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Madison's Avenue
Madison's Avenue
Madison's Avenue
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Madison's Avenue

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The search for intimacy and love always comes with the risk of broken hearts and bitter partings. The pain that comes from ruined relationships can leave one jaded and cynical towards the prospect of romance. Madisons Avenue tells the tale of a young womans struggle to find the love and affection she craves in a world full of disappointment and betrayal.

Madison Davis has become fed up by the drama and sorrows of failed relationships. Her frustrations have made her take up celibacy, until she meets a woman named Terry, whose sensual passion sweeps Madison off her feet. Her unexpected lover tenderly romances her and makes her feel pleasures she has never experienced before. But despite the intimate moments they share, deep in her heart, Madison knows that this is not the life for her. After they harshly part ways, Madison encounters Joseph, and falls for him. This time, their love is sincere, and their relationship blossoms, though unbeknownst to Madison, Joseph has secrets he keeps only to himself, and Terry has not given up on her just yet, and intends to continue pursuing her. This love triangle of unbridled emotions and desires sets the stage for a collision course of feelings and desires that will change Madisons life forever.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 3, 2012
Madison's Avenue

Carla Fowler

Carla Fowler is a freelance artist who has been writing short stories and poetry for over 15 years. Her prior work Incomplete was featured on Kuma2, a Black Lesbian Erotica website. Carla relies on her life experiences and imagination to be her guide throughout all of her creative endeavors. Carla was born and raised in Lorain, Ohio and now lives in Northern California with her partner

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    Madison's Avenue - Carla Fowler



    Copyright © 2012 by Carla Fowler.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    To my Love, Without you none of this would be possible . . .

    Loving you without Limits has set me free . . .

    To my Loved Ones, Thank you for always being my support

    and inspiration . . . . Love Carla

    HERE I AM a fine, young, employed black female. No kids, a new car, my own apartment, and I know I’m the shit. I’ve never had a problem meeting men though I do admit I have had a lot of problems leaving men. I have gone through my share of bullshit, game-playing, lying-ass brothers and managed to come out of it with only a few hang-ups. But all in all, I was better off without them, meaning I was able to get more things accomplished. Like all things, as soon as I accepted that, I met him. The man that turned me into a woman. My story is long and painful, but here it is.

    His name was Joseph. We met at a bar in Century City, where I was with my friend Annesha. We were gossiping about another friend of ours and about all her babies and their different daddies when he walked to our table and asked if he could buy me a drink. I declined, explaining that I was the designated driver. He complimented me on my responsibility and asked if he could speak with me for a moment. Annesha got the hint and went to the ladies’ room. Joseph sat down, smiled at me with those big beautiful brown eyes, and started with,

    Hi, I’m Joseph, Joseph Johnson.

    Madison Davis.

    You have a beautiful name, Madison.

    We played the can I get to know you game for a while. I told him I was single and that I was not in the market for a man but I would love a new friend. When Annesha returned, Joseph went back to the bar and the rating began.

    Ooh, girl, now that’s what you call fine! Mmm, I wonder what his daddy looks like.

    Anyway, you know where my head is right now.

    I know, I know . . . ya know. All I know is that you and that celibacy bullshit is getting on my nerves. But like I always say, whatever floats your boat. Annesha had a habit of trying to make whatever anybody was doing seem worthless and trivial.

    As we left the bar, Joseph ran up and held the door open for me, which annoyed me more than impressed me. I’m not a feminist or anything, but it really bothers me when people go overboard. It just gets silly. I smiled and said good-bye and told myself that I would not be calling him; first impressions can truly make or break you. I dropped Annesha’s drunk ass off at home, and I went to the video store and got myself some X-rated entertainment. Yes, that’s right, porn! I used to feel embarrassed purchasing dirty videos and sex toys until I sat down and thought about why I was doing it. Just because I’ve entered the world of celibacy does not mean I entered a convent too. Three years ago, I decided that the only way for me to keep from getting hurt, used, abused, or ending up with AIDS was to stop having intercourse, period—or at least with another person anyway. I found out some pretty interesting things about myself when I stopped thinking with my pussy. It’s amazing the things you notice in people when you are not trying to fuck them. A cute face and nice body didn’t carry as much weight as it used to. I had gotten pretty used to doing it without the real thing until Terry.

    Who is Terry? Well, she was my lover or girlfriend/boyfriend. It’s hard to explain. Besides being the only woman, she sexually liberated me. When I say girlfriend/boyfriend I mean Terry is stud, and I always felt like I was with a man, and she had no problem dating a heterosexual female. In fact, I think she prefers them. I, on the other hand, had to keep it a total secret, which really made our situation delicate. I come from a homophobic background, and certain people just could not know. Annesha, well, she would flip, and my grandmother, well, she would just die.

    I remember when I first met Terry. She was working for Federal Express and had just started making daily deliveries to my office. When I first saw her, I thought she was your average tomboy black girl, nothing special. The first few days, she would speak and go on. That next week, she started calling me little pet names, like

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