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Spirit Walker
Spirit Walker
Spirit Walker
Ebook282 pages4 hours

Spirit Walker

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About this ebook

This is the story of a guide and guardian angel. He dies as an American Indian called Running Water and finds himself on a journey of discovery. He has been asked to be a guardian to a spirit entity as he is born into the twentieth century. He is the soul mate to this energy. He finds himself in a place of goodness and grace, which is where he stays and learns how to become a guide and guardian angel.

This story has been told to me by my own guide, Running Water Swift of Foot, and Im the woman that he was asked to look after on this journey.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJul 30, 2014
Spirit Walker

H.E. Starnes

H.E. Starnes is an Aura reader, and spiritual medium, she has been able to see and hear spirit from the earliest age, she Also is a Reiki master and light healer, writing is a passion to her creating much joy within her family. Born in England she emigrated to Australia in the 1960’s.Living in a sea-side town in the state of N.S.W , close to her children, grandchildren and great, grandchildren.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Native American Poetry and Illustrations. A lovely book to read for adults and children

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Spirit Walker - H.E. Starnes

Copyright © 2014 by H.E. Starnes.

ISBN:          Softcover          978-1-4990-1328-3

                   eBook                978-1-4990-1329-0

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three


How Does A Snow Dove Get A Broken Wing?

The Lessons Learnt.

A Guide By Any Other Name!

The Storyteller Lives

Are Choices Really Free?


The Opening Of The Mind.

A Meeting Of Souls!

A Lonesome Dove Comes Home.

Life’s Illusions!

A Chance Meeting!

Labours Of Love!

A Turn Of Events.

An Answered Plea!

The Day Of Longing!

The New Adventure.

Getting To Know You

The Birth Of A Soul.


Chapter One

This is the story of my life, or should I say, that this is just an inconsequential time and place in this very large and wonderful universe.

When I was at the earthy age of thirty-seven years, I was killed in a fall and at that time, it was so unfortunate for those I left behind, but I was actually very confused and to be honest, I do believe I was possibly the most afraid that I had ever been in my mortal time on the earth plain.

As you have probably figured out, I am writing this through a channel.

I am, Running Water by name, and ‘Spirit’ by Profession.

I was of the Lakota line, and I lived in the country known to you as America.

I am six foot and seven inches in height and, as my channel says and I wouldn’t dream of blowing my own horn! (Don’t believe it! I am jesting)

I am handsome and apparently have a great butt.

In all honesty, when she first said this, I was at a wonder as to why anyone would want to appreciate my backside? But there you are! go figure, not all of you here on this earth plain are the same, thank goodness! Or it would make my job and that of hundreds and thousands of other spirit guides, not only boring, but dare I say very tedious also.

As I was saying, this is my story and if you are bothering to sit and read this then you must then at least have an open mind to some degree. If you are psychically aware in some way, even if you haven’t put all of the pieces together yet. So I won’t insult your intelligence by saying that this is a fully fictitious account, as when you get into it, you will know instinctively that it is the truth.

‘That life, is not always the way you were brought up to expect.’

In saying that, it should bring me back to the beginning of this missive.

There I was, standing in the middle of a scene of despair and grief, wondering why not one person was talking to me. I was yelling, at the top of my voice just to be ignored. What was going on? I was saying to myself. When suddenly, I saw something that made me jolt back in utter disbelief, for there, right in front of me was myself!

Yes! I did say myself and I was lying flat on my back and looking very much at peace.

I believe that it was at this time that I noticed what was going on. There was wailing and crying, the men were trying to lift me, as the women tried to pull and tug at my body, I shook my head in disbelief, I was here wasn’t I?

I could hear and see all the commotion that was going on. Was it just a dream that the mother, that had very gently nurtured and loved me, was crying so hard, that the sobs were reaching at her body? And it just couldn’t be! That my dear wife and the mother of my sturdy son was beside herself, with the grief that only losing a loved one could bring?

The realization hit me at that moment in time, I WAS DEAD!!!!!!

My earthly remains were very gently being taken home, to the place where I had come into this world. So that these beautiful women that I had loved so much and whom had given me their lives in so many different ways, could and would, prepare and tenderly dress the outside body that had been me one last time before saying the final farewell to the husband and son, they had both known as ‘Running Water Swift of Foot’ for so many years.

