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Book 7: 101 Sports Coaching Snippets: Personal Skills and Fitness Drills
Book 7: 101 Sports Coaching Snippets: Personal Skills and Fitness Drills
Book 7: 101 Sports Coaching Snippets: Personal Skills and Fitness Drills
Ebook156 pages35 minutes

Book 7: 101 Sports Coaching Snippets: Personal Skills and Fitness Drills

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About this ebook

101 Sports Coaching Snippets is an e-book of formulations plus illustrations plus innovations to senior professionals technical and scientific proficiencies, skills, and drills with elite fitness formats up to Microsoft-ergonomic specifications converted to easy-to-read and implement test charts to achieve an elite sports accreditation. It should inspire the reader to purchase more of the six fully illustrated e-books/coaching manuals to achieve a successful conclusion.

Most publishers leave a huge vacuum in books on achievement to posses a qualified accredited certificate of the sport of their choice, filling the dream of one day representing the school, university, college, town, county, and country of their birth at international accreditation to a successful conclusion. Our enclosed coaching accreditations are valid worldwide as a professional international accreditation.

Our books are fully illustrated to suit any person from underage and junior to professional levels of application of the sport of their choice. This includes all genders, which makes our e-book the only e-book published with a fully accredited sports coaching and fitness certificate enclosed!

These are the only books ever published that have charts, skills, and drills to implement a coaching seminar and award the participants with an official coaching accreditation. These accreditations cost applicants up to six hundred pounds to attend an official seven days coaching seminar.
Release dateMar 12, 2014
Book 7: 101 Sports Coaching Snippets: Personal Skills and Fitness Drills

Bert Holcroft

My name is Bert Holcroft, I am a World Accredited Northern & Southern Hemisphere coach. I have spent a lifetime developing specialist fitness, dietry, coaching and training techniques for some of the worlds leading sports people in All Contact Sports

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    Book 7 - Bert Holcroft

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    Bumping Off, i.e. Push Defender Backwards

    Bump The Tackler Off

    Accept The Tackle

    Take The Tackle, Turn And Pop

    Modern Rugby

    Tackle From Head On Contact

    Front On Tackle

    The Smother Tackle

    Double Tackle. Front On & Smother

    Sidestep Away From The Tackler

    Step Around The Tackler

    Step Into The Tackle

    Break Through The Tackle

    Hit And Spin Out Of A Tackle

    Slip A Pass After Taking The Tackle

    (Reverse)- Pass, Ploy.

    The Smother Tackle

    Double Tackle. Front On & Smother

    Before Contact. Lining Up A Tackle On (Left Or Right)

    Side-On Tackle

    Calisthenics For Warm-Up Abdominals

    Mobility And Strength

    Calisthenics For Warm Up Circuit

    Factors Influencing Sports Performance:

    Technical Proficiencies Illustrated

    Training Techniques

    7-Positions - Exercise Program

    Muscles & Joints-Functional Tests

    Muscle Function Tests

    M.f.t. I.e. Muscular Function Test

    Physical Exercise – See Exercise Charts

    Reaching A Peak

    Futuristic-Soccer & Fitness Revelations Foreword By Jimmy Smith

    Ball Control In Soccer

    Ball Control

    Heading The Ball

    Heading The Ball

    Kicking The Ball

    Types Of Kicks

    Wrap-Around Ploy

    Tackle From Behind

    Diving Tackle: Pro Techniques

    M.f.t. I.e. Muscular Function Test

    Fitness Regime

    Chart Speed Tests (Bert Holcroft)

    Fitness Test Grids: Cont (6-12)

    Mobility And Strength

    Calisthenics For Warm Up Circuit

    Technical Proficiencies Illustrated

    Play The Ball: Training Techniques

    Phases Of Play Relating To Thirteen-Man Expansive Rugby.

    The Demon Drinks

    That Rugby Saga Of Family Holcroft



    Coaching Manual Official Accreditations:

    Galactic Football Pro – Rugby

    Professional Secrets Revealed

    Bert Holcroft Acc III Coach Northern and Southern Hemisphere

    Professional Coaching Accreditations

    Academy of Rugby Excellence

    Résumé Galactic Rugby Courses

    a) Pre – Requisite Certificated and Accreditations Levels for Coaches + Players + Referees + Interested Parties who Participate in Pro – Rugby 2007 Course

    b) Certificated Curriculum + Syllabus + Seminars

    c) Eight Levels of Certificated Accreditation Pre – Amble of

    Accreditation Levels

    1) Level VI :- Master Coach to International Standard

    2) Level V :- Rugby –

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