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Empowering the Atomic Body: The Universe Within
Empowering the Atomic Body: The Universe Within
Empowering the Atomic Body: The Universe Within
Ebook149 pages2 hours

Empowering the Atomic Body: The Universe Within

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This book is about how to gain control of your health. It talks very simply about how to communicate with the atoms of your body. Your body is made up of atoms, so if you would like to be given a tool to be able to recreate who you are through the atoms of your body, this book is for you. Cancer has taken a grip on humanity, and this book will help release you from that grip. This book also talks about the aliens that are now so prevalent on our planet. Ian Welch has been communicating with aliens who are helping us to get ready for the birth of a second sun in our solar system. We are to become a binary system within the next fifteen years. This book will help you prepare for what is surely to come.
Release dateFeb 18, 2015
Empowering the Atomic Body: The Universe Within

Ian Welch

My past was dominated by rural pursuits. Contracting and then farming which included dairy, sheep and beef, and finally deer. Looking for a change, I moved to the city and dabbled in several business ventures. Writing novels was never considered in the early years, although from an early age, I enjoyed reading which led to writing short stories. But only for my own amusement. With more time on my hands, I started reading more. Perhaps I suffered a mid-life crisis, I thought I could write a novel. And I did. Seven times. There is a saying practice makes perfect, that's what I'm striving for. In the meantime, while working towards this goal I am deriving bucket-loads of pleasure from concocting my suspense novels. I try to write something unpredictable, something which leaves the reader thinking I never saw that coming.

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    Empowering the Atomic Body - Ian Welch

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/16/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3601-9 (sc)

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    Chapter 1: Who are we, physically?

    Chapter 2: Who are we, emotionally?

    Chapter 3: Who are we, mentally?

    Chapter 4: Who are we, spiritually?

    Base chakra

    Sacral chakra

    Solar plexus

    Heart chakra

    Throat chakra

    Third eye chakra

    Crown chakra

    Chapter 5: Empowering the atomic body

    Chapter 6: The universe within

    Chapter 7: UFOs

    Chapter 8: Devas – or spirit programmes

    Chapter 9: Moving towards becoming a binary system: The truth behind the awakening

    Chapter 10: Evolution, above and beyond


    I have been involved with healing from the very early age of twelve. I had no formal training of any kind and parents who didn’t show any interest in me. I would be guided to animals that were sick, and I would instinctively put my hands on them and ask for them to be healed. It seemed so natural for me at that age. When my siblings were feeling sick I also placed my hands on their bodies, and they would recover very quickly.

    As my gift grew stronger I was then subjected to psychic visions. When I was about nine or ten living in the family town house my brother Les and I shared a ground-floor bedroom in our three-storey town house in Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. We shared a bunk bed; Les had the lower bunk, and I had the upper bunk. Some nights I would be woken by strange flickering lights in front of my eyes. I would sit up in bed and look straight ahead of me. In front of me would appear a large square screen I now understand that this was a window into the spirit world. Inside this window people would be milling about, some of them occasionally stopping to wave and say hello. I would wave back. This would go on for some time until I would get bored with the people on the screen and would tell them to go away, as I wanted to get some sleep. They would disappear on my instruction.

    A few months later I was to be subjected to another – much more unpleasant – spiritual experience. I was again awoken at night time. On this occasion, I was awoken by a feeling of intense fear – white-knuckle terror. I was hiding under my bedclothes, shaking. It was no good; I just had to look. I pushed back the covers just enough to try to catch a glimpse of whatever it was that was scaring me. As I looked towards the window of the bedroom, I saw what looked like dark grey cotton wool or clouds pushing up against the window, trying to get into the room. I just knew by the feel of this image that whatever it was it was not going to be nice to me. Then it pushed its way through the glass and came towards me. I was frozen with terror, and somehow by then I was back to lying on my back. Then the dark grey cotton wool came down over my body, and my body started to swell. I looked down at my arms and legs and saw that they had swelled to several times their original size. Then, when my torso started to swell as well, causing me to struggle to breathe, I decided that I could not take it anymore. I tried to scream but passed out instead. I woke the next morning with my head drenched in sweat.

    This went on for several nights. Then, one night, as I lay there waiting for this energy to come into my room, I felt a change. I felt a light behind me. The cotton wool came to me again, indeed with more power than ever before – and it felt like it was going to kill me – but I screamed out to God to help and protect me. The energy cleared instantly, and the room became peaceful once more. From that connection with God, it never happened again. The strange thing was that I was never brought up to believe in God or to have anything to do with God at all. So how and why did I know what to do?

    As with most things that we are guided to when we are young, the interest in healing fizzled out. It wasn’t until I was nineteen years old that my healing experiences really took off. It was at that time that I went to a spiritualist church with my mum, my grandma, and my older sister. When we arrived at the church it was nearly full. We sat where we could, which was not in a row of seats together. Before the service started, I was tapped on the shoulder by an old lady sitting behind me. She apologised for disturbing me before relating that her guides had said that I had a gift of healing and that I should be using it. I thanked her and faced forward again. I was then tapped on the shoulder again and was told that I could heal my nan who was there. How did she know that my nan was there? I leant across five people to ask my nan if there was anything wrong with her, as a lady behind me had said that I could heal her. My nan sat for a minute thinking before answering that there was nothing wrong with her. The lady behind me said I should ask my nan about her arm. I did so. My nan confirmed that indeed she did have a problem with her arm. I went to see my nan at that point and asked her what was wrong with her arm. She explained that a doctor had given her an injection in the top of her arm many years ago and that it had trapped a nerve, and this was causing her great pain. She also told me that her thumb would lock solid and stay that way for some time until it released itself. I placed my hands on her shoulder. She said that she could feel great heat coming from my hands. She has never suffered with the pain in her arm or problem with her thumb since that day.

    It was this incident that slingshotted me into the natural healing world. I had my own very successful building company that provided me with enough money to follow the path of healing. After many years as a faith healer, I was guided to study shiatsu. I enrolled in a diploma course in shiatsu with the KI Kai Shiatsu School in Camden Town in London. This was a course of four and a half years in length, and I was uplifted and flourished in all aspects of this new discipline. Upon completion, I gave up my building career to follow my heart as a healer. I had a thriving healing clinic that ran for six years. During this time I was studying all kinds of healing disciplines. My thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. I was beginning to learn that there has to be a cause for all physical disease. I was then guided towards Reiki. This was when Reiki first came to the UK, before it was polluted by greed. I was very cautious at first, but the overwhelming urge to follow this new way of healing was so strong that I had to learn it. I became a teacher of Reiki and gave many the gift of healing and helped to set them on a path of enlightenment. I have been involved with Harry Oldfield and his PIP aura photography. PIP means Polycontrast Interference photography. When a living subject is placed in front of the camera, the soft ware programme is able to translate the images onto a screen for viewing. What happens is this, when sunlight hits an object, the light bounces of creating a distortion in the energy field of the subject we can then see our energy centres and meridian lines that cannot be seen with the naked eye. I have also learnt the discipline of the emotional freedom technique. EFT is a very powerful way of releasing a person’s emotional blockade or fear or addictions.

    During the last thirty-two years as a healer, my psychic ability has grown exponentially. I am able to read the spirit of a person. This means that what and who you are I become. How you feel, and what you need, comes to me. I am now able to feel the cause of all of the problems that ail us. When we can pinpoint the cause we can heal the problem. All of my clients over the years have given me such knowledge of the four bodies through sharing all of their experiences with me. We all have four bodies that come together to create a balanced human being. The four bodies are: mental, emotional, spiritual and the physical.

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