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Blackout and Poetry
Blackout and Poetry
Blackout and Poetry
Ebook41 pages31 minutes

Blackout and Poetry

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About this ebook

I was born in a Harlem Hospital raised in Hell's Kitchen. I ran the streets of Harlem New York and my public school was in Harlem, also in Hell's Kitchen.

Thanks to my sister for giving me the inspiration to write my story.

I began writing poetry in 1995 Life was hard, looking back; God has blessed me I have seen a lot in my life time. I have tried to better my life and tried to help others on the way. I went to Manhattan Bible Institute of New York for about one year and I graduated 1987 as an Evangelist.

Then I moved to Hudson, New York I joyed State street A.M.E Zion Church, and under the leadership of my Pastor, for about 3 years of study I had to travel from Hudson, to New York to other church's for my class's I moved to Poughkeepsie, NY I joyed Smith Metropolitan A.M.S Zion church U was ordain 6-13-98 under the leadership of my pastor I learned a lot. I have always dreamed of becoming a writer. This is first book and poetry I pray it won't be my last.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 7, 2012
Blackout and Poetry

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    Blackout and Poetry - Marion Robinson



    Thank you to my sister Dr. Marguerite Coke Maxwell. My Mother Martha Jane Robinson Coke, my Brother’s Rookie Renaldo Coke. William James Coke. Each one was a part of my life. It was my Sister that gave me the inspiration to write this book. My family helped me. But it took me some time to begin. My name is Marion Robinson. I use to Live in N.Y.C most of my life. It’s hard to write what I can remember about part of my live. I’m hoping what I may say or express in my writing I just may help someone. I had many Jobs from the Horn & Hordes, Hospitals, a Bank, but the best job was with the Rail Road. Thank you all that was and is Part of my life. Also to Mrs. Andrea Carr I say thank you for being there for me and giving me words of wisdom.

    The backdrop here is a sixty eight years old black man, looking back over my life. My name is Marion Robinson.

    Thinking about where can I start? My story may be able to help someone that is on the road of Destruction. Can a detour take place? Yes? It happens to me. Some may say this could not happen to me. Let me tell you it can. You see in my younger days I loved to party. I had no cares in the get away was New York City, and Philadelphia .between the two cities was my playing ground. I was born in New York City in Harlem Hospital in on 133 street, and Hell’s Kitchen. I could say was not the best, but I had more than the other kids had. Within my own family had a difficult time coming up in life ,not knowing I had any siblings this was a big blow to me in my life. That is another story that one day will be told, l at a another time. Let’s get back to the story; I was going to school for electrics I graduated, the school got me a job working for the rail road. In New York City.(the Big Apple)this was in 1973. I had no seniority just like so many that came before me I had to work my way up the ladder. The door has been open for blacks. There were some good times we had people from different walks of life worked on the rail road. We became a family.

    Some of the foremen’s was doing their own thing. And some of them were pissed off because hiring of the blacks at

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