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Iyami Osoronga: Divine Femininity: Divine Feminniity
Iyami Osoronga: Divine Femininity: Divine Feminniity
Iyami Osoronga: Divine Femininity: Divine Feminniity
Ebook149 pages2 hours

Iyami Osoronga: Divine Femininity: Divine Feminniity

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About this ebook

It is my prayer that all of you who read this text will be truly blessed

as well as inspired! I appeal to you to learn the names of The Ancient

Ancestral Mothers and be blessed; for, they promised they will bless

anyone who knows their names; any one who call their names; they will

bless any one who doable (put their Ori/Head) to the ground or floor in

honor of them and receive your blessings. Do these things for all nations

and generations know of them!

I am in hopes that each of you will have a deeper insight and appreciation

of Divine Feminine Energy (DFE) the Universal Ase of all existence. This

is your opportunity to rise to another spiritual dimension and excel above

Earthly Trappings.

Give thanks to Yeye Osun for she is the first Iyami. She houses the Divine

Feminine Energy in her sacred cauldron i.e. womb.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 28, 2013
Iyami Osoronga: Divine Femininity: Divine Feminniity

Chief Fagbemileke Fatunmise

Chief Iyalode Iyanifa Fagbemileke Fatunmise Iyagan Agbaye; Chief Faseun of Ife; MSW, MPA, MD, & PhD Chief Iyalode Iyanifa Fagbemileke was formerly summoned by Iyami Osoronga (Awon Aje) The Mothers, August 24, 2001; in Ile Ife ‘THE SOURCE’, during her Ifa Ita in the Gidiogbo Fatunmise Compound, Nigeria – Southwest Africa. The Mothers summoned her twice openly in the midst of the crowd gathered in the temple, to the surprise of her Elders. With awe, her Elders reported that they had never witnessed such a phenomenon. Chief was immediately inducted into Egbe Iyami Osoronga (Society of The Mothers). With respect, she speaks and teaches openly about The Ancient Ancestral Mothers due to how The Mothers overtly summoned her.

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    Iyami Osoronga - Chief Fagbemileke Fatunmise

    Iyami Osoronga

    Divine Feminniity


    Chief Fagbemileke Fatunmise

    Copyright © 2013 by Chief Fagbemileke Fatunmise.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. Date: 02/21/2013

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    CHAPTER ONE      Iyami Osoronga

    CHAPTER TWO      Iyenorugbo: Na

    CHAPTER THREE      Ancient Ancestral Mothers

    CHAPTER FOUR      Bird of the Coverd Calabash

    CHAPTER FIVE      Birds of Power, Birds of Prey

    CHAPTER SIX      Awon Aje

    CHAPTER SEVEN      The Plight of the Mystic Bird

    CHAPTER EIGHT      Elegant Bird that Flies Upside Down

    CHAPTER NINE      Colors and Numbers

    CHAPTER TEN      Women Roles’ Denied, Oppressed and Suppressed

    CHAPTER ELEVEN      The Ultimate Quest




    Modupe lovo Olodumae ati Ori mi fun ore to se funmi.

    I give thanks to The Creator and my inner consciousness for commissioning me to do this work.

    Mojuba Iyami Osoronga, Iyenorugbo ati Egungun mi, fun ito mi sona lati leko itera si

    I pay homage to The Ancient Wise Mothers i. e. Night Spirits and my Ancestors for guiding my way as I put pen to paper.

    Mojuba Egungun mi ati gbogbo awon Egungun fun ito sona itan yi.

    I pay homage to my affinity Ancestor and all my Ancestors for guiding my path as this text manifested.

    Modupe lowo gbogbo Orisa fun Ase yori lati se ise yi

    I give thanks to the pantheon of African Deities for allowing me to express and write of these mysteries. Ase o.



    Yours truly, the Rev. Dr. Chief Iyalode, Iyanifa Fagbemileke Fatunmise, thank you my Beloved Late husband Elmo Brown, Jr.—the son of a Mississippi Delta Sharecropper who brought your many insights from the bayous and hills of the mighty Mississippi. I am eternally grateful and especially fortunate of your constant support as you shared knowledge and your life experiences with me.

    Thank you, my dear heart as you continue to coach and support me from the land of the Egungun beyond the veil. You were such a griot; you were a griot extraordinaire! My fondest appreciation to you my dear: So, I simply say, Thanks Honey, for you were simply the best!

    Odabo. Moni fere gan gan gan


    I genuinely thank Chief Yeye Famurewa Fatunmise, my first omo for her hard work, generous time, and expertise of editing and critiquing this work. Chief Yeye, you are a jewel! I thank you for all of your encouragement given. You are very honorable person with Iwa Pele, know that you are loved very much. Ase o.


    It is my prayer that all of you who read this text will be truly blessed as well as inspired! I appeal to you to learn the names of The Ancient Ancestral Mothers and be blessed; for, they promised they will bless anyone who knows their names; any one who call their names; they will bless any one who doable (put their Ori/Head) to the ground or floor in honor of them and receive your blessings. Do these things for all nations and generations know of them!

    I am in hopes that each of you will have a deeper insight and appreciation of Divine Feminine Energy (DFE) the Universal Ase of all existence. This is your opportunity to rise to another spiritual dimension and excel above Earthly Trappings.

    Give thanks to Yeye Osun for she is the first Iyami. She houses the Divine Feminine Energy in her sacred cauldron i.e. womb.




