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The Healing Power of Love
The Healing Power of Love
The Healing Power of Love
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The Healing Power of Love

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The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power
The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe
The Cosmic Power Within You
Great Bible Truths for Human Problems
The Healing Power of Love
How to Attract Money
How to Pray with a Deck of Cards
How to Use the Power of Prayer
How to Use Your Healing Power
Infinite Power for Richer Living
Living Without Strain
Love is Freedom
Magic of Faith
Mental Poisons and Their Antidotes
The Miracle of Mind Dynamics
Miracle Power for Infinite Riches
Peace Within Yourself
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Pray Your Way Through It
Prayer is the Answer
Psychic Perception: The Meaning of Extrasensory Power
Quiet Moments with God
Secrets of the I Ching
Songs of God
Special Meditations for Health, Wealth, Love, and Expression
Stay Young Forever
Supreme Mastery of Fear
Telepsychics: The Magic Power of Perfect Living
Why Did This Happen to Me?
Within You is the Power
Write Your Name in the Book of Life
Your Infinite Power to be Rich
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 9, 2010

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    Book preview

    The Healing Power of Love - Dr. Joseph Murphy

    The Healing Power

    of Love

    Dr. Joseph Murphy

    Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

    ISBN:       Hardcover       978-1-4500-2691-8

    Softcover       978-1-4500-2690-1

    ISBN:       ebk       978-1-4653-2903-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,

    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Edited by: Dr. Herminia Boyer

    Cover Design and Photography by: International Designer, W. Patrick Brooks

    Authorized by: The Jean L. Murphy Revocable Trust

    3156 Toopal Drive

    Oceanside, California 92058-7490

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 1


    One of the most beautiful, soul-stirring stories in the Bible is the loving, moving account of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth means that which lovingly clings. Boaz means God’s Truth. These are the two pillars, which lead to the Holy of Holies within you. You love God when you steadfastly refuse to give power to error and false beliefs, giving at the same time, all your allegiance and devotion to the Spiritual Principle within you, insisting that the Principle of Harmony be manifested in your life. When you mentally reject the power of the phenomenalistic world and give all your allegiance to the Spirit within as Omnipotent, knowing it is responsive to our thought, you have the Lord of Life as your shepherd and you love God because you are being loyal to the One Power. Ruth said to her mother-in-law, Naomi, "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goes, I will go: and where thou lodges, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God." Ruth 1:16.

    Naomi is the emotional self. The Bible says her two sons are dead, which means that the body and environment are expressing lack and limitation. When you are not manifesting or expressing the desires of your heart, you become frustrated and disappointed. This is a story about all of us. A woman’s husband is dead, Biblically speaking, when the action of God has ceased to be expressed through her. She is no longer being impregnated by Divine Ideas such as Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. To put this in simple, psychological language, the emotions of defeat and despair are governing the consciousness. When a person lacks faith and confidence, and when initiative and the forward push are absent, truly the husband is dead. The woman in all of us is our emotional or subjective nature. Thought is the husband, and feeling is the woman.

    Thy maker is thy husband. The male quality of the mind is your husband, which means thought, action, desire, or the image-making faculty. When you are functioning spiritually, you desire to grow, expand, and move forward. Life is a progression. When the mind is sick and confused, the emotions are disturbed; in such a case the tendency is to withdraw within yourself and brood; then your ideas, dreams, and aspirations die within you, and you feel frustrated. Your present state of consciousness and your desire are your two sons. If you are healthy, happy, joyous, and prosperous, your two sons are alive. If you are full of fear and foreboding, and wallowing in the mire of despair and despondency, your two sons are dead. Naomi (mother-in-law, the emotional nature) may be full of despair; yet the spiritual urge within all of us pushes us to move on, to press on up higher. It is the Voice of God crying in the wilderness, saying to all men, "Make straight in the desert a highway for our God." Isaiah 40:2.

    Ruth represents that which lovingly clings to us. It is the Cosmic Urge, the Divine Impulse in all of us. It clings to us, haunts our minds, and is a persistent voice insisting upon our attention. Life is always seeking to express itself.

    Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence? Psalms139: 7. The Presence of God is in the sick man, in the man whose body is racked with pain. Behold, I am there. There is something within man, which re-minds him of his origin and urges him back to it. It is his mission and purpose to cherish, enlarge, and liberate this memory so that it grows from a spark to a flame, and floods his whole being.

