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Child Support
Child Support
Child Support
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Child Support

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Three questions:
1. You ever listen to a nobody that had just enough you say that made them become somebody to continue to listen to?
2. You ever heard of a woman going through the same drama as a man about her children that she paid child support for?
3. Did you know a woman has never written a story about that experience?

Til now.

Join a realistic journey, with a young urban Atlanta girl named Paris. Understand this is a read from inside of young lady’s mind, so don’t expect proper grammar! Learn how it’s not just women that do malicious things to stop the success of their children’s father, but men do the same to their children’s mother. This story shares a mother’s emotions from the most organic place in her heart, sharing her love, pain, hurt, and disappointment. Showing imperfection in a perfect understanding as a human not just a woman or mother, one willing to do whatever necessary to correct the mistakes that were made having children so young. The story illustrates multiple examples of how past hurt can affect the future and how one should never underestimate how far your enemies will go to see you lose.

Drama level compared to the screenplay “Precious”. -unknown
Release dateApr 9, 2012
Child Support

Hisoka Takara

Hisoka Takara is a mother of four boys that has resided in Atlanta, Georgia, originally from Tampa, Florida. Pressing through life she has obtained a certification in Medical Administrative Assisting and has studied Esthetics. In her studies of Esthetics she focused more on the Makeup section of the field, developing a very detailed talent in eyelash application and hair removal. Hisoka Takara has developed her skills reputably in a circle of influential women in the city she lives. The winner in the 2009 Photo Contest with international distributor company 3d-Beauty, unforeseen circumstances directed her path from the artistry of Makeup to Psychology. Currently working to obtain her Bachelor degree in the field, she will continue her education ultimately possessing her Masters degree in Psychology. She is enthusiastic about this book because she feels it expresses emotions that men usually express concerning financial support for their children to women. Many do not know or have not heard that women are placed and pay child support just as well as men. Hisoka Takara would like to expose that women have the same guidelines, responsibilities and consequences as men. The same hardships that most hear that women do to men the same happen to women from men.

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    Child Support - Hisoka Takara


    Hisoka Takara



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    © 2012 by Hisoka Takara. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/04/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-6526-3 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012905190

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    Getting my boys

    Me and my boys

    Child Support

    The change in me

    The Salons

    The court battles

    Clayton County




    A talented young lady fighting for her identity, erasing the person she once use to be, developing her new self, possessing children as early as 15 and still continuing her education. Making a decision to let the children live with their father, so they can develop a relationship with them and learn ways of a man, only to fully develop her character and find her place in this life. Placed on child support by the co-parents and step mother, she then had to fight to justify her character as a mother. Getting to a point in her profession where she serviced elite and substantial women in areas of the fashion, social industry, and building a good relationship with them. While making a name in the makeup industry and building a business from the ground up, she runs into the love of her life. Getting to the peak of breaking full circle into the makeup industry she undergoes the most tragic situation. There are characters in this book that names are altered for their personal privacy, which is very much respected. The book is not to blame anyone for the mishap that she encountered, but to express how sometimes the good people a person think are in their corner to support them in their growth, aren’t. It displays the strength the enemy and how a person should never underestimate how far people will go to destroy what a person creates for themselves. It exhibits God taking away the first to establish, the second and how if a person applies his word in their heart it does manifest into their life vividly.

    People usually hear about men being placed on child support, but have we ever heard about a women being placed on child support. If it characterizes a man in a different ways what does it do for a woman? There are women on child support as well as men and their stories are never exposed to the public. They share the same experiences as men, but I believe even worst. The integrity of that mother or woman is questioned because of her title in that child’s life. I do not believe a mother is bad for recognizing and acknowledging she didn’t have a child alone. In regards of how she feels about the co-parents as a person, she trusted those men at one point, lying down with them, taking the chance having unprotected sex, and having their children. The mother in this book was active in the nurturing years of the child, but wanted a chance to establish herself in other areas of life. Thanking God that she had children with men who did not shy away from the responsibility of being the other caretaker for them as you here from most women. The two parents coming to a sensible agreement for the child to come in terms of new living arrangements to further push the child in a good direction.

