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9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama
9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama
9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama
Ebook613 pages6 hours

9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama

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About this ebook

I wrote this book for you. You are
worried, Is Obama really a Muslim?
What is happening to this country?
I answer, Yes he is. He is destroying
America. You exclaim, Surely not
deliberately? I answer, Obama is
waging a Stealth Jihad on this country.
Read this book. You will see for
You ask, How can you know? Youre just a foreigner. I
reply, I watched as Socialists destroyed Sri Lanka. Also,
since I graduated with honors from Columbia Law School,
I can explain clearly how Shariah is diametrically opposed
to our Constitution. Islam is not a religion, but a political/
military/religious ideology that seeks to conquer America,
just as it has conquered Europe.
You complain, This book is too long. It is long because
there is so much the media has hidden. You need to read
the book and inform yourself. Then, liberal intellectuals
cannot deceive you any more.
You are afraid, The Media says I should not read this book
because you are a racist, full of hate and an Islamophobe.
I can only tell you, God gave me the courage to write this
book. I know He will give you the courage to read it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 23, 2012
9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama

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    9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama - Rohini DeSilva





    Rohini DeSilva

    Copyright © 2012 by Rohini DeSilva.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2012911694

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4771-3587-7

    ISBN:   Softcover     978-1-4771-3586-0

    ISBN:   Ebook         978-1-4771-3588-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a print or electronic magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

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    This Book is Dedicated To

    Andrew Breitbart.jpg

    © Joseph Kaczmarek/ /AP/Corbis

    Andrew Breitbart

    Who inspired so many of us with his great vision and brilliance in pioneering journalistic uses of the Internet and Social Media; his unlimited energy and his abiding commitment to free speech for all; his antipathy towards the tyranny of liberal orthodoxy and political correctness; his great courage in confronting and exposing hypocrisy; his fearless defense of those unfairly targeted; his insistence on fairness in the media; his willingness to fight for fundamental American values; and his belief that Freedom of Speech does not belong solely to big media corporations, but rather that it belongs to every one of us.

    You will live forever in the hearts and minds of your admirers.


    This book could not have been written without the support and inspiration of a great many people. First of all, I owe many thanks to my husband Mark, who helped me crystallize my thoughts, reviewed and critiqued what I had written and had endless patience helping me with various aspects of computer use.

    Second, I owe thanks to those who pioneered Conservative Speech. To Andrew Breitbart, who believed that our Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech does not belong solely to big media corporations, but rather belongs to every one of us and who fought the concept of political correctness relentlessly; to Glenn Beck, whose predictions about Obama’s destruction of America, that seemed so far out a mere three years ago, are now coming true; to Sean Hannity and Judge Andrew Napolitano who have tirelessly exposed fraud and corruption within the government; to Joseph Farah whose World Net Daily is one of the most informative websites, if you want to know the news that the New York Times does not think is fit to print; and to Rush Limbaugh, that great communicator and defender of Individual Liberty and Conservative Causes, without each of whom none of us would have the courage to speak out.

    Third, I owe thanks to those who are facing death threats, litigation, media blackouts and severe political pressure for their attempts to speak out or disclose secrets that Obama is hiding. Representative Peter King who is under so much political pressure to remain silent. Sherriff Joe Arpaio, in particular, has faced death threats from many anonymous sources and a direct death threat from an Obama supporter, litigation from Obama’s DOJ, and endless political pressure. Despite all this, he and his Cold Case Posse, headed by Mike Zullo, have persevered.

    Fourth, I owe thanks to all those who have risked their lives to let us know the dangers of Militant Islam. Pamela Geller, who has championed the cause of poor Muslim women who are beaten and even subject to Honor killings; Richard Spencer, who has called out warnings on his Jihad Watch website; David Horowitz and his Front Page Magazine team, who have told us of Militant Islam’s takeover of European and American institutions and others who publish web sites such as Militant Islam Monitor and Bare Naked Islam. To Geert Wilders, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Dr. Wafa Sultan and others who have been threatened with death and paid a big price for speaking out. To Dr. Zudhi Jasser and Professor Muqtedar Khan who have tried to modernize and moderate Islam and bring it into the 21st Century.

