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New Earth Light Body
New Earth Light Body
New Earth Light Body
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New Earth Light Body

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Masters, light body is your divine-human spirit embodied in the substance of love. Light body will evolve its DNA codes and transcriptions exponentially throughout the many New Earths. The New Earth Heart is your transporter star gate, a magnetic imprinter, source code/r, centrifuge, quark stem cell particle, and bioship for New Earth spirit matter, inside embodied love. We offer a simple base line descriptive physics that is relevant for this perceptual moment to switch from the Old Earth matrix blueprints and mass programming to New Earth quantum DNA blueprints. The light body in the Multilight Universe is a blend of the physical and nonphysical into new conscious superconductive light systems. These bio-systems include new adaptive DNA source code templates made of organic essence consciousness. Your new species DNA Soul Heart Core Light allows parallel potential realities at once in your light universe. It is a blend of divine and human. It is a blend between seen and unseen worlds. It is a blend between the atom and newly born quantum light particle. It is a blend of a crystal soul cell, a diamond spirit cell, a multiplasma orb, and liquid light particle cell. It is a new heart stem cell that can regenerate, re-imprint, or repair your entire bio organism right out of your own consciousness. It is a blend of Old Earth atomic and New Earths quark blueprints. It is a blend of linear and multiple applications of time and space. Your creations exist on all dimensions or in all realities at once. It is the prototype of a unique ensouled sovereign organic essence human-angel-god or love master fully embodied as atomic-quantum matter. Science has called it dark matter, that which makes new light universes!
Release dateSep 11, 2017
New Earth Light Body

Maurene Watson

Maurene Watson is author of: The Story of Love and Creation, _The New Earth, and_ The New Earth Light Body_ A New Cosmic Race_ and Super Humans in Light Fusion. She conducts private consults with all levels of Divine-Human DNA Heart mastery in light body, including the New Earth children and their parents. She does consults for: business, sciences, bio-tech, bio-light fusion, and bio-essence heart choices. She has Masters Degrees in oriental medicine, counseling, and special education PH: 585-267-7891 [email protected] The author: conducts private consults for human transformation and meta-sense abilities with all levels of Divine-Human DNA Heart mastery in light body-fusion and the free energy biosphere stellar vessels. This includes the New Earth children and their parents. She does consults for: new energy business, quantum sciences and light fusion dynamics, bio-tech, and bio-essence heart-template choices. This includes heart-essence self-healing of ancestral DNA, thereby; accessing Soul-Essence memory potential for trans-human fulfillment and meta-sense essence potentials for joyful living. She is a channel for The New Ascended Masters and publishes in the She is a guide to access free energy Essence potentials and embody the Divine-Human in its new DNA species heart. She is a pioneer in the quantum bio-cellular light-fusion sciences and the biophysical and bio-essence transition of soul-spirit’s light body evolution; including the consciousness of Life’s new multi-dimensional Species Bio-DNA life Systems for a new cosmic species.

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    New Earth Light Body - Maurene Watson

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    Special Friend


    Your Own True Reality in the Love Code- 2017 and Beyond

    Soul Agreements in Families and Children- Clearing Ancestral DNA-2005

    Light Vessel Opens Multi-Senses, Multi-Time, and Multi-Potentials in One Heart-2017

    Life Relationships- Partnerships

    Knowing What You Carry-New Life Code Imprints Appear in the Cosmic Bio-Spheres-2017

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    In Your Genetic Universe-Male RNA & Female DNA Emotions Bio-merge into Divine Heart -2017

    Imbalanced Planetary Male Energy- Male Identity Crisis-The Return of Male Instinct -2007

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    Light Body Dissolves Abuse –2017

    Light Children in a Multi- Sense Energy Field- 2017

    Light Body Consciousness and Changing Perceptual Realities -2016

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    In Your Cosmic Egg/Orb -2008

    Your Next Life Beyond Death- Entrance through the Golden Door -2009

    Love Remedies in the Quanta Spectrum Light Vessel -2009

    Ascended Love in Neurotransmission-2010

    Moment of Awareness- Precipitating in Value-2010

    Completing Zero-Gravity in Bio-Magnetic Ring Essence to Seal New Species Heart - 2010

    Cosmic Body Mastery – The Multi Heart Switch into Exotic Particles -2010

    Creating With Cosmic Rays – 2010

    Super Positions- Quantum Computers Imitate your Multi Cell- 2010

    Passage into the New Unknown through Love’s Mysterious Particle Cell – 2010

    Birthing and Igniting New Species Heart -The Mechanics of Spirit -2012

    New Earth Enlightenment Cycle Begins-2011 -2012

    Neural Mandala Hemispheres – Presence of Mind Bots in Electrical Brain-2011

    A Sun Born Child- A Solar Event -2012

    The Many New Earths- Conscious Creation through the Eyes of Star Seeds- 2011

    Ending Separation Self Forever- Welcome Creator Spirit! May 2015

    Love- Charging the Master Stroke of the Heart-2008-

    Super Moon Water- Charging, Pulsing and Harnessing the Spirit of Water

    Youthening Inside Out in the Omni Observer Body- Stem Cell Re-genesis

    The New template- Chemical Elemental Bio Fusion -2010

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    Conscious Self Love Remedies for super cellular autonomy: Self Love formula:

    Super Positions- Quantum Computers Imitate your Multi Cell- 2010

    Passage into the New Unknown through Love’s Mysterious Particle Cell – 2010

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    Neutralizing Memory- Belief, Perception, or Consciousness - 2010

    Remaining Bio-Initiations-2010-2013

    Cosmic Self Reflects & Divine Human Master Self Realizes - 2014-2017

    Emerging in Multi-Dimensional Cell Body- 2016 and Processing Quantum- Information-

    The Many New Earths- Conscious Creation through the Eyes of Star Seeds- 2011

    Spiritual Profiling- All Your Universes in This One- Holography of Genetic Ascension-2013

    Spiritual Profiling:

    Creation in Your Body of Light-2014

    Freedom’s Embrace - 2013

    Opening to Your Full Essence Core Light-2015- Spawns Multi-Living Bio-Systems in New Matter

    Living Conscious Star Sun Beings – in the Embodied Rainbow - 2013

    The New Transhuman Life Form with a Magnetic Heart In Quantum Love – 2015-

    Phantom Love or Super Cell Freedom - 2014

    Quantum Heart- Quantum Age -2015

    Sovereign Creation in a New Dream Body -2014

    Imprinting New Consciousness - A Bio Matter Super Universe-

    Biological Enlightenment -Going beyond Physical Reality- Re-Imprinting Love’s Essence

    Light Body Passages- Changing Potentials and Realities- 2016

    Core Remembers, Rebirths, and Ignites its Divine Right to Exist – Everything Changes

    Everything is Consciousness -2016 Streaming Forth Love’s Potentials in Q Matter Schools of Consciousness

    Light’s Forgiveness –Perception Moves into Potential -2016

    New Earths-2016-Qualities of Essence Potentials in Quantum Integration –Transports Out

    The Gathering- New Earth Ignites Quantum Particle Core Spark -2016

    Opportunities to Imprint Consciousness - in Light Body- 2016

    Conscious Love Protects Light Body –Data Code Resolutions - 2017

    Free Will Outcomes- Love in New Star Families - Walking out into the light!

    Illusion or Love’s Substance in New Creations- Changing New Soul Matter- 2017

    Your Own True Reality in the Love Code- 2017 and Beyond

    Cosmic Self Reflects - Divine Human Master Self Realizes- 2017

    Sharing Your Visions and Creations with the World

    She is the author of The Story of Love and Creation ISBN: 1-420-0246-X & The New Earth ISNB: 1-4251-1012-6 She conducts private consults with all levels of Divine-Human DNA Heart mastery in light body, including the New Earth children and their parents. This includes self healing of ancestral DNA, accessing Soul Essence memory potential for trans-human fulfillment and joyful living. She is a channel for The New Ascended Masters and publishes in She does individual/group consults for: business, sciences, bio-tech, quantum psychology, and bio-template choices. She has Masters Degrees in oriental medicine, counseling, and special education 585-383-0829 [email protected]

    Background: Maurene Watson is a Graduate of New England School of Acupuncture including Chinese and Japanese Techniques *Proficiency with Chinese herbs under the tutelage of Miles Roberts of Meiji School of Japan *Instructor, Southwest Healing Arts Institute, Phoenix, Arizona *Studied Crystal Frequencies under Marcel Vogel, Director, Para Psychology Research Institute *Graduate University of Buffalo*Graduate School-Boston College* Masters Degree in Special Education, Masters Degree in Counseling, Masters Degree in Oriental Medecine *15 years of teaching & program facilitation in Special Education *Private Practice/Consults with individuals & groups for 30 years.

    Digital Art: PH- 1-267-421-6667

    Tribute: Melody O’Ryin Swanson is Owner and Publisher of this Metaphysical Journal. Melody and her beloved staff are pioneers and sponsors for many pioneer channels on this planet to help set the New Earth standard of Consciousness. She has done this with great diligence, unending caring, and even when these teachings and publishing’s were risky to be spoken of. She has provided one of the first spirit homes for many on the planet. Her voice and forum of her journal are more important than ever. I speak for many the world over with Gratitude and multiplied joy, for her, and her dedicated staff!