    Get involved in this persons experience that is not here to hide her flaws from anyone, a person who is here to connect with people in their change process. When we hear about vast leaders in the religion industry they say, they understand because they have been their too, but where was their there? They give you an example, but don’t always tell their story completely. In this book you will be met where you may be spiritually and understand that change in a process, reading this story can make you free better about your own story. I do not want and will not step on anyone’s toes in a position greater than mine, I can understand after you have arrive at a place in the road that God has chosen for you getting into details about how you got to that point becomes irrelevant. Most leaders could reach more souls if they became more accessible to being dissected. People associate themselves with people they can say are like them or have been like them.

    I know many women would not share most of the information shared in this book about themselves it would be too personal. They would not want to be judged, every woman has done something that she is not proud of and would take the incident to her grave before exposing it to anyone. The young lady in this story just can’t be embarrassed telling any and everyone about events she has surpassed, being too proud of the woman she has developed into because of those choices, mishaps, and mistakes. I laughed at some point in this writing because I may have left out some stories, honestly I know I have, but I would have to write another book. If a person was to speak to people in this persons past they would have more stories to share, the young lady rejoices that they are sharing old stories, nothing recent, speaking about how she use to be speaking about how they are now.


    I t’s hard to keep your head up with so much against you what do you do? Keep praying is what I can say now. What I would have said before I got focus more on God I don’t know. It took many tribulations for me to become the woman that I am today and I can truly say I still have a ways to go for it is not to strive for perfection as much as it is to strive for correction. My life has never been easy so I know my day of greatness is near or on my itinerary before my eyes seal shut. I am named after my mother’s mom Paris. Great lady strength like the bull of her astrology sign, but often hated on for overcoming challenges, which I feel was passed down to me, they say be careful who you name your children after. She was known for hair weaving, fashion and her talent in singing in our hometown of Tampa, Florida. She was a very opinionated woman and carried herself very ladylike in her approach toward any situation positive or negative. Like us all she started off ruff around the edges with all good intentions later turning to Christ after the grandchildren started adding up, she recognized the blessings stowed upon her life, the long way she had come with the grace, and mercy God had given her. Like so many of us she took life for peaks sake, she influenced so many by example in the way she carried herself. My granny was the concrete of our family, when she spoke we listened and took heed like most Madea’s of their family. Her and my mom had a weird relationship out of all her children I think it was, because my mom was most like her. My mom admired her character and wanted to be like her, even better, all my grandmother’s children had a skill like her, but my mom had most. Mom was a little rebel at heart and dated my father despite my grannies opinion of him not being good enough, he was a little older. I consider myself a love child, my dad and mom were just physically attracted to one another more than anything. They were both hot items all the odds were against them making it together, as what would look like the perfect pair. My dad had two daughters before I came along and manage to have one after I came all while having some form of relationship with my mom before finally marrying her when I was four. So, this made four girls for him in all, all by different women. Out of the four girls my dad had, I was the one he spent the most time with, showing somewhat his character of a man to, and what he was capable of as a father. I also endured, saw, and experienced the ups and downs of his wellbeing. He was a good person until weed turned into cocaine and cocaine turned into crack. The Cosby spin off that could have been, died. My family went from eating together every evening, going to the park, having beautiful holidays, to my dad being abusive toward my mom who he always adorned and still does, abusing, neglecting, and even molesting me. I since a child always have had a