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Safety Fundamentals and Best Practices in Construction Industry
Safety Fundamentals and Best Practices in Construction Industry
Safety Fundamentals and Best Practices in Construction Industry
Ebook177 pages3 hours

Safety Fundamentals and Best Practices in Construction Industry

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This book intends to help safety practitioners, project managers, construction managers, and craftsmen who are determined and self-motivated persons to strengthen their knowledge in safety, which is a prime importance of a construction company in the protection of well-being and company assets during the execution of the project.
It provides guidelines to develop company Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP) in preparation to become a contractor in government projects, in private sectors, and in oil- and gas-producing facility. It gives a wide understanding for both safety practitioners and company site management, the required occupational health and safety documentations mainly for the companys safety program, and best safety practices accepted by the client and align with international safety regulations as prescribed in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the construction industry.
The contents of this book describes specific steps in developing effective organizational structure, occupational health and safety program, lesson learned, management responsibilities, hazard identification plan (HIP), job safety analysis (JSA), method statement, performance measurement, and recommendations on the best safety practices that can be applied in any government project, private sectors, and oil- and gas-producing facility projects.
With the vast knowledge and experiences in safety acquired from training seminars from international and local organizations, the author will bring you into the real world in the construction field.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJun 9, 2016
Safety Fundamentals and Best Practices in Construction Industry

Pedro P. Marfa

Dr. Marfa has more than twenty-five years of experience in the field of safety in oil and gas plant projects, monitoring multimillion-dollar projects of Saudi Aramco. A civil engineer by profession, he graduated from University of Cebu in 1985. He has held engineering jobs in a private construction firm, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), and the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR), Region 8, Philippines. Currently, he is working with Hassan A. Karim Al-Gathani & Sons Company with SMP contract for Saudi Aramco projects, assigned in the Southern Area Oil Projects Division as construction engineer I, safety superintendent/coordinator. He holds a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) from Philippine Christian University (PCU) administered by Al-Andalus International School, Al-Khobar extension program, and he graduated with a doctor of philosophy in business management in 2011. He is a registered safety practitioner (RSP) and an occupational safety and health consultant (OSH consultant) under DOLE-BWC Philippines. He is certified by OSHA for the construction of train-the-trainer outreach program and is authorized as a trainer in construction hazard recognitions, scaffolding safety, crane and rigging safety, confined space entry, administered by Saudi Aramco for continuing education through the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) extension training program. He has also obtained a certification for process hazard analysis (PHA) and hazard operability study (HAZOP). With a good background with the Saudi Aramco Construction safety manual general instructions related to safety requirements and familiar with engineering standards applicable in the construction industry, he has acquired authorization to provide safety training as an approved professional training partner (PTP) through the International Safety Education Institute (ISEI), UC San Diego extension. He is incumbent chairman of the board of the nonprofit Philippine Society of Safety Practitioners–Middle East Region (PSSP-MER), a former president (2000–2002) of Philippine Society of Safety Engineers–Middle East Country (PSSE-MEC), a lifetime member of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), and former vice president of PICE Middle East Chapter (2005).

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    Book preview

    Safety Fundamentals and Best Practices in Construction Industry - Pedro P. Marfa

    Copyright © 2016 by Pedro P. Marfa.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016909084

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5144-9670-1

                      Softcover      978-1-5144-9672-5

                      eBook            978-1-5144-9671-8

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    Rev. date: 06/08/2016






    Message from the Author


    Chapter 1 Initial Project Planning

    Administrative Framework

    Preliminary Safety Requirements

    Standard Operating Procedures

    Clients' Internal Safety Requirements

    Employees' Involvement

    Chapter 2 Overview of Occupational Health and Safety Management

    General Principles

    Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Standards

    Administrative Safety Management

    Qualifications of Safety Personnel and Training Certification

    Employee Safety Orientation

    Preliminary Incident Report

    Safety Meetings

    Safety Inspections


    Contractor Laydown and Fabrication Yard

    Chapter 3 Construction Management Assignment of Responsibilities

    Management Commitment

    Health and Safety Policy

    Employer's Responsibilities

    Project Manager Responsibilities

    Safety Manager Responsibilities

    Project Engineer Responsibilities

    Site Supervisor/Foreman Responsibilities

    Workers' Duties and Responsibilities

    Workers' Cooperation

    Chapter 4 Organizational Structure

    Key Principle of HSE

    Structured Safety Organizational Chart

    Centralized Management

    Decentralized Management

    Chapter 5 Lessons Learned from Unsafe Acts and Conditions

    Unsafe Acts/Conditions of Mobile Scaffolds


    Unsafe Conditions of Free-Standing Scaffolds


    Unsafe Acts of Working at Heights


    Unsafe Acts of Workers Standing in Modified Man Basket


    Unsafe Acts of Using a Stepladder


    Unsafe Acts/Conditions in Excavation


    Unsafe Conditions of Power Hand Tools


    Chapter 6 Hierarchy of Hazards Control



    Engineered Controls

    Temporary Working Platforms

    Administrative Controls

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Chapter 7 How to Conduct Safety Meetings Effectively