    Ruth is called the female companion. She represents the unconscious desire of life to express itself and preserve itself at all costs. This inner female companion, or God in you, acts as a stimulus to your de-pressed state causing you to think and reason a way out of your dilemma. She could be called the mother in you, or the intuitive sense in you. All men want to be good, do well, and express good because their nature is divine. God is in all men seeking to express Him through them. Every man is an incarnation of God, and when you have a desire to be greater than you are, it is God seeking to express that concept or urge through you. Relax, let go, adopt the mood of receptivity, and let God’s fullness flow through you. "There is a Divinity which shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will."

    Note carefully what Ruth in you says, Whither thou goes, I will go; and where thou lodges, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. For tender beauty, this statement is unsurpassed. Here is portrayed love, faith, and devotion to the end. Where thou dies, I will die, and there will I am buried.

    Your faith in your ideal or goal must be maintained unto the end; then the old state dies and the new state (answered prayer) is resurrected. Ruth is really Life’s urge seeking expression and progression through you. The journey is ever onward in consciousness. Ruth’s urge in you is your love for God and all things spiritual. Fall in love with Wisdom, Truth, and Beauty, and wonders will take place in your life.

    Boaz is the goal, the ideal you seek in life. You must have a goal in life, an aim, and a purpose. You must be going somewhere, otherwise you simply drift aimlessly. Listen to Ruth, the inner promptings and murmurings of your heartstrings. If you do not know what your true place in life is, pray for guidance, and you will get a lead such as a strong, persistent feeling or tendency in a certain direction. An idea may suddenly come to your mind like toast pops out of a toaster. The desire that lingers week in and week out is the true desire of your heart.

    A boy of sixteen who recently prayed for guidance, for true expression in life, found himself joining religious groups, studying religious books, being interested in the Bible, etc. He plans to go to divinity school, and is very happy about it. Later on he will teach the laws of life and the way of the Spirit to all men. He prayed for guidance, so the deeper mind responded accordingly. If a certain premise is enthroned in the mind, the response must be the correlate of the premise. The premise and conclusion are one; the beginning and the end are the same; the seed and the plant are one. He had invoked the spirit of guidance, and having once invoked it and believed in it, he came under the spell of right action. I talked to a man who was offered a position overseas. He could not accept because of his intense fear of water and airplanes. He became panic-stricken at the thought of getting on a boat. Undoubtedly there was a subconscious pattern behind this, a terrifying childhood experience, perhaps at the hands of some bully in the neighborhood pool. He had prayed for true expression, his prayer had been answered, but he said he could not accept.

    There is a way to overcome such fear. Ruth is the predominant part of the soul in man telling him there is always a way out, a solution. The mere fact that he came to see me regarding help for his problem showed that he knew instinctively there was a way to overcome this fear. He was recognizing a Higher Power than his intellect.

    He began to use his imagination constructively. He imagined and felt himself swimming in a pool, he felt the chill of the water, and he made it vivid, real, and dramatic. He heard friends congratulate him on his progress. He became thoroughly immersed in the water mentally; it was a victorious, loving, interested movement of the mind.

    He entered the water mentally until he was compelled to enter it physically. With the help of an instructor, he learned to swim and mastered the water. This was the working of the Spiritual Power Which he invoked. The Spiritual Power responded according to the nature of his invocation or prayer, and compelled him to respond; such is the law.

    What we do on the inside, we experience on the outside. The Bible says, Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace, therefore good shall come to thee. Acquaint yourself with the mental and emotional operations of your own mind. Apply the principle of mind, realize your desire, and peace shall come unto thee.

    Boaz means the Power and Wisdom of God. Boaz is that which blesses, heals, and makes you happy; Ruth (inner guidance) will lead you to it. It might be an invention you wish accepted, a desire to achieve in some field such as that of a singer, composer, great artist, or musician. Boaz is that which you wish to unite with in consciousness. You must marry Boaz. How do you marry or become one with your ideal (Boaz)? Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, Ruth 3:3.

    Your good is your God, Wash thyself means to cleanse your mind by refusing to give power to anything but your own consciousness, and the reigning power of your thought. Refuse positively and definitely to let your mind dwell on any negative state. To lift up your ideal, is the meaning of anointing thyself. Look to your ideal, let the light shine on it, honor it, count it worthy, praise it, exalt it, tell yourself how wonderful your ideal is, and mentally accept it. Let your ideal captivate and enthrall you (wearing the garment). You will find a deific response within you. The Power or Principle within responds to your dominant thought and mood. It is called in modern science the law of action and reaction. You must fulfill certain conditions. There is something you must do before there is a divine response. Isaiah says, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the works of my hand, command ye me.