    Special Friend: Once in a lifetime, a special friend comes along by seeming surprise, early in life to walk the path with, so your heart is never alone. They quietly share the exact same journey and vision and grace the path of remembering. Thank you Louise Kieliszak, for preserving the innocence of the Heart of all our children and the spirit and safety of the inner child!


    All you’re Stories, all your conscious dreaming, or those you meet when you pretend to be asleep; or in stasis from this reality are in potential realizations of their experiences. All your poems, your holography of self, your perceptions, and your awareness take on multi-self realizations meanings in the continuum of the love code. This new heart with elegant quantum senses, which can feel anything, also operates as a: imprinter, Source Coder, transponder, tele-transporter, bio-generator, decoder, quantum infuser, star gate, biosphere star-sun, centrifuge, quark particle stem cell, and midwife of worlds. Now, how is that for a Love code?

    Imprinting New Conscious Matter - in Light Body In Your New Species Genetic Super Universe-

    In your newly born Super Universe, what is it like to live outside time, polarity, judgment and limitation? Have you had enough 3rd and 4th density life where your choices were all based on limitation, fear survival, death, and disease; while your own essence energy was trapped or enslaved? Is there more life beyond evolution? When is your love enough? What is it like to be fulfilled by yourself? Are you ready to both embody and create new conscious essence matter? Is your love enough to Source and to fulfill yourself through the passion of your imagination at any moment with a simple source code imprint upon new life? Have you birthed and embodied your new conscious matter heart stem cell and incubated and grown this baby spirit heart through childhood, adolescence, into adulthood? Have you remembered that the new conscious heart functions as a: transporter star gate, an imprinter, and Source Coder for spirit matter inside embodied love? Then you’re ready to use your consciousness to imprint new matter on any life form you choose inside your very own consciousness. This new species DNA heart lives in a new light matter vessel, which will later transition into a sub quantum plasma-particle vessel that is quasi-physical and lives in the multi-verse. The breath of life ignites the conscious love to imprint any passionate essence potential you can imagine. Your Conscious heart is a source code imprinter, tracker, super essence sensor and information scanner. And as a lover of life in all its aspects, relationships, and life experiences; all is available in a blended new sensate of unique chosen reality experience. This has always been inside natural receivership of life itself; as your own full conscious light is more deeply embodied than ever before. In this new matter, all the quantum super multi senses have new qualities of Essence light you have grown in the DNA template blueprints for all life forms and species. What is it like to walk in a vessel fabric of plasma light matter? What does light particle fusion: sound like, (clairaudience); look like, (clairvoyance); touch/sensate like, (clair-essence), travel like (tele-transport) communicate like, (tele-commune), inside your own consciousness; where nothing happens unless you choose it.

    Light Body Masters, for centuries, there has been talk about the loss of the innocent heart and its connection to the memory of who you really are. Your societies write novels, make movies, defame love loss, and brag about its foibles. Why is its passion to remember so critical, as to why you’re here? Why would powerful manifesting creators hide their hearts or need mediators to source their own love? Why so much love turned inward in unworthiness; or too much love turned outward in over worthiness? An authentic and tender heart knows that nothing else matters. When all hearts become real, full of joy, and strong again, then each will certainly have wonderment in relationship with the new world and a full vessel of love to create from, at all times; for the heart knows that its spirit will never let it go without. A genius heart gentles the mind, the self, and is its own validation, without the need to prove itself to itself; or hold itself against the flame of another to be valued, to be first, or right! Being a better steward of one’s own and other’s love can only come from a true heart. To love everything and all life is to truly live and create! All tears, fears, and bruises are wiped away every time love/honoring are chosen! A heart that loves all its experiences is truly free and conscious, because it knows that love will re-sculpt, or begin again, in every situation, no matter what the journey requires. All your Stories, all your conscious dreaming or those you meet when you pretend to be asleep or in stasis from this reality; all your poems, your holography of self, your perceptions, your awareness take on multi-dimensional meanings in the continuum of love. Truly then, you have gone beyond onto your quantum sense, an unknown intimacy with yourself!

    Masters, today we speak of sealing the new species bio- essence heart seal. Yu have merged back inside the Oneness of your hearts’ new DNA coded bio-essence. The new essence heart functions as a: bio-magnet, a BIOS imprinter for new life, a transporter star gate, centrifuge, biosphere, and Source Code/r for spirit matter inside embodied love? You are ready to allow your consciousness to imprint and create new matter on any life form you choose inside your very own consciousness. This new species DNA heart lives in a new light matter vessel which will later transition into a sub quantum plasma-particle vessel that is quasi-physical and lives in the multi-verse. But the new physics in the super universe requires that you must first seal this new beautiful essence heart ring, so it becomes your very own star gate with its very own subatomic gravity field for full sovereignty.