    Safety Topic 1: Eye Protection

    Safety Topic 2: Hearing Protection

    Safety Topic 3: Hand Protection

    Safety Topic 4: Fall Protection

    Safety Topic 5: Stepladders

    Safety Topic 6: Extension Ladders

    Safety Topic 7: Electrical Safety

    Safety Topic 8: Trenching and Excavation Inspection

    Safety Topic 9: Confined Spaces -- Dangerous Atmosphere

    Safety Topic 10: Housekeeping

    Chapter 8 Developing a Hazard Identification Plan (HIP)

    How to Develop a Hazard Identification Plan (HIP)

    Trenching and Excavation

    Rebar Works

    Painting in Confined Space

    Welding Work

    Heavy Equipment Operation

    Chapter 9 Developing a Method Statement





    General Safety Requirements

    Chapter 10 Steps in Developing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

    Sequence of Basic Steps

    Appendix K Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) Form

    Appendix L Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Form


    Special Thanks

    About the Author


    It took some time to write down my twenty-five years of experience in the field of safety in oil and gas facility projects. This was made possible through the assistance of my fellow officers in the Philippine Society of Safety Practitioners, who shared their ideas and filled this book with best safety practices applied in the construction industry.

    To all my friends, officemates, and colleagues in the society, please accept my special thanks to all of you for your contributions and encouragement to complete my book. With all of your advice and recommendations that has been given to me, I've got the opportunity to transform my field of experience into this book.

    To William Robert Crumpton IV, CMIOSH, CSP, CHMM; Engr. Jesus G. Pedines Jr., author of Think and Become Safety Practitioner; Engr. Peter Q. Panganiban, Safety Advisor; and Alan K. D. Abellana, PME, who have offered their precious time to read through my book and provide excellent recommendations, contributions, and suggestions to make this book more beneficial to the reader. I also acknowledge Ms. Charisse Marnelli M. Gabunada who has thoroughly reviewed my manuscript. Your combined professional contributions will help everyone learn step-by-step guidelines on safety fundamentals as required in the construction industry.

    Special thanks to my wife, Verna O. Marfa and kids, Sheryl Anne; Rico Lyndon; and Carlo Jim, who were always with me to provide strength and guidance to make this book a reality. Your untiring support of my passion of sharing my knowledge of safety for professionals working in the construction industry around the globe will help them promote the protection of the people and environment at the construction site.

    Sincerely yours,

    Pedro P. Marfa, PhD, MBA, BSCE, OSH Consultant

    Message from the Author

    I would like to dedicate this book to you in hopes of supplementing your knowledge about health and safety requirements in the construction industry while you are in a journey of your career. During more than twenty-five years of experience in construction at petrochemical plants, I have learned that a lot of safety standards, regulation, and procedures are available from the client's safety department or even in your office shelves that could probably kept beside you for a long time. All these standards are a good reference to perform your daily work, supporting projects in a timely manner, with a view to completion with quality and safety. However, few people are reading the safety requirements of the projects and trying to implement them in the construction sites.

    Theoretically, most of the personnel reading the safety standards are safety managers, safety supervisors and safety officers. As a result, most have failed to attain full safety compliance with their projects due to a delusion that safety personnel are non-productive; that nobody would listen to the recommendation of best safety practices, which would delay the job; and that overhead costs for the project would rise. Contrary to the spirit of applicable safety requirements, site supervision instead often cut corners, doing unsafe acts while the safety officer is not on site. This unsafe behaviour exposes workers to potential hazards in the workplace, and accidents can happen in an instant. Management staff must realize that these incidents may be prevented if safety procedures are followed. Above all, they must realize this ahead of time, or they do not help workers' protection or prevent the need to recover loss or damages.

    I am writing this book because I want to reach out to project engineers, site supervisors, and safety officers to let them know that the safety standards, regulations, and procedures kept on their shelves can enable them to be proactive to include those requirements at the initial planning stage of the project rather than reactive to mishaps. Safety starts with you, and you need to be part of the team by seeing that safety requirements are observed in completing the job as scheduled, with quality and safety.

    As the author of this book, I would like to encourage the reader, regardless of your position in the company, to go over the contents of this book, learn the safety fundamentals and best safety practices in the construction industry, widen your knowledge, and improve safety awareness of dynamic hazards so as to protect yourself and even your co-workers.

    Thank you very much for purchasing this book, and wishing you all the best.


    This book is intended to help safety practitioners, project engineers, project managers, construction managers, and craftsmen strengthen their knowledge in safety as a construction company's priority in protecting the well-being of the people and the company's assets during the execution of projects.

    The content addresses the safety fundamentals and best practices in the construction industry as outlined in each chapter---to wit:

    This offers a wide understanding for both safety practitioners and company site management of the occupational health and safety requirements and international safety standards applicable in the construction industry, as prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the construction industry.

    In spite of all known safety standards in the construction industry, many firms still have difficulty in meeting these requirements. The result

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