    God works through you; i.e., through your own thought and belief. In order for you to advance and grow spiritually, you must begin; then God begins. God will do nothing for you except through you. God works, of course, on a cosmic, universal scale in the control of all your vital functions and other body processes; beyond that you must initiate further growth and spiritual unfoldment. You must individualize and personalize the spirit in you.

    The greatest study of man is man. This seems to be forgotten in our world today where we are feverishly engaged in building new hydrogen bombs. We must go back to God from whence we came. So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife; and when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bare a son. Ruth 4:13. That son was to be the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David. When you come to God, to Truth, and to the Eternal Source, realizing the Source is Love; there is no fear, only peace.

    Begin now to meditate, to eat of the nourishing Truths of God Which have stood the test of time. Feast on God’s Love, Peace, Joy, Bliss, Beauty, and Perfection. Your mind will be nourished. Your soul will be fortified. God and His Peace will move on the waters of your mind. You will then be Ruth marrying Boaz, and you will give birth to a mental and spiritual child. He will be the father of the line of Jesse and David, meaning that you will experience the joy of the answered prayer—peace, health, and happiness.

    Jesse means I AM or God, and David means Love. Your sense of union with God will be the progenitor or father of all things good in your world. Jesse (I AM), the awareness of the Presence of God, is born in your mind, and David, who is God’s Love, rules your heart. You will have found your savior, your companion, your guide, and your loving friend who will remain with you always. You will have arrived at the state of consciousness called Ruth when your human love is raised to Divine Love by detaching yourself from the false beliefs of the world, and by giving all your devotion and attention to the real spiritual values of life. In other words, you will be functioning as Ruth and Boaz by following always where Divine Love leads, and remaining steadfast in your belief and loyalty to the One Power. Love in the highest and best degree, and acknowledge the God of Love as Lord of your life. Such loyalty and devotion is always rewarded, and you will find yourself a ruler of your world full of joy, happiness, and peace. You will go from glory to glory, ever onward, upward and God ward.

    The Treatment Process

    In prayer or treatment, if you want to help another, turn your mind completely toward God; this is the first step in the treatment process. The second step is to contemplate the solution of the problem (the answer). Do these frequently until you arrive at a conviction. Jesus in the Scriptures who is the one who should come or the manifestation of your ideal symbolizes this. Your desire objectified is your Jesus—your solution. Jesus and Joshua are identical in the Bible; both mean God is the savior or emancipator. In another sense Jesus represents the Truth which, when it ascends into working consciousness in a man, begins a series of acts which are the result of the descent of a Holy (whole) spirit.

    In prayer we call forth our disciples, which is a disciplining of our faculties—in other words, sight (Andrew) and faith in God (Peter). At first we are perhaps afraid, but as we meditate upon God, we intone our consciousness to a sense of peace and understanding; then Peter’s name is changed to Cephas (a rock). This is the rock of Truth, which is impregnable—meaning and unassailable faith in the God power, which comes when we realize that it is supreme and that there is no other.

    We also call Philip who, our concordance informs us, is a lover of horses. A trainer of horses is kind but firm. He never beats the animal, but rather he leads him. The horse, sensing that there is a master on his back, obeys and takes the trainer whosesoever he wishes to go. All of us certainly need this mental quality sadly lacking in most of us. We quit after a few days and say, What’s the use? It doesn’t work for me. Instead, we should ride our mood or feeling of acceptance until it takes root within us, then we have disciplined our mind through Phillip’s qualities of character and action.

    Most of the disciples were fishermen—which means that we draw the fish (or ideas) out of the Infinite Deep within us. We are all fishermen and we are afloat in the great deep. I am the fish that swimmiest in the great deep. (Tarot teaching).

    Philip finds Nathanael, the latter meaning the gift of God (our desire). Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, means this very gift of God—the consciousness of Emmanuel (god within). Joseph is our faculty of disciplined imagination. Jesus is our solution to that which we want it comes from Nazareth (a stem or sprout). If we will take that sprout or idea, no matter how fantastic it is, and see it clearly as a fact now existing in consciousness, we have psychologically called Andrew.

    If we will have faith in God to bring it to pass, we have called Peter (the faculty of hearing or feeling the good tidings within). We sustain or ride that mood until it becomes a subjective embodiment within us. We are now calling Philip.

