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The Society We Live In: Volume I
The Society We Live In: Volume I
The Society We Live In: Volume I
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The Society We Live In: Volume I

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Where are The Got-Damn Jobs? Man, I dont know? Lets ask The Republicans, they are the guys Blocking, The Presidents Jobs Bill for The American People! Did you know that they are The Party of and or for The Rich & Wealthy, For Real, Yeah man, its just like The King of Pop said, whats that Brother? All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us! Yeah, okay, dig it, I can dig it. Hes right, they do not care! You know, whats that Black Man? I really can use A Job for real man, I got to find a Way to pay these Damn Bills, you know? Yeah, stay up Man, take care, alright, you too Bro, Stay cool! By the way Man, hows your Family? You know, everyone is cool, I just need a Job, Man. Why dont those guys just let that Brother do his damn Job and leave him alone? I know, right? Thats how they are, they are afraid of The Truth you know, they dont want to make any Changes, they just want to continue The Game you know! Its like Monopoly Man, they want to control Everything, they live on Park Avenue, they own the Rail Roads and all the Homes that went into Foreclosure, people lost their Jobs, Hell they even got a get out jail free card because none of those guys ever get arrested, do they, never, and then they blame it all on the government, saying that theres too much government? Arent they The Crooks in the government, yeah, okay then, there you go? Yeah Man that Greed is all due to Corruption, yeah man. Those people are truly Selfish! People all over America are Starving man, yeah I know. It could be worst you know, whats that? If Bush was still in office, yeah youre right. Man dont you know that they are trying to Suppress our Voting Rights, yeah I heard about that, thats deep man, yeah I know dawg, alright man stay up Brother, ah-ight Peace!
December 13th 2011Jack L. Brooks Jr.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 26, 2012
The Society We Live In: Volume I

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    The Society We Live In - Jack L. Brooks Jr.

    Copyright © 2012 by Jack L. Brooks Jr..

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4691-5445-9

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-5446-6

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    This book is dedicated in loving memory to my dad Mr. Leroy D. Brooks and The Brooks Family. Many thanks to my mother Mrs. Doris A. Brooks for her inspiration and common sense, much love always. I would Also like to give thanks to all of my family members and close friends who have been there with me through my journey, much love always, Jack.



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    Money, everybody wants it and or some of it? Everybody needs it just to survive, you can’t live without it? You can’t support your family or your life style without having it? Rather you are poor or rich. Money plays a key role in everyone’s daily life. Some of us have more than others? Does money really has any value at all or is it simply just a piece of paper in which mankind has placed value on? Many people kill for money, they lie, cheat, steal, use it to bribe, Etc. women even sell their bodies for a moment of sexual pleasure for it? Many men of power use it in various ways, most of them negative more so than positive? The City, State and Federal Reserve Tax the Poor and Rich for it? Enemies of war are funded by and or with it in which they use to purchase weapons and a variety of other things? Many people say that it should never be in the hands of those who are evil, greedy, selfish and wicked?

    Some people believe that the real money is gold? Is gold really power or is it just simply gold and silver is just silver? None of these God given elements has any or more value than a human life? Mankind has manipulated people into believing in things that they know that are not true and also considered to be treasures of some kind, yet in reality none of these things have no value at all other than that what man has placed on them? You can’t put a price on life? So why is, it that mankind has placed a higher value on elements and minerals and other natural God given gifts to humanity? We have been taught that life is the most precious gift of all, and it is, yet some how greed and selfishness appears to be the shadow that predicts one’s life for material gain? This is just one of the many reasons why great Nations have been destroyed in the past throughout Centuries, simply because of the GREED of man (male & female) and their illicit behavior to say the least?

    However, we must all survive as best we can, so money can serve a purpose positively if used wisely for all humanity rather than for a hand few or a group of people who dictate their will on those who has less simply because they can? I don’t believe that Education should be the norm for high paying jobs, I believe that education should be the key in which benefits the people of our society and or for Humanity! There should not be a price on healthcare, especially for those who are less fortunate than others physically. Free healthcare is not socialism it’s just simply Humanism the right thing to do for all people!