    So today, we discuss the bio-magnetic essence seal around the heart, since you are now living in this new species: impenetrable, immortal, ‘un-hackable,’ heart essence that lives inside its own consciousness. This allows for the completion of Earth’s zero point gravity such that the new prototype bio magnetic essence vessel imprints, fuses, and carries your source code imprint into all new multiple light fields to create new matter right out of your own consciousness. And you’ve observed how all your technology and science, can only cyber- mimic, this pure essence heat consciousness unique heart ring or wormhole that allows bio-travel and telecom anywhere. It also allows your bio-essence to change or create new matter by a simple twinkle of the heart’s passionate essence imagination. These new light field spheres that each master creates inside their own heart field could be called: quark, subatomic, neutrino, conscious dark matter with dark energy, or cosmic fusion spheres. These light fields will require new sciences, math, and astrophysics based on superconductivity logarithms not yet invented, but already mapped in your own Source codes.

    As Creational/s, you’re now aware that everything is consciousness. Today we outline how you will Stream Forth Love’s Potentials in Quanta Matter Schools of Consciousness. You know there are New Earth biospheres within biospheres, universes within universes, and you’re traveling with Earth-Gaia into her new home in the cosmos. Next, you’ve chosen to become the new Source Code in Cosmic Heart’s Petri dish for Bio-Quanta Spirit’s new creational worlds. You have mastered spirit in space-time atomic thought matter. This is valuable knowledge to the rest of the cosmos that knows little of physical matter embodiment. Now you will provide the consciousness for humanity to master quantum Essence matter in order to join the rest of your cosmic neighborhood. You creational masters are seeding Essence consciousness outside planetary matrix mind, by living in your new quanta potentials. Humanity is awakening to reunite with inter dimensional families and worlds. Hence, you must prepare to represent the new species of: conscious, Galactic, Multi-Universals Humans.

    Now, you have outgrown the old human stages of love as hypnotized facets of mind: chemical attraction, psycho dependency, social status, religion, politics, progeny, polarity matrix mastery, security, wealth, belief proselytizing, karmic spiritual quests and completions, mirroring human personality. You’ve even finished gaining ingredients for character building qualities of soul.

    New Earth remains a genetic universe and is being fully restored to genetic integrity. It’s all part of disclosure and the truth of who you are as a species and what your IAM DNA carries in your bio-physicals. Your fully conscious bio-physicals, along with Gaia are seeding all the new Quantum multi-helixes. These include the new light bodies as well as cosmic intelligences or quantum codes to build new worlds and create with dark matter. You are the Meta Universal School that you have all become. This is because full conscious embodiment is returning full Essence genetic integrity to all soul contracts again. The timelines of ETs or inter-D Oligarchies using humans as their genetic Petri dish is over.

    Plasma science creates new quanta matter. When all new worlds’ ignite or switch on their plasma magnetospheres, as one Bio-Quanta spirit; then all life will be aware that the entire Core soul of Super cosmos has shifted into its new bio light life cycle. You now stream various types of Plasma compression fusion reactors that mimic your new cosmic plasma vessels and can solve most all the planets energy problems. Your inner Earth sun is also a plasma generator as are your suns. The rotating plasma core of your inner Earth sun oscillates. Its plasma fields or multi-orbs: calibrate Earth grid information networks, increase essence food supply and all species, produce bio-fuels, network interspecies communication, open dimensional windows, or template instruction from your star families.

    Living Masters, we continue to chronicle the light body as it transforms into the Essence Vessel it was designed to be and prepare growth beyond into a quantum particle Body. This happens as the Old Earth electrical body and the New Earth magnetic systems merge into the new species, bio-integrated Essence Body. And now that the electrical body and the magnetic body have merged, your Divine Human can create beyond all the illusions of who/ what you have been told you are, and live in the truth as your own human master, without any separation from ‘Self’ what so ever. You now know that means living full on potential beyond any kind of limitation or holding back. It is in the stage of the living hologram of Divine human where all remaining perceptions, or subtle judgments held in the plasma core essence are released to the libraries of living antiquity. Then the Q master has no inner or outer story that still lives within Old Earth hologram and enters the New Earth biophysical realities. Here, the Essence Creator in you has adapted its animated new matter, such that, never again does it have to distort, mask, mediate, negotiate, compromise, or veil its experience. True, raw, authenticated experience is its own fulfillment. There is no needed meaning or purpose or justification for existence other than raw essence experience offered by cosmic evolution. Experience without a programmed anti-Essence or anti-love identity returns to creative freedom. Hence, Light Forgiveness means to: to allow, to accept, to release all/any controls, to let go, to choose, create, un/create, dissolve, change, blend, fuse, regenerate, or imprint any new reality. Everything known must be forgiven in order to render new Q matter, energy, and particle light as source of its own creation.