    Then appears Nathanael (the gift of God), our desire made manifest. We say, Yes, this is Jesus (my answered prayer, my salvation), and he is of Nazareth (that idea or desire that I nourished). Yes, verily, it is the son of Joseph, the manifestation of what I imagine is subjectively in the Greater Now (where past, present and future co-exist). When we completely accept our desire in consciousness without any reservations, we are, indeed, an Israelite without guile.

    The Holy Spirit always manifests as wholeness, completeness and perfection—but we are all, at times, under the fig tree of limitation, sorrow or lack. Consciousness possesses the answer to our need, did we but know where and how to seek and find it.

    The metaphysical key to demonstration is offered in the following statements: Before we ever pray for a thing, it is. Creation is finished. We simply give expression to that which has already been formed, subjectively and spiritually. We can go to I AM NOW and claim what we want, and it will answer us! The Truth student sees what he wants in a meditative state and becomes one with it. Having seen and felt what he wants subjectively, when he opens his eyes again, he knows what he must experience it objectively—since the latter is but the inevitable result of the subjective state.

    Hence, do not fail to dream lofty dreams and make them come true. In moments of high meditation—when we become lost in the boundless One—we may see the Angels of God (divine truth and holy ideas) ascending and descending. We then become illumined by the radiance of the Light Limitless—the true Light which lightest every man that cometh into the world of spiritual understanding and illumination.

    Chapter 2


    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens:

    "A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to

    Pluck up that which is planted.

    "A time to mourn, and a time to dance . . . .

    "A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing . . .

    "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of


    Cycles of Life

    There are the cycles of childhood, adolescence, youth, manhood and old age; and there are yearly cycles, daily cycles, weekly and monthly cycles, and hourly cycles. The cycles of your mental life are based upon your ideas, beliefs, opinions and convictions which revolve in your consciousness and which come forth according to their nature.

    The sun in the heavens was a symbol of God to the ancients. They looked upon its functions as Godlike in relation to the earth. They knew the sun was not God, but it reminded them of the real Invisible Light within. The stars of God represent the stars of truth within you. They symbolize the knowledge, the awareness, the wisdom and the creative ideas, which light up the heavens of your mind, giving you peace, harmony, joy, abundance and security.

    It is foolish, therefore, to worship the stars or the planets, which are only masses of molecular combinations moving in space. Instead, why not worship and give all of your allegiance to the Infinite Intelligence in which you live, move and have your being.

    Planting and Reaping

    In ancient times men reckoned the time for planting and reaping by the position of the stars. When Aries appeared at a certain place, the Vernal Equinox was near and spring was at hand. The stars are governed by a mathematical precision so rhythmical and godlike that they were worshipped in ancient times. When Libra appeared at a certain spot in the celestial atmosphere, it was the Autumnal Equinox and autumn was near. It was the time of the harvest, and the deciduous trees shed their leaves.

    Our First Clocks

    An aerial navigator in Israel said to me that the stars were our first timepieces; and that is right. He shoots the stars on the route he travels and for the time also. The Naval Observatories and the Observatory of Greenwich, England, make use of the stars and the sun to set the clocks to the right time. The stars govern our world to a certain extent, but not in any astrological sense. In the local planetarium the astronomers can take you back thousands of years B.C. because they know the law regarding their movement, which is always mathematically accurate and in perfect precision.

    Falling in Love

    Fall in love with (i.e., get married to) ideas, which heal, bless, prosper, guide, inspire, strengthen and lift you up. Busy your mind with these concepts, and you will leave no vacancy there for the false propaganda of the world. Marry Truth, which never changes, and health; prosperity, vitality, wisdom and understanding will be your offspring.

    Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman (Proverbs 7:4). Your sister is wisdom, which is an awareness of the Presence and Power of God in you. Understanding is to stand firmly on the Truth, knowing that whatever you claim and feel to be true, your subconscious will respond accordingly. Then you have found your true wife.

    Love Is Always Outgoing

    Love must have an object. Love is an emotional attachment. You can fall in love with music, art, a great project, a cause, or with your ideal. You can become emotionally attracted to the eternal verities. You can become absorbed and engrossed in science and many other things.

    Einstein loved the principle of mathematics, and it revealed its secrets to him. That is what love does. Astronomers fall in love with the science of astronomy, and they are constantly revealing the secrets of the heavens to us.

    The Great Law of Love

    If you want to remain healthy, vigorous, and strong, you have to realize that there is but one Power, indivisible, and its source is love. This Power has no opposition. It is the omnipotent Life Principle that has overcome every opposition in this world and it goes on conquering and is forever victorious. Realize that you are one with this God-Power. You are aligned with it now, and mighty forces will come to your aid.

