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Dream to Destine: Believe in You and Make  Your Dreams Get Manifested
Dream to Destine: Believe in You and Make  Your Dreams Get Manifested
Dream to Destine: Believe in You and Make  Your Dreams Get Manifested
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Dream to Destine: Believe in You and Make Your Dreams Get Manifested

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About this ebook

This book is about self mastery. Its about how human being creates his own destiny. It is never luck or your surroundings which make your day. It is you who make your day. We, in our daily life fail and succeed. But this book will help us see failures as learning. The rituals of life, inner strength, our upbringing......All influence our life, but the influence which you can make to your life is all about mental mastery.
This book is all about how to build inner strength. The world is full of abundance; the world is ready to give us whatever we want, but the art of demanding the abundance is all about dream to destine.
Roadblocks of life are common in everyones life. It makes everyone respond as per the stimulus, but the ability to choose the response is the essence of this book.
This book is helpful for all ages. This will bring thought consciousness.
Learn fetching everything you want in your life.
We believe what we see. This book will help enhance the capacity of seeing. Purpose of life is to be understood and lived. See the world differently.
Release dateJul 29, 2015
Dream to Destine: Believe in You and Make  Your Dreams Get Manifested

Rupak Aich

Rupak had been associated with people development through various profiles in his career. He had devoted himself to bring in self mastery in people. The process of Self Mastery is only understood when he achieved it. This book is only about making you believe in yourself. This brings in self effectiveness.

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    Dream to Destine - Rupak Aich

    Copyright © 2015 by Rupak Aich.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-5133-5

                    eBook           978-1-4828-5132-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Chapter 1  • Idea- It’s Influence

    Chapter 2  • Faith: Induced By Auto Suggestion

    Chapter 3  • Emerge Life With Dreaming

    Chapter 4  • Influence Yourself

    Chapter 5  • Failure Is Never Final . . .

    Chapter 6  • Core Ideology Of Life

    Chapter 7  • Be Ready To Act

    Chapter 8  • Crowning Stage


    This book is about self mastery. It is all about how human being creates his own destiny. It is never luck or your surroundings which make your day. It is you who make your day. We, in our daily life fail and succeed. But this book will help us see failures as learning. We lose hope, but it’s nothing, this book will help you to build your hopes which are never to be loosened. The rituals of life, inner strength, our upbringing……All influence our life, but the influence which you yourself can make to your life is all about mental mastery.

    This book is all about how to build inner strength. How thoughts are important in our life. The world is full of abundance; the world is ready to give us whatever we want, but the art of demanding the abundance is all about Dream to Destine. Roadblocks of life are being phenomenally common in everyone’s life, everyone respond as per the stimulus, but the ability to choose response is the essence of this book.

    This book is helpful for all ages, this will bring thought consciousness. To enable self fulfilling prophesy is what human kind is missing today. We have everything, it is just how to fetch all in our life, is what we need to learn. We believe in tangibility. We believe what we see. This book will help enhance the capacity of seeing. We all are here with a purpose…The purpose is to be understood and lived….


    Positive thought drives us to achieve self enhancement. Driving self through positive thought is all about mastery. Every chapter of this book is making that positive thinking happen. It is a deliberate attempt to repeat all steps to get that practiced.

    Idea and faith talk about all. Generating idea and keeping faith in this will cross all barriers of being mediocre or acting mediocre. The essence of managing problem and joy of feeling successful is all how we learn. When you have failed several times you learn to come back. The life is all about implementation of learning and achieving self mastery. It is just bringing positive attitude in all spheres of life and practice that attitude all though.

    Faith and thought really connect. This is where we actually need to concentrate. The power of attracting is all about faith. Faith help us

    a. Learn to demand

    b. Learn to desire

    c. Learn to receive

    Faith help us change, connect to source, clears our vision, establishes self confidence. Emerging life and dreams at different stages of life make us know the difficulties of dreaming. Dreams of childhood and adult do not match. If we are able to match these dreams of different phases of life, we are on the right track of achieving success. It is only belief of dream which make us succeed.

    We tried to find the answer of question in this book. Who am I? We have power to choose. The power of choices creates our response. The feeling of God beside us is making us learn how to choose. Learn to choose. We see how natural laws drive us. Knowing birth intelligences make us aware how resourceful we are. Practicing those intelligences will only help us aligning with success. We will become aware of our conscious and subconscious mind. Learning to nurture subconscious mind will create good life.

    Failures stop us. But failures are never final. We get stuck to manifest positive in our life, which are actually stepping stones of our success. The positives are only of omnipotence. Creating energy within will only bring positives around.

    Feel the crowning of life. Its all pleasure of success. The success can be defined and achieved.


    "Destiny is no matter of chance—it is matter of choice. (William fennins Bryan- US political Leader)

    Dream…..Does it make any difference! If you dream it, you can become it.

    It is us who makes this world; Everybody plays a role and it is ongoing…..Destiny is never seen…but thought….thought becomes faith… is the law of subconscious mind……subconscious mind help us dream……

    Your thought only drives your dream, but dreams whether good or bad are dreams only. We only make it good or bad. We distinguish the quality of dream and sometime think of or understand accountability of having good or bad dreams. Dreams are dreams which is seen when our eyes are open, not are dreams when our eyes are closed. We don’t understand the origination of these, but we all are destined to make these fulfilled. Fulfilling of dream is not only striving to achieve but also preparing us to get that achieved. We human being has all potential to make this fulfilled, but the desire to achieve is the crux. We all are originated from a source, a source of abundance. The abundance is only about good. We think, we act but all of us wishes to be successful, happy and fulfilled with abundance of joy. Dreams make us go along but only few of us believe, faith turns into dreams are achievable.

    Believe on dream, thinking of the source we emanate, not postponing it, only helps us to build dream and make it happen.

    Happiness is not something readymade; it comes from your own deeds….

    Belief, faith, positive feelings make us attracted to our source, negative feeling, hatred, fear of loss makes us away from our source. Positive actions of all thoughts make us feel contented. All of us have been given a life which is meant to be fulfilled but the differences lies in belief of individual.

    Childhood, then after being adult has been a truth, but

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