    One of the most painful experiences then, in the story you all created in the Old Earth collective dream heart, has been the sting of ostracism or banishment. Sadness, anger, and isolation stress self worth’s essence into loss of power and control. The sting of silence with severed mother-father bonding outside love is/was a volatile variable within unique self expression by a shared dream body. The loss of the bonding connection to the creation mother, who felt forced to step outside her own love to test its illusion of power, put the family, her beloved, and her community at risk. Testing first position of love was a dangerous choice, even if it appeared as a reaction against forced evolution. If mother creator held her own love in first position, then indeed everyone in the cosmos could play their proper role and love was its own power, with no need for interplays of control or survival. Her beloved father creator could serve her love, the progeny DNA children could grow into their own freedom, the planet species would vibrate to such love; and global systems upon the planets would balance free will with love’s compassion. When her beloved partner self could no longer follow her in first position love, because she put him or her children before her intuitive instincts; then her female instinct moved into survival control and male instinct rewired itself into mistrust of his natural function and worth in serving her love. Such divorce in their unity, you have uncreated with your consciousness and have returned experience to self love; its own power source. The new energy body has re-encoded these painful neural memory bank experiences into wisdom without any further need for wound repetition in the potential dream body! In the New Earth universes, potentials are not livable till they are consciously called into your new dream. Hence, the anterior cingulated cortex and the insular areas in the brain are busy recoding or deleting the memory of such pain and aloneness

    Quantum Essence Masters, experience is freedom’s forgiveness. You are ready to go beyond physical reality and beyond human to create directly out of your own Essence Heart’s core consciousness. Today we have been asked to offer a final review of the cosmic physics of atomic-quantum progression. This serves as a template for all humanity to take to their New Earth/s. This progression allows you to create and live in New Earth biophysical/s in new ways. This is because you have birthed yourself into full conscious matter; or a new cosmic heart with new bio- quantum codes that can do anything by exiting the Old Earth matrix hologram. A new bio-integrated Cosmic Self emerges that knows that Consciousness is everything. Cosmic self is ready to go beyond the physical and beyond the bullying collective schizoid mind. The new heart is your New Earth home and is a: transporter star gate, a magnetic imprinter, and Source Code/r, centrifuge, Quark stem cell particle and bio-ship for New Earth spirit matter inside embodied love? Yes, you simply left Old Earth to return home to your own new essence heart and live inside your own consciousness as your own Creator. There is no death, but a transitional birth into a new energy vessel of light. Indeed, you have created a Divine-Essence Human that no longer needs to ascend or descend, but allows its Core Heart Essence to adapt its animated matter without having to distort, veil, or mask its experience.

    The Cosmic Orb’s Consciousness cannot be fooled by the new transhumance chip- that is being offered to humanity. Humanity is outgrowing the Old Earth matrix mind chip of historical beliefs, stories and perceptions that have enslaved them. Only continued terrorism to create chaos and the transhumant brain chip remain to keep the illusion of the matrix and make a limp attempt to stop humanity’s enlightenment. Only consciousness can re-imprint or re-essence life. However, brain chip technology claims to stem cell or DNA splice any disease, addiction, or human imperfection by logarithm codes and their replications. Conscious or Soul Essence codes can’t follow DNA log rhythms’ that are not organically unique to a life form’s consciousness. Consciousness creates technology. Technology cannot create consciousness. Technology can only translate or mimic awareness or provide machine learning, not re-essence life. Here there is not full consciousness; only a hybrid or replicated mix of organic essence with inorganic base atomic or quantum elements and particles. Technology can only offer the body healing or life extension called immortality. However, the new species sovereign Essence/soul codes are encrypted by each essence life form and require no chip. But, there is a danger, that a transhumant chip would short out or implode the brain or biological circuitry.

    Masters, light body is your Divine-human spirit embodied in the substance of Love. Light Body will evolve its DNA codes and transcriptions exponentially throughout the many New Earths. The New Earth heart is your: transporter star gate, a magnetic imprinter, and Source Code/r, centrifuge, Quark stem cell particle and bio-ship for New Earth spirit matter inside embodied love? We offer a simple base line descriptive physics that is relevant for this perceptual moment to switch from the Old Earth matrix blueprints and mass programming to New Earth quantum DNA blueprints. The light body in the Multi-light Universe is a blend of the physical and nonphysical into new conscious superconductive light systems. These bio-systems include new adaptive DNA Source code templates made of organic essence consciousness. IAM, or new soul heart core light, allows all new perceptual realities at once in your light universe. It is a blend of Divine and human. It is a blend between seen and unseen worlds. It is a blend between the atom and newly born quantum light particle. It is a blend of a: crystal soul cell, a diamond spirit cell, a multi-plasma orb, and liquid light particle cell. It is a new heart stem cell that can regenerate, re-imprint, or repair your entire bio- organism right out of your own consciousness. It is a blend of Old Earth atomic and New Earths quark blueprints. It is a blend of Linear and multiple applications of time and space. Your creations exist on all dimensions or in all realities at once. It is the prototype of a unique esouled sovereign organic Essence human-angel-god or love master fully embodied as atomic-quantum matter. Science has called it dark matter, that which makes new light universes!