figure eight shape, butter brown skin, nice texture hair with length. Almond shaped eyes and a very warm spirit, when my dad went as far as putting his finger in me I was very confused. I remembered the day like it was yesterday, he was high out of his mind and referred to me as his Janet Jackson. Shortly before my mom and dad separated, dad started hitting on her, it became more than enough to deal with, and so we went to live with my granny. Once we had that distance I decided to tell my mom about what, I experienced with my dad. By them having a recreational bond (smoking weed) along with being legally married they communicated regardless of the separation. One Saturday my mom took me to see my dad, so he could watch me while she worked. At the time she was at Home Depot in Clearwater maybe like 25-30 minutes from Tampa. They had a small conversation as I stayed down stairs and watched WWF (that was one of me and my dad’s favorite programs) when they came back down she was left out for work. Dad sat down rolled a joint and asked, Why would you tell your mom something like that? as if he had forgotten what had happened. I never answered the question, because I knew he was about to go off into abusive mode. I was taught never to repeat what I saw or heard let alone endure, but I felt nasty since the incident and was uncomfortable around him. Before I could blink there went the famous back hand to the lip, with the repeated words, you talk too much. You better not cry he often kept the inside of my lip raw from the back hand slap; I was use to it at that point. I remembered taken a nap, waking up to peanut butter and jelly, going outside to train on the boxing bag with my dad. His missed his opportunity of becoming a boxer running the streets, the man was known for his quick hands and bad temper. We hung out for the remainder of the evening until my mom came and got me after work. I was thinking when she got me, why would she leave me in a situation like that trusting that I would to be all right. I never knew why my mom would trust him with me, after what I told her. I knew from then I couldn’t tell her things and she trust what I said and protect me. Her and my dad’s relationship was not going anywhere; she was hoping that he would straighten up and get his life together for the sake of me. He was just getting worst in his drug use, the man slept under my grannies house one night claiming that he could hear my mom in the room with another man. My granny almost shot him that morning ranging the doorbell repeatedly, cursing, and threatening to kill us. My granny had to start walking me to and from the bus stop, because they were afraid that he would kidnap me or something. My dad got to the point of stalking my mom and me, when she tried to live over to her girlfriend’s house he came by one evening with a gun. The police had to come and restrain him from the property, it was a hot mess. My mom was waiting to save enough money to move and start over with it just being us two; she wanted her husband regardless of the drama just to clean up his act. I remember her begging him to come with us to Clearwater, Fla. when it was time for us to move. I was thinking to myself, let that man be crazy dad or no dad it was too much, I was tired of running and hiding all over the city, within a year’s time we moved with three of her friends and he found us every time. When I would go to church or choir rehearsal with my granny, I would pray for his healing and that he wouldn’t hurt my mom any more. I used to hate that she was so weak for his character; I would talk to my granny about it, and she would agree. Granny and I were extremely close; I felt comfortable talking to her about things, because I knew that she would do what she could to protect me. She never liked my dad from the time he came to my granny to tell her to mind her business, she ran him out of her house with a knife following behind him. Granny was one lady he would not cross the wrong way; my dad’s mom was different. She past when I was in the fourth grade, she was a very good grandma as I can remember; she taught me how to say my prayers at night on my knees. My dad treated her bad in her last years; being on drugs really bad around those times. He was in prison during her funeral and was escorted by the guards in shackles under his suit. They pulled up in a patty wagon to the front of the church. I was thinking to myself, that was not the way he should have come, but he did not have too much of an option. My dad start going to jail and prison a lot, it was hard keeping up with him for a moment that was my dad. Having the respect of him being the man the God choose for me to have with that title what more can I say, but I love him.

