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Fact or Fiction: Explaining the Unexplained
Fact or Fiction: Explaining the Unexplained
Fact or Fiction: Explaining the Unexplained
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Fact or Fiction: Explaining the Unexplained

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Whether you believe that man evolved from the apes (Darwinism) or that man was created in God's own image (religion), man has questioned the whats and whys of his surroundings. Why does the sun rise and set? Why does it rain? Why do dinosaurs eat us? As time went by, man learned those answers, but there were always many more questions to be answered.

From the time, we left the trees and caves to present man we have learned much about what goes on in our planet, the planets closest to us, and our solar system. Even as we continue to learn about the deepest parts of our own oceans and the deepest parts of space around us, there are still mysteries occurring around us every day that we don't know the answers to or even understand.

This book brings to light some of those mysteries, explaining the history around them; discussing the opinions, beliefs, and options; and allowing you, the reader, to decide for yourself whether the story is fact or fiction.
Release dateDec 12, 2014
Fact or Fiction: Explaining the Unexplained

Charles Johnson

Charles Johnson is a novelist, essayist, literary scholar, philosopher, cartoonist, screenwriter, and professor emeritus at the University of Washington in Seattle. A MacArthur fellow, his fiction includes Night Hawks, Dr. King’s Refrigerator, Dreamer, Faith and the Good Thing, and Middle Passage, for which he won the National Book Award. In 2002 he received the Arts and Letters Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He lives in Seattle.

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    Fact or Fiction - Charles Johnson

    © 2014 Charles Johnson. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/30/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5046-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5045-1 (e)

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    Chapter 1 Life After Death

    Chapter 2 Edmund Fitzgerald

    Chapter 3 Des Ron 3

    Chapter 4 Disappearance of Amelia Earhart

    Chapter 5 Unanswered Mysteries

    Chapter 6 Disappearance of Glen Miller

    Chapter 7 Who Built the pyramids?

    Chapter 8 Area 51

    Chapter 9 The Bermuda Triangle


    My mother and father, (Ada and Ruben Reynolds) have throughout my life taught me that it’s okay to question things in life, but better to find the answers. It is with undying gratitude and love that this book is dedicated to them.


    I want to thank those who have contributed in one way or another to the writing of this book, without whose assistance and inspiration it wouldn’t exist.

    Charles O. Johnson Sr.

    Christopher Johnson

    Donnamae L. Reynolds

    Sharon M. Bauer

    Marcus Dee

    Noel R. Reynolds

    Maria Yvette Johnson

    In loving memory of my sister, Maria Yvette Johnson, who is with our lord now and knows all of the answers.

    Within the history of mankind are events that have staggered the imagination, events that would have been long forgotten had they been perceived and understood. These events continue to exist today because of questions that have remained unanswered.

    • What causes the disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle.

    • What caused the mysterious disappearance of Glenn Miller.

    • What caused the mysterious disappearance of Amelia Earhart.

    • What caused the mysterious sinking of the bulk freighter Edmund Fitzjerald.

    • Do time portals really exist?

    • Who really built the pyramids?

    • Does Area 51 really exist?

    • Is there really life after death, and do our loved ones continue to exist with us in an alternate reality?

    • Did DesRon 3 really enter a time portal and escape the flaming crucible of battle in 1942 or was it just the imagination of a talented writer?

    Do we already know the answers to these questions and just refuse to accept the answers or are they beyond our depth of understanding? Here we will attempt to explain these and more of the mysteries that have assailed our imaginations, scenarios that have fueled the thinking of Hollywood’s screen writers for sixty years or more and have entertained millions with their conclusions. So find a comfortable chair, sit back and prepare to learn the truth, then you decide; is it Fact or Fiction?

    Chapter 1

    Life After Death

    Is there a life after death? During the time of the pharaoh’s the leaders were mummified with their main organs put in separate jars to be placed in their tombs with riches to carry them through their next life. These tombs were then protected with booby traps that, even today would be considered as sophisticated as the roadside bombs of modern warfare. In American history, when a sailor died at sea, a coin was placed in his mouth to pay for passage through the River Styx. Ancient beliefs or a knowledge passed down through the ages, the meaning lost to modern man. History is filled with many beliefs that we today look at and perceive them as superstitious and silly. Religions existed then that no longer exist. Languages spoken in ancient times are no longer spoken today. Scholars may still be around to translate some of these languages, but one has to wonder what is lost in the translation.

    How many times has a loved one passed away, but the immediate family still feels their presence? Many times not just their presence. How many people swear that they can actually see and speak with them. We, as a educated people laugh and label them loony. But are they? Does man have the ability to see and speak with the dead? Are some people more likely to have this ability because they believe they can? If the deceased live on in an alternate existence, can they come to us in moments of need? Are they able to enter our plane of existence to visit or haunt us at their leisure? Would they or could they appear before us to warn us of impending doom or maybe even be with us at the moment it happens to comfort us in some way. That would explain why people claim that they saw their lives pass before them when they were near death or they saw their loved ones in a blinding light, the light being the entrance to the portal between one dimension and another. I believe that each and every one of us has that ability, to at least for a split second to see or feel the presence of our departed loved ones. Some of us see the ability for what it is, while others chock it up to our imaginations. Quite possibly, some of us are able to use a part of our brains that others haven’t learnt to use yet or maybe can’t.

    The name Paranormal Investigator has come to describe a person who strolls through a building or area that is purported to be haunted. For example, a small group of investigators walk through an old naval warship, listening to the

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