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Girl Interrupted
Girl Interrupted
Girl Interrupted
Ebook80 pages42 minutes

Girl Interrupted

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About this ebook

It all started with two youngsters. The one wanted the girl; the girl didnt wanted him. He pursued her so bad I believe she gave up. Im talking about my parents. I guess it must have been like that. There's so little information I have. I know they were living together, and then she thought that was not for her. And boom, thats when she realized she was pregnant with me and she stuck around. The rest is just my part of the storythe part I lived and I remember, which is painful with a lot of sorrow to get me to the place I am now, the place I shouldnt be though it is where I am forever.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 5, 2017
Girl Interrupted

Mary Ann Watson

Born in Peru in 1979 the author grew up in Lima and spent her first 23 years living there. Then emigrate to New Jersey, US in 2002 the rest is part of her book. Now 38 brings us this real to heart story about courage, faith and strength.

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    Girl Interrupted - Mary Ann Watson

    Copyright © 2017 by Mary Ann Watson.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5434-4884-9

                   eBook          978-1-5434-4883-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 09/05/2017




    I dedicate this book to my parents and to sweet DJ whose love is my motor everyday.

    It all started with two Youngsters. The one wanted the girl, the girl didn’t wanted him. He pursued her so bad that I believe she gave up. I’m talking about my parents. I guess it must have been like that. There’s so little information I have. I know they were living together and then she thought that was not for her. And boom that’s when she realize she was pregnant with me and she stuck around. The rest is just my part of the story. The part I lived and I remember which is painful and with a lot of sorrow to get me to place I am now. The place I shouldn’t be though I am forever.

    I remember parts of my childhood but I always remember the two people I love the most not getting along. Little fights that we’re huge to me, little chit chat about me that I never knew if it was true.

    Years went by and I was in the middle of turmoil. My parents were splitting. That’s all I knew. Years after I came to realize my father had an affair and gotten a lady on the same block we live on, pregnant and was expecting a baby. Then I didn’t see my father for a while, he went

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