    I also owe thanks to my Pastor, Dr. Mark Brewer, whose brilliant series on The Book of Amos (NIV) inspired me to conquer my fears and speak out. To the many members of the Armed Forces who have given up their lives in this conflict. Compared to what they have sacrificed for our country, my fears are trivial. To my many friends, including Shachar Peled and Heather Branch, who provided me with leads and ideas for this book. To Jay Jacoby, who did many of my illustrations and also to Jerry Breen and Gary Cornell who did other great illustrations for me. To Tim Davis, Raegan Carmona and Alex Rawls, who helped me obtain illustrations and photos. To Carla Cobar and the rest of the staff of Xlibris, who gave me excellent service and support so this book could get published. To Alyssa Mae Fabiosa and the marketing services staff at Xlibris, Mary Victoria Falzarano and to Dave Desko, whose brilliant marketing will explain why you need to read this book. And to my friend, Rita Barrett, who encouraged me to keep going at a time when I was ready to quit. Without these, and many others who prayed for me, and helped and inspired me, this book would not have been written.

    —Rohini DeSilva


    Want to know why I wrote this book?

    We immigrants bear a great responsibility for America’s slide into Socialism. Once, immigrants came here and kissed the ground in gratitude. They wanted to forget where they came from. They were proud to become Americans. They did not ask for handouts. They only asked for the opportunity to work hard. But the millions of us who have come here more recently have taken America completely for granted. We have come here from Mexico and poorer countries, to take advantage of its economic opportunities and become rich someday. Even those from Saudi Arabia, China and richer countries have come here to have their babies, so someone in the family will have citizenship. They have used the safety and security of America as their insurance policy so they can always come here if there is trouble at home. Even the U.N., which undercuts and criticizes us at every turn, has arranged for its workers to get green cards after working here for just two years! And America has demanded nothing in return for all of the security, riches and benefits she has given to us.

    We all come here, but our loyalties remain in our home countries. We socialize within our own ethnic enclaves; speak our own languages; eat our own ethnic foods; send our money back home; go home for weddings and the holidays and plan to go home when we retire. Whenever we go back home, we spend our money lavishly; far more than the locals can afford; priding ourselves on how successful we are.

    Meantime, over here, we earn a great living; send our kids to the best schools; buy the biggest houses and cars; and live the American Dream. We pretend we were actually living a better life back home, but somehow, magically, now live in the United States.

    We never ask ourselves, if it is so much better back home, why are we living here? We know that over here, rapacious politicians and bureaucrats do not harass us. Over here, the government does not prevent us from educating ourselves and earning whatever our talents deserve. But we never bother to learn about the great American traditions or its unique Constitution. We have never even read the Bill of Rights and do not understand that its sole purpose was to act as a check on government; to prevent the American government, its politicians and its bureaucrats from doing to us here, what is done to us back home. Most of our college-educated kids seem to know only one section of the Constitution and seem to believe that the First Amendment exists to allow them to mouth off about Republicans and run down our Country. It never occurs to us that all we are doing is taking and that we are giving nothing back to our adopted country.

    And now, as the Socialists who are in power are tearing this country limb from limb, we do nothing to defend her. We don’t speak out about the flaws in the countries we have left behind; how few freedoms are available there; how much discrimination takes place over there; and how much corruption we dealt with back home. We don’t talk about how great America is. How much freedom it has given us. How we are free to pursue our own happiness without interference by government bureaucrats. Instead, we scornfully condemn America for past wrongs to Native American Indians and African slaves, that were no different from what we did in the not so distant past (and in some cases still do) in our home countries—the maintenance and support of caste systems, the discrimination against various ethnic and religious groups; the slaughter and cruelty of the Partition of India, the Killing Fields of the Khmer Rouge and the Disappeared of Argentina. Need I go on? Need I go back more than 100 years to the even greater cruelties and barbaric practices of our home countries? No. Compared to our home countries, America is truly the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

    We don’t discuss these things even with our own kids. So when our kids are finished with University; one and all, they return as flaming liberals, running down this country with every breath; advocating Socialist solutions to every problem; and screaming about discrimination at every turn, discrimination that is truly petty compared to what we left behind. And we stay silent. Hoping someone else will defend this country. And that somehow, this country will not become poor and corrupt like the countries we have left behind. I believe that the time has come for us to speak out and defend our Country and save it from slipping into a Socialist quagmire.