    My mom and I moved to Tarpon Springs, a little town outside of Clearwater by her job. We started a life there with all confidence that my dad would not be able to find us on one of his intermissions from jail or prison. I had to be more independent than usual, because my mom had to work, so she would get me ready for school, I had to walk to and from. I had to sit home patiently until she came in from work; I use to do a good job with myself alone. It was no time before my mom met a man named William that was from the town we lived in; his entire family resided there as well. He was very popular in the town, because he played football and had a chance on making it pro until he hurt his knee in college. They started dating and the word spread, our neighbor that lived across the walkway from us started babysitting me just to get in my mom’s business about William. William was cool, he was established, had a good job, and a nice car all the things that a woman would considered. William just had one small glitch he had nine children and was barely active with them. They saw him when they needed something financially, but quality time was out, he was busy trying to be too popular. William was acknowledged everywhere he went, my mom was the who’s that girl of the town she worked most of the time and didn’t hang out much but was noticed. They were the talk of the town, she had a sweet demeanor, and people wondered how she was going to handle his glitch. My mother accepted William and his glitch, expecting something different than what she heard. Would I have done the same, probably not, nine step children would have been a bit much for me, but William was a provider and I think my mother considered the resources between the two and was willing to make it work. She likes challenges, I think, the men that would be more difficult to settle down with. My mom and dad were not legally divorced at the time, she had tried, but he threatened to kill her and was not signing anything that stated separation. My mom and William started this relationship, and it was the talk of the town, they made a nice looking couple and the ladies that liked William were jealous, even the babysitter. They would get around my mom anyway they could to throw William under every bus they could find. She heard things from his past true or not, she was not satisfied not winning or achieving her goal with getting this man. She wanted to be the one that changed the talk of the town, no matter what it took. I really didn’t know what my mom told William about the marital status between her and my dad, but William had been married and separated before, so I think he would understand whatever the situation was. I never remember my family from Tampa visiting us in Tarpon Springs, we always went to Tampa. My mom was too much of a disappointment to my granny, and it was known throughout the family. My mom took William to meet my granny; she was cool with him, because he was a stable man. Regardless of how many children William had, he was stable. Shortly after the meeting of the families started taking place the children started coming around. William’s ex’s was so jealous he called himself moved in with another woman and helping her with her child, they started dropping children off. I can’t begin to explain how many weekend and holiday’s I went through sharing my room with them. I look back on those times now and really commend my mom for being that type of woman, it’s not many women that would do things that she did for another person’s children, but she had a good step dad once in her life and took notes. William and I had a cool relationship; I never really respected him like my dad, because he never really stepped in like my dad. He stepped in like a man dating my mom and was good for money when she needed, he wined and dined her, but I was never there. She would get money from him for me, but I was never with them, spending time together as a family. I would imagine if he were not doing that with his own children why would I be so special, but to the outside it didn’t look like that. People thought because he was staying under the same roof as I, I was getting the treatment, I can remember times, him being home, and we wouldn’t even talk to each other unless I needed to ask for something. He never had anything to talk to me about and I wasn’t at the age where I could just spark up a conversation, I was nine by then. My mom shortly after got pregnant with my little sister, I knew things were really going to be interesting; William was going to have 10 children, and a step daughter. I was ready for the little sister, it was going to grow me up a lot, but I was ready. When my sister got here I don’t think William was mentally ready, he had gone so far into the relationship, had so many odds against him, and he had to face up to the responsibility. The night she was born William didn’t get to the hospital that night, as I remember until my sister was almost born; he was drunk just coming from hanging out. My sister out of the 10 was the only one William had saw delivered, I guess that was a step toward change. My sister was like my baby, I had to be a big sister for sure; William would leave and go hanging out while my mom went to work. I was singing in the children’s chore at William’s aunt church, and I would take my sister with me. Get her dressed, make her bottles like my mom taught me, and walk with her on the other side of the town. William would have to call around looking for me, I had things to do, and I was not waiting for him to come home. If I had to take my sister with me then that’s what I had to do with no