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"Descending Angels"
"Descending Angels"
"Descending Angels"
Ebook76 pages55 minutes

"Descending Angels"

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This book is intended for those that are in a time of great tragedy and in need of hope to get them through those dark times. I also hope that this will help those that have a finite worldview to have an eternal worldview.

One of the purposes of this book is to help people change their view of death and dying, for them to view death not as the end or as a dark and hopeless place but as just the next step of many that are yet to come in eternity.

Out of this love that God has for humanity, God sends his angels to minister to mankind. The angels that he uses to minister to mankind are the supernatural creations of God, angels from heaven.

This book is filled with nonfiction stories of the dying and how God in and for his glory sends angels to minister to those that are dying and, then once they are have died, carry the souls of those that have died into the presence of Jesus.

Some, after having read just a portion of the book, say they had chills. Others have said that they cried and praised God for this book and only wished it had been published much sooner.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 30, 2016
"Descending Angels"

Richard Burson

The author spent the first thirty years of his life living in a sawmill town and went to work in the sawmills and veneer plants in Douglas County, Oregon. Hearing God’s call to ministry, he left the mills and moved his family to Dallas, Texas, and attended Criswell Bible College. After his time at Criswell Bible College, he returned to the northwest and began pastoring in small churches. While pastoring in small churches, he began attending classes at Golden Gate Theological Seminary in Portland, Oregon, and from there, he spent the next thirty-seven years serving churches and God in the northwest. He has been married to his wife, Josie, for fifty years. They have three grown children. Susan is the oldest, and then there is Rick, followed by Rose. He and Josie have six grandchildren and a Yorkshire terrier, Cookie Monster.

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    "Descending Angels" - Richard Burson





    Copyright © 2016 Richard Burson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6370-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6371-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6369-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016918539

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/29/2016




    Chapter 1    The Smiling Angel on the Shelf

    The Frightened Pastor

    Chapter 2    Angels Are Ministers to Humanity

    Origin of Angels

    The Makeup of Angels

    The Protection of the Angels for God’s Children

    Chapter 3    The Man in Stinky Fish

    Cracks in Hell

    Chapter 4    Angels with Wings

    The Bus

    Going Home

    Hospital Room 122

    Angels in the Room

    Softly and Tenderly

    The Battle Was the Lord’s

    Angels at ninety Miles per Hour


    Appendix    Their Souls Were Ripped from Their Flesh.

    The Soldier

    The Walking Man

    The Woman in Room 6

    The Beauty and Death

    The Perfect Woman

    God’s Plan of Salvation for His Creation



    The Heavens opened up and the Angels descended. Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    —Hebrews 1:14

    Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

    —Hebrews 13:1–2

    The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

    —Psalm 34:7

    This book is

    dedicated to Jesus, the Christ without whom I would not have salvation or the promise of the angels escorting me into heaven when I die.

    It is also dedicated to the love of my life and the one who led me to the foot of the cross, my lovely wife, Josie. She spent countless hours sitting alone on the couch as I plunked away at the computer trying to put my thoughts on paper.

    I dedicate this book as well to my children, who are the encouragers in my life. They encouraged me to press on even in the most difficult times. I love you, Susan, Rick, and Rose.

    To the hospice team I loved. They taught me so much about the dying and how to care for them.

    To the patients and their families I have worked with. They were an inspiration to me and my faith as they faced the valley that no one returns from.

    It is also dedicated to my pastor, mentor, friend, and the greatest influence in the ministry God gave to me, Pastor Doyle Collins.


    I thank the following people without whose help and contributions I would not have been able to write this book.

    Donna Keib, Kovacs Ice Drilling, and Coring Equipment for their generous financial contributions toward the completion of this book.

    Larry and Cheryl Young for their encouragement, the great work Larry did to help me develop a workable outline with which to get started and providing an apartment at no charge where I could work with little distraction.

    Frank McNeil, my friend and fellow pastor who challenged my theology and kept me true to mine.

    Debbie Snell, a fantastic person, hospice nurse, and hospice director.

    Dr. Paige Patterson, president of Southwestern Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, whose example to me has challenged and encouraged me in ministry for over thirty-five years.


    While I was serving as a hospice chaplain and a fire chaplain in Oregon, I spent much of my time with those who were dying or with the families of those who had died. As I looked at what was going on around me, I realized that more often than not, I had a different worldview than many did. Many of those I worked with

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