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Anonymous Heist
Anonymous Heist
Anonymous Heist
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Anonymous Heist

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About this ebook

What would you do if everything you cared about disappeared, and the only things that were left in life were the things you didnt formerly care for?

Would you pitch a fit? Would you end it all? Would you run and hide?

Or . . .

Would you embrace the change and just move on?

This story is about a character who experiences monumental pressures from his external world until eventually he realizes his true purpose and pursues that above all else.

So if you choose to open this book and learn this mans story, then you should know to first prepare yourself for the thrill of a lifetime. You will encounter many seemingly unrelated events that are sure to puzzle youa mans search to belong, an illegal organizations attempt to remain a secret, a handcrafted knife, an island, a birdwatcher, and a womans betrayal. And then finally, you will reach a moment where everything clicks, and the world, the story, and all that is in it make sense like never before.

You are in for a treat, so go ahead, open it, and chance a look inside this mans world. I promise that you will embark on the experience of a lifetime!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 27, 2016
Anonymous Heist

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    Book preview

    Anonymous Heist - Drew Fleming

    The Mission

    It was a warm spring day in Ireland, I was sitting in the 2000 Ford pick up, that I had rented for the mission. The vehicle was an inconspicuous color of melancholy orange. It coincided with the rusty, corner, brick, wall behind. This particular wall was only a small portion of the large meat factory to which it was connected.

    I was in Ireland and it was at least 90 degrees outside. I had the air conditioning going at full blast and was still blistering hot. I was listening to the satellite radio that I had bought the week before.

    I had tuned into my favorite rock and roll station, back home in sunny LA. The station was playing Take Me Home Tonight and I had my latest pair of binoculars out, and around my neck. I peered out the ancient truck's windshield, and glanced every eight seconds at the building across the street.

    Outside the building, there were a number garbage bins. Next to the bins were at least thirty bags of waste piled high. Beside the bags was a small set of steps leading up to the side door of the dilapidated brick building. The door was in the center of an alcove and next to the alcove stood two men and a woman. The three stood talking in a huddle.

    The man closest to the door had blonde hair, a remarkable face, and a very intimidating physique. He looked as if he may have been a professional boxer at a certain time in his life, and although I have had many years of training in Tai-kwon-do, I would not have been ecstatic to find myself in a fight with him. The second of the two men had dark auburn hair and his eyes possessed a glazed look, as if he spent many hours at bars, and stared at computers for the remainder of each day. However, the rest of his tanned and muscular body did not seem to match up with the thick, cold, gray eyes that he possessed. The woman was taller and slender relative to the two men, and had a body that had seen its' share of envy. She had brunette hair, which fell to her upper back. She wore a black trench coat, despite the excruciating heat and was wearing a suspicious amount of jewels on one hand, with the handle of a gun protruding from her right hip.

    As I glanced periodically at the altercation, I noticed two things. The first was that, about twenty meters away from where the three were standing, there was a sleek black limousine. Second, about fifteen minutes after watching, I saw a note exchanged from the hands of the blonde man, to the delicate hands of the beautiful woman's. I knew that the note had key importance to the mission I was undertaking so, in an attempt to ascertain its future whereabouts, I removed my listening device from the passenger's seat next to me. I then removed the plastic covering surrounding the device and discreetly opened the door. Then I slid one end of the wire through the thin crack in the driver's window. I held the other end of the device and turned the dial on the end. I was now able to perfectly hear the conversation across the street. The blonde man was telling the brunette to take the note with her on her flight to America tonight. He said he had to take the jewels, because they would be conspicuous. When she refused he grabbed her by her right arm and forced her to give them up.

    That was all I needed to know. Where the note possessing the location of the jewels was going and thus where those jewels were headed. I waited until the woman had departed in her sleek, black limousine. Then I grabbed my taser from the pickup's console and cautiously tailed the two men in my truck as they walked to their destination, always making sure to remain several blocks behind them. After about 20 minutes of walking, the men stopped next to a pier.

    The man with the cold gray eyes and tanned skin, stood on the left edge of the six foot pier, while the blonde stood next to a deserted boat shop. Easy, I thought, take out the man next to the water and then confront the other. I grabbed the handgun beneath my seat, flung myself outside of the door and did the commando crawl until I was directly behind the bed of my truck. Then I slowly crawled into the bed of the truck and aimed my pistol at the man on the corner of the pier. Perfect I thought. Perfect vantage point, perfect timing, and the fact that the guy had his back turned to me, didn't hurt. I raised the gun, brought it around the side of the truck, aimed at the left side of the man's back and fired. Bang. Clean shot, right through the left side of my victim's back and into the heart. I couldn't help, but look as the man began to prostrate in the air and commence his descent to the crashing waves below.

    Now for the second step of my three part plan; I hurriedly concealed the pistol and taser in the waistband of my pants, and leapt out of the bed. I hit the ground and rolled on the asphalt until I was standing directly behind the second man. I then pulled the taser from the chest pocket of my suit, pushed it against his neck and ignited it. I waited ten seconds and then released. Not enough time to kill him, or severely wound him for that matter. The shock simply incapacitated him, as I had wanted.

    Third step, get the note and call the local police. I reached into my unconscious victim's pocket and removed the five jewels. Also, to my surprise, there was a name followed by an address. Vivian Laiosha... 163 Red St., Rock dale, NM. Excellent, I said, that must be the woman who has the note. I placed the address and the jewels in my jacket pocket along with the taser. Then I pulled out my cell phone and dialed the Irish Police. Ello they said. I replied with a hasty greeting and informed them that I was an innocent American who had just witnessed one man being tased and another man being shot in the back and currently lying at the bottom of the ocean, dead. Where did you say this was lad? At pearl pier, twenty minutes away from Stockholm. I see, they said. Would you be so kind as to stay there until we arrive? I hung up, got back into my truck, turned on the radio and drove away.

    My Anonymity

    Now, in case you are wondering, you will never find out my name or the true names of any of the characters in this novel. I choose to remain anonymous. If you are of a well-mannered family, you may choose to call me Mr. Anonymous. Also, in case you are additionally wondering what organization I am employed by... you will never know, because like its' agents, my organization wishes to remain a secret. You may call us simply the AOIIA, the Anonymous Organization of Internationally Illicit Activities. The mission focused on in this novel deals with recovering jewels that had been stolen from our mines in Eastern Africa and then delivering them to the AOIIA. We had to do this, before we ran out of time and our nations' governments discerned where we were presently stationed. Anyway now that you know, or as is preferred by myself do not know, who or what I am, it is now time to resume my story.

    Later that night,

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