    What is it like to imprint your consciousness on an object, an idea, a passion, a cell, or a new experience? What happens when quantum particles disappear and reappear? What happens when matter can change its own essence through freeing itself so that it might interact with life in any way it chooses? This new inner contact allows for a constant dialogue and conversation with the cosmos in all the spheres of quantum light. This is not soul extension in which the embodiment dies in an unconscious state or is locked in a nonphysical existence. Rather, this is a soul-infused essence embodiment in conscious fluid transcendent states; that allow the freedom to feel a natural connection to the All That Is! All of creation is embodied in that one sensual state of connection.

    Your heart Consciousness is a source code imprinter, tracker, super essence sensor and information scanner. And as a lover of life in all its aspects, relationships, and life experiences; all is available in a blended new sensate of unique chosen reality experience. This has always been inside natural receivership of life itself; as your own full conscious light is more deeply embodied than ever before. In this new matter, all the quantum super multi senses have new qualities of Essence light you have grown in the DNA template blueprints for all life forms and species. What is it like to walk in a vessel fabric of plasma light matter? What does light particle fusion: sound like, (clairaudience); look like, (clairvoyance); touch/sensate like, (clair-essence), travel like (tele-transport) communicate like, (tele-commune), inside your own consciousness; where nothing happens unless you choose it. Essence light, as your bio fabric and multi-senses, replace any old mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual addictions or obsessions of thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. What is it like to imprint your consciousness on an object, an idea, a passion, a cell, or on a new experience? What happens when quantum particles disappear and reappear? What happens when matter can change its own essence through freeing itself that it might interact with life in any way it chooses? This new inner contact allows for a constant dialogue and conversation with the cosmos in all the spheres of quantum light. This is not soul extension where the embodiment dies in an unconscious state or is locked in a non-physical existence. Rather this is soul infused essence embodiment in conscious fluid transcendent states of change.


    Your Own True Reality in the Love Code- 2017 and Beyond

    Q: Can you tell us where we all are now in the light body?

    Masters, in the New Earth Chronicles of the light body, you have finally arrived in your own true reality. This is measured by the alpha light-body constant or your unique Heart signature’s love code. This is your atom’s soul mass to light ratio, measured parallel to your unique new spirit’s light to mass quantum ratio. This love code ensures a divine human unique soul will fulfill all its potentials.

    Hence, some light beings are entering their 2nd life, which is their New Earth soul crystal rebirth, on their way to enlightenment. They continue to release the old patterns, lifetimes, and Old Earth electro-chemical matrix programming, while building and their integrating their multi-dimensional Cosmic (Self reflective) Diamond bodies. Others are in enlightenment and self realizing all their aspects who want to now have everything they didn’t achieve in their last human lives with you, as their new heart species Cosmic Self; acting as a guide and bio integrating them. They do this by self realizations with you as their new spirit, while you’re giving them all the love and new fulfilling experiences they can hold, in this golden or quantum age. These soul or human aspects have the choice to live on through you; be set free onto the light, or be a part of accessing your new quantum source codes so they can see the wisdom of their lifetimes carry with you into new light matter creations never before experienced. That integration usually occurs while the 7 years of scaffolding layer in the light body, as the old Earth bodies and source codes are being deleted. Those in post enlightenment are holding in a light body, with a new species trans-sensual Essence DNA heart and a new vessel, enjoying the Divine Human prototype. It allows them to beam themselves in a human hologram back and forth, from the Old and New Earths. Full conscious New Earth Ascended Masters are opening 7 to 13 free energy torsion rainbows fields. These transmit through their crown of light new code creations for their new meta-verse pure gem body. It often makes the crown look like a glowing sun with arcs of light radiating from it. This is a plasma-particle, quasi physical, transparent Essence ascension-vessel. This is the vessel they will grow as they leave planet Earth and after they enter the Meta-verse, with free access to visit any universe or create anything passionate heart allows. In this pure essence, energy vessel they can imprint or create anything directly from their own consciousness using dark matter substances of love.

