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I Am Jamaica
I Am Jamaica
I Am Jamaica
Ebook53 pages25 minutes

I Am Jamaica

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About this ebook

I Am Jamaica is a collection of poems written in the rhythm of the Jamaican vernacular and speaks primarily to its culture and heritage. The pieces are humorous yet educational, and so Dr. Sue has coined the term edutainment to describe the pieces.
Release dateAug 4, 2016
I Am Jamaica

Dr Sue

An educator, writer, poet, and entertainer, Susan Lycett Davis is British by birth, Jamaican by choice, and American by naturalization. She was raised in Jamaica as an infant by Jamaican parents until she returned to London in her late teens to further her creative aspirations. As a member of the British Actors Equity Association, she worked and toured extensively in the UK in the 1980s and early 1990s in diverse productions that ironically included performances in the role of Miss Lou, Jamaica’s beloved cultural ambassador and Dr. Sue’s role model. In the mid-1990s, she took a creative break and several degrees later reemerged to resume her life’s mission to educate, entertain, and elevate the rich heritage of which she is so proud. In 2010 her CD, Ode to Miss Lou and many more from Dr. Sue, was released to critical acclaim. In 2012, she released her first book of poetry, Ode to Miss Lou . . . From the Soul of Dr. Sue, a jubilee commemorative piece with fifty poems at the age of fifty for Jamaica’s fiftieth anniversary. Dr. Sue holds a doctorate degree in education and served as a member of the Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board for southern USA region (2011–2013). She is currently part of the Jamaica Diaspora Education Task Force and volunteers her time to give back to the Jamaica education system in various ways. In 2015, she was recognized by Legacy magazine as one of South Florida’s top black educators. To learn more about Dr. Sue, please visit or connect with her at Cover Designed by Donya Davis. Cover Photographs by DAVIDiPhoto.

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    I Am Jamaica - Dr Sue

    © 2016 Dr Sue. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse    08/03/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2092-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2091-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016912096

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.





    I am Jamaica (Diaspora Declaration)

    Jamaica is a Noun



    24 Hours in History


    Christmas Memories

    New Year

    We Flag

    We Heroes

    Fourth O’ July



    Di Wrong Body

    Message to Dad

    Appreciation for Our Fathers

    Happy Father’s Day


    Di Higher Monkey Climb

    Piano Lessons

    Pastor’s Appreciation Day

    The Conversation

    Weekly Menu




    Ode to Miss Lou

    Mek Patois Reign

    Title Change

    Diaspora A We




    A Lament

    This book is

    dedicated to my cousin

    Dr. Sheryl Rose Walters-Malcolm

    You, my Dear, are Jamaica –


    Thanks be to God! The new pieces included in this book were created largely for listeners of the radio slot Culture Corner with Dr Sue. Thanks to Lady D of WOKB – Orlando, and Pat Baccus of WATB – Atlanta, for inviting me to participate in their programs, thereby giving birth to this second book. Yes…Lady D, you spoke it into existence.

    Thanks to Father Easton Lee, renowned author, playwright, and folklorist for taking the time to review and edit my pieces. Your feedback is invaluable.

    To my afflatus Randy Corinthian, thank you for always encouraging me and for so unselfishly sharing your creative expertise and experience in helping

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