    The Holiest of All Unions

    Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson claimed that marriage has deep and serious benefits, and great joys. Oliver Goldsmith said, I chose my wife, as she did her wedding gown, for qualities that would wear well.

    Marriage is the holiest of all earthly unions, and it should be entered into reverently and prayerfully, with full understanding of its sacredness. The sanctity of marriage and the family relation constitute the real cornerstone of our society and civilization.

    Marriage, to be complete, must be on a spiritual basis. The contemplation of Divine ideals, the study of the laws of life, and a conscious unity in thought, purpose, plan, and action bring about that wedded bliss, that holy union which makes the outer life like the inner: peaceful, joyous, and harmonious.

    Love and Prayers

    A man once said to me in Rochester, New York, that a woman with whom he had been going for three years refused to marry him and that he was going to commit suicide if he could not have her. I taught him how to pray for a wife in the following manner:

    God is one and indivisible. In Him we live, move, and have our being. I know and believe that God indwells every person; I am one with God and with all people. I now attract the right woman who is in complete accord with me. This is a spiritual union, because it is the spirit of God functioning through the personality of someone with whom I blend perfectly. I know I can give to this woman love, light, and truth. I know I can make this woman’s life full, complete, and wonderful.

    I now decree that she posses the following qualities and attributes: i.e., she is spiritual, loyal, faithful, and true. She is harmonious, peaceful, and happy. We are irresistibly attracted to each other. Only that which belongs to love, truth, and wholeness can enter my experience. I accept my ideal companion now.

    He continued mentally and emotionally to unite with these truths every night and morning until such time as he had subjectively absorbed them. After a few weeks, he met a waitress in a hotel where he was staying; he fell in love with her and married her. It was an ideal union.

    What about the woman without whom he could not live? In the interim, it was revealed to him through friends that she already had been married six times—and never had taken the trouble to get a divorce! She also was an ex-convict and had a police record for several crimes. Even while she was keeping company with him, she had been living with another man.

    Love is an Oneness

    Suppose that a man cheats on his wife. If he had love and respect for his wife, he would not want any other woman. When man has found his true, spiritual ideal in marriage, he has no desire for any other woman. Love is an oneness; it is not a duality or a multiplicity.

    A man who runs around with many women—who represent the many adulterous moods within him—is marrying (mentally and emotionally uniting with) many concepts, such as frustration, resentment, cynicism, etc. When a man has found love with his mate, he has found fullness of life. If a man cheats on his wife, therefore, he is frustrated and never really has experienced ideal love, or a feeling of oneness. He has an inferiority complex plus, undoubtedly, a guilt complex.

    Inevitably, the women he meets are vacillating, neurotic, and confused; he is seeing and hearing his own inner vibration. The women he meets are just as frustrated and unstable as him. Birds of a feather flock together. Like begets like.

    He Was Vexed and Grieved

    Recently I counseled a man who was highly educated and who had a responsible government position, but who was very angry, sad and depressed because the girl he had been courting and to whom he had given many expensive gifts, including an expensive engagement ring, had run off and married someone else, having said nothing to him.

    I explained to him that he is not responsible for her actions but that he is responsible for his own thoughts and emotions and that his inner rage and resentment would rob him of good discernment, health and peace of mind. He subsequently discovered that she had already been married six times, each marriage ending in a divorce with excellent financial benefits for her. She might be said to have seduced him or tricked and deceived him by her wiles and flattery. Had he prayed for guidance and Divine companionship, this would not have happened to him.

    I pointed out to him that it was not her acts, which had disturbed him; it was his own opinions and thoughts, which had done so. If he were to take away his opinions and resolve to dismiss his judgment about the acts, his anger would be gone. Her wrongful act brought no shame on him. It is not what happened to him, it was his thought about it, which had generated all the anger and resentment. Actually, he was taking mental poisons, generated by him; she had nothing to do with it.

    He saw what he was doing to himself and stopped it. He released the woman in his mind, blessed her and walked on. Remember, where there is no opinion there is no suffering, and where there is no judgment there is no pain.

    Becoming a Successful Husband or Wife

    When you married your husband or wife, you must have admired certain of his or her characteristics, virtues, and qualities. Identify with the good qualities and exalt them. Cease being a scavenger by dwelling on the shortcomings of each other. Make a list of his or her good points, and give your attention and devotion to them. As you do this, your marriage will grow more blessed and beautiful through the years.

    United in Love

    " . . . What therefore God hath joined together, let not

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