    Iyami Osoronga


    With reverence, respect and extreme caution as Iyalode, I put ink to paper and approach Iyami Osoronga under the auspices of humbleness, awe and adoration. I write under the authority of Ifa Odu, Osa Meji and Ose-Tura, Ose-Tura, Ose-Tura meta; that what I write will manifest in the hearts and souls of many.

    Iyami Osoronga means; My mothers bring me the power of astral travel i.e. (iya a mi oso ran ga) the power of the word is the power to enter the astral plane and from this plane the power of ofo se is used to change the condition of life on Earth, which is believed by Traditional Ifa worshipers. In traditional Ifa, Iyaami Osoronga is the foundation of everything" (Fatunmbi).

    The time is now that the knowledge and worship of Iyami Osoronga is brought to the forefront globally; before this knowledge and wisdom escapes us forever. It is time to learn of her/them and of ourselves as females. It is time to put to slumber the negative connotations that have ravished our knowledge of our own Divine Femininity.

    The holy Odu Osa Meji and Ose Tura give an account that support the teachings on the question of Divine Femininity. In observing the teaching of Ifa, this should not be one of the most controversial inquires of the twenty first century. But, it is. This is evident of how little we know of our feminine powers as females and our place in the workings of this world and or universe (Okolo, 2011). Yeye Osun possesses enormous wealth and honor among Awon Irunmole. As a matter-of-fact, Osun is the first Iyami; Yeye, Yeye o!

    During primordial times, the Odu Ose Tura tells us the importance of Divine Female Energy (DFE). It also, tells us about the exclusion of the Divine Femininity of Osun and how she was denied any participation in the creation of the world. Awon Irunmole disrespected her special gifts and powers. They were told by Orunmila that this was the equation for male energy to achieve and manifest in the world. Osun was commissioned to walk in tandem with male Awon Irunmole with equal status.

    Yeye Osun was and still is the epitome of Iwa Pele (Good Character). She was rewarded the beaded crown, which entitled her as Awon IyaNla Wa (Our Mother), an honored Elder in the world. Osun came to earth with her own entourage of followers who supported her and caused things to manifest under her guidance. Yet, Osun was ignored and shunned, which made Orunmila take particular notice knowing that she was the source of all good things. Osun does not need validation of any of the other Awon Orisa. Osun is highly prevalent among Yoruba people. They honor her by saying: "Asu re tete ko r’o’ye je

    One, who walks slowly, (that is, acts intelligently and gracefully), will bring the chieftaincy title home. Ari’ngbe. Re, ni I mo’ye e de le". While the one who runs (that is, acts recklessly) misses the chance of enjoying a title."

    The question was posed: Why none of them, Awon Irunmole, wanted to involve Osun in the propagations of the world? Their response was that, because she is Female. Orunmila then warned them, unless Osun is included, your work efforts will go unrewarded and shall not manifest. Your Afose will yield nothing; and, you will perish.

    It is the Divine Feminine Energy that sustains all life. This is not a sign of weakness, nor is it strange, or something that we can avoid or ignore. Yeye Osun has proven to us over and over her Ase of Divine Femininity. Yeye, Yeye o! She is powerful indeed and has a committed and devoted team of followers who answer only to her. After Awon Irumole’s inclusion of Yeye Osun their work began to manifest due to the intervention of Osun’s Divine Femininity.

    The Odu Osa Meji sets forth the correct protocol that one must use when approaching this totality of feminine energy i.e. Ase. Ase is the ability to cause things to happen or manifest. Gender is an important concept among African people, female and male alike.

    Female and male energies constitute the foundation of the principle of duality: Everything that exists has a predestined visible and invisible protocol. It is determined through chronological and universal strata of existence. Human beings (Awon Eniyan) are strategized according to their Iwa Pele (Good Character).

    The codified law was given to Iyami Osoronga i.e. Awon Aje by Olodumare, Mother God, Father God in the beginning. The Ifa Odu Osa Meji, says: "Your Ase is to sustain the world, with the Ase of a bird contained in a Covered Calabash. As a metaphor; meaning, that we should beseech Yeye Osun to exercise her Ase with caution and compassion; and many of her mystics are yet to be revealed! The omnipresent wanderer, i.e. wind, who is everywhere, who does what she likes and means what she does, was the nickname of Osa-Meji

    The mystic representation of Osa Meji, is a female face surrounded with a lunar crescent and a sky filled with stars which symbolizes the secrets of female power i.e., Divine femininity. It is an image of women’s secret societies. Power of Awon Aje Egbe (The Mothers’ Society) i.e. the mysteries of Divine Feminine powers. Many times our femininity works against us vs. working to support us due to our ignorance; which sometimes is no fault of our own.

    People of this Character are Mind hustlers i.e. Con men/artists (confidence people who swindle other people) for their own selfish advantage. Their minds are constantly working and running on how to scheme someone. They are very flighty and tend to assume that which they do not know. They are manipulators par excellence of people and things. They are vipers and some are spiritual vampires.

    Many of them are wanderers of the night. So, they can easily become or display the negativity of earthly Awon Aje. Oya Yansan is one of The Ancient Mothers. She is the principle speaker in this Odu, Osa Meji. Is it any wonder then that she has many faces? In her are housed mystics that cannot be known or controlled as she shape shifts into the faces of many for she is constantly moving rapidly. Iyami Osoronga, the Ancient Ancestral Mothers

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