    I grew up in a Third World country and watched as Socialists came into power by pandering to the unions, demonizing the rich and promising the poor they would be looked after. Once they came into power, they changed everything and transformed the country.

    Like heat seeking missiles, they went after whatever made the existing upper class powerful, with the sole aim of neutralizing them and bringing them down. They only cared about power and control. They did not care that they also brought down the economy of the country. The greatest wealth of my native country was in land. They nationalized private agricultural land holdings and subdivided them into small plots, which they gave to their supporters. Compensation for these lands was set at valuations roughly 20% of existing values. And the actual compensation was not paid for 15 or more years. They instituted a wealth tax, ostensibly to prevent people who had inherited their wealth from keeping it and to make them share it with the poor. So whoever was once rich because of land ownership or inherited wealth, now became poor. In case some few remained rich, at one time, Socialists raised the marginal tax rate to as much as 90%.

    They nationalized the private school system, one of the finest in Asia at the time, with a 93% literacy rate; and converted it into a public education system, purportedly to equalize opportunity so everyone could get the same education. But they, of course, sent their kids to the finest private schools in England or France, paying for them with foreign currency that was extremely scarce and expensive but available to the connected. Everyone else, of course, got mediocre education. They stopped teaching in English, the universal language which unified Tamil and Singhalese ethnic groups and which allowed our children to get any job they wanted abroad. The teachers who failed to educate in school during the day, conducted class for pay in their homes after school. And the demand to learn English was so great that the classes overflowed from the teachers’ homes into the garden; and had to be conducted over loudspeakers. Meantime, the Socialists required all school education to be conducted in the native language, spoken only by a few million people. And they reserved all government jobs for those who could speak the native language, thus shutting out the English speakers and those minorities who spoke a different language; and causing extreme bitterness between the two ethnic groups that later spilled out into a Civil War that lasted for 30 years.

    The Socialists encouraged union militancy. Virtually every grievance was a cause for strikes that lasted for months. Workers in related companies were required to strike in solidarity with the first. No one crossed picket lines for fear of violence. General strikes, where everyone went on strike, became common; bringing the economy to a standstill each time. The Socialists adopted and enforced union rules that made it impossible to terminate any worker. They proclaimed so many holidays, and mandated so much vacation and sick leave, that employers had to hire two people for every job. They promulgated a series of regulations that made it virtually impossible for any private company to make a profit. In fact, even if a company was in bankruptcy, it was still required to keep its workers on its payroll.

    They terrorized and nationalized private corporations in virtually every sector of the economy; vastly expanded the role of government; and provided government jobs in the newly nationalized company to their supporters. They required permits for virtually everything. And the government bureaucrats, aka the permit wallahs, who controlled the issue of those permits; viewed their role as the gatekeeper who would keep the gate locked at all costs. So, in order to get a permit, the corporation would have to pay baksheesh or make under-the-table payments to the bureaucrat. And the only way the corporation could stay in business was by co-operating with the Socialists; putting a Minister’s cousin, nephew or other relative on their Boards; and making sure all donations went only to the Socialist’s party. If they openly supported the opposing party, their businesses would be nationalized. In at least one such instance, a private business was bankrupted by constant strikes and union demands. Then it was taken over and handed to the union leaders!

    Everything, even matters under litigation, became politicized. It no longer mattered whether one was right or wrong. All that mattered was whom you knew. And there were two sets of rules. If you were a supporter of the party in power; then you could do anything. If you were not a supporter, you were out of luck.