    Yet it’s all about the money with those who are in power or has power to make a difference? Some people have more money than they will ever use in their lifetime, and never spend it? However, they continue to invest with it to increase their wealth in which will serve them all no purpose after they are no longer here? Most people who has money actually believe that they can take it with them when they die, some even believe that their money will and or could save them from whatever problems and or obstacles that they may encounter? Money has strange effects on many people in many ways bad and good, money has driven some men insane? Many women have lead many men astray, even to their death, by and with their beauty all for the sake of stealing their money? In today’s society, money exist in ways that are simply tokens of unsatisfactory value due to Bonds, Stocks, Shares, Grants, Checking, Savings, Money Markets, CD’s, Derivatives and Credit Etc. this is all funny money, you know… . like Monopoly?

    Credit is the worst of them all? Credit has ruined the lives of many people all over the world and still growing, credit will destroy the markets in the split of half a second, rich and poor? Credit is just like Tax yet they are opposite of each other equally, they both are connected and joined due to High Interest Rates in which has left many people rich and poor with huge Debt! It amaze me how there is so much Money, yet so many people have so less of it? This is all simply by designed in which Greed plays a large role due the over charging of consumers who are just simply being taking advantage of. If The United States can spend at least $2 Billion Dollars on a War every week and or 2 weeks, money that you claim that you don’t have and or are borrowing from China? Surely you can care for the very Soldiers who are fighting in our Wars and the American People in general, who have been and or are losing Family Members in the Wars and have been making great sacrifices for this Country since it was founded.

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said that The Banking Industry earned at least $35 Billion Dollars in July-September Quarter. That’s up from $23.8 Billion Dollars during around the same time or period last Year. More than 60% of Banks have reported an Increase in their Earnings says The Associated Press.

    —Nov. 22nd 2011

    The U.S. Department of Labor has indicated that the unemployment rate has drop to at least 8.5%, the lowest that it has been in about 3 Years. However, at least 212,000 Jobs were added in December 2011 by employers in which has help give our Economy a slight kick in The Right Direction. President Obama announced today that its only the beginning and that there is much work to be done.

    —January 6th 2012

    In 2010 the estimated income gap between the American People versus the so call 1% (The Wealthy) is extremely huge, the median paycheck has declined at least 1.2% and the American People lost of jobs has gone up at least 500,000 and the numbers are rising?

    Unemployment Rate October 2011

    The average Debt for College Seniors Graduating in 2010 was at least $25,250.00 one of the highest in history or on record. Many Americans are asking the question if College is worth attending. Americans are divided on this issue as they are on many, just how divided are they.

    GOOD just 5% FAIR at least 42% POOR about 15%

    This is where the ratings are thus far, however we all know that things changes as time passes and that it can either get worst or better, or maybe, just maybe all Americans can receive a Free College Education wouldn’t that be Great not nice but Great, I think that it’s about that time to educate all Americans accordingly simply because there appears to be too many Nuts who think that they are Educated because they have a degree and or have graduated from college, yet they lack Common Sense like certain members in Congress and The Senate who are just simply not being Rational or Reasonable, you can’t tell me that these guys are not Educated, when their actions tells me otherwise, they are Brilliant (Damn Nuts)! If The Members of Congress and The Senate can do math and solve word problems, then they can also take care of The American People who have elected them all into Office to protect them, does it pay to be Patriotic and in returned to be ill-treated and neglected? How can Congress and The Senate think only of their selfish needs (Greed) and not pass The President’s Job Bill to help put Americans back to work, we pay our taxes, we have voted for legislation to protect us all from the crooks among you? At least 99% of America’s Pie is being eaten by the rich and wealthy, the American People are the 1% and is soon to become the 0% because they have lost almost everything that they owned! The current unemployment rate for men is at 8% and for women at 7.9% as of January 2012.

