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Forbidden Love
Forbidden Love
Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love

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About this ebook

The story that you are about to read is about an affair with lots of feelings. To express those feelings, it is enhanced with poetry. The events are in different places, and those places are real, as described.

The relationship was normal between a man and a woman, and so the expected events from the beginning to the end. From the start it seemed like a triumph that would last for a very long time, so for as it may, it did happen. This story would not be strange to many, and it will bring the readers memories of love in their lives. It starts with a casual and simple contact to strong love events. The events express thoughts and imaginations that most people have had in their lives. We are always victims of what we put ourselves through, and this is no different; however, it is up to the reader to make that judgment as who the victim is.

This summary will not tell the story. You have to read through the story and the events. That is what I want readers to do.
Release dateMar 4, 2015
Forbidden Love

Mehdi Behpou

I was born a couple of years after WWII in Tehran, Iran. I learned English at age seven, reading, writing, and speaking. Spent elementary, junior high, and high school and military school in my native country. Came to the United States in 1970, attended college, worked, and made family and career in the United States and been in the United States since. I love history, especially of the Middle East, and events that have been going on in that region. As we do know, Middle East is a rich area, with resources, natural or human. Lots of science came from the region, and power of literature speaks for itself. I took writing as my hobby and wrote pieces and poetry, short stories of events. A book like this is long overdue, and I think that sixty years of my memories, witnessing all the changes, developments, downfalls, adversities, and a huge Western influence and computer communications have changed the old civilization to an advanced way of life. So one book is most of my poetry with story to enhance it, and the other is about the events in the region.

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    Forbidden Love - Mehdi Behpou


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    © 2015 Mehdi Behpou. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/02/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6764-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6763-3 (e)

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    (Tell me how?)

    (Teach me how to love you)

    (Capture my Heart)

    (Ocean Green Eyes)

    (Your Arrow in my heart)

    (The Spring Breathe)

    (Love is gentle & Love is strong)

    (Love is mysterious)

    (Embracing You)

    (I wish it never ends)

    (Missing you is a full time job)

    (Will never fall in love again)

    (The night of Herbert)

    (The love for Sarrah)

    (The die has been cast)

    (Shadows of mystic desire)

    (W.H. words)

    (Some answers to WH words)

    (In my heart & in my mind)

    (I am bad)

    (When will you love me)?

    (Thinking of you)

    (I don’t know why)

    (There was a friend)

    (Love became a dirty word)

    (No one will be perfect)

    (Whom I love)

    (Together with love)

    (Spring Massage)

    (So far away)

    (Forbidden Love)

    (Free as a bird)

    (No apologies for loving Sarrah)

    (Endless Love)

    (You said, I should)

    (My loyalty)

    (The reward of life)

    (Words dry up)

    (The time at your porch)

    (When we are together)

    (Melodies of love)

    (I pledged I love you)

    (I won’t let go)

    (The love after a kiss)

    (Ingrid heart)

    (Love ended before it began)

    (You are a Mom)

    (Thoughts of you)

    (Falling star)

    (You are not romantic)

    (Kentucky & Range)

    (The times of Sarrah-Dearest and I)

    (Twilight in my life)

    (I love you more than life)


    Auto Biography

    Walking on the path along the lake at Mason’s Neck` watching the birds. Several times and again I have asked my self, WHY? Why did I have to fall in love again?

    Not any answers to be found, nor I found any solution to a one-sided love. All I could remember was that the lady I had fallen in love with could not ever love any one or she ever loved any one. I came to the conclusion that she did not know the definition of love, or any heartily relationship. At times I would listen to her to see if I could see any compassionate statement, or act that she would be initiated from her, hopped some where in her heart I will find what I am looking for.

    Sarrah is her name. She was kind at the time. She was warm and caring. I often thought of calling Emerald Eyes or maybe a kind of nickname that mostly describes her character. But I kind of liked to address her as Ocean Green-eyes.

    You will see through out the story that I would refer to her as Sarrah-Dearest to the effect of Ocean Green-Eyes.

    From the time that we met until the time that we parted all I could hear from her was I have a big strong wall built between me and the world, not to get hurt or I am hard to sell. Maybe that was her way to protecting her self from heartache. Some thing that I should have learned long, long times ago, however I didn’t.

    What started all of the events that Sarrah Dearest and I went through, was probably fate? Even though I do not believe in fate but I describe them in three different words. The words are coincidence, proximity and opportunity.

    We met by coincidence, I was there without any prior plan, and so was she. The time was proximate, as we both wanting to meet some as neither had anyone to date, so we were alone. And then the time was right, an opportune time. We found something in common to take advantage of the opportunity. Those are chances in which our lives are affected by, and they will not happen often.

    It was a night that I had no plans to go anywhere. It was in the middle of the week, a time that no type of entertainment would be going on. That afternoon my daughter asked me if I would go to a club with them for a Christmas party, and I said yes.

    We went to a club, and that is where I met Sarrah, Sarrah Dearest, as I will refer to. She was all that a man could hope for, I thought. She was just about right for me, someone that I could love very dearly.

    (Tell me how?)

    Tow nights before the X mass past,

    The night that forever the memory will last.

    Moving with music rhythm she moved,

    Asked her to dance and she grooved.

    Held her in my arms, shivered while dancing,

    Heart started to pound; I rolled the dice chancing.

    Sparkling ocean green eyes, ravishing smile,

    Close I held her in that little while.


    Yes, thinking of the past, the time Sarrah-Dearest and I had spent. The times to gather since we met. I had come to think that nothing could distract the relationship that I was hoping for, not knowing that we are not invincible.

    Mahatma Gandhi

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