    As each election neared, it would be obvious that the economy had gone south, the infrastructure was crumbling, the buses were not running on time and food had become scarce. Furthermore, though the rich had become poorer; the poor remained poor. The only real change was that the Socialists had gotten richer.

    Sometimes, if the Socialists were losing badly, they instigated general strikes by the unions. Things would magically get out of hand. Violence would increase. The leader of the government would declare Martial Law, impose a curfew, and very regretfully intone that elections had to be postponed until the security situation returned to normal. This meant that the opposing party would have wasted money and energy running for elections, which would no longer be held as scheduled. And the Socialist leader would get an extended term of office. But sooner or later, elections would have to be held. But the economy would still be in a shambles.

    And so, the Socialists would suddenly get religion and appear at various Temples. And they would offer yet more benefits—free rice, free sugar. But there wasn’t enough to go around and rice, sugar and other staples had to be rationed. You would need to exchange a coupon to get your weekly allotment of rice and sugar. And the Socialists would demonize the rich once again. And once again, they would profess their undying love and care for the poor.

    Need I go on? It seemed unbelievable that this could happen in America, the richest country on Earth. But I can see the pattern being repeated here. And now, three years after the Obama Administration’s professed love for the poor, you can see it for yourself. Our economy is in a shambles; our poor are poorer than when he came into office; people have lost their jobs and their health care coverage; people have lost their homes; home values are underwater; gas prices have more than doubled; and Obama has to rig the numbers to pretend that people have found new jobs.

    As so, I decided to write this book. But the more I thought about it, the more confused I became. Obama is a brilliant politician who does only what he chooses. If he chooses not to do something, even something he promised, like giving gays or illegal immigrants more rights, he won’t do it. So, I knew that when he did something, it was intentional. But while saying the opposite, why was Obama doing so many things that were destroying our economy? Even if he were totally focused on keeping power like a Socialist; why would he do so many things that were bringing our country to its knees? Why was he constantly going before Arab Dictators who gave their people no rights, who wouldn’t even allow Christians or Jews in their country and who threatened to annihilate Israel; and yet apologizing for our country as though it was America that was doing something wrong? There was something more Obama was doing. Something not quite American. Something sinister and malevolent. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

    I knew Obama had been a Muslim and that his father and stepfather were practicing Muslims, while he mother had been just a free spirit. All his 6 siblings are still Muslims. In the Madrassah he attended, kids were taught only the Qur’an and Shari’ah law. They learned only in Arabic. The clever ones, and Obama was surely among them, learned the Qur’an in a few years.

    I knew he had roomed with two Muslim foreign students at Occidental and possibly registered as a foreign student and went under the name Barry Soetoro. I knew he had gone to Pakistan for a couple of years at a time when American citizens were not allowed to travel there. But all these details were deliberately kept fuzzy by the media. In this Internet age, when more information is available than ever before, how is it that we have a President about whom we know so little?

    I also knew that once Obama was a Muslim, he could not convert, i.e., commit the Muslim crime of Apostasy, without being liable for the Muslim death penalty. And yet, he claimed to have become a Christian. But that was in Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s America-hating, Jew-hating church which was anything but Christian. This caused me to suspect his bona fides as a Christian.

    But why did it matter if he was still a Muslim? There were two reasons: Muslim rulers all rule as Dictators, collecting all of their country’s wealth, giving their subjects no rights and no freedoms, and keeping their subjects in poverty, totally dependent on their ruler. The other reason was that a Muslim ruler would impose Shari’ah law, which because it treated women as slaves, executed gays, banned music and concerts and even banned pets; was diametrically opposed to our U.S. Laws. This caused me to worry about what Obama would do to us.

    I looked around at Europe and realized that Islamists had almost converted Europe into a Caliphate. Islamists have sent their shock troops of vast numbers of illegals into Europe where they exercise their religious right to have four wives and many children and claim welfare and benefits for all of them. With this incentive they have produced large numbers of children in European countries that have negative birth rates of the native population. Inevitably, as the Militant Islamists openly boast, Muslims will overtake the native European populations with their numbers. Even now, we can see this in the cities of England where, as the Muslims approach a majority, they commence marching, protesting and demanding more accommodation to their Shari’ah laws and even parallel legal systems for them to follow.

