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Boomshakalaka Punch: Stories of Faith, Courage and Love
Boomshakalaka Punch: Stories of Faith, Courage and Love
Boomshakalaka Punch: Stories of Faith, Courage and Love
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Boomshakalaka Punch: Stories of Faith, Courage and Love

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About this ebook

Boomshakalaka Punch is a collection of short stories that are sure to entertain. The thirteen stories are all true accounts of events that help shape the authors life. The thought provoking tales will make you laugh and cry, cover some of lifes challenges in a way that will leave the reader wanting more. Boomshakalaka Punch will inspire readers, and is a collection of stories about faith, courage and love.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 11, 2008
Boomshakalaka Punch: Stories of Faith, Courage and Love

Lula M. Charleston

Lula M. Charleston lives in Southfield, Michigan. She is the proud mother of Dominique Nelson, and grandmother of Brenden Austin Jackson. Ms. Charleston is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1978. She is a former publicist for a member of Congress, and has worked as a newspaper reporter in the Mid West; and as associate editor for a monthly magazine. Boomshakala Punch is Ms. Charleston’s first book; however, she was first published at the ripe old age of 14.

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    Boomshakalaka Punch - Lula M. Charleston

    © 2008 by Lula M. Charleston.

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    Bruno and Me

    I Am Lula

    No Turning Back

    Saved By God’s Grace

    A Summer Miracle

    An Open Letter to God

    Divine Intervention

    The New Me

    A Prompt from God

    Grandma’s Little Prince

    Andy’s Path

    Friends Again

    Getting My Groove Back


    This book is a dream come true, and is a gift from God. It was a true labor of love, and was written during a difficult stage of my life. A failed marriage, medical crises, and the ticking of my internal clock were the motivation behind the compilation. Writing the stories was therapeutic, and enabled me to laugh, cry, and share a part of me that needed to be heard.

    This labor of love is dedicated first and foremost to God, without whom I would have and be nothing. Thanks to my daughter Dominique who was my sounding board, most vocal supporter; and number one fan. Hugs and kisses to my grandson, Brenden who helped me to remain focused; and to my favorite future son, Austin Jackson for being my rock, and for all the laughs. A special thanks to my two mothers, Ella Taylor and Audrey Drake for their emotional and financial support over the years. To my sister Gloria I say thanks and praise God for being you. Your thoughtful words and prayers helped me keep going. A thousand thanks to my brother Kendrick for all the rides, pep talks, food and visits to see me. A special thanks to my brother Carl, and my sister-in-law, Lisa for their support, snacks, and funny trips down Memory Lane. Carl thanks for the one-foot dance.

    To Sandra Anita Edgar, I finally did it, and thanks for 35 years of being best friends. A heartfelt thanks to my Uncle Andrew for encouraging me to live large. To my siblings, Arthur, Clarence, Marilyn, Robert, Sharon, Jonathan, Denise, Kimberly, and Christine, thanks for all the fun times Thanks to my ex-husband Clarence Nelson, who was a major force behind this book.

    In closing, thanks to my scare game buddy, Wilbert. God bless you Will wherever you are.

    Bruno and Me

    I’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and to put it frankly, I’m tripping. I am female, of African-American heritage, forty-something, the proud mother of a sixteen-year-old daughter, and wife to a strong man. Life with MS is a real kick in the butt. I’ll use this ‘b’ word instead of that other ‘b’ word because, I’m a lady, and it would serve no good purpose. The way MS came into my life was like a slap in the face. It was a regular workday, so I began my normal routine. I reluctantly got out of bed, and walked the few steps down the hall to the stairs leading to the first floor of the house. I clicked on the light switch and proceeded down the stairs. I’m not sure if I was on the second or the third step when my legs buckled under me, and I fell down the stairs.

    The commotion woke my daughter Dominique, but I managed to get up before she appeared at the top of the stairs. I remember how sleepy she looked. She asked me what all the noise was about, then asked how much more time she had to sleep. I knew I wouldn’t be going to work that day and told her to go back to bed. My husband did not get up. I guess the radio playing in our bedroom drowned out the noise from the fall. I opened the door to the living room and walked in and sat down on the couch, studied the fish in the aquarium and worried.

    Clarence, my husband, is into fish that are predators, and his Oscar was in top form. The Oscar had breakfast then began to prowl, nipping at the other fish. For some reason that really ticked me off. I had half a mind to sweep him up into the net and make him gasp for a few seconds. The grandfather clock chimed seven o’clock. I was surprised to find that more than an hour had elapsed since I had sat down on the couch. I called my boss and left a message that I wouldn’t be in because I was sick, then woke Dominique.

    The tingling in my legs began as I was preparing her oatmeal. By the time I had finished, it felt as if someone was sticking pins or needles into my legs. I went into the living room and turned on the TV then sat back down on the couch. Dominique was dressed and eating her breakfast when her dad came downstairs. I filled him in on my fall, and told him I was taking the day off. He asked if I was okay. I told him I was, then he left to prepare for work.

    My life hasn’t been the same since that morning. I guess when I think about it I knew something was wrong before I fell down those stairs. My legs had been bothering me, and I had difficulty walking in certain shoes. I only realized recently that I view many things that have taken place in my life in terms of post or pre the diagnosis. Clarence took Dominique to school that day, then went to work. I remember sitting on the couch and staring at my legs. They looked like the same legs that I had been looking at for years, but they just weren’t acting right. The tingling sensation was much more pronounced, and my feet felt as if they had fallen asleep. I got up from the couch and went to take a shower. As I removed towels from the linen closet

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