On this thought, I realised that I was actually in the home that was the dwelling of my earthly mother, but I had no recollection of actually moving to the place, meaning as in walking there! Well you don’t have to hit me over the head three times for a reasoning to come to me! I had realized that I could move this other body just by thinking something I wanted to do, or somewhere I wished to go. On this sudden burst of brilliance, I wondered if I could go ANYWHERE and so taking a deep breath to calm the old nerves (I hadn’t realized that I didn’t need to breath, nor that I had no nerves!).

I thought of my best friend and mentor Tatunkha, and as I thought of him,

BANG! There I was right there in front of him. He had been hunting some five days, up the river towards the sun’s setting. Here he was, just sitting in front of the fire with a trout turning nicely over the flames. (I do miss the smell of a good meal cooking over a fire.) He seemed to be out with the bison somewhere, as his eyes were not focused and I could see a silly smile on his face, which could mean only one thing.

He was thinking about his bride to be, the poor lovesick thing had it bad. I felt for him, as I looked into his face, for my untimely demise would mean another postponement to the wedding night! Oh well, it couldn’t be helped! Could it? And just quietly, the sense of humour in me thought it quite a funny thing! For this would be the third time that the wedding night would be postponed, and my poor friend here, would have to wait another moon. With this thought, a mischievous grin spread over my face.

As I was thinking this, my thoughts turned to my own wedding to my own dear one, and within a second, I was there! Back in time. I was a young man again with all my friends. We had all grown together and entered manhood together. There I was, watching my own self fishing and laughing with everyone, just as it had happened twenty years earlier. As I watched, I could feel the old feelings of love stir within me, as I saw dear Snow Dove picking berries with the other young girls. As I felt the feelings of youth, I also realized that I was watching the past, and that just by a thought, I could see one more time the beauty of my life, and this land that I had grown on.

So casting back my mind, I was once more on the night of my joining with the one person, I had loved ever since we were children. We had swum together, ran together and laughed together and finally, we had loved together. It seemed in that moment, as if my life had been fulfilled. I understood, without ever being told, why I had been here on this beautiful, but oh!! so fragile earth, and why it was that this, was my time to go.

On this realization, I could feel a tugging, as if somebody was tugging at my clothing, but shock horror! On looking down, I saw that there were no clothes to be tugged, and with that thought, I was off!!!

I was flying high above the mountains, the energies within my body were on fire and I knew with an all knowing sense, that this was the way I had to go to get home to where I truly belonged. Where all and everything I had ever known and learnt had begun from, where I would find the peace and love that I had always sought on the earthly plain.

As I flew with an ever increasing speed, I remembered the feeling of love that I had so yearned for. I knew now, that every time, I had craved a special food or drink, or craved something, but didn’t know what it was, it was this feeling of total and unequivocal feeling of ‘Love’, of ‘Longing’, of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Joy’ mixed in with the feelings of ‘Fulfillment’ and just ‘Being’.

If you could find a word to describe the feelings that were coursing through my spirit, and live it, on earth or anywhere else for that matter. Then there would be, absolutely no reason, for any of you or us, to do all the time on the earth in the learning process that we all do, because we would all ready know and feel, that which we are searching for.

As I went higher and higher, I soared above the way and I felt the exhilaration of the journey, I could imagine everyone’s faces, and all of their voices, that would be raised with joy at me homecoming.

Because the petty human feelings of the ‘I’ syndrome, never have nor will they ever exist where I was going. Even just that little knowledge, was enough to know without a shadow of a doubt that I would never, choose to do this again.

Chapter Two

On entering the place that I know as The Golden Fields, I felt an enormous feeling of love and peace. I stood on the highest hill and turned my head to survey all around me. The ‘all knowing’ feeling filled my head with the sweet memories of the centuries. The all-encompassing feeling of ‘belonging’ became one more time, the only thing of importance.

I looked to my left, and there beside me was my old friend and mentor, ‘Chang-go’, and an unadulterated love warmed my soul.

Ah old friend he said and held out his hand in greeting. Upon taking his hand, I was transported outside of a three- domed palace. Once more I knew, that I would have to answer the full length of my life on earth that I had just completed. Knowing that things may get a bit difficult, I composed my energies, and focused freely on all that was within me. The energies sparked and flew, and then recreated into the figure of the physical person that I had just left.

On looking around, I knew that the omnipotent ones were waiting. On reaching the Centre Dome, the great doors which were twenty feet in height and one hundred feet in width, opened inwardly. In doing so, I allowed my energies to pass through the portal. The voices of many angels sang around me, and there were many angels as myself here in the physical form. You would allude this gathering to one’s cocktail party mingling, on the physical plain! Every energy form was hearing different tunes and melodies, as to what their preferences were. Mine being, that of the Archangel Gabriel, and the harps and pan pipes of the AV’E`.

