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Waking Moments
Waking Moments
Waking Moments
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Waking Moments

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As we trudge through our lives, there are unfulfilled dreams that we leave behind. If in an instant, we are to lose the ones we love, in that very last breath, what would our actions be?

How would we want to spend our waking moments before we heave the last breath and leave all we love behind us and retire into everlasting slumber?

PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateSep 3, 2014
Waking Moments

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    Waking Moments - Jol Ume


    Copyright © 2014 by Jol Ume. 641621

    ISBN:   Softcover   978-1-4990-1493-8

                 EBook       978-1-4990-1495-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 09/09/2014

    Xlibris LLC



    When the Truth Befalls You

    Breaking UP

    Twist OF fate





    The Pillar – An Irony

    The Reunion

    The News

    Love that has to be freed…

    God’s Miracles

    2004…Dear Diary,

    Jack & Jill

    Life beholds its twists and turns. At each hook and corner, we attempt and continue traveling. What do we do with each challenge thrown to us? How does it affect our career, our love, the important people in our lives - our family, our significant partner, our friends…? What kind of decisions do we make? Are we making the right choices? How will our choices determine the future ahead?

    This is the story about life, about love, about family, about the important things in life, about experiences we cannot escape in life like growing, receiving an education, falling in love, facing death…

    When a significant event forces Mel to make certain decisions, she chose. What was the significant event? Were her choices fair to the ones she love? How did it impact their lives? Journey with the people she love and experience the depth of their love and rich experiences of life they share


    When the Truth Befalls You

    Had I the luxury of a choice,

    Forsake you,

    I never would!

    I wish to be your air;

    Softly lifting you to great heights;

    Supplying your blood stream

    With oxygen;

    Engulfing you with warmth

    During frosty winter days…

    If only I could give you all these

    & more!

    Lady Fate

    Has threatened to steal away

    Forever from us!

    I am sorry honey!

    My love is true & strong,

    But the body is failing.

    My spirit will always remain with thee!

    When I have long departed,

    And one fine day,

    While peering into your own mirror,

    You discover those eyes,

    & recognize an unmistakable alikeness,

    Understand the fruit of our love…

    The essence that I left behind,

    Which was not a deliberate secret.

    A carefully arranged

    Future I have planned

    For her,

    The best I could provide

    For our love!

    Kindly comprehend

    That I only acted

    As I knew best

    Had the best interest for her & you!

    Forgive us all

    For this secrecy

    That you finally stumbled upon!

    As I write

    Thee my last words,

    The bond within me grows.


    These were the words Mel left for Ben, her love. What do they mean? What compelled her to write that? What circumstances led to her departure? Will they reunite???


    Breaking UP

    I remember

    The pain in your eyes

    Deep from within your soul

    When I asked if you could commit

    That distant look in your eyes

    It spelled heartbreak for me

    Shattered was I

    All I could

    Was conceal my hurt

    & chuckle

    To relieve the deafening silence

    & hopefully put you at ease

    I stared at Jack’s notebook and paused. Deep in my mind, thoughts raced as the electrical stimuli pulsated across the synapses. My heart pumped harder than usual, clinging onto every word, every thought that crossed my threshold. Is this the way to depart? Oh God! What do I do?

    Argh!!! I let out a frustrated scream of desperation. Damn, another power surge! Great, there goes my letter, my explanation! Maybe God is telling me that I am handling it inappropriately….

    Oh geez, look at the time! Jack must be heading to the restaurant already…

    Hurriedly, I pulled on my clothes and touched up on my makeup, then threw on my coat and headed to the garage. Thankfully Jack resided close enough to The Quay. As I smoothed my buggy into the only available lot, I descended from it, preened my attire and strode towards Serendipity. Approaching the Manager of Serendipity, I smiled and Mr Dan Junior cordially greeted me before informing me that Jack was already waiting at our reservation.

    Oh gosh, he looked so handsome as usual!

    I smiled at him as we headed towards the table.

    Hi Honey, how was your day? he pulled out the chair for me.

    Great darling, although there was another surge! Hehehe… I giggled, Well, nothing to worry about. How were matters at the office? Did you manage to settle everything?

    Our dinner was wonderful. As usual, we warmed up and sizzled to the romantic and sensual atmosphere of Serendipity. The entire meal was filled with whispered sweet-nothings. Glancing into his eyes always made me feel like I was in a fairy-tale world, a world filled with magical love. I rendered the entire world oblivious like always and only Jack and I existed.

    Jack’s car was being serviced at the workshop, so he drove us back to my apartment in my buggy. I stepped into the house and as I was about to turn on the lights, I felt Jack’s hands

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