    Once I reviewed Orthodox Islam, I realized that Shari’ah law was an integral part of being a Muslim. And I recognized that Muslims were obliged to follow every aspect of Shari’ah and ignore any other laws, including the laws of the countries that took in the Muslims. The results have stunned those Europeans who have followed what is happening. Muslims are totally disregarding the laws and traditions of Europe and, using violence and threats, are slowly converting European countries into Muslim ones.

    Once I realized that Europe is being transformed, it became obvious that Obama’s plan is to do the same thing here. Not openly, but stealthily. No matter how you looked at it, there was no escaping the conclusion. Take a look at what he has done.

    Why has he completely banned domestic oil drilling wherever he has the power to do so, while proclaiming that the country is producing more oil under his administration than any other? Why has he prevented deep sea, and even routine undersea drilling in the Gulf, off the East and West coasts and in the Arctic sea and put hundreds of thousands out of work; while subsidizing deep sea drilling in Brazil? Why has he eliminated coal as a source of American energy, by refusing to open federal lands for coal mining and promulgating rules that make it impossible to open up a new coal plant or ever repair an old one? Why has he canceled the Keystone pipeline that would have given us thousands of jobs and a friendly nearby source of energy years into the future? Did he not realize this made us even more dependent on Middle Eastern OPEC oil? Of course, he did. (He’s brilliant, right?)

    Meanwhile, the sleight of hand is to promote the development of Green Energy. But even as America pours billions into this effort, the Green Energy contribution to our energy needs is now, and into the foreseeable future will be, miniscule. Look behind the curtain and you can see that the only practical result of Green Energy is crony capitalism, where Obama rewards his supporters with billions in public funds; the money disappears and Green Energy companies go bankrupt one after another.

    Why has Obama run up $6 Trillion in federal debt in three years; while the 43 previous Presidents had run up only $10 Trillion in debt in all the previous 233 years of our country’s existence? Why, after promising to go through the budget line by line to eliminate wasteful spending, does Obama have virtually no cuts, but has hundreds of billions of new programs and a big new entitlement that will generate hundreds of billions more of deficits. Doesn’t he realize he is bankrupting the country? Of course, he does. (He’s brilliant, right?)

    Why is he demonizing the rich, taking away private property, taking over 20% of our economy with his Obama Care and constantly fighting to raise taxes and take under his control, more and more of the country’s private wealth? Why is he encouraging the poor to remain poor and dependent on him so he could be their benefactor; exactly like Muslim rulers do?

    Why is he saying he was fighting the good war in Afghanistan, while announcing a date of withdrawal; and making rules of engagement that handicap our military and guarantee a defeat for us? Why is he returning Gitmo terrorists to Afghanistan and sending the radical Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi to negotiate with the Taliban for what amounts to our surrender? Why did he ignore the freedom fighters in Iran even as they cried out to Obama for help and were gunned down by the Mullahs? Why is he endlessly pleading with Iran to talk with us about its nuclear program, even as it proceeds to develop its bomb and promises to annihilate Israel? Why is he standing by and talking while Iran’s puppet state Syria slaughters its own people who are seeking freedom? All the while assuring us he supported freedom for all. I knew he was originally a Muslim. But he claimed he was now a Christian. But what he was doing merely benefited Muslims. Whose side was he on?

    Why was he saying he was deporting illegals, while suing Arizona for doing the same thing and ignoring all the sanctuary cities that were acting as a magnet for illegals; knowing all the while that Muslim Terrorists were infiltrating through our Southern border? Why is he insisting on building a Mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Center knowing full well it was a Victory Mosque celebrating the conquest of America? Why is he allowing Mega Mosques to be built throughout the heartland? Why is he converting our refugee assistance program into one that imports Somali Muslims, the most violent and barbaric of Muslims, into this country; while failing to bring in Christian Copts or Christian Iraqis, Nigerians and Chinese who are being slaughtered or oppressed? Why is he celebrating Muslim religious holidays in the White House and avoiding celebrating Christmas by running away to Hawaii during Christmas time?