With this music of beauty echoing, I walked into the anteroom to await my summoning. On arrival I looked around me, greeting so many familiar faces. Although there is no need to speak with a voice box, being so newly departed from the earth plain, this is what I did! on doing so, I realized my mistake and corrected it through speaking through the energies of the mind. I believe it is called ‘telepathy’ in the mortal state. On the ringing of the great silver bell, which echoed through the great halls and chambers of time, I was summoned to the main viewing room.

On walking down the halls, I looked around me, and on all sides the walls had been chipped and chiseled by water chisellers throughout the millenniums. The walls depicted stories from the beginning of time, through the eons and the different dimensions, telling stories of our fore fathers and their adventures and their heroic acts of unity.

The crystal, in which these lessons of learning are written, is thirty feet thick and thousands of feet high. The sun from the outside throws prisms of rainbow and light throughout the hallway. At the end of the hallway, two great doors, carved from solid sapphire, opened inwardly. As I passed through the portal, the first thing that I noticed was ‘The Three Venerables’ sitting behind a chiseled diamond length (as a block).

I sat upon one of the many crystal chairs, but on seating myself, I found the feeling to be soft and warm instead of cold and hard, as one would of expected. On looking into the eyes of The Venerable to my left, facing me, the familiar eyes of blue bore into my soul, tearing away the last vestiges of any human remnants. On doing this, I found my soul bare to the scrutinizing energies of these Venerables. All I had learnt on this visit that I had just departed from, was lying before me on the diamond length.

As I looked into the eyes of the middle Venerable, I saw the bright white energy Light of Love. It was being thrown into my very entity and in doing so, he took the last of the manmade excuses that covered the very mistakes, that I had made on my last earth journey, and cleansed each one, before storing them into the crystals of life. At this time I was starting to feel very weak. I had a feeling of dejection and of no longer belonging. I looked into the eyes of the third Venerable and there I saw stars. The most beautiful golden yellow and I knew, that all was forgiven.

Each Venerable was the same in looks and height and each wore a white cowl without a hood being raised. Their hair was snow white and shoulder length, their eyebrows bushy and white, they had beards and moustaches of white of the purest grade. Each had an entity and an energy source of its very own unique individuality.

The wisdom that emanated from these great men was humbling, and I knew, that love, life and lessons were about to begin.

Chapter Three

As I watched and waited, I looked around me and was becoming very interested in the thoughts that were running around in my head. When the centre Venerable asked me to look behind where they were sitting, as I did so, there was a diamond of dimensions. You could not even begin to fathom the size; there were many thousands of facets within.

As I watched, I saw within the diamond that was turning on its pivotal point at this time. I watched the self that I had just left upon the material plain. As I watched the time expansion of that time, I saw that it was going backwards. In other words, from the time of the death of the body, to the birth and back to here. Then, into the incarnation that would have been before that, and so on.

In each of these incarnations, the vision would stop and start again at different times, of learnt or unlearnt lessons of which I was there to learn to enable me, to be evolved enough in the metaphysical world, and in the energies, to be sitting here as I was at this time, hashing over all of my mistakes and blunders regardless of excuses and reasoning.

I was here come ‘hades or high water’! I was here to stay, until all three of these Venerables were satisfied with my journey through the millenniums of time. At one stage I was in a life that I personally (at the time), thought had gone fairly well with much learnt and understood, when one of the old Venerables stopped the screening as such, and looking at me straight in the soul asked.

Why did you think that by giving all that you had, of the material away, to those in need, was a thing of such great sacrifice and of worthiness, that it should remain as a lesson in the administration of the mortal initiates.

Rather taken aback, I pulled myself up and tried as hard as I could, to actually understand ‘why’ this old Venerable was treating me with the contempt that a physical person would, of a student of no worth. Unable to really understand, I just sat with my mouth open and tried (in vain I might add) to find the logical answer, that I was sure, he was waiting for.

Well boomed the voice, that just seconds ago had been gentle, soft and understanding.

I don’t understand the question Your Holiness!

I seemed to stumble over every word that I uttered, for I was in great agitation as to what it was, that was so bad in what I had thought to be a good deed done in that life time.

Oh my young son! Do you still not see the obvious, as you sit before us in this place of truth and honesty, do you not feel the truth surging within you? Do not the notions of intent even bubble within your soul, at this time of your greatest achievement?