    On the Old Earth 70% of humanity is still deciding how long it wants to play in all its storied illusions, and whether or not the heart or technology will heal all their wounded time lines, before the event horizon seals them in the Old Earth Universe, without access in this life to the Meta-verse. In your New Earth Light Universes, your light factors are multiplying at multiples of the quantum speeds of light, color, and sounds. This is allowing you to get the rust off your creations and write a new script as your transmit through your new heart codes. You make true joy up as you go along and play with trillions of unexplored potentials, which you can fulfill experience and set free at any time, because you know creation enjoys its creator’s stories. And when you seem uncertain, simply ask the cosmos what your Love would create for you in any given moment of your now! For the rest of the 2017 year and beyond, you can expect quantum senses, quantum leaps in consciousness, and the seemingly unseen non-physical worlds to be your true reality for those who are ready. They will be fun, elegant direct raw experiences and your own true reality if you will allow creation’s love to bring them forth! Now, who did you say is really standing next to you? Enjoy this new moment in Cosmic History as your new DNA species Divine Human effects all other Creations and universes.

    We close forever reminding you; that the newly born heart remains the key to why you came to Earth for the Love Code’s fulfillment of every possible potential. For centuries, there has been talk about the loss of the innocent heart and its connection to the memory of who you really are. Your societies write novels, make movies, defame love loss, and brag about its foibles in countless stories of love and creation. Why is its sanction to remember so critical, as to why you’re here? Why would powerful manifesting creators hide their hearts or need mediators to source their own love? Why so much love turned inward in unworthiness; or too much love turned outward in over worthiness? An authentic and tender heart knows that nothing else matters and that it’s Spirit will never let it go without. A genius heart gentles the mind, the self, and is its own validation, without the need to prove itself to itself; or hold itself against the flame of another to be valued, to be first, or right! Being a better steward of one’s own and other’s love can only come from a true heart. To love everything and all life is to truly live and create! All tears, fears, and bruises are wiped away every time love’s honoring is chosen! A heart that loves all its experiences is truly free and conscious, because it knows that love will re-sculpt, or begin again, in every situation, no matter what the journey requires.

    All you’re Stories, all your conscious dreaming, or those you meet when you pretend to be asleep; or in stasis from this reality are in potential realizations of their experiences. All your poems, your holography of self, your perceptions, and your awareness take on multi-self realizations meanings in the continuum of the love code. This new heart with elegant quantum senses, which can feel anything, also operates as a: imprinter, Source Coder, transponder, tele-transporter, bio-generator, decoder, quantum infuser, star gate, biosphere star-sun, centrifuge, quark particle stem cell, and midwife of worlds. Now, how is that for a Love code?

    Soul Agreements in Families and Children- Clearing Ancestral DNA-2005

    In coming to Earth at this time, you picked DNA families that would mirror and master all those emotions and actions not of love: suffering, pain, fear, judgments, shame, while keeping the goodness, growth, and stretched joys of life learning and all that is loving, nurturing, and compassionate. In evolution Creation births it children to become more evolved than its parent. Our DNA remembers our parents’ and grandparents’ genetic lifetime and relational patterns. You have relived these by having limited human negative or positive reactive emotions like; judgment, abuse, happiness, or fears with self or others, put on your daily plates. Everyone in our family: parents, siblings, partners, and your children, play a role by acting out what we tell them to do so we can learn from the mirrors of each other. These are the mirrors of love. Once the wisdom of an experience such as a reflection of: self worth, anger, safety, joy and on, brings understanding and self-awareness; your body, mind, and heart are then able to cleanse out the toxic pattern through: tears, disease, depression, inner soul/spirit dialogue, massage, or any other healing means.

    Deletion of any negative programming is immediately sent to all generational ancestor selves in order to re-splice or heal the DNA. This healing changes future outcomes of all experiences and any associations with people, places, circumstances and events of past generations and those future generations we spawn through our children. This is so that the family DNA comes into resolution.

    The clearance is much like a disease, such as cancer in the DNA line, or emotional, mental, and spiritual programming passed from one generation to another. It only took three generations to alter gene structure to accommodate negative or positive change. At this point in evolution, it s time to trigger your higher physic brain centers to draw on more virgin neurons or divine emotion of: joy, compassion, self-understanding, and freedom from programs of the worn out neural circuits of the past. Again, at the end of each self-realization, the body cells must cry or find a way to release the old expressions and toxins, to bring freedom into the physical system. Often this release has been called an ego death or dark night of the soul. The body cells can manifest a seeming disease, addiction, depression, or even a state of bliss as the old cell memory leaves. What remains, is your pure DNA/RNA blueprints codes as; experience minus wound.

    The child in this body has to face the pattern of wounds from every aspect of other lives from their human family, their soul family, or Creation family. Since souls split into male/female gender bodies, both male emotional differences as well as female emotional differences must be resolved through some kind of marriage or relationship. In a family Earth marriage the father usually mirrors the wounded male in the child. The mother usually mirrors the wounded female in a child and the father the wounded male, regardless of the child’s sex. However, you do have souls with more experience in one gender than another serving as strength or as weakness. This can be called a female soul in a male body or a male soul in a female body until male/female emotions balance. The soul usually chooses a gender body where the greatest lessons and growth can occur. The grandest expansion is an emotionally triggered biological system that allows the heart of creation to share the unique expression of each soul.

