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A Lake of Stars: A Collection of Poems
A Lake of Stars: A Collection of Poems
A Lake of Stars: A Collection of Poems
Ebook106 pages43 minutes

A Lake of Stars: A Collection of Poems

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This is a collection of enlightening, inspiring, and intriguing poems on various aspects of life. Its great for your nightstand, for your bookshelf, or as a gift.
Get into the mind of this generations youth and their world by reading this collection of poems written by a girl during the ages of twelve to fifteen.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 12, 2017
A Lake of Stars: A Collection of Poems

Audrey McNeal

My name is Audrey McNeal, and I was born on November 26, 2001 in Atlanta, GA to Nathan Daniel McNeal and Leslie Ann Jordan. At home, I have two great parents and I am the oldest of two younger sisters, Taylor, age 13 and Lindsey, age 10. My dad, Nathan McNeal was also born in Atlanta and received a dual Electrical Engineering Degree from Morehouse College and Georgia Institute of Technology. My month received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from the University of West Georgia. My entire family is close and supportive of each person’s dreams and ambitions. During my early childhood years, I took to writing to express my thoughts, dreams, desires, and fears. Winning 1st place in the 3rd grade Writing Contest inspired me to write more. Now, I am 15 years old and President of my Sophomore Class. My life story consists of crazy vacations to the Dominican Republic, various places in Mexico, Greece, Italy, climbing waterfalls in Jamaica, swimming with a shark that ended up throwing up in my face and being trapped on double-black-diamond mountain while skiing in Colorado. Even at home there is never a dull moment and much to be inspired about. I’ve loved writing ever since I was little. I remember in 3rd grade: reading my stories to my class, creating plays and writing out the scripts to my classmates who later performed it in front of everyone. I started gathering a reputation in my school that I wrote good stories, and my teacher wrote to me to keep writing. In high school, I've competed in Poetry Out Loud and made it all the way to Regionals during my freshman year and also performed my original poetry for a theater show. When I'm not writing poetry, I'm doing school work… I know I'll be a nerd for this but I actually like every subject in school, I'm a hard worker with an endless zest for life and learning. One person outside my family that inspires me to be creative is Lin-Manuel Miranda. I saw him in his play “Hamilton” in New York and it inspires me even more to work on my craft. It taught me to express my ideas differently (because different is good). In the future, I believe I'll always keep writing, but right now I think I want to go into the medical field (and/or) be a politician and an entrepreneur. I love to take leadership positions, help in my community and dream about how I can impact the world. I’m ambitious, have many goals, and never fail to use my resources. In conclusion, my life has just begun. I aspire to be the best I can be to serve people, inspire people and to bring glory to God.

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    Book preview

    A Lake of Stars - Audrey McNeal

    The Blues

    The wind and rain

    seemed to never stop.

    The large wicked doors of the castle,

    always stayed locked.

    The hounds at the entrance,

    kept people away.

    Million dollar fountains,

    made people have admirations to say.

    Through the wiped windows,

    he stared out,

    wondering what the world was really about.

    He prayed to God,

    getting no response.

    He tried to find love,

    but only did once.

    The crows mock him,

    and the grave scares him away,

    keeping him in his castle,

    for all of his days.

    He had many accomplishments,

    that went to his name,

    but the person inside

    had only misery to claim.

    He got all his dreams,

    was young, had money,

    then color drained from his eyes,

    all cold and runny.

    He ate like a king,

    with only top meals,

    until his tongue resigned,

    and never appealed.

    The silk pillows on the bed,

    grew more uncomfortable each day,

    the Bugattis in the garage,

    just weren’t the same.

    The yacht on the Caribbean,

    cruised on silent seas.

    How much he longed,

    just to be pleased.

    His many houses,

    collected dust.

    Finally, all his bones,

    began to rust.

    His mind became distorted,

    the wealth enslaved.

    His picture on luxury magazines,

    smiled, and played games.

    His family,

    grew to be strangers,

    emotions left him,

    even anger.

    The kids dreamt to be him,

    not heeding the price.

    When he walked in on the staff,

    they scattered like mice.

    He sat in a suit,

    on the edge of all his dreams,

    the rain beat on his back,

    or so it only seemed.


    She liked roses, I liked wildflowers,

    Her favorite colors were Reds, I preferred midnight blue,

    She swam with the waves, I connected in the deep ends,

    She meets dawns, I miss dusks.

    She plays in the sunrays, I leisure in the moonlight,

    She cries, I scream, She thinks, I dream.

    The blush of daydreams, to the sweat of nightmares.

    She is of thunder- loud, harmless, lives out loud, everyone is aware,

    I am of lightning- silver, silent, intimidating, everyone is warned.

    While She runs through rose fields, I blow the dandelions,

    She wears clothes that are bright like the sun, I wear things that shimmer like the moon.

    Like fire and water, air and earth, we are not alike.

    They say it is the sun’s light that brightens the day, then why is it that only when it’s dark, the true sky is revealed? For it is the sun’s light that suppresses the stars, and the common way of thinking that discriminates everything else.

    People don’t question her, but assume about me,

    She has it easy, I have to fight, She gets to sit, I have to cry.

    She likes to twirl the flowers under the flower tree, I prefer to play with the vines of a weeping willow.

    She’d be the one to sail across the river, when I’d be caught swimming.

    She can be the light, I’ll be the dark,

    She can have it easy, I’ll take it hard.

    The light and the dark aren’t even that different, they both cause blindness.

    All you need is the courage to believe in something alone, the common sense not to judge, the insanity to discover something for yourself, the knowledge to keep your mind guarded, and the strength to stand up and see.

    If You Actually

    If you actually loved the sky,

    you would be fine with cloudy days, you would be there when it’s pouring, stand through the times of anger and violence,

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