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Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity
Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity
Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity
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Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity

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Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity, was written to enlighten the American public about the responsibility of government; how Franklin D. Roosevelt had proposed the Second Bill of Rights yet they never were implemented; how our own government is now being controlled by the very wealthy and tuning our democracy into a powerful money-controlled Oligarchy; how the American Constitution is continually being desecrated when it is supposed to be defended since it is the enshrined supreme law of the land, and finally, forty suggestions addressing what has taken place and addressing what needs to be changed to bring the government back to the respectful organization portrayed by the Constitution and the re-installment of stolen civil liberties (which were once guaranteed by the Bill of Rightsfirst ten amendments of the Constitution).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 8, 2012
Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity

Gaines Bradford Jackson

Dr. Gaines B. Jackson has accumulated over twenty years of practical and academic experiences in mathematics and the physical sciences. He received a B. S. in Analytical Chemistry from West Texas State University, after which he worked for Sinclair Oil and Gas Company. In 1972, he received his master’s of science degree in Environmental Science from the University of Texas at Houston. Until 1977, he worked for the Oklahoma Department of Health as a wastewater research chemist. In 1983, he received a Dr. of Public Health in Environmental Health with an extensive publication on the reuse of primary treated municipal wastewater using the land application technique called the “Spray Run-off Method”. He has published in numerous national journals and invented the “Water Utility Converter” and “The Jackson’s Water Wheel”, both very practical slide charts that actually work. He has also authored “Applied Water and Spentwater Chemistry—A Laboratory Manual”, “Applied Nomography Training for the Water Utility Operator”, and coauthored with Hellen Sue Way, “Transitional Science”. He is always available for lectures through the Rose State College Retired Professor’s Speaker’s Bureau in Midwest City, Oklahoma.

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    Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity - Gaines Bradford Jackson

    Copyright © 2012 by Gaines Bradford Jackson.

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    Brief listing of Types of Governments


    The American Constitution—Brief History


    The First Ten Articles—The Bill of Rights


    The Second Bill of Rights


    Big Business Commandments vs. Earth’s Commandments


    Evolution of An American Oligarchy


    Citizens Resolve—Non-violent or Violent


    What does the Future Hold for Us


    Forty Ways to Recover the

    Land of Oppression



    While searching for information to write this book, the author found the following poem. The theme of this book is embedded within it. The author reproduced the unknown author’s poem for the benefit of the reader and as a forward for the entire text.


    (Author unknown)

    I had a dream the other night, I did not understand.

    A figure came walking through the mist, with flintlock in his hand.

    His clothes were torn and dirty, his face rugged looking, as he stood there by my bed.

    He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking in a very low voice, he said:

    "We fought a revolution, to secure our liberty.

    We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny.

    For future generations, this legacy we gave.

    Is this, the land of the free and the home of the brave?"

    . . . . He continued . . .

    "The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you would always keep.

    But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep.

    Your freedom gone, your courage lost, you are no more than a slave.

    Is this, the land of the free and home of the brave?"

    —He continued . . .

    "Your children must attend a school that does not educate.

    Your Christian values and prayer cannot be taught, according to the state.

    You read about the current news, in a regulated press.

    You pay an unfounded tax you do not owe, to please the Internal Revenue Service."

    —He continued . . .

    "Your money is no longer made of Silver or of Gold.

    You trade your wealth for paper, in order that your life can be controlled.

    You pay for crimes that make our Nation turn from GOD in shame.

    You are given a satanic Social Security Number, as you have traded in the honor of your name."

    —He continued . . .

    "You have given government control, to those who do you and your fellow citizen’s harm.

    In order that they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm.

    And keep our country deep in debt, put men of GOD in jail.

    Harass your fellow countryman, while greedy corrupted courts prevail."

    —He continued . . .

    "Your government’s public servants visit doctors, in order that their children will not be born.

    Your daughters visit government doctors, in order that their children will not be born.

    Your leaders ship artillery, and guns to foreign shores.

    And send your sons to slaughter, fighting unfounded and other people’s wars."

    —He continued . . .

    "Can you regain the freedom for which we fought and died?

    Or do you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride?

    Are there no more values for which you will fight to save?

    Or do you wish your children, to live in fear and be a slave?"

    —Then He made a request . . .

    "People of the Republic, arise and take a stand!

    Do not allow desecration but defend the Constitution, the enshrined Supreme Law of the Land!

    Preserve our liberty and our great Republic and our GOD-given Right!

    And pray IN GOD WE TRUST, to keep the freedom burning bright!"

    The request was profound and as I awoke he vanished, in the mist from whence he came.

    His words were true, we are not free, we have ourselves to blame.

    For even now as tyrants trample each GOD-given Right.

    We only watch and tremble, too afraid to stand and fight.

    If in a dream he stood by your bedside while you are asleep.

    And wonders what remains of our Rights he fought to keep.

    What would be your answer, if he called out from the grave:


    —I vowed my sleep would never be the same . . . .


    Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for Illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption but goes on as plain old common every-day off-shoots of corruption. Neither are illegal acts by private persons or corporations not directly involved with the government. These are however, are still some form of corruption. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties. Political Corruption or any corruption poses a serious developmental challenge to a struggling government anywhere, and can easily occur when no term limits exist. In the political arena corruption undermines democracy and good governance by flouting, or even subverting, formal processes. Corruption in elections and in legislative bodies reduces accountability and distorts representation in policymaking; corruption in the judiciary compromises the rule of law; and corruption in public administration results in the inefficient provision of services. It violates a basic principle of republicanism regarding the centrality of civic virtue. More generally, corruption erodes the institutional capacity of government as procedures are disregarded, resources are siphoned off, and public offices are bought and sold. At the same time, corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and such democratic values as trust and tolerance. Matter-of-fact, if it were not for corruption in the U.S. government, there would be no need for the final chapter in this book.

