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The Greatest Promise
The Greatest Promise
The Greatest Promise
Ebook70 pages1 hour

The Greatest Promise

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Almost every person on earth has wondered what happens after we die. Christians believe in life everlasting, yet often struggle with the promise of life everlasting as they or a loved one near death. The Greatest Promise actually has real answersanswers from what can only be described as an endless series of miracles gently intertwined to form a canvas that only God could create.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 27, 2015
The Greatest Promise

W. T. Cullen

W. T. Cullen is a family man, well known in the community for serving many years on the fire and rescue department and being active in the local church. He is a self-proclaimed fixer, always rebuilding or repurposing some old antique. His shop is often called “a place where dinosaurs come back to life.” His door is always open, and many think of his shop as the local gathering spot.

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    The Greatest Promise - W. T. Cullen

    Copyright © 2015 William T Cullen.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-7250-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-7251-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015903563

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/26/2015



    It was October 2002

    Years passed

    Roller Coaster

    Black Friday

    I got home to an empty house

    I understand! I get it! I GET IT!

    A new Life for me

    Another Miracle, I witnessed this one

    One Miracle seems to roll into another

    The Dark side

    Sometimes inspiration can come from the most unlikely of sources. I am a husband, a Dad a Papa, a friend and a mechanic, a fixer. Most of my life has been void of any serious or significant religion. Those that know me would be shocked to know it was I that wrote this book. Yet here I am writing a book with some answers to some big spiritual questions. I truly believe the things that happened and are still happening to me all happened for a greater purpose. I was driven to write this book and now you are reading it out of Devine inspiration, hence I cannot take credit as I believe it was HE that created this book to give as many as possible comfort, faith, and peace in the Lord.

    It was October 2002


    I was at work, when I got the call. Moms has had a stroke. That’s what the doctors are thinking. And they’re not sure if she is going to live.

    Mom was an old school mom. A stay at home Mom. There was never a moment in her adult life that was spent without her baby sitting some ones child. Most family pictures she is holding a baby. Fact is she almost looked out of place without a baby in her arms or one or two toddlers on her lap. She was famous for her endless back scratches and caresses. Mom sang all the time; she knew a song for every occasion. Once her son in-law said, Bev you have a song for about almost everything, I bet you don’t have a song for concrete. Challenge accepted and without hesitation she burst out the words to Cement mixer puttsy puttsy!

    I dropped what I was doing and rushed to the hospital. There are 8 siblings so we have a huge support group. That can be both good and bad. At that moment the doctors still had not determined if it was an embolism or stroke. Once all my siblings were there, they called us in for a family meeting. The Doctor presented us with a decision, there was a fairly new stroke drug, at that time that had been called a miracle drug, the problem is if it is an embolism it could kill her, on the other hand time is critical for this drug to work. We discussed it with Dad, and made the decision.

    We decided not to take the new drug as we had no idea how much time had passed since the stroke happened. Brain scans would later show we made the right decision; the miracle drug would have killed her. Not sure if she would live, now we just had to wait and see if she would recover. Hours passed painfully slow. Then hours turned into days. At first Mom was in a clinically induced coma.

    For reasons both good and bad, just ask the poor nurses, our large Norwegian and Irish family kept vigil. At no point was she left alone. I still remember the long nights, my head resting on the bed rails, room dark, listening to the rhythmic hum and buzz of her life sustaining machines. Holding her hand for endless hours hoping to see her open her eyes and speak. Once she started to stir it was obvious she was paralyzed on the entire right side of her body, and could no long speak. The doctors warned us she may never be able to communicate again, she may never recover and in fact the chances were very slim. They warned us sternly that her response to touch and voice meant nothing, possibly gas or muscle spasms and nothing more. I didn’t believe them and neither did my family. I knew the doctors had to tell us this as standard procedure, I understand.

    It is around this time that I could feel angels around us. I wrote of angels all around us often in emails to uncles’ aunts and cousins.

    As more hours and more days slowly passed, we were absolutely convinced she was communicating, she would somewhat smile when caressed, maybe it was quick and gone but I swear I had saw it, and so did my

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