    The Rich & Wealthy Americans

    At least 49,000 U.S. Citizens have between $50 Million Dollars and or at least $500 Million Dollars in their net worth. Studies have indicated that over the next 50 Years many Wealthy Americans will leave behind at least $27 Trillion Dollars or more to their Family, Children, Grandchildren as well as their Children’s Children. The so called 1% Richest & Wealthy Americans have more Wealth than at least 90% of the entire U.S. Population. However, in 1985 there were only 13 U.S. Billionaires, yet in 2011 there are more than at least 1,000. According to The Federal Reserve there are at least 49,000 U.S. Households that owns between $50 Million Dollars to $500 Million Dollars in Net Worth, at least 125,000 or more U.S. Households owns between $25 Million Dollars to at least $50 Million Dollars. The Hedge Fund: is an Investment Fund in which uses borrowed Money to increase its returns and is only Eligible to high net worth Clients. Some Hedge Funds Firms or Companies charges at least 2% to 20% in which many investors considers to be a tad bit Expensive. However, a Hedge Fund Manager could make at least $1 Billion Dollars a Year, a Billion Dollar Hedge Fund with an annual return of at least 10% could generate around $40,000,000.00 Million Dollars in fees. However, according to The Medical Group Management Association, the top 1% of Neurosurgeons in 2007 earned at least an average of $2,700,000.00 (2.7) Million Dollars.

    In 2007 The Top Hedge Fund Managers earned at least $877,000,000.00 Million Dollars. There are at least 9 Million Americans that are Millionaires and believe it or not, many of them say that do not feel Rich? However, these Millionaires have been called Middleclass Millionaires. The Top 400 U.S. Taxpayers reported an average income of at least $214 Million Dollars each, that’s a lot of CA$H. It is almost every American’s Dream is to one day to become Rich or Wealthy, well this is America and Dreams do come true, just remember not to forget about those who are less fortunate than you are, when your blessings comes raining down Money. Billionaire W. Clemente Stone once gave President Richard Nixon $1 Million Dollars to do with whatever he so desired or pleased says John Alter who was on an interview by Dylan Ratigan on The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC. Alter goes on to say that The Bag Man with a bag full of money have always been around in politics, loved and hated at the same time? However, in 1883 Great Brittan got rid on The Money in their politics, yet by some strange force of nature The British Media somehow became its Replacement in which people like Rupert Murdock a Billionaire has created nothing short than Controversy and Scandal not only in The U.K. but in The U.S. as well. Outsiders with money or power with some form of an agenda of their own have helped shaped people’s Society globally in an inequality and unjust many in which The Elite worldwide have enjoyed great Benefits.

    I once met Billionaire W. Clemente Stone several times at The James L. Allen Center in Evanston, Illinois in which is affiliated The Kellogg Graduate School of Management in which The Building has recently been named The Donald P. Jacobs Building (Center) at 2001 Sheridan Road, Evanston Illinois and yes I personally know former Dean Donald P. Jacobs as well as Associated Dean Vinnie Lyons of The Chicago Campus in which I hear that he will be soon retiring, I wish him well he’s a great man. However, The James L. Allen Center hosts Executive Management Programs in which Executives, CEO’s an Managers from all over The World attend classes on or in Business Management. Back to The Billionaire W. Clemente Stone, he was a very short guy with a very thin moustache who kind of reminded you of a part from The America of old, yet he appeared very sharp with very thick eyebrows, when I saw him he spoke softly but with a manly voice with confidence and respect, he was very Respectful, after several times meeting him I would see him at The Allen Center occasionally off and on? However, returning back to the point that I was making about money in politics and being replace by the media in which both plays a role of Dictating financially or verbally the people’s society in which we live in? I believe that The Media has its role to inform The People about various issues, particularly those of great Importance, but I do not believe that they should have a voice for The People in regards to dictating our Lives based on how they feel or what they think?

    This is why The Voting Rights Act in America is so important and vital to The People to make their voices heard based on their Choice and not those of The Media and especially that of Special Interest Groups with Money buying up our Democracy from those who are voted into office by The People. The People have The Power with The Vote, but that power is violated by outsiders who have purchase those on the inside to work against True Justice on behalf of their Interest in which is nothing more than more Money, more Money, more Money! Former New States Attorney Eliott Spitzer who have been aptly named The Sheriff of Wall St. reveals on The Dylan Ratigan Show about reforming The Swap Market in which Trillions of Dollars are made, did he say Trillions? The Swap Market is the secret market of The Elite money makers, The Green Giants, these guys have the real bucks were talking about at least $708 Trillion Dollars in The Swap Market that’s too much money for even one Bank to hold or have? Yet when does Capitalism favors everyone in general and not just the few on The Panel? Spitzer says and I’m sure that I would be corrected if I’m wrong, that one of the ways of reforming The Swap Market is No Betting without the cash. He says to understand Wall St. is to understand OPM Other People’s Money, so where’s The Beef its in The Swap Market and the guys on Wall St. continues to reap Benefits!