    Why has he issued orders that all government workers, including our soldiers going into battle, cannot say Christian prayers because they are offensive; while allowing Muslims to pray on the streets in Manhattan and have their Mosques use loudspeakers to blare out their call to prayer in Detroit, Dearborn and other cities across America? Why is he listening to the advice of his many White House Islamic Advisors and insisting that Islamic Terrorists not be called Islamic Terrorists? Why is he telling us we should be more like Europe even while Europe is going into bankruptcy, in large part because of its exploding illegal Muslim populations that take, but won’t work and don’t give back? I began to see a pattern here too.

    Why is he violating the Catholic’s Constitutional Right to Freedom of Religion and dictating doctrine to the Catholics, supplanting the Pope; and issuing commands that Catholics must violate their conscience and pay for contraception and abortion pills for their workers? Why does he speak with the greatest respect for Muslims and the Muslim religion? Why does he claim he is a Christian while actively denigrating Christianity and labeling Christians Terrorists?

    And then, . . . it dawned on me. He is not a Christian at all! He is a Muslim!! The only way to explain what he is doing is to understand that everything he is doing, he is doing to further one overarching goal—the pursuit of Stealth Jihad against this great country!

    As so, this book came into being. I hope you will enjoy reading it; that you will consider the great danger facing our country; and that you will speak out and do all you can to protect what is, undoubtedly, the greatest country on earth.

    Rohini DeSilva

    July 2012

    Part I of IV

    How the Media Helped Hide Obama’s Secrets & Tricked You into Voting for him

    Table of Contents


    Chapter I

    What do you know about Obama? . . . Nothing at all!

    Chapter 2

    So, how did Obama get elected? The Media-Hollywood Mafia Complex Tricked you into voting for him

    Chapter 3

    Four great frauds are being perpetrated on us by Obama and completely concealed by the Media: First, His Eligibility; Second, His Brilliance

    Chapter 4

    The Third Great Fraud being completely concealed by the Media: His Socialism and the Massive Corruption of the Obama Administration

    Chapter 5

    The Fourth Great Fraud being completely Concealed by the Media: Obama’s Religion

    Chapter 6

    Questions for the Media

    Question for you: Think about what you have just read And answer the Question

    Part I of IV

    How the Media Helped Hide Obama’s Secrets & Tricked You into Voting for him


    Listen to Obama explain his Muslim Faith and read the details:!

    Admit it. You already had great doubts about Obama. But two of the most powerful groups in Americathe Media and the Islamists—tricked you into voting for him. In this Part I, I will show you how the Media helped hide Obama’s secrets and tricked you into voting for him. In Part II, I will explain Islam and show you how Islamists have tricked Europeans and pursued a Stealth Jihad to convert Europe into Eurabia. In Part III, I will show how Muslims are tricking you and pursuing a Stealth Jihad right here in America. And in Part IV, I will tie these threads together and show you what Obama is doing to our country. I trust you will have the courage to face what your instincts tell you is true.

    This is serious stuff; so don’t waste my time and yours screaming about racism. Obama is not an American Black. His American half, through his mother, is White and the other half, through his father, is African and Muslim. And don’t talk to me about Hate and call me an Islamaphobe either. First, make up your mind: either it is OK to be a Muslim or it is not. If a Muslim is the same as a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jew or a Christian; then it is not hate to say Obama is a Muslim. If, on the other hand, (a) Islam is not a religion but rather a very dangerous religious/political/military ideology, and its Qur’an commands all true Muslims to do Jihad against us and destroy us; and (b) in Muslim countries, non-Muslims are persecuted for practicing their religion and forced to live like Dhimmis, aka slaves or serfs; then it means extreme danger to you and our country. But it is still not hate. Just as the Park Service doesn’t hate grizzlies but simply warns you about the dangers; so it is with me. I don’t hate Obama or Muslims. But I am warning you, because it is imperative that you figure out for yourself whether or not Obama is a Muslim, as I say he is; so you will watch what he is doing, and realize he is destroying America.