And shaking his head in a kind of symbolic sadness (for there is only a sadness for others here, that you on the earthly plain would not understand)

He turned towards me and said to me, once again in his soft and gentle manner.

See my son! Do you see the reaction that has affected many, by your action of giving away all that you possessed? Look! See the effects now!

With that, he started up the visions of the Akashic records. For many hundreds of different peoples lives and their many rebirths, after that initial life, that in my ignorance and arrogance, I had brought their learning times, down a level in grade.

As he stopped the record, I realized that there was a sadness that was eating at my very core. I was in such a state of justifiable regret and dejection, not might I add, for myself, but for all I had unknowingly failed. I slipped to the my knees upon the floor at the feet of the Venerables, crying rivulets of tears, asking for the forgiveness for all that I had so thoughtlessly hurt.

On doing this, I heard the last thing that I would of expected to hear, and that was a chuckle, a chuckle that seemed to emanate through the bowels of the earths, and rumble up through the old Venerable, that had been so contrite with me. In utter amazement, I stopped my entreaty. Dumb struck!! I watched his face. His serious face turned into the greatest colour of gold that one could ever imagine! And the smile that turned up the corners of his mouth, seemed to light the very core of my being. As the smile very slowly touched his eyes they turned into the most beautiful aquamarines that showed straight through into the beauties of the universe.

And as I saw this, and the feeling of ‘utter belonging’ once again filled my being, I realized that what just had unfolded, was the biggest lesson that I would ever have or experience.

It was the lesson of’ ‘knowing’ the true and the most unselfish emotion of giving, loving, and mostly, I feel the most important part of the lesson was, that to me, even though I knew, that I wasn’t going back into the world of lessons. I was still not understanding, that the ultimate lesson was that:

One should never be so sure, that you count yours or anyone else’s chickens before they have well and truly hatched, as they say on your earth realm.


Well the journey here was such a journey that I had never before experienced.

There were colours of which I had never experienced on the physical plain darting all around me. As I flew at the speed of thought, through the Universal energies that are time, feeling the care and the Love of the Creator Himself.

The feelings of all of the energies and emotions were corsing through my veins, pulsating through the very energies that are, the essence of the me. As I slowed down in transit, then the colors of life and love became more solid and I realized that they were in reality, the very stars that I would of longed to pluck from the sky when I was in the physical. The planets that I had not even realized had existed, that I had thought of as minute lights, to show the way to get to the hunting fields and back home again.

I had thought them to be a mere navigational tool to be taken for granted, to know that without a shadow of a doubt, that, the next night, they would be there in the sky just waiting for me and others to find our way home. When needs dictate, we could even draw maps of the stars for the travelers to follow if they did not know their way. That was the only thought of these great planets that had ever really, existed in my mind as a mortal.

"Well!" I thought (to my surprise! I had a warped sense of humour) wouldn’t old Tatunkha be surprised to find out that the only way he could make his sloppy poetry work out here, would be to see that one could never, in a million years pluck one of these stars from the heavens, even if it did mean that one could get one’s own wicked way with the one of the opposite sex.

The very thought of him being caught out on this with the old Venerables started me into laughter, that again I thought for some reason I would of lost.

Funny that! Why is it with all of the knowledge of all of the times, that I had been on earth, being held in what I laughingly call a brain, I still found myself puzzled at the realization that, I still had the basic emotions that I had when I was on or in, the physical world?

I did finally realize, though, that I had much to learn, even now. It was the knowledge that I was still learning that had a profound effect on me, because as I saw my destination looming up before me. I finally understood that I was on the edge of the most enduring lessons that I would ever be taught. No matter what happened from this time, I would always have the good and most desirable aspects of myself(being the very being, which is me).

I do believe that the ‘knowing’ of this was an enjoyable thought and yes! As the Little One would say, and that is all right too!

On looking into the distance I saw an immense light of purple and violet.

There seemed to be gold interwoven and intertwined throughout the massive beauty that I was beholding. Somehow it was beckoning to me and it seemed to be pulsating and calling as a heartbeat calls a child to the protection of its mother’s breast.

I believe I felt a pang of apprehension as I slowly went forward into an unknown beginning for me.

The next thing that I was aware of was, that I was within the middle of a great field of beauty, shaking myself and trying to place the energies and to take the form of the body I had as ‘Running Water.’

I had an overwhelming urge to laugh and jump and yell as loud as I could.

All of the physical feelings were at the fore, and I was loving the freedom of just being me, and thinking that I was finally going to learn what It was!

Silly deluded boy said a voice behind me.

I spun around and saw an old man that I had never met before and

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