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My Soul on Paper
My Soul on Paper
My Soul on Paper
Ebook86 pages40 minutes

My Soul on Paper

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About this ebook

This is a golden collection of the 60 most prolific poems from a messenger of a prophetic word! These are not thoughtful poems, but rather soulful, but yet thought provoking poems! Raging from different writing styles, dominated by rhythm and rhyme! "My Soul On Paper" depicts just that! The soul of a man naked and splashed all over the paper! So take his his soul...embrace his soul and love this soul!
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateMar 17, 2014
My Soul on Paper

Golden Nkosinathi Zungu

Golden Nkosinathi Zungu was born on the 4th of December 1980 in KwaZulu Natal, Newcastle, South Africa. He did his primary schooling there, but moved to Johannesburg at the age of 12 to complete the rest of his schooling and upbringing there. He has no formal training in literature, his love of literature, especially poetry began ever since he knew how to read and write. He doesn't consider himself a poet, but a messenger of a prophetic word!

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    My Soul on Paper - Golden Nkosinathi Zungu

    Copyright © 2014 by Golden Nkosinathi Zungu.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                           978-1-4931-4225-5

                                eBook                                978-1-4931-4226-2

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    Rev. date: 03/13/2014

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    My Soul On Paper

    A Chace

    A Child of Life

    A Life of a Wife

    A Poem for You

    Above Love

    All Around Me

    All These Years

    An Honor

    Because I Loved You


    Crossing Distance

    Dig Till I Die


    Ebunganeni Bami

    Every Avenue


    Hole In My Heart


    I Cried

    I Lie Awake

    I, of Soul

    It Won’t Be Long

    Let there be Peace


    Life After Rail


    Meet Me in Heaven


    My Apologies

    My Child

    My Flower of Power

    My Golden Name

    My Heaviest Fear

    My Last Breath

    My Vision of Love

    Now I Tell it to You

    Oh Well My Darling

    Once We were Africans

    Our Possibility

    Paper of Power

    Poetry Gangsters

    Poetry Gangsters Ii

    Soles of My Soul

    The Dream

    The God I Pray

    The Pool of Love

    The Trueth I Speak

    The Ugliest, Prettiest Person

    The Worst Enemy of Man

    These Words

    This Day Today

    To Be a Good Man


    We Used to be Kind

    What a Lady Wants

    When Love Turns Ugly

    World War Iii

    Your Act of Fact

    Your Voice

    My Soul On Paper


    This is my soul

    Take my soul

    Eat my soul

    Feed my soul

    Read my soul

    Understand my soul

    Learn my soul

    Know my soul

    Earn my soul

    And teach my soul

    My soul is pregnant

    Is pregnant with emotions of prudence

    My soul is burning

    Is burning the flames of immortal life

    See my soul can fly

    Is flying like the birds of the blue sky

    Feel my soul can flow

    Is flowing like the streams of native lands

    Paint my soul on paper

    See my soul in color

    Show my soul in words

    Let my soul teach you

    Let my soul touch you

    My soul shall heal your pain

    My soul shall ease your strain

    Feel my soul running down your veins

    I breathe my soul on paper

    I breathe my soul to your soul

    I feed the word all my soul

    This is my paper, the prosper’s soul

    Love this paper, love my soul

    Embrace this paper, embrace my soul

    If you tear this paper, you tear my soul

    Don’t burn this paper, you burn my soul


    A Chace

    From the first glance

    I saw a spark in your eyes

    At first I thought it was ice

    But No! It were stars of love

    Shinning through your deep eyes

    Your smile took me through

    A bliss of love for a long mile

    For a

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