    Also, don’t tell me that 1.2 Billion Muslims are going to rise up to attack me. Of those 1.2 Billion, half are women. And they couldn’t possibly want to remain as they do now, being totally subservient to men, and being subject to genital mutilation, rape and honor killings. Then, there are the vast numbers of decent and moderate Muslims who have escaped from the strictures of Orthodox Islam and are living in non-Muslim controlled countries. They want to get along with everyone; have no desire to kill the infidel, like orthodox Muslims do; or be subjugated by Orthodox Muslims. Then, there are those Muslims who are neither radical Orthodox nor even more radical Salafist, living in Muslim countries, who have participated in the Arab Spring, and who are crying out, and even dying, to get our American freedoms for themselves. None of the above groups, which constitute the vast majority of those 1.2 Billion, would want to silence people like this writer. In fact, it is in their interest that the extremists be exposed. It is only the extremist and radical Orthodox Muslims that seek to destroy those with an opposing point of view. Today, these extremists profess to speak for the moderates; but they will destroy the moderates as soon as they get the opportunity; just as the rulers in Syria and Iran are killing the moderates within their borders.

    Chapter I


    What do you know about Obama? . . . Nothing at all!

    You knew absolutely nothing about his personal and professional life; and nothing about his eligibility, his brilliance, his socialism or his religion in 2008. So, when you last voted for him, you knew nothing. And you know nothing even today!

    The last election was a triumph of Media marketing over substance; promoting Obama as the American Idol. He bounded onto the stage with his great, practiced smile and used the reverb to bring power to his voice as he read from his teleprompter, what someone else had written for him. And the Media assured us "He was the most brilliant man living! The world would love us now! The only way America could redeem itself of its sin of slavery was by electing a black man! Women fainted. Others lined up for hours to collect some of Obama’s stash and believed he would make them rich. The excitement reached fever pitch. Like a giddy teenager, you fell for the good-looking dude who promised Hope! and Change!!" And you handed over to him our country, its great traditions and its enormous wealth.

    So . . . did you enjoy it as he held up America as an object of scorn and ridicule by his constant apologizing on our behalf for sins we have supposedly committed? Are you happy with the way Obama has kept his promises? Remember he said he was a uniter not a divider? He has divided our country into so many different segments that you can hardly call us Americans any more. Blacks vs. whites; Latinos vs. whites; women and those who war on them; Catholics vs. abortion proponents; Gays vs. all others; liberals vs. conservatives; rich vs. poor. Do you like having his SEIU thugs going to people’s homes with bullhorns and placards and terrorizing their kids and their wives? Do you like having thugs stabbing cops and marching around warring on the rest of us, as they did recently in Chicago? Do you like it that your media won’t even show you images of those thugs?

    So, . . . are you yourself better off now than you were 3 years ago? Haven’t your gas prices more than doubled? Isn’t your grocery bill going through the roof? Aren’t your electricity and heating bills skyrocketing? Do you like being poor and dependent on Obama to get you some money? Do you like looking around for food stamps or some government program, which will help you survive? Do you like meeting friends who have lost their jobs and are about to lose their homes? Isn’t your own home underwater? Or do you have your house at all? Have you and your kids got decent jobs? Of course not!

    Just like an abused and battered woman waiting for her man who is working late yet again; you too wait for Obama to fulfill his promises. You listen to the lies he says even as you can see he had been drinking again, or shooting up again; or from the rumpled shirt, that he has cheated on you again. As the election nears, there is a choice you have to make. Are you going to kneel down and beg him, Lie to me one more time so I can believe you? Or are you going to say, "Enough!! I deserve better than this!!" . . . ?

    Part I, Chapter 1 Jay Jacoby 1A_.tif


    Lie to me One More Time

    So I can Believe You!

    Part I, Chapter 1 Jay Jacoby 1B.tif



    I Deserve Better than This!!

