had to be something there that I was meant to do. It was then that I decided to write a book about the houses in my home town that were reputed to be haunted. As a child, I had seen spirits and my family and I considered the apartment we shared to be haunted as well. Lights would go on by themselves, footsteps were heard, and my bed would shake until the slats fell out and I came crashing to the floor! I saw a female spirit in a long white gown walk by me at least twice and my sister and mother had witnessed such phenomena as well. Because of this, we were always fascinated by such stories of the paranormal and I became very enthusiastic about this book. I am embarrassed now to tell you that I envisioned it as a coffee table book, called Hometown Spirits with plenty of photographs and illustrations of houses reportedly haunted in that area.

    The town of Orange is a small town surrounded by farms and steeped in history. Orange County was founded in 1734. It was located on the main line of the Southern Railway, and is 85 miles from Washington, D.C. Because of it’s strategic location, it served military forces as a base during the American Revolution and the Civil War. For those of you who might be interested in touring historic sites, Orange has much to offer. The old train depot in the heart of town is now a visitor’s center and has information readily available. The Orange County Court House was moved into the town of Orange, the current county seat, in 1749. The present building was erected in 1858. One of the oldest buildings in Orange is that of Spring Garden. This house was built by James Marshall in 1820, and bought by Edmund Pendleton Taylor of near by Meadow Farm in 1824. Local tradition relates that Spring Garden was once used as a stage coach stop and tavern. St. Thomas Church, another historic site, was built in 1833 and has seen such dignitaries as President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee, and General Pendleton. The original St. Thomas Church was once located on Meadow Farm but this was destroyed in the early 19th century. The current structure, still in use today, is located on the corner of Rt.15 and Rt. 20 in the town of Orange. East of Orange near the corporate limits, on Rapidan Road, there is a stone marker which marks the site of Lee’s Parade Ground. It was on this site that confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gen. Lee reviewed the troops following their retreat from Gettysburg in 1863. Also in the north east part of Orange County, 20 miles from town is the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. The Battle of the Wilderness was fought in 1864 and is now part of the National Park System. Many of the large mansions and farms of that area were pressed into service as hospitals for the causalities of that battle. A minor squirmish was also fought on Main Street in the town of Orange. Five miles west of Orange on Rt. 20 stands Montpelier, once the estate of President James Madison. On a hill two blocks north of West Main Street is a mansion known as Montpeliso. This estate was built by Paul Verdier in 1819. A large part of the town of Orange was once a part of Montpeliso Farm and it furnished the town with water from Peliso Spring. It became a temporary hospital during the Civil War. General Layfayette was a guest of President Madison at Montpelier in 1825 and the citizens of Orange held a banquet in his honor at Montpeliso. Montpeliso is now privately owned and has been converted into condominiums, therefore it is not available for private viewing. However, I did speak confidentially to one of its occupants who stated that she had had items move about the house only to turn up in unlikely places. As a child, I knew this mansion as the old Harper place, and it was vacant. The children and many adults of this small community regarded it as haunted. When renovations were under way, artifacts including human bones were discovered in the back yard, not surprising given the history of its having been used as a hospital during the war. Willow Grove, another beautiful mansion, lies west of Orange on Madison Road. Joseph Clarke acquired the land in 1786 and most likely built a portion of the structure that still exists at this time. However, his son William Clarke completed the brick northeast section of Willow Grove in 1848. At the time of my researching the book, it was a charming bed and breakfast. I am sorry to say that it is currently up for sale. The previous owner told me that guests had reported strange things happening there and that in a wedding photograph, a man in the uniform of a confederate soldier was visible, standing next to the bride! While there, I took photos and walked the grounds, feeling as if I had journeyed back in time. There was a one room school building in the back close to the main house, and I could hear and feel children giggling and playing a sort of hide and seek with me. A photo taken from out side of one of its windows shows a blurred head

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