    Is there a right kind of greed, I mean greed that is good? Does such a thing even Exist, I think not. There can’t possibly be a right kind of greed, the definition of Greed is just that greed, like men are men and women are women and that there is nothing else in between! That’s the problem with America, creating everything in between instead of acknowledging the definition of the true meaning of the word in which should be represented at hand. Greed is greed and there isn’t anything good about it when it comes to destroying people’s lives because of Selfishness and material gain, financially or by any other means. The Words that people use to Justify their own personal point of view is nothing but Rhetoric in which is based on the foundation of lies and not the truth, so say what you want and will and disagree as you may. If this is Capitalism at its finest its self destruction in the making! For example; how can a Governor pardoned hard core Criminals and then get on public television and proclaim that our current President is leading the country in the wrong direction. Well, Republican Governor Haley Barbour of The State of Mississippi did just that. Before he left the office as Governor after being defeated by another Republican recently, he pardoned at least 200 criminals, not innocent men or women but guilty criminals who were given Life Sentences!

    Criminals, who are and or were convicted of Murder, Homicide, Robbery, Rape, Burglary, Aggravated Assault, and the list goes on. This is a U.S. Governor from The State of Mississippi who was voted into office to represent The American People in Mississippi who released 200 hardcore criminals who have committed crimes against The People of Mississippi and you have the Audacity to talk about President Obama is leading America in the wrong direction, are you crazy? I know that the people of Mississippi are Pissed, and many people are saying that this is a Mississippi Tradition to pardoned criminals? No wonder this country is fucked up? If an Democratic Governor had even attempt to do anything of this nature The Republicans will never stop talking about it? This double standard game that Republicans play is one that The American People can no longer afford to play, especially with our lives at stake when it comes to doing the right thing! Can’t you people just do the right thing by The American People in whatever ever State that you Govern? Is everything always only about Money for transactions of Favors? Is this the kind of Leadership that The Republican Party is talking about, after all the majority of all The American People’s Grief is caused by The Republican Party, do you people even care about the other people in America besides your damn selves? Or is everything always only about YOU! what about The Public Oath of Office that you took, what about the people of and in your State whom you are suppose to Protect, what about doing The Right Thing! Is it so hard to do the right thing or is the Money to good to overlook and keep from doing the right thing, 200 hardcore criminals with life sentences, this is a Disgrace to The Law!

    This is why The American People are Pissed, it’s not just The Republicans but many of our Government Public Officials in general who are Corrupt and are bribed by outsiders of The Law, not caring for The American People at all. Everyone is quick to come to the rescue of various Politicians who are Guilty of crimes, but who comes to the rescue of The American People who are Innocent and yet still placed behind bars in prisons that our guilty elected officials never appears to go? They get away with everything, screwing over The American People, they lie directly to our faces about what they are going to do once they are in office, they do anything to get into office and once they are in, they start plotting against The American People because of Money, that’s right! Our elected officials sell us out for Money, they are nothing but Crooks and The American People in every election get Took for everything, this is nothing but a game and it goes around like a merry-go-round over and over. So I AM glad that The Occupy Wall Street Movement was born and has created the Noise that they have as far as making their Voices heard. It’s time to make politicians accountable for their actions and every other government officials including Police Officers who are on the Take as The American People continues to get Took by all of these damn Crooks!

    There’s still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to The Voters of Reasons and Compromise that are coming from outside of Washington, they continue to insists on protecting The $100 Billion Dollars worth of Tax Cuts for The Wealthiest 2% of Americans, at any costs even if it means reducing The Deficit with deep Cuts to things like Education and Medical Research, even if it means deep Cuts in Medicare. So at this point at least they simply will not budge from that negotiation position and so far that refusal continues to be the main stumbling block that has prevented Congress from reaching an Agreement to further reduce our Deficit.

    —November 21st 2011President Obama

    If the American people were the 99% they would not be on Wall Street marching and protesting. The Rich and Wealthy on Wall Street and Big Businesses and Corporate Tycoons as well as Big Banks has no regulations or restrictions, they play monopoly with other people’s money while their money sits in the Banks and earn interest and the American people busts their butts for small wages making their companies The Best in The World as they ship our jobs overseas? Is this The Great Country we call America? There are more educated people in the world than there are Wise, more poor people, than there are rich people in the world. This is hypocrisy of our democracy in which our society is soon to be a catastrophe? The Revolution will be televised and the people will be energized simply because far too long they have all been denied their fair share of the pie!