    In the heart of Earth’s past, the Creational Mother felt so overpowered by her Creational Father twin mate, as to jeopardize the bonding agent of love of the mother DNA cell principle. This was the first divorce of love. Without this as the first signal of love in the child’s body, children didn’t feel safe and did not feel they had the right to exist. And as the male RNA principle could not feel the direct signal of love from the mother, he could not father their creations without force, competition, or connection to true feelings. His true nature was to be in equal service to the female. Generations of children became more and more wounded as the human parents misunderstood their natural Divine DNA roles. That is why many races here have repeated the same lessons over and over. Without the male signal to make the physical world reality safe and protected, he too felt disconnected from heart feelings and concentrated on addictions in the outer world of work, money, time, materiality, competition, movement, and mind. This left all mothering to feelings, the raw creativity behind love, to the mother. These role boxes were often empty of love. After all, if you put the mother into sacrifice and suffering, there may not be enough love to hold the family together. At root is the first relationship with the Divine Mother Creation and Divine Father Creation in distortion and in purity, such that, the threat of a death hormone or extinction of the humanoid DNA is eliminated. Let us look at the burden this genetic distortion has placed on all Creator’s children.

    Physic angelic children will act out their parent’s genetic lifetime patterns, parental relational patterns, soul patterns or marital difficulties in order that they do not pass them on to their children. They bring in a more diverse and evolved DNA. These star seed/angelic children are not wired to carry negative thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs unless they are trying to help heal their parents, or acting out false unconscious beliefs of attitudes of humanity to open truth. They know that their bodies are self repairing, self, healing, and have an unlimited life span when they are their families and society does not prohibit their natural gifts. They know that compassion, harmony, peace, divine union, forgiveness, abundance, and unconditional love are already coded in the DNA. They know that are on earth at this time to live in a more evolved DNA without polarity and live fully conscious of their Creator-Self memories and experiences, bringing new teachings, gifts, and skills for the next stage of Earth evolution. They remember or are told old Earth evolution stories of false nurturing and the withholding of love in a programmed mother/father alternate hybrid blueprint, from the wars of their spiritual ancestors, over mass extinction of the humanoid species. The off/on planet elites produced these hybrids by mixing the original divine DNA blueprints of the humanoid angel god with the animal, the crystal, the plant, and the elemental kingdoms. Then they used and fed off their energies, to substitute for the pure essence love they had cloned out of their core. In their free will choice to violate the free will of these Divine blueprints, they gradually cloned out enough pure essence, such that they must feed off another creation to sustain the synthetic flesh or carbon chemical body. Imagine a reptile choking on a physic child, who is made of soul crystals, diamond spirit, or hydrogen stars, when he is expecting to chomp on a blood steak based chemistry. Cloning out love is to lose the substance of love, which is Source’s unlimited imagination, as well as an unlimited and self sustaining, self maintaining energy supply. In one of the versions of your creation story, this hybrid cloning infected the angels or physic children in the lower realms, as they began to read and create from these false blueprints, thinking that they were in alignment with the original cosmic egg. Imagine the horror of an angel who creates a sound pattern for a butterfly and it ends up being a reptile! Perhaps you can guess what the stories of your angelic rebellion or intergalactic wars were about in the colonization of your solar systems. Are not you, your families, and your children now changing this distortion?

    The imagination is its own stem cell and follows the protocol of its sovereign creator. It does not need to breech another creator’s universe or imagination violating free choice will. And this is how you’re DNA as the Divine Mother and your RNA as the Divine Father are wired. It was to be, a multiple flexible diverse DNA that could allow for a new blend of genetic expression that would include all universes without tearing the cosmic egg. It is/was not a question of dark against light, for they are the same. Those were simply reactions through extreme free will by those creators who wanted to experience all that was not love. All cosmic physics in this experimental universe come and goes from this understanding.As pure creations, you also brilliantly inserted a failsafe within the codices in the twin flame Mother Creation DNA and the Father Creation RNA, which was passed on to the soul twin male/female, and the humanoid boy/girl twin. This allowed that if the RNA male was destroyed or suffered hybrid clone alterations; then the DNA twin would eventually reproduce it’s other half from the anti particle-particle egg.

    Your science, in an attempt to correct disease and hybrid genetics is getting closer, but only able to mimic pure love till it understands the body’s natural genius! How marvelous is this humanoid body you all blueprinted so long ago, that self replicates, self heals in the

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