complaints, she was so cute to me like a black Barbie. My mom was climbing the corporate ladder at Home Depot; they offered her a position in the corporate office in Atlanta. She had to relocate unexpectedly and William would have to figure out what he was going to do about his job. He had been with the company for at least 10 years; he had a little money invested that would support the transition until he could get employment in Atlanta. It was him leaving his comfort zone that was his biggest issue. My mom was going to wait until the following school year to move me with her; she had to start the job at a certain time. My mom took my little sister with her, her being an infant, but I had to go move with my granny to finish fourth grade with my God sister who was a teacher at a elementary school I would attend. It was a ruff school, but no one was worried about me keeping up with that I could handle myself. I was not the run-over type and I didn’t mind trouble, my god mother knew that, she would warn me all the time. Telling me not to get into trouble or she was going to deal with me, I was coming under my god sister’s image and I was not going to embarrass her name. I was thinking, whatever if it came to me I was going to deal with it and deal with my consequences after that, and that’s very much what I did. I was cute and my granny dressed me in the things my mom left me with every day, she took time with me every morning. I had a jerry curl then with a nice length, I was known for having the best banana clips that matched my outfits. I kept a clean pair of Keds and had an option what I wanted to do for lunch, eat with my god sister, school lunch, or my granny packing me something the night before. The boys liked me and the girls hated me, it was only three cute girls in the class, as I think back and I was one of them. I use to get attention, because of who my god sister was. The teacher or students would go up the hall to tell my god sister, I remember I was fighting and arguing with the teacher one Friday. My god mother called for me to come see her that Saturday morning early, when I was at my grannies. She had me to lie under a coffee table, and she beat the bottom half of what was lying out from the table. It was crazy; my god sister could have looked out for me not telling, after she jacked me up in front of everybody that day and embarrassed me, I thought that would have been enough. I was thinking man where is my mom, it was a little longer before school was out before she was coming to get me. The odds were against her moving out of state away from her family, it was much being said from the family because my mom and William were not married. It was more security when you were married to the man than you just having a baby with him in my grannies eyes; that was the way she saw it. I was just ready to leave Tampa, I was missing my mom and getting beat for everything I was getting into; my mom never beat me like what I was experiencing. It was just punishments with her, I can remember a time I was hiding food under my bed, because I felt like William was eating all the food. I had cold items under the bed and a fan blowing under the bed so the food can stay cold, black ants started coming from everywhere. She punished me, if I would have been around my granny or god mother, they would have given me the business with a switch or belt. I don’t think my god mother wanted me to go to Atlanta; I had to be responsible for too much at an early age helping my mom. My god mother wanted me to experience a kid’s life, she was the one that took me to plays and spoke to me about how lady like situations the most out of everyone else. My mom had everything worked out for us in Atlanta by the time summer came. I was excited, I had been to Savannah, Ga. with my god mother; we rode horses there, but not Atlanta, Ga. We moved to Smynra, Ga. in a cute apartment like 10 minutes from my mother’s new job, I was proud of my mother. She was doing so well; things were changing for the better, we were experiencing life. No drama from my dad, my mom I can say was different as far as drama, she really was not that spirit, and she was a peace seeker and maker. She always found good in things that another person would have saw nothing but bad, she was a very humble person. It was one of the attributes I liked that about her, it was like I was mixed with a poodle and a pit bull between my mom and dad. William didn’t come up with us right away; he had to get some thing squared away with his job first. I think the change was too big for William; he was a little scared, him coming into this bigger city, coming from standing out to blending in. We had a routine, I would watch my sister while my mom was at work, and she would get everything prepared like the bottles and what I was going to eat the night before for the next day. I was like nine or 10 doing big girl things, me and mom were like a team, it flowed nice. My mom was always good for meeting people and not just anyone people that wanted to help. The lady that lived under us was home most of the day, so she listened out for me up stairs, during the day. I was going to the fifth grade that year; it was going to be more interesting than the last school I attended, since I was in a 60% white area. I had to adjust so to speak, I would be going to Teasley Elementary. William was coming up and I was curious to see how this was going to be, I didn’t hear many good things about him making this move. It was in between him and my mom; she wasn’t divorced from my dad so I wasn’t really concerned about much out of

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