    You know absolutely nothing about his personal life: You read Obama’s book, Dreams from my Father. But Obama’s close friend and neighbor, the terrorist Bill Ayers, claims he wrote this book, making it a work of fiction.¹ You do know that his father and his stepfather were practicing Muslims, while his mother was a free spirit. You know that Obama attended a Madrasah, which is a religious school that teaches only the Qur’an and Shari’ah law and only in Arabic. You do not know of any of his past girl friends or his relationship with his parents or his relationships with his various stepsisters and stepbrothers. In fact, he has at least 6 step-brothers and sisters, all of whom are Muslim; Abon’go Malik ‘Roy’ Obama, ‘George’ Hussein Onyango Obama, Auma Obama, Mark Obama Ndesandjo, Maya Soetoro and Lia Soetoro. The media, which tracked Herman Cain’s every move as far back as 20 years ago, has been unwilling to interview even one of these siblings to ask about their relationship with Obama.

    Nor has the Media been willing to disclose any of the details of his dealings with his personal mentor, communist Frank Marshal Davis; his fundraiser Tony Rezko, now jailed for fraud; his relationship to his longtime friend, neighbor, fellow professor, and communist Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn; or his relationship to the America-hating Anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright, who was his Pastor for 20 years in a hate-filled, completely racist Church that is definitely not Christian. Or even something as mundane as Obama’s medical records. Even the lowest ranking member of the Armed Forces handling sensitive matters would be required to obtain a Security Clearance.² But Obama, our highest-ranking member, our Commander in Chief, could not get even this basic Security Clearance because this requires disclosing personal history, including birth records, and school records; disclosing personal medical history, including Obama’s admitted use of cocaine and other drugs;³ disclosing foreign country residencies; and disclosing associations with people such as Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who have expressed virulently anti-American beliefs and also expressed desires to overthrow the government.⁴ Knowing all of these facts, the JournoList Media has actively hidden all of Obama’s personal life from you.


    © 2008 Jerry Breen

    The Men Behind Obama

    You also know absolutely nothing about Obama’s professional life: Obama himself profoundly disrespects our country by refusing to let us see or disclose his original birth certificate, his adoption records, his passports as an Indonesian and as an American, who paid for his trips to India and Pakistan, the dates and the names of his elementary schools in Indonesia and Hawaii, his SAT’s and his LSAT’s, his college records at Occidental. Whether he was enrolled as a Muslim foreign student Barry Soetoro, and why he roomed at Occidental with two Muslim foreign students. His GPA and records at Columbia and Harvard, the name of the person who funded his education at Columbia and Harvard, his Harvard Law Review articles or any writing sample. The nature of his position at the University of Chicago, the titles and content of his lectures and scholarly articles at University of Chicago and his Illinois Bar Association records. How much did he earn at University of Chicago for what he did? Before she dialed back in 2006 when Obama ran for President, and while she was not entitled to practice law, what did his wife Michelle do for the $307,000 per year job she held at the University of Chicago Medical Health Center?⁵ Is he our President or is he our Ruler who doesn’t have to answer to the people?

    Chapter 2  

    So, how did Obama get elected? The Media-Hollywood Mafia Complex, the most powerful group on Earth, Tricked you into voting for him

    They constantly yap about taking the money out of politics. But, in fact, they themselves make the most money out of politics! Every single candidate, and every Super Pac, has to pay tribute to them for ads!! If you don’t advertise, you would be totally at the mercy of the Media. They could use puff pieces to build you up. Or they could destroy you. They’d make up polls to show you are losing when you are not. Ad Nauseam repetition of bombastic, baggage and unhinged and Newt is toast!! Sheen dissed his gay producer and was instantly fired! It was then discovered he was a drunk, a cokehead and a womanizer!! And, as they say, He will never work in this town again! Ditto Mel Gibson. Everyone in Congress is terrified of them. In fact, the Media Mafia is more powerful than the President, the Congress and the Judiciary combined; and far more powerful than Halliburton and any other corporation that they constantly revile.

    And definitely, they are the richest 1% in existence! They have used their power to give themselves tax breaks and

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