    The People of America and throughout the world has come to realize that they are just as important, than the rich and wealthy, they are slowly coming together to raise their voices against Injustice! People should not have to suffer from lack of money when there is so much of it despite the bad economy? Credit has not only put many Americans in debt, they are now using one’s credit history against them to decide whether or not to give them a job? What kind of democracy has America become, this is simply financial discrimination based on bad or good credit due to one’s credit history in which is determined by those in control who use a bias Agenda against those who are not like themselves, in other words this is just simply Racism? How can you prejudge people for a Job based on Racial Motives that were and or are just simply Prejudice to begin with, you can have a Job if your Credit History is okay, if not (Forget about it)? What kind of Business or Company are you running? Is the Slave Trade still going on and I know nothing about it? Who are you damn people do you actually think that you have Authority over ME, US, We The People? Think about it, you are creating future problems that you can avoid all together before they could ever Escalate into something that you will later Regret! Use your Common Sense and do the right thing, do right by people, we are not fucking animals! What will it take for people in general to treat people in general with Respect, not just by physical contact but also by any and every kind of logical reasoning regarding Life in general, just because you are Rich does not give you any kind of Authority, just because you are White also does not give you any kind of Authority. Just because you are European, Asian, African, or any other race or nationality you are no more Special than anyone else! If you can remember that you are Human than you should think about other people who are Human and choose to do right by them all, just because you write a law, pass a law, and exercise that Law to the degree whereas everyone live by it but you do not, doesn’t make it The Law!

    First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on The CBS Morning Show in which she challenged and or responded to the current book entitled The Obamas about her role as 1st Lady and how she forces or imposed her will on The White House Aids. The First Lady replied that the stories are not true and that she’s not an angry Black Lady in which she finds to be Disrespectful and unacceptable about her character, she says that she and her husband has a great relationship, end of story.

    —January 11th 2012

    President Obama makes a trip to his home town Chicago in which he is raising campaign money for his 2012 re-election against his rival GOP Presidential Candidates who are after his Job!

    —January 11th 2012

    One of the reasons why many Laws are broken is simply because most of them are just simply Unfair especially when they apply to The People but not those who are deemed or termed Privileged! Many American corporations have taken American jobs overseas for cheaper labor, jobs that many Americans will never see and or work again? This is a raw deal for the American people financially simply because the American people have made these companies what they have become today in which is very successful, Americans have nothing to depend on financially, everything but their Social Security has been taking away from them. The three columns and or pillars of retirement for many Americans no longer exist? The American people no longer have a Pension, Savings and or Social Security in which has been threaten by privatization by The Bush Administration, yet Social Security appears to be the only safe financial assets that many Americans will be able to depend on, due to the fact that it did not get privatize and despite all the negative things that Congress and the Senate did not do, they at least they did do the right thing by not touching social security at all.

    Interest Rates, Credit, Tax & Social Security

    What is the purpose of having a Tax and or paying Taxes? That’s a question that many people can debate or argue about over and over? My question is just how much Tax does one have to pay? Also, how much money is taken out of your Check for Taxes, how then can you possibly owe The Government or should I say The Federal Reserve or is it The IRS? Many Americans have been Taxed more so than they should be, have and or are? With so many Taxes that exist, it’s a miracle that anyone has a damn thing to survive on? Yet politicians find a way to funnel Millions of Dollars to political campaigns, maybe if these Big Banks, Businesses, Corporations and Oil Barons paid their fair share of Taxes just maybe they wouldn’t have the Money to spend on Campaigns, Millions of Dollars are spent on Lying while The American People are Starving and Dying?

    The Many Variations of Taxes

    Payroll Tax

    City & State Tax

    Federal Tax

    Estate & Property Tax

    Interest Rate Tax

    Purchase Tax

    Hidden Tax

    Since everyone pays Taxes in one way or another, how can you possibly owe The Government anything? Does The Government Tax The City & The State? Does The City & State Tax Businesses and Corporations? Does The American People pay Taxes on almost any and or everything that they Purchase, to these Banks, Business and Companies? So how much Tax does one have to pay, I mean really, when does the corruption ends and

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