    Citizens of a corrupt government can become very discontented and unhappy. However, discontent is what gets the author out of bed in the morning. He purposely forgets that it does not only have a pejorative sense; he often has forgotten what that niggling feeling is. It seems, because of the wide spread discontent that no matter how much he writes, there is always more to be done. Sure, the author enjoys what he and his family has materially and what he is doing, but in his estimation, it could always be better. At the same time, he is not waiting for ‘better’ to be happy. In fact, he is quite content to reveal the plain truth and allow the informed to make the changes once they also know the truth. Therefore, he is being contented, and discontented at the same time—maybe. What was it someone said about entertaining two opposing thoughts at the same time—could this not drive one crazy?

    This book is proudly dedicated to all of the dishonest politicians, crooked and biased judges, the unfair judicial system that bows down to big money (as shown by the cover). This sets up a duel standard for justice issuance, the seedy (notice that though-out this book, the word seedy is used extensively instead of another S word that is associated with human excrement) lawyers and judges on all levels of government who have twisted the original law for their own greedy monetary gain. Additionally, this book is dedicated to the immoral politicians who take sexual advantage of others, dishonest and untrustworthy career politicians who campaign on borrowed funds then sell their own constituency out to pay back heavy donors, and the run-away overall judicial system being controlled by outdated life-time appointed Supreme Court Justices in the continental United States of American, for the mammoth volumes of materials to be able to even write this book. If it were not for the fact that the U.S. government is profoundly corrupt and is being slowly transformed from a democratic state to a socialistic state with the gradual removal of civil rights guaranteed by the constitution, there would be no need for this book.

    Additionally this book is also compassionately dedicated to those humble, honest, sincere, smart and truly American citizens who want to be informed of the plain truth and purchase and read this book to learn what is taking place in a slow insidious way right under their noses. And it is sincerely hoped and prayed that once one reads the forty ways to save America in the last chapter of this book, informed individuals with some serious influence will make the appropriate peaceful changes; not only for themselves but for future generations and bring America back to its status as the Land of Opportunity.


    The many ideas and reflections emanating from this text should convince the reader that the American government is out of control primarily because the Judiciary is out of control and no term limits exist on particular governmental positions. The last chapter of this book tells the reader of forty major items that need to be altered immediately. The author wishes at this time to thank his immediate family (Suk Ling Jackson, Bradford Chow Jackson, and Harry Chow Jackson) for their patience and the continual belief in the fact that Yes! Daddy can do it. Just give him some peace and quiet and he will succeed.

    The professional editing of Ms. Jan Hall cannot be overstated as to the professional services rendered on the original draft. The author wishes to issue a hardy Thank You! to many individuals throughout the years, too numerous to count, who are truly appreciated for aiding the author in the formulation of the ideas incorporated in this book and who really do practice the Natural Law of Righteousness (that out-comes between men should be for the benefit and satisfaction of all). And finally, and most importantly, the author is grateful to the Xlibris Corporation that has pushed through the miles of rhetoric and formulated a straight-forward publication process that has assisted millions of free-lance writers in reaching their potential and recognizing their own achievements in an economical and professional manner.

    . . . . Gaines B. Jackson spring 2011


    As pointed out in the forward and dedication pages, of this book our founding fathers would be ashamed by what the United States of Americas’ government has evolved into. The poem in the forward explains in poetic form why, Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity, was written to enlighten the American public about the responsibility of government; how Franklin D. Roosevelt had proposed the Second Bill of Rights yet they never were implemented; how our own government is now being controlled by the very wealthy and tuning our democracy into a powerful money-controlled Oligarchy; how the American Constitution is continually being desecrated when it is supposed to be defended since it is the enshrined supreme law of the land, and finally, forty suggestions addressing what has taken place and addressing what needs to be changed to bring the government back to the respectful organization portrayed by the Constitution and the re-installment of stolen civil liberties (which were once guaranteed by the Bill of Rights—first ten amendments of the Constitution).

    You may wonder how all of this could happen in so-called free America. Well, it goes all the way back to day one in the original writing of the constitution when seedy lawyers ‘tricked’ self-made wealthy men (Alexander Hamilton, an Oxford trained lawyer and his associates who thought a monarchy was the best form of government, were some of the significant players) into accepting the idea the judicial system would be self-regulated based on the false premise of honesty and integrity. Career politicians (who are mostly lawyers) instead of volunteer statesman are the ones that are running our government. Term limits should have been imposed on Justices at both the federal and state levels as well as on congressmen, to prevent them from becoming career politicians.

    Our system of government was supposed to be built on the idea of checks-and-balances where each branch, Judicial, Executive and Legislative, had its fingers on the other two. If one got out of line, the other two would reel them back in-line with Constitution—primarily because the colonist did not want a monarchy like the oppressive English government they had escaped from. However, with the way Hamilton and his associates rewrote the Constitution, the Judiciary was Self-regulating and only two of the three branches of government are really part of the balance of power system. Other than impeachment, the other branches have no

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